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Qin Feiyang patted Li Feng’s shoulder, smiling: “Speaking of which, you are better luck than Demon Ancestor, because the inheritance that Long Chen gave you has no seal.”

Li Feng held his head.

“However, don’t disappoint Long Chen’s expectations of you.”

“Not only this inheritance, but the other four inheritances are all proposed to you by him.”

Qin Feiyang advised.

“I know.”

Li Feng nodded solemnly.

Qin Feiyang laughed, turned around and flew towards the sky above Shen Family Village.

Li Feng put away the inheritance, and immediately followed.



Two people came to the sky above Shen Family Village.

Although the land has been restored to life, the village has long been missing.

The terrain is also greatly changed.

Qin Feiyang waved his hand, an invisible force shrouded below, and the mountains and rivers trembled immediately.

He is restoring the terrain.

For a powerhouse of his level, as long as you know what it was like, then you have to restore the previous, that is, to wave your hands.

In less than a moment.

The familiar terrain is presented under Qin Feiyang’s sight.

Follow closely.

He landed on the ground again and called out the madman and White-Eyed Wolf. The four people worked together to create a brand new Shen Family Village in half a day.

Although they are all new, the location of the village, the shape and number of houses, and the layout of the village are almost exactly the same as before.

“Big Brother Qin, you are so kind to them.”

Li Feng smiled.

“People, you must know how to be grateful.”

Qin Feiyang slightly smiled.

Under the ground, more than a dozen Soul Veins and crystal veins were buried.

And let White-Eyed Wolf arrange a Time Array for five thousand years a day.

After doing all this, Qin Feiyang asked White-Eyed Wolf to notify the Ghost God Throne and bring back the Shen Family Village.

Because it was the Throne of Ghost God, leaving with the people from Shen Family Village.

At that time, the Ghost God Throne took the people from Shen Family Village and fled directly to the Sea of ​​Sky Clouds.

After all, the battle fluctuates too terrifying.

As long as you escape into the sea of ​​sky clouds, you can be truly safe.


When the Ghost God Throne took the whole village back to Shen Family Village, they saw the familiar village from a distance, and a group of people were immediately dumbfounded.

Such a terrifying battle happened, and the Shen Family Village unexpectedly is intact?


Even the terrain all around the village has not changed.

It’s at the entrance of the village.

Qin Feiyang, Li Feng, White-Eyed Wolf, lunatic, stand side by side.


“Qin Feiyang, Little Demon King Li Feng, Golden Wing Wolf King, Madman Mo!”

The people up and down in the village looked at the villagers standing at the entrance of the village, and their faces were immediately full of respect.


Seems to be waiting for them specially?

They have what skills and abilities? Can these great characters wait in the village in person?

Waiting for the Ghost God Throne to take them at the entrance of the village, headed by Shenmulin, they kneel down and bow one after another: “I have seen four Sirs.”

Qin Feiyang was stunned, and hurriedly lifted the Shenmulin from above, and said: “older brother Shen, how long has this passed? Has it become so productive?”

“Shen older brother?”

Shen Mulin looked at Qin Feiyang suspiciously, how could he call him that?

“There is also a big and strong, Xiaojia…”

Qin Feiyang looked towards Shen Dazhuang two people again, and said with a smile: “You guys get up quickly too!”

“Do you know us?”

The two people are also extremely surprised.

“Can you meet me?”

Qin Feiyang faintly smiled and said: “Everyone, get up and see your new home.”

“New home?”

Everyone got up one after another and looked at the village.

It soon discovered that although everything is the same as before, everything is new.


The crystal vein energy and Soul Vein energy in the village are also as different as heaven and earth from before.

Shen Dazhuang and Shen Xiaojia simultaneously looked at Qin Feiyang cautiously and asked, “You built this for us?”


Qin Feiyang nodded.

Shen Dazhuang immediately flattered and said: “How ashamed to let you personally…”

Qin Feiyang waved his hand to interrupt Shen Dazhuang, and smiled: “You have taken care of me for so many years, this trivial matter is what I should do.”

“Take care?”

Everyone is suspicious.

Why don’t they remember that they have taken care of this person?


A person who is so powerful does not need their care!

“Don’t you understand yet?”

“Qin Feiyang standing in front of you is the one who has lived in your Shen Family Village for several decades.”

The lunatic is grinned.

“Have lived in our Shen Family Village for several decades?”

When the whole village heard this, the expression immediately stunned.

It seems that the only people who came to their Shen Family Village over the years are ancient styles!

“wait a minute!”

“Ancient style…”

“Lived for several decades……”

“I took care of him…”

Everyone seemed to think of something, and looked towards Qin Feiyang in surprise.


“I am the ancient style.”

“I’m so sorry to lie to everyone for so many years.”

Qin Feiyang smiled apologetically.

“Are you an ancient style?”

“Gufeng is Sir you?”

Shen Mulin’s eyeball stared.

Shen Dazhuang, Shen Xiaojia, and other villagers all looked at Qin Feiyang with incredible expressions.

This ancient brother, who has lived in their village for several decades, is unexpectedly the famous Qin Feiyang?

For them, this is undoubtedly thunder from a clear sky.


Qin Feiyang nodded, looked towards Shen Xiaojia and the group of youth behind him, smiled and said: “You are all grown up by me.”

“The ancient style brother……”

“Qin Feiyang……”

Shen Xiaojia and a group of youngsters murmured, looking up and down Qin Feiyang. It’s not that they didn’t believe it, but that they couldn’t believe it.

Because the status disparity is too great.

Although the ancient styles of the past have shown great strength, they do not seem to be terrifying.

But Qin Feiyang, it is an existence that countless people admire, and it is a great character standing on top of the sky cloud realm.

At this moment, the man in front of him has changed from an ancient style to Qin Feiyang, and their hearts are really hard to calm.

“Back then, I had some problems with cultivation, so I went out to travel through the sky and clouds world by myself.”

“Later, I came to your village by accident. Your kind-hearted and simple nature made me stop, and then I stayed in the village.”

“I thank you very much.”

“Especially Da Zhuang and Xiao Jia.”

“Since the day I was old, I have been by my side to take care of me, clean the house, and talk to me, so that I have a dull and happy old age.”

Qin Feiyang slowly said, a calm tone full of gratitude.

“It turned out to be like this.”

“I said, your strength is so strong, and you can also come up with the medicinal pill that lasts forever.”

Sinkwood nodded suddenly.

Shen Dazhuang, Shen Xiaojia, and other people in the village have gradually accepted this fact.


As Qin Feiyang’s true identity is ‘exposed’, everyone has become more cautious and never feels like before.

“Don’t because I am Qin Feiyang, you guys feel a little restrained.”

“I am still the same old style I used to have, without any change.”

Qin Feiyang slightly smiled.


Shen Xiaojia cautiously asked.


Qin Feiyang nodded.

“I don’t believe it.”

Shen Xiaojia shook her head.

“Don’t believe it?”

Qin Feiyang Weiwei stared blankly, smiled helplessly: “What about that, do you believe it?”

“I don’t know either.”

“Anyway, I think you are different from the ancient Brother Feng brother.”

Shen Xiaojia lowered her head, mumbled.

Qin Feiyang looked at this little girl and asked teasingly: “So, I am resurrected, are you still a little unhappy?”


Shen Xiaojia waved her hand quickly and looked at Qin Feiyang and said: “Of course I am happy…but I don’t have the same feeling before.”

Qin Feiyang stepped forward, rubbed Shen Xiaojia’s head, looked at the villagers and smiled: “I know, now you face me, there will definitely be some pressure, but whether it was also good or in the future, I They are all the ancient styles you are familiar with. You can continue to call me ancient styles in the future.”

Everyone simultaneously looked, and a smile gradually appeared on their faces.


“Ancient people…cough cough…Sir Qin said so, what are we afraid of?”

Shen Mulin looked at the villagers and smiled.

Gu Feng has long been called Shunkou, so I couldn’t hold back it for a while.

“Older brother Shen, you should call me brother too!”

Qin Feiyang smiled.

Shen Mulin looked at the sincere Qin Feiyang, nodded and said: “Okay, then I will rely on age to show of age.”

“Where is it.”

Qin Feiyang waved his hand and glanced at the village, and said: “I don’t know how to thank everyone for taking care of me over the years, so I just made my own claim and buried a dozen Soul Veins and crystal veins here. A Time Array of five thousand years a day has been laid. I hope you don’t mind.”


“Time Array for five thousand years a day!”

The eyes of the whole village trembled immediately.

Shen Xiaojia said: “Ancient Brother Feng brother, do you mean that we will live in the village for five thousand years, and only one day will pass outside?”


Qin Feiyang nodded.

“Then I will have to work harder on cultivation in the future.”

Shen Xiaojia was full of excitement.

Shen Dazhuang and other youngsters in the village are also very excited.

However, the older generation in the village seemed very calm.

Sure enough.

These things are also tempting to the younger generation in Shen Family Village, and the older generation don’t care about them.

Qin Feiyang smiled and said: “In addition, I also prepared some gifts for you.”

“What gift?”

A group of youngsters have their eyes shining.

Qin Feiyang laughed, took out a heaven and earth bag, and handed it to Shenmulin.

“For me?”

Dinkwood forest stared blankly.

Qin Feiyang said: “The things inside are very important and need to be kept by a reliable person.”

“What is important…”

Mumbled in the woods, I took the heaven and earth bag and checked it carefully, and found that there were only more than a hundred medicinal pills of various colors.

Shen Dazhuang and the others also surrounded them. After seeing the medicinal pill, their faces were full of suspiciousness.

Because of these medicinal pills, none of them know them.

Qin Feiyang said: “There are all medicinal pills that turn on the Gate of Potential.”

Speaking is not surprising and endless!

When I heard the words Gate of Potential turned on, the people in the village were immediately stunned.

If it weren’t for Qin Feiyang, they wouldn’t believe it if they were killed.

“Older brother Shen, give it to me first.”

Qin Feiyang stretches out take action.


Drinkwood forest in shock, instinctively handed the heaven and earth bag to Qin Feiyang.

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