
You can search for “Inextinuishable Battle God 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Yes, mother.”

“If we don’t help Qin Feiyang, then Qin Feiyang and the others will have to die…”

Long Qin also plucked up the courage to argue with Long Zun.

But before finishing talking, Long Zun was furious, shouted: “They died, what does it have to do with you?”

“Of course it matters.”

“If they die, do you think Divine Kingdom will let us go?”

“In the current situation, no matter how great the deep hatred, we have to let go.”

Long Qin sighed.

“Bad girl, are your wings hard? Even I dare to talk back!”

Long Zun complexion sank, glaring at Long Qin.

How do you feel that this daughter is a little different from before?

Because in the past, Long Qin stood with her when facing people like Qin Feiyang, but this time unexpectedly stood with Long Chen.

“I don’t have one.”

Long Qin lowered his head.

You can’t live without words!

It had been agreed before the battle with Li Feng.

If she defeats Li Feng, gratitude and grudges will be wiped out.

If Li Feng defeats her, then she will replace mother and kneel down to apologize to Li Feng.


She is the winner.

Gratitude and grudges will naturally be wiped out.

In fact, it was Long Chen’s kneel that really made her let go of her hatred.

Long Chen’s kneeling made her feel deeply.

It was originally agreed that as long as she wins the battle, no matter how unwilling Li Feng is, she can only stop.

In other words.

Long Chen’s kneeling is completely unnecessary.

The results are available.

Long Chen knelt down and apologized.

This is enough to see his inner thoughts and persistence.

It was precisely because of seeing Long Chen’s persistence that Long Qin chose to let go of his hatred.


“Then do you still speak for your brother?”

Long Zun said angrily.

“My daughter is reasoning!”

Long Qin lowered his head, mumbled.

“according to what you said, am I unreasonable?”

Long Zun was very angry.

“No no no.”

Long Qin waved his hand quickly, looking at Long Chen for help.

After letting go of the hatred, she finally felt the same way.

Every time I talk about Qin Feiyang and the others, the older brother has always been under a lot of pressure.

But the pressure is not brought by Qin Feiyang, but by mother.

Long Chen pondered a little, helplessly said: “Mother, things are already like this, it’s useless if you blame us, it’s better to look at it and you will feel better.”

“I am in a bad mood.”

Long Zun is coldly snorted.

“Then you said, what do you want to be in a good mood?”

“Would you like to beat me up?”

Long Chen looked towards exquisite and said: “Go and find a stick. As long as Sir Mother can calm down, you can beat me anyway.”


Exquisite looked at Long Chen siblings, and looked at Long Zun, the expression was rather anxious.

She really wants to persuade Long Zun.

Because she has no hatred for Qin Feiyang.

On the contrary, there is a hint of gratitude.

Because in Tianzhong Shenzang back then, how did Qin Feiyang not at all embarrass her father?

Neither did they snatch their ruler Divine Weapon from the Silver Dragon clan.


She is not Long Chen, nor Long Qin, facing Long Zun, she didn’t have the guts to speak.

“Think I dare not beat you?”

Long Zun looked at Long Chen.

“Mother beats his son, it is justified.”

Long Chen smiled.

Long Zun was furious, shouted: “exquisite, didn’t you hear it? Hurry up!”


Exquisite nodded, turned around and ran towards the attic below, but found a small tree stalk half a day.

Looking at this small tree that is not as thick as a little finger, Long Zun’s face is immediately dark, and he stares at exquisite angrily: “Are you also deliberately pissing me off?”

“I don’t have one.”

exquisite hurriedly shook his head.

Long Chen and Long Qin looked at this scene, and couldn’t help laughing in the dark.

This little tree bar is pretty much used to drive away mosquitoes.

Looking at the exquisite with an innocent look, and at Long Chen siblings snickering beside him, the anger in Long Zun’s heart was almost mad, and he waved his hand: “Get out of the way, don’t let me see it, worry !”

“Thanks mother, forgive me.”

“I knew that mother was the most understanding.”

Long Qin ran up, holding Long Zun’s arm with a mischievous smile on his face.

See it.

Long Zun felt weak.

Exquisite cautiously asked: “Long Zun Sir, where is this stick?”

“Are you a stick?”

Long Zun stared at her angrily.

Exquisite laughed dryly, and immediately threw the small tree bar from the terrace.


Long Zun sighed, looked at Long Chen siblings, and said: “I hope you don’t forget that we and Qin Feiyang have homicides.”


Hear it.

What did Long Qin want to say immediately?

But Long Chen stopped in time.

At this time, you can’t bring up the matter of reconciliation, otherwise, don’t say help contact father, I am afraid they will be chased on the spot.

“Go, I want to rest alone.”

Long Zun waved his hand.

Long Qin did not let go.

Long Chen didn’t move either.

“What are you doing?”

“Really want to find a beating?”

Long Zun looked at siblings two people.


“We miss father a bit, so we want to see him.”

Long Qin shook his head.

“Miss him?”

Long Zun’s eyebrow raised, angrily said: “He doesn’t come to visit you, what else can he think of?”

“Mother, we are his sons and daughters. Isn’t it normal for children to miss father? Please contact me for help, please!”

Long Qin used the absolute kill technique to act like a baby.

Long Zun glanced at Long Qin, then at Long Chen, his face was full of anger, and said: “It’s really two heartless White-Eyed Wolf, you have worked so hard to pull you so big, and I haven’t seen it. You said you missed me.”

“yes yes yes.”

“Every mother is the greatest person in the world.”

Long Qin nodded.

“Dead girl, she will pick up nice words.”

Long Zun glanced at him and said: “But say yes, wait for him to be contacted, you talk to them, I don’t want to see him.”

Longqin and Longchensimultaneously looked.

Isn’t this exactly what they want?

They have been thinking about how to support mother when they contact father.

Because Long Zun is here, they can’t speak.

I have seen before that Dragon Venerable is already furious to help Qin Feiyang Transcending Tribulation. If Long Venerable knows again, they are looking for father for helping Qin Feiyang and the others exchange the inheritance rules, then why not becoming hostile on the spot?

Becoming hostile is still light, and may be angry, and will cut off the relationship between mother and child mother and daughter with them.

Unexpectedly, Long Zun unexpectedly proposed it.

This saves them a lot of heart.


The appearance is still to be done.

Long Qin asked: “mother, do you dislike father so much?”

Although it’s just pretending, it’s what she really wants to ask.

Long Zun glared at her, did not answer, took out the sound transmission Divine Stone, and said: “If he is not in the Sky Cloud Realm now, then I will not be able to contact, so you don’t have too much hope.” p>


The siblings nodded.


It’s not long before the end of the battle, it should be in the Sky Cloud Realm!

With the recovery of the sound transmission Divine Stone, one after another divine light blooms.

The siblings both looked nervously and expectantly at the sound transmission Divine Stone.

Long Zun didn’t doubt, she only thought it was the nervousness and anticipation before meeting father, but she didn’t know that the two siblings were nervous and anticipating for the exchange of inheritance.


Time one breath passes by.

A good moment passed.

Ice Dragon also did not respond.

“Will you have left the Sky Cloud Realm?”

The siblings were immediately flustered.

If you have really left the Sky Cloud Realm and you can’t get in touch, how can you redeem inheritance?

Long Zun is also frowned, scolding: “I have never seen such an irresponsible man!”

Then she looked towards Longchen siblings and sighed: “You see, too, I can’t get in touch.”

Siblings two people look helpless.

But just as Long Zun was about to close the sound transmission Divine Stone, a silhouette quickly appeared.

Isn’t Ice Dragon and is who?


Ice Dragon looked at Long Zun and asked. There is no indifference in expression, but there is no gentleness between husband and wife, just like looking at a familiar stranger.

“It’s not that I am looking for you.”

Long Zun is coldly snorted, and handed the sound transmission Divine Stone to Long Chen.

Long Chen caught up quickly.

Long Zun glanced at Ice Dragon and said: “exquisite, accompany me to relax.”


Exquisite nodded, followed Long Zun downstairs, and walked along the stream.

“What’s the matter with you brat?”

Ice Dragon looked at Long Chen suspiciously.

“And me!”

Long Qin ran to Long Chen.


Ice Dragon stared blankly, the expression is even more puzzled.

Didn’t you just meet in West continent? Why contact him again?

“Wait a minute first.”

Long Chen waved his hand. After exquisite and Long Zun left, he looked at Ice Dragon and said, “Father, to make a long story short, we have something to ask for your help.”

“I was waiting for your mother to leave on purpose.”

Ice Dragon nodded suddenly and asked: “What you are going to say is related to Qin Feiyang and others!”

“How do you know?”

Long Qin was surprised.

“Otherwise, why wait for your mother to leave before you dare to say it?”

Ice Dragon said.

“Father is still smart.”

Long Qin laughed.

Ice Dragon shook the head helplessly and smiled: “Let’s talk, what’s the matter?”

“It’s like this…”

Long Chen gave them fifteen death laws, the ultimate Profound Truth inheritance, from the Divine Kingdom, which is concise and clear.


“All are Death Law Ultimate Profound Truth inheritance?”

Ice Dragon is shocked.


Long Qin nodded, coldly snorted and said: “You say they are not hateful?”

“It’s really a bit unnatural.”

“However, there is no way to settle accounts with them!”

“After all, they did give you fifteen ultimate Profound Truth inheritance.”

Ice Dragon frowned.

“Find them to settle the account, it must be impossible, so we want to ask you to help.”

“You must have a lot of inheritance in your hands!”

“Otherwise, you would not give mother that many.”

“So we just want to say, can we use these fifteen inheritances to exchange with you?”

Long Chen asked with a smile, full of expectation in the expression.


Ice Dragon stared blankly.

“That is to use our fifteen inheritances in exchange for other inheritances that everyone needs. In this way, we can create several powerhouses that open Heavenly Dao Will.”

Long Chen explained.

“No need to explain so clearly, I know what you mean.”

“But a little puzzled for the parent.”

“How can you help them to this point?”

“Long Chen, brat, let’s not talk about it. For the father, I know your character, so it is not unexpected.”

“But girl, you are a little bit incomprehensible to father.”

“Until now, don’t you all hate them? Especially Qin Feiyang, Golden Wing Wolf King, lunatics, they hate gnash the teeth every time they mention it, now unexpectedly will help them?”

Ice Dragon looked up and down Longqin, wouldn’t this daughter be possessed by someone?

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