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Wolf King said fiercely, “Let’s go, we’re going to abolish that bastard now!”

“Do you know where he is?”

“According to me, we will sit here and wait for him to come home.”

fatty treacherous.

Wolf King disdain: “Cut, wait for the rabbit, not the character of brother.”

“I think you want to go out being having atrociously.”

Fat looked scornful.


“You dead fatty, do you have to antagonize with brother? Believing or not brother hit you?”

Wolf King stared at him badly.

“Are you bothering?”

Qin Feiyang stared at them angrily, and said, “fatty, you have to tidy up the treasures of Four Great Tribes, White-Eyed Wolf, and you can help too.”

“Don’t go.”

Wolf King shook his head.

“Can’t go, can’t help you!”

Qin Feiyang waved one man one wolf into Ancient Castle.


He looked towards pill furnace, his mouth slightly raised, and he took out an Illusory Appearance Pill, and changed his appearance casually.


He took out his Sacred Palace disciple’s clothes again, put them on neatly, opened the stone gate of the Pill Refinement Room, and walked out.

“You are who?”

“How is it in the Pill Refinement Room at Senior Brother Lu?”

2 young men, happening to be in the corridor outside.

When they saw Qin Feiyang, two people frowned and questioned.

Qin Feiyang glanced at two people.

Two people are familiar.

It is two of the 6 Level 9 Spirit Powers.

Qin Feiyang wondered, “Isn’t this the Pill Refinement Room of Senior Brother Qin? When did it become Senior Brother Lu?”

“Senior Brother Qin ?”

“Are you talking about Qin Feiyang?”

two people stared blankly.

Qin Feiyang nodded.

“haha ……”

“That little dog died long ago.”

“Are you new to science?”

“Tell you, don’t mention his name before us in the future.”

“Otherwise, I want you to walk around!”

Two people sneered.

Qin Feiyang pupils cold light flashed, saying: “Okay, thought I would never mention it again, dare to ask 2 Senior Brothers?”

“Jia Gao.”

“He Shan.”

“We are all Level 9 Spirit Power.”

“In addition, don’t run up without our permission in the future.”

Two people’s nostrils look up to the sky, Yi Yi’s words.


Qin Feiyang nodded, walked past two people.

Jia Gao ……

He Shan ……

He muttered to himself, in silence, remembered the two names.

Not a moment.

Qin Feiyang walked out of Pill Fire Palace.

Elder Di two people, still guarding the gate 2 side.

Qin Feiyang laughed at two people, entered the square, and walked down a path.

Two people stared blankly slightly, looking suspiciously at the back of Qin Feiyang.

When did this disciple come?

Why don’t you have any impression?

By the time they wanted to ask, Qin Feiyang had already entered the trail and disappeared into their sight.

Qin Feiyang is going to Martial Practice Stage.

The Sacred Palace Great Competition is not over yet, and Lu Ziyuan should now be at the Martial Practice Stage.

However, finding Lu Ziyuan was only second.

What he really wants to do is to take this opportunity to announce his Qin Feiyang and officially return!

en route.

Qin Feiyang has encountered many Sacred Palace disciple, and they are discussing the situation of Sacred Palace Great Competition.

He didn’t hurry to hurry, listening to the voice in silence.


He also understood an approximation.

Sacred Palace Great Competition is very tedious.

First Step is the knockout round.

Second Step, determine the top 500.

Third Step, determine the top 100.

The Fourth Step is the ultimate decisive battle. The top ten are competing for the throne of winning the championship.

Qin Feiyang shook his head.

Such a troublesome competition, sent him a few 100 100000000 million, and he was not interested in participating.

With this effort, it is better to cultivation well.

Half an hour passed.

He finally came to the Martial Practice Stage.

The Martial Practice Stage is huge, and it covers a lot of thousand zhang!

All around is a sea of ​​people, and the noise is endless.

At the left edge of the Martial Practice Stage, there are 5 seats.

2 men and 2 women, sit on them.

Two of them are Lu Yun and Shi Ming.

Qin Feiyang stood behind the crowd with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

Lu Yun and Shi Ming are Law Enforcement Elder of Sacred Palace. It still makes sense to sit on it, but the other man and woman are qualified to sit next to them?

He looked towards the woman.

The woman looks very young, about 24 5 left and right.

She was wearing a long purple dress with a tall figure, skin like snow, and Section Chief with a beautiful mole.

But the aura she revealed is not very strong, at most it is 5-Star, maybe 6-Star Battle Sovereign.

With Lu Yun two people, there is no comparability at all.

Qin Feiyang turned his gaze and looked towards that man.

That man is also very young.

Wearing a fitted purple gown with eyebrows and swords, his temperament is quite extraordinary.

The appearance of this man and a woman is a bit old-fashioned.

expression, also reveals a kind of light world pride.

“Why are you familiar?”

Qin Feiyang looked at purple clothed youth with a doubt in his eyes.

He was sure that he must have met this person somewhere, but remembered for a while.

Bang bang bang!

On the field, 2 Sacred Palace disciple are fighting.

Both have the strength of 5-Star Battle King.

Two people use different methods to kill each other indiscriminately.

Qin Feiyang looked at the meeting, then turned his eyes to the other side.

There, a middle-aged man stood.

He looked forward to the audience, his face reserved, with a huge prestige.

There was a smile on Qin Feiyang’s face.

Because this person is Yan Nanshan!

Qin Feiyang crowded into the crowd.

There are too many people, almost from person to person.

When he squeezed into the first row, he was sweating all over.


He looked towards the right!

There is a group of young men and women with exceptional temperament.

There are 20 several people in total.

They look like a crane in a flock of chickens.

The Sacred Palace disciple behind him did not dare to approach them, and there was a very obvious fear in his eyes.

Lu Ziyuan, Shao Hong, Dong Cheng, Dongfang Yue, Shao Jian, and the other 4 young men and women of Level 9 Spirit Power are among them!

Everyone else is new to Qin Feiyang.


With the sound of a scream, the battle on the field finally won.

The man who failed failed to leave.

The victorious man had a smile on his face.

However, when he looked towards Lu Ziyuan and the others, expression also faded away.

“What’s the use of winning now?”

“Sooner or later will be defeated by the monsters.”

The man shook his head secretly sighed, and then left the Martial Practice Stage.

“Next game, Lu Ziyuan and Zhang Ren, please enter the Martial Practice Stage at once!”

Yan Nanshan shouted.

Dong Cheng said with a smile: “Senior Brother Lu, it’s your turn, but you have to be good at it.”

“Do you need it?”

“With Senior Brother Lu’s current strength, Zhang Ren can be solved in 3 or 2.”

Shao Hong looked down.

“After all, ants are just ants.”

Lu Ziyuan contempt smiled and jumped up, a chic turn, and fell on the Martial Practice Stage.


“Senior Brother Lu is not only first class Pill Refinement innate talent exceptional, but Martial Dao innate talent is no less than anyone.”

“Most importantly, he also has a family backround background.”

“If only I could marry him, how good it should be.”

Disciple all around reveals the eyes of worship.

Individual women are particularly exaggerated and can’t wait to immediately run up and give their lives.

There was a young woman behind Qin Feiyang, starry-eyed infatuation looked at Lu Ziyuan, and the saliva was almost flowing out.

Qin Feiyang turning one’s head looked towards her, speechless saying: “Is there such an exaggeration?”

“What do you know?”

“A little tramp like you will never compare to Senior Brother Lu.”

The young woman stared at him fiercely.


Qin Feiyang stumbled, immediately shook the head, and did not care about this young woman.

It is at this time.

Another small black clothed youth, hesitant to step onto the Martial Practice Stage.

looked towards Lu Ziyuan’s eyes, with a deep fear.

Lu Ziyuan smiled impatiently and said impatiently: “Zhang Ren, hurry up, don’t waste my time.”

black clothed youth body trembling, it almost came down.

“Is it necessary to be so scared?”

Qin Feiyang eyebrow raised.

Although black clothed youth is small, it is not bad, 5-Star Battle King.

If you dare desperately, it is not without chance.

Because of Lu Ziyuan, it is only 7-Star Battle King.

Lu Ziyuan was getting impatient and waved: “Just give up, don’t compare.”

“I really don’t understand. How can a trash like you come to participate in the competition?”

“Not wasting a quota?”

He added.

expression, contempt to the extreme.

The crowd all around laughed.

Repeatedly humiliated, Zhang Ren clenched his hands tightly.

Especially when I heard all the coquettish laughter, let him incomparably ashamed.


He looked up towards Lu Ziyuan and shouted, “What are you unbridled? If Qin Feiyang is still there, you may not even have the chance to participate in the competition!”

As soon as Qin Feiyang appeared in 3 words, the audience immediately fell into a deathly stillness, all with a solemn look.

Even breathing becomes heavy.

“Qin Feiyang!”

“He is a Legendary, but unfortunately the Legendary has fallen.”

The young woman behind Qin Feiyang sighed.

Qin Feiyang stared blankly, looking back towards that young woman, so strangely said: “You also know Qin Feiyang?”

“of course I know.”

“It’s not just I know, the entire Prefecture City knows.”


“His name is already well known in Ling Prefecture, well-known.”

“Unfortunately, Heaven is jealous of heroic genius. He died young.”

young woman shook her head.

After finishing speaking, she frowned again: “You unexpectedly didn’t know Qin Feiyang? Really no idea.”

The young woman’s face is full of contempt.

Qin Feiyang shook his head and smiled bitterly, looking back towards Lu Ziyuan.

At this moment, the face of Lu Ziyuan and the glomyy were almost dripping water.

He stared at Zhang Ren deadly, saying, “Something you say again!”

“Don’t I say wrong?”

“When Qin Feiyang was still there, you were just like a cat seeing a mouse.”

“Now as soon as Qin Feiyang is gone, you are bossy and domineering, insufferably arrogant.”

“Have you heard a word?”

“When the tiger leaves the mountain, the monkey crowns itself king, it’s you!”

Zhang Ren mocked.

“you are courting death !”

Lu Ziyuan is killing his heart.

Zhang Ren coldly smiled, looked towards Yan Nanshan, bowing: “Elder, disciple concede.”

When he said these things, he didn’t plan to fight Lu Ziyuan.

His purpose is to make Lu Ziyuan crazy and shame in public.

At the same time, vent a bad breath in my heart.


Yan Nanshan nodded, shouted: “Lu Ziyuan, Zhang Ren has conceded and is not allowed to take action again.”


Lu Ziyuan turned a deaf ear.


An imposing manner growled from within the body.


He landed in front of Zhang Ren with lightning, and one fist blasted Zhang Ren out.

“8-Star Battle King?”

Qin Feiyang was surprised.

It turned out that Lu Ziyuan breakthrough, no wonder it would be so grand and heroic.

However, Zhang Ren has given up and Lu Ziyuan has taken action, which is really disgusting!

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