
You can search for “Inextinuishable Battle God 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Qin Feiyang walked over and said in a low voice: “Just now, don’t take it seriously. I didn’t say it to you either.”


The Sword Emperor and others were shocked.

“This is because I am afraid that you will be overhearted, so I will explain it specifically.”

Qin Feiyang is holding his head.

Although he is very strong now, Number One Person in the Sky Cloud Realm, he will always be a child in front of these old men.

hearing this.

The Sword Emperor and others laughed blankly.

Merman Sovereign dissatisfied: “You brat, I didn’t want to scold you, but you have to scold you, are we such petty people?”

“yes yes yes.”

Qin Feiyang is nodded again and again.

For Merman Sovereign, he naturally dare not neglect, after all, it is Ancestor of Mermaid Princess.

“That’s it.”

“We also know.”

“We Old Guy, no matter how hard we try, it is impossible to catch up with these Shadow Guards.”

Black Winged Sovereign waved his hand.

“That’s not what it means.”

“You really misunderstood.”

“From the very beginning, I will take you to Profound Martial World. That is to let you take care of your life. I never thought that I will let you take action and worry about common things.”

Qin Feiyang quickly explained.

Merman Sovereign several people simultaneously looked, and sighed: “If you see it, I think we are here.”


Qin Feiyang is at a loss.


Several people suddenly laughed heartily.

Merman Sovereign shook his head and said: “It’s funny, don’t worry, we won’t join in the fun, but staying in Demon Ghost Land all day is really boring.”


Black Winged Sovereign nodded.

“Profound Martial World is so big, you can go for a walk!”

Qin Feiyang Road.

“Are we all coming to Profound Martial World more youngsters?”

“Which place have you not been to?”

“It’s all gone.”

White Winged Sovereign also shook his head.

Qin Feiyang said: “Then I can’t do anything. I can’t let you go to the Sky Cloud Realm. I don’t worry.”

“There is a way.”

Merman Sovereign hehe smiled and winked at Black Winged Sovereign several people. Several people are also laughed and nodded.

Qin Feiyang could not help but feel an ominous premonition when he saw this, cautiously asked: “What is the solution?”


Merman Sovereign looked at the Mermaid Princess behind his eyes, hoarsely said with a smile: “You young couple, hurry up and give birth to a few children, then we old fogey, aren’t we busy?”

“Sure enough, there is a trap.”

Qin Feiyang’s mouth twitches.

The Mermaid Princess behind, her face was flushed, flushed.

“Come on.”

The shoulders of Merman Sovereign patted Qin Feiyang, and the laughed looked towards Long Chen and the lunatic and others, said: “You are the same, youngster, don’t be so restrained. If you want to indulge, you must indulge, otherwise the incense, right? !”

Long Chen’s group was also sluggish immediately.

On the side of Madman and White-Eyed Wolf Zhuo Xiaoxian and Huo Wu, their cheeks are like a red apple.

Even Long Qin lowered his head shyly.

“Okay, I won’t bother you.”

Merman Sovereign waved his hand, and left with the Sword Emperor several people, laughed.

“cough cough!”

White-Eyed Wolf gave a dry cough, put his arms around Huo Wu, and chuckled: “Fengmei, since the old fellow said so, then let’s go and indulge?”

“What did you say?”

Huo Wu immediately twisted White-Eyed Wolf’s ears, and said angrily: “Last time you were in Tianzhong Shenzang, the messy things you said to Qin Feiyang and the lunatic, I haven’t asked you to settle the accounts!”

“Wife Sir, please be forgiving!”

“I was wrong, I was wrong.”

White-Eyed Wolf immediately wailed.


Huo Wu reached White-Eyed Wolf’s ear and whispered in a low voice: “Look at you outside, fighting with Long Qin very hot, do you want to have another concubine?”

“This is a good idea.”

White-Eyed Wolf’s eyes lit up.


Huo Wu’s face turned dark, and she firmly grasped White-Eyed Wolf’s ears, almost torn off.

“Not good.”

“It’s almost ripped off.”

“It hurts…”

Just listening to the miserable howl sound is like killing a pig.

White-Eyed Wolf looked towards Qin Feiyang and others for help.

But a group of people are taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune and fly towards the tea garden with a smile.

“No loyalty!”

White-Eyed Wolf scolded.

I thought, this jealous woman is really terrifying.

Huo Wu released her hand and looked at White-Eyed Wolf and asked: “You confess, are you interesting to Longqin?”

White-Eyed Wolf rubbed his ears.

Why suddenly became so peaceful?


This is the calm before the rainstorm.

Huo Wu sighed: “In fact, as long as you don’t hide it from me, I don’t object. After all, one more person will take care of you, and I will relax.”


White-Eyed Wolf asked.

“Do you really have this idea?”

Said becoming hostile means becoming hostile, and he grabbed White-Eyed Wolf’s ears, his face full of angry.

For your scoundrel, I am being tottaly devoted. Unexpectedly, I still want to take a concubine?


In the tea garden.

Qin Feiyang and others sat around the table.

A pot of Ancient Dragon tea, filled the tea garden with a fragrance of tea.

Listening to the miserable howl of White-Eyed Wolf, Long Chen shook his head and said with emotion: “Who would have thought that the unbridled domineering gold-winged Wolf King outside would become a little kitty when he came to Profound Martial World. “

“no no no.”

“He is not a little kitty, he is a little lamb, a lamb to be slaughtered.”

The madman grinned, took out a jug of Wushuang divine wine, and drank it comfortably while listening to the screams of White-Eyed Wolf. It’s better than my family!

Sitting next to him without saying a word, clever and sensible.

“You drink less.”

Whatever you want, Zhuo Xiaoxian next to him stares at him.

The madman’s expression froze, and he hurriedly thought secretly: “So many people are watching, save me some face, wait for home, I will do whatever you want.”

“Who wants to deal with you?”

Zhu Xiaoxian in the dark blanked his eyes.

“Looking at it, it’s my little fairy Miss, gentle and virtuous, considerate.”

The madman grabbed Zhuo Xiaoxian’s hand, his face full of triumph.

Zuo Xiaoxian’s cheeks flushed.

“cough cough!”

“Consider how we single dogs feel.”

Mask Asura coughed and spoke while lowering her head while drinking tea.

“I, your father is going to abuse you single dogs?”

“How is it?”

“Slowly envy you!”

The lunatic laughed heartily, it’s not an ordinary unbridled.

The corner of the mask Asura’s mouth twitched, and he didn’t say anything, what the eye doesn’t see, the heart doesn’t grieve over, at worst!

At the same time.

Demon Ancestor is sipping tea while scanning a group of people, what seems to be hesitating?

Qin Feiyang put down teacup, grabbed Mermaid Princess’s hand, looked at Long Chen sitting directly opposite, and asked: “Brother Long, you said not long ago that you want to talk about your views on the country’s lord. What do you mean?”

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately aroused everyone’s interest.

Long Chen glanced at other people, then at Qin Feiyang, lightly said with a smile: “Don’t tell you, you have no ideas.”

“Tell me your opinion first.”

Qin Feiyang smiled.


Long Chen is nodded.

“Wait a minute first.”

But suddenly.

Demon Ancestor spoke, put down the teacup in his hand, said with a smile: “Let’s talk about another thing first!”

At this moment, White-Eyed Wolf also walked over with Huo Wu.

Huo Wu, who was sturdy and incomparable before, is now a gentle kind-hearted. The little bird looks like a human, holding the arm of White-Eyed Wolf.

The appearance of White-Eyed Wolf is extremely in a difficult situation, especially the ear, which is almost distorted.

“Brother, it’s so unjustified.”

Walking into the tea garden, White-Eyed Wolf glared fiercely at everyone, and then took a bottle of Wushuang divine wine.

“Stop drinking today!”

“You see everyone is drinking tea, but you are drinking, it’s not pretty.”

Huo Wu’s gentle said with a smile.

White-Eyed Wolf eyeball stared, immediately pointed to the lunatic and said: “He is also drinking…”

Without waiting for him to finish, the cold light flashed in Huo Wu’s eyes.

White-Eyed Wolf was stunned right now, flattering smile said: “Well, don’t drink or drink, drink tea, health…Little Qinzi, pour tea!”

It’s a smiley flattery to Huo Wu, but when it comes to Qin Feiyang, it’s immediately fierce.

“I didn’t provoke you?”

Qin Feiyang was speechless, and poured a cup of tea for White-Eyed Wolf, and let the wolf pup drink tea, which really embarrassed him.


What everyone didn’t notice was that Long Qin was hiding a sound transmission Divine Stone in his hand at the moment, and a ridiculing expression was also faintly visible in his eyes.

Qin Feiyang handed teacup to White-Eyed Wolf, then looked at Demon Ancestor said with a smile: “What are you going to say?”

“About Long Chen’s acquisition of Mu Tianyang and Mu Qing.”

Demon Ancestor said.

Long Chen pupil shrank immediately.

White-Eyed Wolf and the lunatic couldn’t help raising their eyebrows and glaring at Demon Ancestor.

“Buy Mu Tianyang and Mu Qing?”

Qin Feiyang stared blankly.

What’s the situation?

Mermaid Princess, Huo Wu, Zhuo Xiaoxian, Yun Ziyang, Mask Asura, Li Feng, Li rebirth three people, including Long Qin, all have a suspicious look.

“Don’t stare at me like that.”

Demon Ancestor reluctantly glanced at the madman and White-Eyed Wolf, said with a smile: “If there were no battle today, I would definitely not pick out this matter in front of Long Chen.”

“Then what do you mean now?”

“If you say it like this, how can we set him up in the future?”

White-Eyed Wolf is very angry.

He has always been brooding about this matter.

Also, I have been waiting for Qin Feiyang to leave the customs, so I will give Long Chen a set.

Anyway, it’s just a sentence, let Long Chen lose Madam and break down.

Available now.

Demon Ancestor tells it in person, then there is no way to target it.

“Same as the previous sentence, if there is no such thing as today, you have to give him a set, I will never stop.”

“But today.”

“In order to protect Qin Feiyang, whether it is Long Chen or Long Qin, they have struggled to survive, and even faced the crisis of death several times, they did not shrink back.”

“And madman, did you forget?”

“When facing Ji Tianjun at that time, you personally said that everyone’s previous gratitude and grudges have since been cancelled.”

“Furthermore, I will fight together in the next life.”

“And White-Eyed Wolf, you yelled so loudly at the time!”

Demon Ancestor slightly smiled.

The madman froze with the White-Eyed Wolf expression.

They really said this.

“I personally think that although both of you do have a hatred of cannot live under the same sky, since everyone can say this when facing Ji Tianjun, it proves that, in fact, you don’t hate it. The other party.”

“So I want to say, since we have already started this, it’s better to take advantage of this now, we are here, and make a complete break all at once.”

“After avoiding this, always beware of you plot against me, I plot against you.”

“How tiring this is!”

Demon Ancestor sighed.

Only when these gratitude and grudges are completely resolved, can everyone truly deal with Divine Kingdom with one mind.

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