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“Go back?”

Qin Feiyang sneered.

Until now, he dare not underestimate the pair of siblings.

But now, he found that he still underestimated these two people.

Said solemnly: “Where are Qin Feiyang, Shi Yun four people now?”

Qin Feiyang said: “In my hands.”

“Well, I won’t say more about nonsense.”

“Let them go, return the treasure, and let this matter go, and you will still be Pagoda Lord’s final disciple.”

“Otherwise, you can’t escape today.”

“The opportunity has been given to you, cherish it.”

City main road.

“Opportunities are not given by others.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head.


Luo Guang coldly said with a smile, pressure growled, implied by Qin Feiyang and Wolf King.

Qin Feiyang was preparing to enter Ancient Castle, but suddenly his eyes turned bright.

If you change to someone else, facing the city owner at this moment, facing the 4 Chiefs, you will definitely lose one’s head out of fear.

But Qin Feiyang found an opportunity in this crisis mechanism!

It is the opportunity for Wolf King to open the Gate of Potential 4th-Layer!

His eyes flashed, and disappeared instantly without a trace.

“I rely!”

“Little Qinzi, you scoundrel, unexpectedly left brother slipping away alone?”

Wolf King eyeball stared, and immediately growled.


“What about people?”


Mu Qing siblings and the owner of the city, a trace of suspicion climbed up.

“Citylord, you don’t know.”

“This Qin Feiyang can not only disappear out of thin air, but also appear out of thin air.”

“Last time he went to my Xuanwu Tribe to snatch Pill Fire, he used this to escape.”

Xuanwu Chief said.

There was a shock of immediately on the face of the town owner.

Mu Qing siblings looked simultaneously, and it was incredible.

Can’t think of this person, unexpectedly still has such ability?

Next moment.

Qin Feiyang appears again.

“Where did you go just now? Get it from the real!”

Luo Guang shouted.

“Related to you?”

“As long as you know, your pressure is useless to me.”

Qin Feiyang coldly smiled.


He looked towards the passage behind the crowd, wondering: “Pagoda Lord, why are you here?”


“Pagoda Lord!”

The crowd was startled and quickly turned one’s head and looked.

“Open your mouth!”


Qin Feiyang gave Wolf King sound transmission.

Wolf King stared blankly, and opened his mouth suspiciously.

With a wave of Qin Feiyang’s hand, Advanced Potential Pill swept into Wolf King’s mouth with lightning.

“this is……”


Wolf King fine God One vibrator.

It turned out that Qin Feiyang was not slipping away alone, but was looking for a chance to let it open the 4th-Layer of the Gate of Potential!

It’s too late, it’s fast!

It all happened between the electric and the flint.

“What about Pagoda Lord?”

“How no one?”

Seeing no one behind, the city owner and the others immediately raised an eyebrow.

“Not good !”

“We were fooled by him!”

Mu Qing shouted.

Several people hurriedly turned back again.

However, seeing one man one wolf not at all taking advantage of the opportunity to escape, could not help but stun God.

This guy, what the hell is happening?



Wolf King howled.

The power of Advanced Potential Pill has begun!

“Don’t you say that my pressure is useless to you?”

See you.

Luo Guang immediately sneered.

“Your pressure can only deal with this wolf pup.”

Qin Feiyang sneered.


Luo Guang extremely angry smiled.


Pressure intensified, like a torrent, pounced on Qin Feiyang and Wolf King!

Qin Feiyang’s face was immediately white.

The body also shivered.

Wolf King is even more screaming, his fur is cracked gradually, blood spurting like a column!

But this is not due to Luo Guang’s pressure. It is because the energy of Advanced Potential Pill is too domineering and it is about to tear its fleshhy body.

“At once let go, hand over the treasure, kneel and apologize to us, otherwise …”

“I will use pressure to squeeze your fleshhy body alive!”

Luo Guang Senran said with a smile.

Qin Feiyang looked bleak, provocatively: “Then you try it!”

“You are almost hopeless!”

Luo Guang’s fury, the pressure of 9-Star Battle Sovereign, an all-out explosion without reservation.

Wolf King sound transmission: “Little Qinzi, not enough!”

“not enough?”

Qin Feiyang’s eyes light flashed, 讥 said with a smile: “Is this your pressure? But that’s it.”


“Still crazy?”

“Everyone, let us suppress him together and see if he has several points of ability!”

Luo Guang shouted.

Xuanwu Chief, Chief of Purple Yang Tribe, release pressure at the same time, pounce on one man one wolf.


As soon as prestige came, Wolf King within the body exploded a dull and loud noise.

It seemed like something was broken, and the eyebrows were magnificent.

It’s Mark of Potential that shines!

The rays of light are no longer red, but dark red!

This means that Wolf King successfully launched 4th-Layer!

“what’s the situation?”

Everyone was shocked.

“haha ……”

Wolf King laughed wildly.

“Thank you.”

Qin Feiyang looked towards Luo Guang three people, and also showed a bright smile.

“What do you mean?”

The three people are a little embarrassed.

How do you feel this one man one wolf found a big deal?

It is also at this moment.

In Mu Qing’s mind, a deep uneasiness emerged.

It feels like something big is about to happen!



With a wave of Qin Feiyang’s hand, an earthen-colored medical pill appeared.

It’s Nine Tunes Yellow Dragon Pill!

Above, there are five Pill Marks!

A strong medicinal frangrance filled the entire private room in no time.


“Unexpectedly have five Pill Marks!”

“Is he refining?”

Seeing Nine Tunes Yellow Dragon Pill, a group of people immediately raised the perilous situation!

Even the city master was stunned.

No wonder Pagoda Lord takes him so seriously, it turns out that he can refining the medical pill of five Pill Marks!

“So amazing Pill Refinement talent!”

“For the first time in my life, I have seen such a medical pill!”

Purple Yang Tribe’s High Priest shows radiance and breathlessly said: “Qin Feiyang, as long as you are willing to join my Purple Yang Tribe, we will not give those treasures, all to you!”

The value of five pill Marks’ medical pill cannot be measured by money.

Even if you lose the entire Purple Yang Tribe, as long as you can exchange for this child, it is worth it!

Qin Feiyang glanced at High Priest, and said, “White-Eyed Wolf, what are you waiting for?”


“This day, finally!”

Wolf King jumped up, rolled his tongue and rolled Nine Tunes Yellow Dragon Pill into his mouth.

Those dark pumps radiate brilliant radiance.

“What the hell are they doing?”

Luo Guang frowned.



An amazing fearful might growl from Wolf King within the body.

Soaring all the way, soaring directly to 1-Star Battle Sovereign!

But this is just the beginning.

“What is this, what is this?”

“Is the medicinal pill just like Scarlet Fire Glaze Pill, can I add a cultivation base?”

Everyone changed color.


Just this moment, Wolf King ’s cultivation base climbed straight up to 2-Star Battle Sovereign!

It’s imposing manner like a rainbow.

The private room shook violently at this moment.


With the sound of one after another, cracks continued to spread!



The private room collapsed.

Pieces of broken stone, pieces of snow, poured out.

With a wave of the city’s main hand, he rolled Luo Guang and the others into the sky.

“Little Qinzi, get on the back of brother.”

Wolf King shouted.

The small body saw the wind rise, and it became a dozen meters long colossus in an instant.

Qin Feiyang jumped up and landed on its back.


Wolf King gave a Wolf howl, imposing manner sweeping across all directions, turned into a stream of light, and rushed into the sky.

As it rushed into the sky, its imposing manner soared to the 3-Star Battle Sovereign again!

“How could this be!”

“It has broken through 3 small realms in a row!”

“Is the medicinal pill it was taking just now, what is Divine Pill?”

Luo Guang and the others were full of anger.

Even the Lord of the City could not calm down.

“Can’t let it continue breaking through like this!”

Xuanwu Chief surged in murderous intention.

He stepped in a volley.

Battle Qi is raging, one fist exploded towards Wolf King!

“Little Qinzi, stand firm!”

Wolf King pupils vicious glint flashed, stepped on the Sky Evasion Step, and instantly disappeared into the line of sight of Xuanwu Chief.

“Fast speed!”

Xuanwu Chief pupil shrinks.

This bastard’s speed, unexpectedly, is already comparable to 7-Star Battle Sovereign!


He stepped out and chased away quickly.

Luo Guang looked coldly, looking towards the Chief and High Priest of Purple Yang Tribe.

“They won’t join your Purple Yang Tribe.”

“If we let them escape without the resources accumulated over the years to support them, our Three Great Super Tribes status will soon be replaced by other Tribes.”

“What do you do? Think about it yourself!”

After Luo Guang finished speaking, he swept out, intercepting Qin Feiyang and Wolf King from the right.

The middle-aged man and High Priest looked simultaneously, and sure enough, he took action and intercepted from the left.

Xu Tribe’s Chief was not idle, followed behind Xuanwu Chief, chasing wildly!

See you.

Mu Xue’er turning one’s head looked towards City Lord, frowns saying: “City Lord, what should I do next?”

Mu Qing said: “The older sister is that he does not cherish this opportunity and cannot blame us.”


What Mu Xue’er wants to say.

Mu Qing said angrily, “Okay, you can’t manage your own affairs, and you have time to manage other people’s affairs. Are you full?”

Mu Xue’er was silenced by Mu Qing so much.

At this time.

The city owner, who had been silent, sighed, nodded and said, “Mu Qing is right, this is what he asked for, even if he was killed by several Chiefs, he deserves it.”

be that as it may, but there was obviously a trace of regret in his eyes.


It is at this time.

Wolf King’s cultivation base breaks through again, it is a 4-Star Battle Sovereign!

However, the imposing manner is still rising!

“Why not stop!”

“Is it going to defying heaven?”

“How could there be such a ridiculous thing in the world?”

The shock in everyone’s hearts was beyond words.

Luo Guang and the others’ killing heart is also getting stronger!

Xuanwu Chief shouted: “Dear everyone, full power take action!”

Bang!! !

Five Battle Qis emerge simultaneously.

Aura of one after another world extinguishing, swaying wildly!

Oh la la !

Hong long!

Along with one after another, the 5 Battle Qi, like tsunami in the ocean, rushed to Qin Feiyang and Wolf King from all directions!

murderous aura soaring heaven!

Wolf King hurriedly said, “Little Qinzi, go to Ancient Castle!”

“how about you?”

Qin Feiyang frowned.

Wolf King said with a malicious smile: “Relax, brother can’t die!”


Qin Feiyang flickered and disappeared.

Almost instantly, Wolf King was drowned by Battle Qi ruthless.

immediately, blood dying the vast sky!


But it is at this time.

A more scary fearful might growl in this between Heaven and Earth!

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