
You can search for “Inextinuishable Battle God 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

At this moment.

Qin Feiyang’s kingdom of life and death does not contain Heavenly Dao Will.

There is no Heavenly Dao Will, and unexpectedly can compete with the ultimate Profound Truth of the Lord.

In other words.

There is no kingdom of life and death that contains Heavenly Dao Will, and it can compete with six ruler Divine Weapons!

Is this not enough heaven defying?


Everyone says that the ultimate Profound Truth of Life and Death Laws can crush the ultimate Profound Truth of the strongest law, but I did not expect it to be crushed to such an extent.

This kind of gap, there is a Heavenly Dao Will between everyone.

Because of Heavenly Dao Will, it can also increase battle strength six times.


At this time, these ultimate Profound Truths of the Lord did not integrate Heavenly Dao Will, these three thousand Life and Death Laws ultimate Profound Truth, can’t they directly compete with the 8,000 ultimate Profound Truth of the Lord?

Because there is no Heavenly Dao Will, the ultimate Profound Truth of Life and Death Laws, which can compete with the six ultimate Profound Truths.

Three thousand times six, isn’t it 18 thousand?


The lunatic and White-Eyed Wolf’s eyes trembled.

The ultimate Profound Truth of Life and Death Laws, without Heavenly Dao Will, are all so strong. If Qin Feiyang turns on Heavenly Dao Will, the formidable power of the kingdom of life and death has skyrocketed six times, how terrifying?

I’m afraid that even if it is the 18,000 ultimate Profound Truth of the Lord, it will show a crushing situation!

This is the ultimate Profound Truth of Life and Death Laws?

Really unimaginable!

Qin Feiyang will win this battle!


Ten breaths in the past.

Three thousand kingdoms of life and death, finally all collapsed.

The master’s 18,000 ultimate Profound Truth also collapsed 3,000.

Although the lord has the upper hand in the first round, he is happy at all that does not raise.

Because he has also discovered that Qin Feiyang did not open Heavenly Dao Will.

Must do it quickly!

He waved his hand, and the remaining 15 thousand ultimate Profound Truth rushed towards Qin Feiyang like a tide.

“Life and Death Laws Ultimate Profound Truth…”

“Finally did not disappoint my efforts.”

Qin Feiyang also had a smile on his face.

In order to understand the ultimate Profound Truth of Life and Death Laws, how many difficulties has he experienced over the years?

Especially before!

In order to protect him, everyone almost died in battle.

Now, it’s finally all suffering.

killing power, comparable to six ruler Divine Weapon!

Who can imagine?

No wonder, Life and Death Laws are so difficult to understand, and Heavenly Tribulation is so terrifying.

This is not without reason.

It’s all because Life and Death Laws are too strong.

If you want to have such powerful means, you must take it down.

If you can’t carry it down, you will lose everything, even your life.

Carry it down, then step scaling heaven.


Tested out the formidable power of the ultimate Profound Truth of Life and Death Laws, Qin Feiyang also gained confidence and stopped holding hands.

If you have such a powerful method, you can’t defeat the lord, then you might as well hit the wall.


With one after another terrifying aura, the three thousand kingdoms of life and death dropping from the sky again!

“Heavenly Dao Will, open it!”

Qin Feiyang gaze as if a torch.

With the opening of Heavenly Dao Will, a more terrifying imposing manner erupted from three thousand kingdoms of life and death immediately!

This moment!

Not only the land in this area, but the land in the west continent trembles.

The giant peaks continue to collapse.

The ground is sinking crazily!

Abyss cracks, like giant pythons, spread throughout the continent.

At this time!

If you look down from the sky, you will surely see a shocking scene!

The entire west continent is undergoing devastating damage. The cracks are winding and winding, and they are not bottomed, just like a spider web.

This is a disaster!

It’s the end!

Fortunately, the living creatures of the West continent have all been removed.

Otherwise, at this moment, it would be enough to turn the west continent into a sea of ​​corpses!



White-Eyed Wolf and others are very excited.

Such a powerful kingdom of life and death, coupled with Heavenly Dao Will, isn’t that if Gods block, kill Gods?

Can be opposite!

Dragon’s son and Jiang Yunshuang, standing behind Human Race Paragon and Divine King, looked horrified.

Don’t talk about them, even Human Race Paragon and Divine King can’t help turning pale at this moment!

The formidable power of the ultimate Profound Truth of Life and Death Laws is far beyond their imagination!

Originally, there was a hint of luck in their hearts. With their strength, they might… be able to beat Qin Feiyang.

But now!

I witnessed the horror of the ultimate Profound Truth of Life and Death Laws with my own eyes. The little luck in my heart was immediately vanished. Facing this child, they will undoubtedly lose!


in an instant!

The three thousand kingdoms of life and death met those fifteen thousand ultimate Profound Truths.

Integrating the kingdom of Heavenly Dao Will’s life and death, it is simply Heavenly God that is unstoppable!

A kingdom of life and death is enough to compete with the six ultimate Profound Truth!

The ultimate Profound Truth of the Lord, crushed one after another!

“really strong…”

The Lord himself was also stunned.

The killing power displayed by this country of life and death is more terrifying than legendary!


Even he suddenly lost confidence.

A Dao Accumulation containing Heavenly Dao Will’s kingdom of life and death can compete with his six ultimate Profound Truths, and three thousand kingdoms of life and death, wouldn’t it be possible to compete with 18,000 ultimate Profound Truth?

In other words.

Now Qin Feiyang, relying only on Life and Death Laws Ultimate Profound Truth and Heavenly Dao Will, can compete with him!


In addition to the ultimate Profound Truth of Life and Death Laws, Qin Feiyang has several other ultimate Profound Truths.

The law of cause and effect, Death Law, Life Law, Light Law!

These four ultimate Profound Truths have not yet been opened.

How outrageous if they are all turned on?


Along with a loud noise, 15,000 Ultimate Profound Truths were crushed.

But Qin Feiyang’s kingdom of life and death, there are still five hundred ways left!

“The outcome is determined!”

“No need to open the eyes of God!”

Qin Feiyang sees radiance violently surging, and the remaining five hundred kingdoms of life and death will be killed immediately to the lord!

“The outcome is determined?”

“If I only have this strength, do I deserve to be the Lord of the Divine Kingdom?”

The lord of the country is coldly snorted.

The 3,000 Incarnations behind him once again opened an ultimate Profound Truth!


“This is the ultimate Profound Truth of the law of cause and effect!”

The madman and others were surprised.

Before, the ultimate Profound Truth of the six strongest laws opened by the Lord is Time Law, Time Array, Swallowing Law, Death Law, Law of Falsehood, Law of Destruction!

But now, he has opened the ultimate Profound Truth of the law of cause and effect!

In other words.

He mastered the ultimate Profound Truth of the seven strongest laws!

Don’t talk about the ultimate Profound Truth of the Seven Strongest Laws, it is as difficult as scaling heaven to realize the ultimate Profound Truth of the Seven Ordinary Laws.

It’s too strong!

Eight of the strongest laws, the country master has seven of them!

Only Life Law, he hasn’t mastered it yet.

To reach the ruler, the number of Comprehend Laws is not at all limit.

For example, Qin Feiyang, when he was in Loose Cultivator Alliance in his early years, he had already realized the Seven Grand Laws.

Light Law, the law of power, Law of Wind, the law of power, the law of killing, the law of thunder, the law of cause and effect, and later, the law of destruction was obtained in the land of the evil spirits.

It is equal to eight Grand Law!

As long as he has been comprehending and possessing this ability, these last rules can comprehend the ultimate Profound Truth.

Now, it’s naturally more terrifying.

Because he realized Life Law, Death Law, Life and Death Laws again!

In other words.

Current Qin Feiyang, one person controls ten one Law.

At the end, everyone realizes the ultimate Profound Truth. What kind of sight is that?

It’s estimated to scare others to death.



The ultimate Profound Truth of the three thousand causal laws, after opening Heavenly Dao Will, immediately kill Xiang Wu, the kingdom of life and death!

It’s one after another again.


The ultimate Profound Truth of both parties, all in void burn both jade and stone.

“The Ultimate Profound Truth of the Seven Strongest Laws…”

“Sure enough!”

Qin Feiyang looked at the lord in admiration, with a trace of blood flowing at the corner of his mouth. It was Purple Gold Dragon Blood.

“You are not bad either.”

“If you change the becoming God King and Human Race Paragon, you have won the victory now.”

For Qin Feiyang, the country’s lord also admires it.

The corner of the mouth also dripped a strand of Purple Gold Dragon Blood.

When Divine King and Human Race Paragon heard this, they immediately looked at the country lord with dissatisfaction. Isn’t it just because of the 3,000 Incarnations?

Without 3,000 Incarnations, it is still unknown who wins and loses.

Qin Feiyang looked at the expression king two people, and looked at the country’s master: “Then please answer me now, is it still a shame to put Purple Gold Dragon Blood on human?”

The lord stared blankly frowned and said: “This is why you challenged me?”

“Not bad.”

“I just want to prove that they are all Purple Gold Dragon Blood, but I am stronger than your descendants of the Purple Gold Divine Dragon clan!”

“I also want Old Ancestor to see that she chose Human Sovereign in this life, it’s not wrong!”

“Not only my Qin Feiyang, my descendants of Qin Clan lineage will be better than your descendants of the Purple Gold Divine Dragon clan!”

Qin Feiyang stepped out, the divine lotus of cause and effect, Eighteen Levels of Hell, the kingdom of life and death, all roared away.

The 3,000 Incarnations behind him also opened these three ultimate Profound Truths instantly!

Three thousand kingdoms of life and death, after the integration of Heavenly Dao Will, it is enough to contend with 18,000 ultimate Profound Truth!

The divine lotus and Eighteen Levels of Hell can also compete with the master’s six thousand ultimate Profound Truth.

Together, that is 24,000!

In other words.

Although he is inferior to the leader in quantity, he seems to have surpassed the leader in quality!


Even if the country master masters the ultimate Profound Truth of the seven strongest laws, after 3,000 Incarnations are opened, there are only two if by any chance thousands of ways!

The difference is three thousand times!

Does this still need to open the eyes of God?

No need at all!

“You are optimistic, my Qin Clan lineage, the future will definitely surpass your Purple Gold Divine Dragon clan!”

Qin Feiyang shouted suddenly, nine thousand and three ultimate Profound Truth, immediately turned into a wave of anger, and rolled out toward the lord.

“I look forward to your surpassing.”

The sovereign stepped out in one step, and the seven ultimate Profound Truth opened.

In the rear, the two if by any chance Profound Truth of 3,000 Incarnations also appeared instantly.


Two if by any chance Thousands and Seven Ultimate Profound Truths, Majestic killed them.

Ice Dragon saw it, and with a wave of his hand, an invisible force surged in and turned into a shield wall, blocking the front.

White-Eyed Wolf and others all ran behind Ice Dragon and Little Beast.

The collision of two people at the moment, the collision of equal with tens of thousands of ruler Divine Weapon…


There will be more!

Because of their ultimate Profound Truth, they have the blessing of Heavenly Dao Will.

Actually, it may be the sum of hundreds of thousands of ruler Divine Weapon.

Such fluctuations are not something they can bear.


With a loud noise of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, the ultimate Profound Truth of two people finally collided.

At the same time.

An invisible will came and also protected the Human Race Paragon four people.

But West continent is not so lucky.

Most of the west continent, but in an instant, everything was scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, turning into a chaos, like the opening of Heaven and Earth!

Even the sea of ​​sky clouds, the east continent, the north road, the south continent, and all the restricted areas can sense the terrifying aura!

The entire Sky Cloud Realm, all living creatures……

At this moment, I am looking at the direction of the west continent, my brows are full of shock and worry!

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