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Tens of thousand core members, plus twenty storms, I believe that even if the Hai Wang is saving Source Power, there will be no too much hesitation.

If you really get this Source Power, he will have the ability to fight with the dragon.

“Since this …”

white-eyeed Wolf eyeball turn, 呲 呲 道: “Do you want us to add some Bargaining Chip?”

“Add some Bargaining Chip?”

qin feiyang slight STARED BLANKLY, Luxe looked at White-Eyed Wolf, asked: “What do you mean?”

Dragon mouth: “He means to capture some SEA CLAN, the more Sea Clan, the greater Bargaining CHIP.”

“I will go.”

“Do you understand Brother?”

“Honor explanation, are you always secretly observing Brother?”

“In fact, you can use Just and Honorable. After all, this is the charm of Brother, people see people love.”

White-Eyed Wolf Contorts One’s Face In Agony.

“My Heavenly …”

Dragon Dragon is speechless.

How can there be such a Shameless?

Seeking GOD is compassionate, collect this MONSTER!

qin feiyang is also a bit can’t see, and it is directly in the past.

Self-love, is there any limit?

I have never seen such a thick face.

“But you recommend it,” it is good. “

“SEA CLAN, the heavier the amount of Bargaining Chip in our hand.”


“This matter is handed over to you.”

qin feiyang said with a smile.


white-eyed Wolf looks.

Dragon is also a horror looks at Qin Feiyang.

Let them go to SEA CLAN alone, have you made a mistake? Not afraid that they are halfway to be honest?

“Is there a problem?”

qin feiyang does not understand.

“What about you?”

“Do you have anything now?”

white-eyed Wolf asked.


“I am ready to comprehend the ultimate Profound Truth in Swallowing,”

qin feiyang nodded.

“Go to your uncle.”

“Let’s go to the Sea Clan to toss, you will hide in this understanding,” “

White-eyeed Wolf immediately angered.

“is really not morally.”

Dragon Dragon is also a vicious Fiercely.

“Haha …”

Qin feiyang laugh.

I have already yet rushed so fierce, and now I will start with him now? This is really interessing.

“Laugh your sister.”

“Go together.”

“I and this stinky woman, I am afraid that she dragged my hind legs.”

White-Eyed Wolf is cold.


“Who is dragging?”

“Do not accept the gas, how are we more than the quantity?”

Dragon, Panting with Rage, WHITE-Eyed Wolf.

“Good Male does not fight with women.”

White-Eyed Wolf head is raised, putting a gathering attitude.

“There is no species, but also Dignified, hypocrisy.”

Dragon Dragon is also a Not to Be Outdone, and the face Contempt said.

qin feiyang helpless.

How is this noisy, can you have a moment of Calm Down? Turning One’s Head Looked Towards Joe Xue, SAID WITH WITH A SMILE: “Let’s go out, here to handle it.”

Qiao Xuemai STARED BLANKLY, TEASED: “So many ultimate Profound Truth, you are not afraid that I secretly touched dozens of dozens, hundreds?”

qin feiyang is moon laughter.

With the hand, with WHITE-Eyed Wolf and Dragon, disappear without a trace.

李 rebirth immediately looked toards Joe Xue, said: “Xue’er, you can’t make a midbound, Qin Feiyang is good enough, and also promised to give all the ultimate Profound Truth, you want In this way, it is to complainate morality. “

Joe Xue heard this, looked at Li Rebirth.

Li rebirth stared blankly, Turning One’s Head Looked Towards Old Poison, Box Shrine: “Do I say wrong?”

“If you are IQ, I still want to chase people Joe Xue?”

Old Poison shakes his head.



Although Profound Martial World has passed a few years, only a small will be only a small will.


Although a small will have a child, SEA Lion Island has been transmitted in Four Great Continents.


“This is too mad!”

“Sea Divine Island, but SEA CLAN’s Holy Land, Sea Clan’s Powerhouse is basically here, they dare to kill the sea Divine Island?”

“What is the Haiwang? Why didn’t you stop them?”

“There is a rumor that the Hai Wang went to the Central Dynasty.”

“Go to the Central Dynasty?”

“What did he do to the Central Dynasty?”

“I don’t know.”

“But now, the SEA CLAN twenties the sea gods are all over, the core is also lost, unimaginable, waiting for the sea king, see this scene, what will be reacted.”

“Is this still thinking?”

“I am afraid I have the heart of the Qin Feiyang Grave.”

“These Scoundrel, it is really tossing, compared to Sea Divine Island, before they ran to Paragon Mountain, Divine Island, Dragon Mountain, Simply is Playing House.”

The Living Creature in the various continents is Discuss SpiriteDly.


At this time.

SEA CLAN of other islands has also learned this.

is people alarmed.

Deep afrit Moment, Qin Feiyang appears in front of them.


Sea Domain, east.

has a huge islands, standing above the sea.

This island is outside the sea Divine Island, the second Great Island.

on the island, mountain rushed, grass onion.


At this moment.

is over the island, a time and space PASSAGE suddenly appears.

Island is now guarding.

It is a bit a bit of wind to blow away, which will cause awareness of the SEA CLAN.

When this time and space PASSAGE appears, the island’s Powerhouse, Immediately looks up, and his face is full of vigilance and surprise.

in short.

The present SEA CLAN, that is the bird of the shock.

“will be who?”

“is who, as long as it is qin feiyang,”

Sea Clan Powerhouse is awkward.


Three People Silhouette comes out from time and space PASSAGE.

Sea Clan Powerhouse looks at this Three People, and it becomes a white.

is two men and a woman.

Two men, one is wearing White CLOTHED, the calm look, and it is confident and calm, and the other is wearing a Golden long clothes.

Two people are both ALMOST 20 years old look, temperament without people, standing on high altitude, such as Xingchen in the sky.

The woman next to the Almost 20 years old, is wearing a Silver White’s long skirt, giving people a refusal to the coldness of Beyond A Thousand Li.

This is not qin feiyang, Jinyi Wolf King, Dragon, is IS WHO?

“qin feiyang is coming!”

Sea Clan A group of Powerhouse Return Back to His Senses, a roaring immediately.


The entire island is messy into a group.


Qin Feiyang Three People Stared Blankly, I found them so quickly?

so low, Looked Towards Those Sea Clan Powerhouse.

Almost there is a Fifty-Sixty person.

There is a male, there is a little old.

It is necessary to be responsible for protecting this island. SEA CLAN Powerhouse.


Tone Barely Fell.

Schlet Silhouette, from the lower mountain, lightning is like opposite to Qin feiyang and the Others.

This is a middle-agd man wearing a scarlet’s long.

“Small A Sea of ​​People Yunchuan, is Island Lord here, I have seen three sir.”

Middle-Aged Man is brought.


qin feiyang three people.

UNEXPECTEDLY is so embarrassed?

or even claims with Lowly Person?

This makes them still unable to adapt.


Haiyunchuan does not want this.

but no way.

The sea is not there.

The sect of the sea is also sold.

Now Dongzhou, who can help them?

is Self-Preservation, can only despite, hopes that each other can let go of the Sea Clan here.

“Dare to ask three SIR, come to our island, what is it for use?”

Haiyunchuan is humble and asked.


White-Eyed Wolf sweeps the islands, and the dental road: “Is this small island?”

“Of course.”

“In the eyes of the three sir, there is no difference from the Pellet.”

Haiyunchuan Flattering Smile.

In fact, the strength of Haiyunchuan is not weak, as the second Great Island island Lord, is also the existence of Heavenly Dao Will.

but at one’s wits end.

The other party is Qin Feiyang, the golden wing Wolf King, Dragon.

is not he copened.

“You will talk very much.”

“Let us have some sorry to destroy this island.”

White-Eyed Wolf Chuckled Road.

Hai Yunchuan looks, even busy in Void, endure the humiliation in your heart, shout: “Please ask three sir show mercy, if the three sir is really Take Action, then kill Lowly Person, Lowly Person is willing to use your own life, in exchange for all the fate of the SEA CLAN. “


white-eyed Wolf is surprised.

“Protecting Clansman, is the responsibility of Lowly Person.”

“Lowly Person also doesn’t have to ask, only three sir can leave Lowly Person a whole body.”

Haiyunchuan said, close to the eyes, a deputy death look.

but in fact, the inner is tense to the extreme.

Who wants to die?

is nothing more than a bitter meter, I will give Qin Feiyang Three people sympathy.

White-Eyed Wolf Exviewed Haiyunchuan, suddenly emerges a touchrous inteention, Nodded and Said: “, I am all over you.”

One fist is taken to Hai Yunchuan Top of the head.

Haiyunchuan is immediately shocking, and the instincts get up and counterattack.

White-Eyed Wolf Said with a sneer: “Just still say, is it willing to use your own life, change this Delivery here? It seems nothing series.”

Feel the heart of White-Eyed Wolf, Hai Yunchuan, a shivered, low Looked Towards below Clansman, each face is full of despair, inner pain to the extreme, Immediately Looked Towards White-Eyed Wolf, slowly Have an arm, say: “I hope you can talk to the calculation.”

, there is no sign of hand.

White-Eyed Wolf Coldly Said with a smile, Ruthless One Fist is accompanied by a miserable call, and the Haiyunchuan’s head is smashing, Flesh Splash, Divine Soul Shiver Coldly.


Looking at this scene, all the SEA CLANs on the island are angry.

qin feiyang looked at the Divine Soul of Yunchuan, and looked at the island of the island, IndifanceLy Said: “Make A Move, destroyed here!”


Divine Soul in Haiyunchuan is shocked, angered: “You can’t do this? You promised me!”

“When will we promise you? It seems that you are talking!”

White-Eyed Wolf is smiling.

Haiyunchuan is slightly fiddling.

The other party seems to have not clearly letting them.


but at this time!

A storm Loudly shouted sounds.

“You don’t bully intolerably!”

As with the voice, a white-haired Old Man comes over.

“Ji Ji Master?”

qin feiyang threene people pico stared blankly.

I will be here?


“save us!”

Haiyunchuan looked at Ji Ji Ye, as well as seeing the life-saving straw, and quickly call for help.

Other Sea Clan is also true.


SEA CLAN, CLANSMAN, up and down, don’t wait to see the Zijin Divine Dragon family, but now, seeing Ji Ji Master, it seems to see the loved ones.

[ps; recently busy new housing decoration, update time will not be too press, I hope everyone understands, but there is no special situation, and the three chapters of the day will not be less. Today, the other two chapters will be released before 11 o’clock]

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