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Pagoda Lord glanced at the three people and looked down towards Qin Feiyang.

“Give you another chance.”

“Let them go and return the treasures of Four Great Tribes, this Eminence will consider it and start light.”

She said expressionlessly.

There was a hint of disappointment in the dark eyes.

Qin Feiyang said, “What if I say no?”

“I will kill you now.”

“Give you three breaths time to make a decision.”

Said Pagoda Lord.

three breaths in a blink of an eye.

Seeing that Qin Feiyang didn’t answer, Pagoda Lord didn’t continue nonsense, and his index finger was a little volleyed.

A Battle Qi emerged, rolling towards Qin Feiyang and Wolf King.

See you.

On the faces of Luo Guang three people, a sneer smirked.

This is the end of stubborn!


However at this time.

A white silhouette suddenly appeared in front of Qin Feiyang and Wolf King.

She is also a woman.

There is also a black mask on his face that covers true appearance.

As soon as she appeared, she waved her hand, a Battle Qi came up against the current, and met the Battle Qi of Pagoda Lord!



A heaven-shaking, earth-shattering loud noise rang out suddenly in this place.


“So strong!”

See you.

Everyone present was shocked by 10000 points.

This mask woman is who? Unexpectedly can compete with Pagoda Lord!

“Quickly go!”

The masked woman looked up towards Pagoda Lord, her eyes calmed down, and she turned back to Qin Feiyang and said, “quickly go.”

“This voice…”

Qin Feiyang’s eyes shook.

This voice, he was too familiar.

It’s the Madam lurking in the White Fox City Meng Family!

Wolf King shouted: “Little Qinzi, what are you doing? Quickly withdraw!”

Qin Feiyang shivered, glanced at Mu Qing siblings from the air, then turned one and pierced the transmission gate.

The next moment.

The transmission gate disappeared.

Pagoda Lord frowned, his eyes moved to the middle-aged married woman, and said, “Who are you?”

“Nothing to do with you.”

Middle-aged married woman dropped a word lightly, then turned away.

“Want to go, not so easy!”

Pagoda Lord’s eyes were cold light flashed, turning into a horror, catching up like lightning.

The owner and the others also quickly fell on that icy peak.

Looking at the coma and not waking up, the immature Shi Yun four people are all face sinking like water.

Mu Qing was especially heavy in his heart.

It turns out there is such a great character behind this Qin Feiyang.

No wonder he dares to be so unbridled.

Mu Xue’er whispered, “brother, we really shouldn’t come in and interfere with him.”

“I’ve done everything, now it’s useless to regret it?”

“Not to mention I regret it.”

“As long as I can gain the trust of Pagoda Lord, let alone offend a Qin Feiyang, even if it offends someone in the world, I will not hesitate!”

Mu Qing tightly clenched with both hands, with firm rays of light in his eyes.

at the same time!

Qin Feiyang stands on the shore of an Ice Lake.

Here is where he landed when he first came to Land of Forgetfullness.

Wolf King stood on his shoulders, wondering, “Little Qinzi, how could that woman suddenly appear?”

“how could I know?”

Qin Feiyang glanced at it.

If he knew, he wouldn’t be so surprised.

“Grandma, what is this Land of Forgetfullness?”

“It’s only this time that unexpectedly met the existence of two surpassing Battle Sovereign.”

“You said, if we go deeper, will we still meet stronger people?”

Wolf King.

“Who knows?”

“Regardless of this, I’m leaving at once anyway.”

“What Pagoda Lord, what Madam, it doesn’t matter to us.”

Qin Feiyang laughed, aside from all the doubts in his head, glanced at all around, looking for an exit.

However, all the sights were glazier, and nothing suspicious was found.

“Brother go up and see.”

Wolf King soared into the sky, standing ten thousand zhang high, looking down.

After a while.

It fell on Qin Feiyang’s shoulder again, shaking his head and saying, “I haven’t seen anything like the altar or the transmission gate.”

Qin Feiyang frowns saying: “Will it be covered by snow?”

Wolf King said: “Brother is thinking, are you guessing wrong, maybe the exit is not here?”

“It should be impossible.”

“We will come here, and certainly not a coincidence.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head.

“Isn’t there Water Beast in Ice Lake? Get them out and ask.”

With a wave of his paw, Wolf King swept out of Battle Qi and blasted into Ice Lake. Immediately set off a huge wave of ten meters high.

Dong!! !

Roar! ! !

The next moment.

One huge Water Beast with one head rushed out of the water.

Horrible fearful might, immediately enveloped the audience!

The three Snow Pythons that had almost killed Qin Feiyang were among them.

Those Water Beasts also recognized Qin Feiyang at a glance.

Immediately, they opened their mouths with blood, exposed eerie fierce teeth, and flung towards Qin Feiyang.

“courting death !”

Wolf King’s eyes were cold, and fearful might burst out.

A group of Water Beasts came to a halt, and they immediately turned around and ran towards Ice Lake in horror.


Wolf King stumbled.

These little reptiles are too frightening, right?

Qin Feiyang shook his head and laughed, glancing at Ice Lake, and said, “Let’s go to the lakebed and have a look.”

Wolf King stared blankly, scorned: “You idiot, the lake is full of water, how can the outlet be in the water?”

“The point is, when I entered Land of Forgetfullness, I fell into Ice Lake.”

Qin Feiyang.


“Well, it won’t take much time anyway.”

Wolf King waved his claws, and Battle Qi emerged, condensed into a Battle Qi Array, and took Qin Feiyang into Ice Lake.

Those Water Beasts lurk under the water and wait for the opportunity.

Seeing one man one wolf also entered Ice Lake, immediately fled in haste.

Looking at this scene, Qin Feiyang has a sense of 10000 1000.

7 months ago, he and fatty escaped.

Today, 7 months later, I came here again, but these Water Beasts fled.

In just a few months, apart from Mountain Piercing Beast, everyone’s strength has undergone changes in Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

Especially Wolf King, even 9-Star Battle Sovereign has the power of battle. When he returns to Perfect City, he doesn’t know how many people’s jaws will startle.

After a while.

One man one wolf sinks to the lakebed.

The lakebed was all sludge and broken stone, and it was very muddy when mixed by those Water Beasts.

Wolf King angrily said: “How else can I find this?”

Qin Feiyang frowned, saying: “Let the lake clear and talk.”


One man one wolf stayed at the lakebed and waited quietly.

Count hundreds of breaths in the past.

The lake finally cleared a lot, and could see the distance of 2 meters away.

Qin Feiyang and Wolf King started searching on lakebed.

Water Beast all ran to the water. The whole lakebed was silent except for one man one wolf, and there were no other creatures.


They searched the lakebed and found nothing.

Wolf King said, “Whatever I say, the exit cannot be underwater.”

Qin Feiyang frowned, saying: “Find it again.”

One man one wolf searched again on the lakebed, but still couldn’t find it.

Wolf King helplessly said: “Now giving up!”

Qin Feiyang stood on top of a bunch of broken stones, and frowned.

If the exit is not here, it’s troublesome.

Land of Forgetfullness is vast, and to find an exit, simply is a haystack.

Wolf King suddenly said: “Little Qinzi, what do you say if by any chance there is no exit?”

Qin Feiyang’s eyes fluttered and shouted low: “Crow’s mouth, close me!”

No revenge, he didn’t want to be trapped in this life.


The broken stone under his feet moved.


Qin Feiyang was startled and hurriedly looked down, but nothing unusual.


Just when he was about to believe that this was an illusion, the broken stone under his feet moved again.

“what’s the situation?”

Wolf King was aware of it, and his eyes were full of suspicion.

Qin Feiyang swallowed saliva and said, grabbed at the broken stone.

But it is at this time!

All broken stones moved.

Wolf King hurriedly took Qin Feiyang and suddenly retreated.

Oh la la !

Bang bang bang!

Just as they were suddenly retreated, the broken stone piled together collapsed and rolled towards 2 sides.

Pieces of sludge rose up, making the lake muddy.

one man one wolf In the muddy water, a white shadow was captured.

At the same time there was a booming sound.

But very soon.

The movement disappeared.

The sludge in the lake water also slowly settles down.

When the lake cleared and saw what was in front of them, Qin Feiyang and Wolf King couldn’t help discoloring.

I saw a colossus lying quietly between the mud and broken stone!

That is a head of Snow Python!

But compared to the three previously encountered, this Snow Python is more.

Head and feet have thick dustpan!

I don’t know the length, because one man one wolf can only see the distance of 3 4 meter away.

But judging from that stout body, this Snow Python is definitely no less than several dozen meters long!

“Little Qinzi, this guy’s cultivation base, brother can’t see through.”

Wolf King sound transmission.

The tone is very dignified.

This Snow Python doesn’t emit a slight imposing manner. If you didn’t see it with your own eyes, you wouldn’t find it here.

However, in fact, Qin Feiyang and Wolf King brought a very strong sense of crisis!

Qin Feiyang observes for a moment.

I found Snow Python closed her eyes, motionless, and her breathing and heartbeat were smooth.

Qin Feiyang sound transmission said: “It should be sleeping, it just turned over.”

Wolf King relaxed, secretly thought: “This guy’s strength, obviously surpassing Battle Sovereign, unexpectedly lurks here, don’t you think it’s strange?”

Qin Feiyang’s heart moved, he was stunned, “What do you mean?”

“What might it be guarding?”

“Even maybe, what great treasure is hidden here!”

When it comes to great treasures, Wolf King’s pumps glow green.

“Great treasure …”

Qin Feiyang glanced at Snow Python, his eyes flickering.

“What do you want? Find it!”

Wolf King urged, Hara Flowing directly.

“Okay, look.”

Qin Feiyang nodded.

It’s better to have it than untrustworthy.

if by any chance what is the great treasure?

one man one wolf went along Snow Python’s huge body, looking all the way down.

Always find the tail of Snow Python.

It turned out nothing but broken stone and sludge.

“Dare to make brother Bai happy?”

Wolf King was very upset. He patted a paw on Snow Python’s tail.

Snow Python’s huge body was immediately shocked, and the giant tail slammed up, sweeping towards one man one wolf.

Qin Feiyang complexion changed and hurried into King’s Ancient Castle with Wolf King.

After entering Ancient Castle, Qin Feiyang glared at Wolf King.

Is it something they can provoke?

If they are awakened, I am afraid they will be trapped in lakebed all their lives!

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