
You can search for “Inextinuishable Battle God 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!


White-Eyed Wolf murmured.

Yes, this brat, even the leader of the country voluntarily surrendered.

It feels like a dream.

The madman bared his teeth and said: “The inheritance of the fifteen ultimate Profound Truth, will you get it soon, are you excited?”

“What is your mind?”

“Thinking about inheritance, have you considered the safety of Little Qinzi?”

White-Eyed Wolf stared at him innocently.

The madman was taken aback, looked at White-Eyed Wolf, and said contemptuously: “I’m not a serious person, but I want to pretend to be serious. Do you know what this is? Pretend garlic.”

“cough cough!”

White-Eyed Wolf gave a dry cough, the expression was quite embarrassing, and chuckled: “In these 15 inheritances, I hope there will be Life Law and the Law of Destruction.”

Because of these two inheritances, he can open Heavenly Dao Will.

“Look and see.”

“Exposure immediately.”

The madman rolled his eyes.

“Shut up!”


Golden Little Beast loudly shouts without looking back, the madman and White-Eyed Wolf stared blankly, with an immediate brow, looking towards Little Beast’s back.

“Brother Wolf, don’t be impulsive, we can’t do it now.”

Maniac sound transmission.

“I know.”

White-Eyed Wolf mumbled.

I saw Little Beast’s gaze, always locked on Qin Feiyang, seemingly expectant.

The madman and White-Eyed Wolf couldn’t help but look up.

Although the lord concedes defeat, the battle is not over!

The ultimate Profound Truth kept colliding, and the devastating aura rolled in all directions. About a moment later, the previous situation reappeared.

The ultimate Profound Truth of the lord of the country, is crushed.

Qin Feiyang still has dozens of kingdoms of life and death, hundreds of laws of cause and effect and the ultimate Profound Truth.

The remaining ultimate Profound Truth, like a group of beasts, slew towards the lord.

“The lord of the country has conceded, stop it!”

Divine King was shocked and immediately shouted.

Dragon’s son’s face is also full of anxiety.


Qin Feiyang turned a deaf ear.

“No need to say anything, winner is the king, the loser is the villain.”

The lord waved his hand, calmly facing the ultimate Profound Truth killed.

Seeing that the country lord is about to splatter the sky, but suddenly, all the ultimate Profound Truth stopped, floating in the country’s High Lord sky.

Seeing this scene, the golden Little Beast frowned immediately.

“Don’t kill?”

White-Eyed Wolf and lunatics are also stared blankly.

But then I think again, this person is the father of Divine Kingdom Princess and the maternal grandfather of Qin Batian. With Qin Feiyang’s personality, he will definitely not be able to do it.


He once promised Divine Kingdom Princess to show mercy to the people of Divine Kingdom, especially the Purple Gold Divine Dragon clan.

Qin Feiyang is actually struggling.

If you don’t kill, the Lord will definitely harm the Sky Cloud Realm.

This is a negative common people’s trust in him.

But if he is killed, how will he face Divine Kingdom Princess and Ancestor?

Know it.

Ancestor has not seen this maternal grandfather until now.

It’s really two-sided.


Qin Feiyang sighed, looking at the Lord, pleaded: “Promise me, don’t hurt the living creature of the Sky Cloud Realm, in fact, we can live as a family.”

“A family…”

The Lord murmured, looked up at the sky, shook his head and said: “Always impossible, this is our life.”

“Stop stubborn, can’t you?”

“Do you have to force me to kill you?”

“I really don’t want to do this!”

“My Ancestor, your grandson, is always looking for his identity. If you let him know that his maternal grandfather is still alive in the world, how happy would he be?”

Qin Feiyang said angrily.


The Lord’s eyes trembled, and the expression became extremely complicated.

“You have your daughter, don’t you want to be forgiven by her? In fact, she has always missed you. Can you put yourself in your place and think about her?”

“The gratitude and grudges of Divine Kingdom and Skycloud Realm cannot continue to accumulate.”

Qin Feiyang’s eyes are full of pleading.

The madman and others looked simultaneously, and they all looked at the lord in silence.

If the Lord can really change his mind, it will be a good deed for both the clansman of Qin Clan lineage and the entire Sky Cloud Realm.

“War, power, interest, ambition, ‘desire’ hope… Is it important to have family affection for these things?”

“If I choose, as long as I can live a life with my family in a flat and worry-free life, I am willing to give up everything I have now.”

“Because in my eyes, there is nothing compared to family, love, and friends.”

Qin Feiyang is deeply sighed.

For him, these all are extravagant hopes, out of reach.

For the country’s lord, this is a decision. Why does he insist on starting a war?

War not only hurts yourself, but also the relatives around you, and even those innocent living creatures.

Is it worth it?

The Lord heard that there was a bit of pain between expressions.


Does it value?

So far, what has been exchanged for?

“indecisive, difficult to become a big tool!”

Golden Little Beast suddenly coldly snorted, turned and left angrily.

“Frog Boss, where are you going?”

Ice Dragon stared blankly, asked hurriedly.

“Looking annoying.”

Golden Little Beast said without looking back, and disappeared under everyone’s sight.

Ice Dragon smiled helplessly and was about to catch up, but at this time Long Chen pulled him, turning one’s head looked towards Long Chen, and seeing Long Chen’s pleading expression, my heart softened, secretly thought:” Okay, I will stay and have a good chat with you.”

Long Chen was overjoyed and looked up towards Qin Feiyang.

He can understand Qin Feiyang’s mood.

For Qin Feiyang, no matter how you choose, it is a painful thing.

Little Beast said he was indecisive, but he was not.

Indecisive, we must also divide people.

If you switch to King of Becoming God and Human Race Paragon, Qin Feiyang’s character will definitely not show mercy.

But the country lord is really different.

Leave aside the relationship between Divine Kingdom Princess and Qin Batian, just talk about Qin Feiyang himself, and have a constant family relationship with the Lord.


The battlefield.

A piece of deathly stillness!

All the people are waiting for the answer from the Lord.

After a long time.

The lord sighed his head and looked at Qin Feiyang and said: “Many things are not for you and me.”

“There is nothing you can’t choose, only whether you are willing to choose.”

Qin Feiyang Road.

“Then you will treat me as unwilling to choose!”

The Lord was silent and raised his head and said.

“You are challenging my limit!”

Qin Feiyang was furious, and the ultimate Profound Truth that stopped, came crashing down.


“The Lord!”

Dragon’s son four people bewilderement.

However, the Lord himself faced death calmly.

But at this time.

An invisible will descends, exploded towards the ultimate Profound Truth of Qin Feiyang.

With a loud bang, dozens of Life and Death Laws ultimate Profound Truth, hundreds of causal laws and Death Law ultimate Profound Truth, smashed on the spot.

“You are young, so vicious and merciless, do you know if you are doing this, deceiving masters extinguishing ancestors?”

The misty voice sounded again.

“Even if I am deceiving masters extinguishing ancestors, it is better than your humanity without extinction!”

Qin Feiyang looked up towards the sky and shouted.

“What did you say?”

The ethereal voice carries a hint of hostility.

“I said you, doesn’t have humanity, bastard is better!”

“Do you hear clearly now?”

Qin Feiyang paused, his eyes full of anger.

Don’t even think about it. The person who really wants to invade the Sky Cloud Realm must be the ruler of the Divine Kingdom.

“you are courting death!”

The invisible will immediately turned into a torrent, surging towards Qin Feiyang.

At this time.

Ice Dragon stepped out, raised his hand to one fist and patted it. The will immediately collapsed, annoyed: “I told you not to intervene personally, but now I regret it again? Do we really want us to commit suicide and go to Divine Kingdom!”

The voice was silent for a moment, and gloomy said: “Okay, within 10,000 years, the true body will not intervene, but after 10,000 years, if you and Swallowing Heaven Beast come out and stop them again, then don’t blame me for being impolite .”

Say it.

Another volition came, curling up the Lord and others, and fleeing away like lightning.

“hey hey hey, what about the inheritance of the ultimate Profound Truth?”

White-Eyed Wolf exclaimed.

“Someone will send it to you.”

The misty voice responded, but it didn’t sound again.


“It’s finally over.”

Yun Ziyang let out a long breath, relieved.


Mask Asura nodded.

What happened today is like riding a roller coaster. If it weren’t for everyone’s ability to withstand it, I’m afraid the spirit would have collapsed.

The blood ancestor said: “Since it’s over, let’s prepare for the aftermath!”

The Emperor Yu looked towards the madman and others, said with a smile: “You go and have a good rest, and the aftermath is left to us.”


The madman and others are nodded.

This battle is indeed exhausted.

Long Qin waved his hand and Demon Ancestor appeared.

“Thanks for your hard work.”

Long Chen looked towards Demon Ancestor.


Demon Ancestor waved his hand and looked up towards Qin Feiyang, with a secretly sighed.

Because at this moment, everyone has relaxed, except Qin Feiyang, who has been watching the direction where the lord and others are leaving.

The madman waved his hand, Fire Lotus and Mermaid Princess also came out of the blood Demon Pagoda.

The two people immediately walked to Qin Feiyang’s side, looked at Qin Feiyang’s side, and found that Qin Feiyang’s face was actually smiling.

“Unexpectedly laughing?”

The two women are really speechless.

Looking at Qin Feiyang standing here alone in silence, they are almost worried.

Because they all think that Qin Feiyang is angry.

After all, the ruler of Divine Kingdom rescued the Lord from under his nose.

“Feiyang, what are you laughing at?”

Mermaid Princess is suspicious.

“It’s nothing, just understand something.”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.

“What’s the matter?”

The two people are all curious.

“Why are you like curious babies?”

Qin Feiyang was speechless. With the thoughts move, 3,000 Incarnations dissipated, turning one’s head looked towards Long Chen and White-Eyed Wolf, etc. Anyway, the crisis was lifted.

The sky cloud world can be calm for a while again.

“Brother Qin, congratulations again later, conveniently in passing, talk about some of my views on the country’s lord.”

Long Chen looked at Qin Feiyang with a smile, then took Ice Dragon and turned away.

Long Qin also follow.

“Don’t you come.”

Long Chen raised his hand to stop.


Long Qin immediately dissatisfied.

“If I am your brother.”

After Long Chen finished speaking, he took Ice Dragon and left quickly.

Looking at the back of the two people, Long Chen stamped his feet with anger.

“What do you think of the country lord?”

Qin Feiyang looked at Long Chen’s back, his eyes flickering, could this guy also see something?

But think about it.

With Long Chen’s observation power, these details will not be overlooked.

At the same time.

White-Eyed Wolf looked at Long Qin jokingly, and asked: “Are you the wild child they picked up?”

“Wild child?”

Long Qin stared blankly, the next moment reacted and said angrily: “What did you say? Say it again!”

“If you didn’t pick it up, how did their father and son exclude you?”

“Really pitiful.”

“Would you like brother to help you find some biological parents?”

White-Eyed Wolf has a playful face.


Long Qin became irritable, and his gnashing teeth rushed up.

“Look, see, just this bad temper, how will you marry in the future?”

“Yun Ziyang, Asura, are you willing to marry her?”

White-Eyed Wolf roared while running, still looking full of energy.

The two people of Yun Ziyang turned dark, can you not lead them to trouble?

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