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qin feiyang eyeball one turn, asked: “You have been so long with Jiuxi, knowing what Hobby he has?”


dong Zhengyan bowed a little, shaking his head: “Do not open chess and drink tea, there is no other hobby.”

“is also.”

“He is this old person, can you have any hobby?”

qin feiyang nodded.

“You don’t want That Many.”

“No matter how you spend it, he will not give you a tea tree.”

You really want, then just and honorable is a bit. “

“He doesn’t give it, you will die.”

“Because I found out this time, I found that although the nine-grandeur surface is strong, it is actually soft.”

dong zhengyan said with a smile.

“Death is difficult to fight …”

qin feiyang mutter, NODDED SAID WITH A SMILE: “Line, wait for the nine masters, I will try.”

“Are you not going to go?”

dong zhengyan star blankly.


“Where is there any place, safer than this?”

“I went to the tea garden first.”

qin feiyang laughd, ran away from MountainSide.

“You don’t mess!”

dong zhengyan quickly collapsed the ultimate Profound Truth, not with confidence.

Array not only shrouded the village, but also covered with tea gardens.

So on the top of Mountainside, Not At All, independent Array.

Two people enters the tea garden.

Whenever you want to have a tea tree here, he can’t help but Lin, let alone now stand in this tea garden, and the impulsive little hand is not controlled.

dong zhengyan has been vigilant to stare at him.

Jiu Ye makes him stay in the village, and it is a careful Cultivation, two is also a good village.

If qin feiyang can’t help but get rid of a few tea trees, when the nine masters come back, they will definitely find him account.

This pot, he can’t stand back.

“How long?”

“Your arm is abducted?”

qin feiyang is speechless to look at dong zhengyan, and prevent him with a thief.


dong zhengyan white eyes.

qin feiyang eyeball turn, with Thoughts Move, a White CLOTHED YouTh appears next to Dulint.

“I am going!”

Dulint is originally a bit, but when seeing all the tea trees, Immediately is straight green.

dong Zhengyan Eyelids Twitched, always prepare to block these two bandits.

“Brother long, how?”

qin feiyang Hehe is laughing.

“Wonderful …”

Long Chen is amazed, and soon noticed that four Bodhi Divine Tree, slowly walked, reached out and gently squatted with Bodhi, and it was confused.

“Dulint, I can warn you, don’t mess.”

dong zhengyan opens.


Dulint Stared Blankly, Turning One’s Head Looked Toward Dong Zhengyan, asked: “Are you also?”

dong zhengyan looks.

Before you dare, he has been air?

“sorry, sorry, did not pay attention to you …”

Dulle forced a smile.


dong zhengyan helpless.

Is there such a sense of this existence?

Even the INSIGNIFICANT table is not more than?

qin feiyang said with a smile: “Brother long, if we are closing here?”

Longant Stared Blankly, asked: “OK?”

“Of course.”

“As long as you don’t mess, is the nine masters rush to go?”

qin feiyang nodded.

Dulint Staring Blankly, said: “Listen to you, is it going to stay here stay?”

“This is not for you!”

“The so-called sincere” is open, and the stone is open, as long as you play a sputum spirit, the nine masters will be moved by us. “

Qin feiyang said with a laugh.

“I see is Shameless Spirit!”

dong zhengyan is cold.

qin feiyang mouth is a jump, black face: “Isn’t it Brothers!?”

“I am Being on the side of righteousness Rather Than the side of emotions.”

dong zhengyan nozzle.

Dulint sweeping the tea garden, very serious, very serious nodded and said: “Brother qin is very right, sincerely, Jinshi is open, you have to use sincerity and perseverance,” ”

“is over.”

“yet another fire Bedevilment.”

dong zhengyan is not speaking.

This god tea is so attractive?

His time in the village, basically can see these tea trees every day, and I don’t think there is more charming?

“Let’s go, let’s go back,”

qin feiyang said with a smile.

Next to the tea garden, there is a little wooden house, two layers, very simple, very simple, this is the place where nine is usually living.

Three people walk to Wooden Building.

Qin Feiyang waves, puts down a day and five thousand years of Time Array, incorporating into the ground, now, the whole wooden building is covered in Time Array.

Two people do not know what is polite, run to the second floor, stand on the floor, watching the tea garden in front, it is a feeling of Supreme Treasure.

dong zhengyan keeps up, a face speechless.

“is right.”

“There is something, you have to report it.”

Dulong sudden turning one’s head looks at Qin Feiyang, Said with a smile.

report? “

qin feiyang stared blankly.


“before Profound Martial World, I let Xiaoli, I will find Qiao Xue to have some ultimate Profound Truth.”

Dragon Dust Laughd.

“Is it not enough?”

qin feiyang 疑.


Dust Nodded.

“Why are you still?”

“Don’t you, you will also hide others!”

qin feiyang fox looks at him.


“When White-Eyed Wolf, I personally went to my space Divine Object to see, except for some Medicinal Ingredient and tea trees, nothing.”

Longant Said with a smile.

qin feiyang 龙 片 片, shook his head Said with a smile: “Do you want, I dare to say it?”

did not ask.

Although the current relationship is very good, but some things, don’t go to the bottom of the chasing.

“is still smart.”

“Otherwise, I will want me to help, it is a bit difficult.”

Long Chen Hehe smile.

qin feiyang shook his head.


Two people are sitting on the floor, sitting on the knee, and begging the law.

dong zhengyan is seen, accompanied by Two people.

will not.

Joe’s voice rang in the mind of Qin Feiyang: “The ultimate Profound Truth has been issued, there are a lot of rest, how to deal with?”

“to Fire Lotus!”

“Let her keep it first.”

qin feiyang thinks about it, Sound Transmission.


“There is another thing, Dragon is coming to find me for a lot of ultimate Profound Truth, about more than three hundred.”

Joe Xue also.

“I know this, it is the meaning of Long Chen, Dulint is already told me.”

qin feiyang in the Dark should sound.


“Nothing, I also cloose it.”

Joe Xueyao.


qin feiyang back, suddenly in the Dark asked: “First Wait a minute, these ultimate profound truth, have there any light-dark rule?”


“but not much.”

“is only five.”

Qiao Xue responded.


qin feiyang stared blankly.

“After all, the light and dark rules need to fusion light and Dark Law, it is not easy.”

Joe Xue said.

“Even the darkness of the light can not be difficult, and it is no wonder that Divine Kingdom can realize Life and Death Laws.”

“This way, these five light dark laws, you give me two, the left, handed over to Dragon, White-Eyed Wolf, mad Senior Brother.”

Qin Feiyang Road.


Joe Snow Nodded.

is very fast.

Two clusters of black and white intertwined flames appear in front of Qin Feiyang.

Black, such as a black hole that is deep.

White side, it is like an angel’s wings, exudes a sacred Aura.


Dulint and Dong Zhengyan Eyes OpenED, surprised: “Light Dow rule?”


qin feiyang nodded, looking at Long Chen Said with a smile: “Let’s have one person, as for Brother dong, then I can’t get it, I will have the opportunity to meet, I will give you again.”

“see you said this.”

“I can master Heavenly Dao Will is very satisfied.”

dong zhengyan hits a smile.

tens of thousands of Sea Clan is Qin Feiyang, White-Eyed Wolf, Dragon, the ultimate Profound Truth is Dulintan Soul Controling Technique stripped, he is sitting.

If this is not satisfied, it is really no conscience.


and qin feiyang Today, the most powerful prost is the ultimate PROFOUND TRUTH, and the deviation is impossible, and the Swallowing method is.

As long as you have the top three strongest rules, as well as other Ordinary Law, all the rules have it.


compared to Dust, Dragon, mad, White-Eyed Wolf, he has also a law, that is, Life and Death Laws.

In other words.

No matter what, as long as you don’t realize Life and Death Laws, he is still the strongest.


Time is swayed.

Outside Half a Month has passed.

Just this morning, Qin Feiyang, which is being closed, suddenly Eyes Opened, looking at the sun rising, and climbing up full of surprises.

Because in this brief moment, he suddenly felt an inexplicable incitement.


dong zhengyan and dragon dust feels the emotional fluctuations of Qin Feiyang, while Eyes Opened, Springs looked at him.

“strange …”

qin feiyang shakes his head.

The kind of incitement is more strong.

This feeling makes him familiar, but it seems very strange.

Wait a minute!


He is eye-shaved, surrounded, and glitting the Splendor.

“What happened to you?”

Dulint Two people are a little scared.

“is him …”

“Yes …”

“This world, only he can bring this feeling …”

qin feiyang suddenly smashed, Expressing Boundless Happiness hugged Dong Zhengyan and Dragon Dust.

two people looked at each other in blank dismay.

What is this situation?

How to become a child like a child?


this is who?

“Yes, it is definitely him …”

“He is really not dead …”

qin feiyang loosening Two people, I didn’t realize my Lost Self-Control, and I will turn my gaze to the East, and I am worried together in my hands.

“Didn’t die?”

two people stared blankly.


Long Chen looks at qin feiyang and asked: “Do you say Heart Demon?”

“Heart Demon!”

Dong Zhengyan is also trembled, and immediately looked at Qin Feiyang.

Heart Demon, he is of course not strange.

for the past in Great Qin and Forgotten Continent, Heart Demon’s horrible means, but countless Living Creature nightmare.

If it is not in the same year, in order to save Qin Feiyang, enter Divine Vestige, look for Ice Dragon, Heart Demon’s current strength, may be terrible than Qin Feiyang.

and now, look at the appearance of Qin Feiyang this surprise, is it aura in HEART DEMON?

Because True Body and Heart Demon can feel the existence of each other.

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