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Lu Xingchen two people, Wolf King immediately looked towards Shi Ming.

“Old dog, you are 9-Star Battle Sovereign, what is unbridled?”


While talking.

Wolf King is full of golden light, and instantly incarnation becomes one dozen meters high muscle wolf!

soaring crazy!

Follow closely.

It stomped towards Shi Ming.

At this moment, it came down like one peerless Vicious Beast, and fearful might shock the world!


“In 7 months, how did it get so strong?”

Shi Ming’s face suddenly changed.

Dare not to neglect in the slightest, he blasted into the air one fist.

Fist and claws meet suddenly!


Wolf King howled, like a meteorite, and shot towards the sky, with torn skin and gaping flesh.

The ground under Shi Ming’s feet collapsed instantly, and a little blood spilled from the corners of his mouth!

“Ruffian wolf unexpectedly hurt Elder Shi?”

Seeing this scene, in the heart of someone’s place, the perilous situation was set off.

Where did Qin Feiyang and Wolf King disappear these 7 months?

A sweep of Heaven’s Chosen, unstoppable!

A force over Lu Xingchen and Dong Qing, even against Elder Shi, has the power of battle!

This strength is too fast!

Wolf King stabilized his body, dived in front of Qin Feiyang, shouted: “Little Qinzi, Old Dog Dong is coming, come up!”

Qin Feiyang jumped up and landed on Wolf King’s back.


Wolf King rushed into the sky.


Then myself for a moment.

A purple silhouette emerged out of thin air.

It’s Patriarch Dong!

He looked down towards Dong Cheng’s headless body, and saw a strong cold light in his eyes!


imposing manner

He suddenly looked up, looking at Qin Feiyang and Leng Wang, shouted: “Today, you have to die without a burial site!”


He was carrying a murderous aura, soaring into the sky, pointing at one man one wolf!

Shi Ming, Lu Xingchen, and Dong Qing also rose up!

Qin Feiyang frowns saying: “Old Dog Dong is also 9-Star Battle Sovereign?”

“What about 9-Star Battle Sovereign?”

Wolf King disdains.

“Don’t care.”

“The last time we played against Luo Guang three people was because your cultivation base advanced by leaps and bounds at the time put a lot of pressure on them.”

“That’s why they are afraid.”

“But don’t worry, because we have Divine Artifact in hand.”

Qin Feiyang low said with a smile.

“What Divine Artifact?”

Wolf King was surprised.

With a big wave of Qin Feiyang’s hand, 2 ribs appeared, floating in the void, flickering with dim glory.

Wolf King immediately glowed with his eyes.

“haha ……”

“You little reptile, tremble the brother!”

It reached out its claws, grabbed 2 ribs, and was loudly roared, against Patrarch Dong.

one man one wolf meet in an instant!

Patriarch Dong imposing manner Like a rainbow, one fist volleyed away.

On the palm of your hand, Battle Qi spurts and turns into a torrent, hiding the sky and covering the earth gushing towards Wolf King and Qin Feiyang.


Wolf King evilly smiled, raised his rib, and smashed forward.

Amazing scene appeared!


Accompanied by a loud noise.

Patriarch Dong’s Battle Qi, it was an instant annihilation!


Patriarch Dong’s eyes stared.

“This Dog Beating Staff, really cow!”

Wolf King also stared blankly, immediately said with a smile: “Old Dog Dong, don’t run away today!”

It has high fighting spirit.

Step forward and cross void.

Ribs of light 4 shot in my hand, exploded towards Patriarch Dong’s head!

“Bastard, you can never do it!”

Patriarch Dong was furious, Battle Qi rolled, one fist blasted away.


However, it turned out that his entire arm was shattered by ribs!

The severe pain made him unable to bear a miserable howl.

“How can it be?”

“Where’s the broken bone? It’s so scary!”

Patriarch Dong was shocked.

Shi Ming three people are also dead.

“haha ……”

“It’s not a bonebreaker. It’s a dog Divine Artifact. It’s an old dog like shameless.

Wolf King grinned.

Raising the rib, he yelled at Patriarch Dong again.


Patriarch Dong cursed and hurriedly suddenly retreated.


Wolf King laughed violently, turned abruptly into the sky, and went straight to Shi Ming.

See you.

Shi Ming pupil contracted and fled after turning around.

“What are you running?”

“Isn’t it very awesome just now?”

Wolf King sneered and looked towards Lu Xingchen and Dong Qing again.

When the two people saw this situation, they immediately also seemed to be setting on fire buttocks, frightened and fled.

“I rely!”

“Are you guys interesting?”

Wolf King is furious.

However, it looks very proud. Show off one’s military strength stands at high altitude.

“What the hell is that rib?”

“It’s too strong!”

The disciple below looks stunned.

Yan Nanshan pupils radiance blinked.

There is also a rib in his heaven and earth bag.

Qin Feiyang gave Elder Wan one, and Elder Wan gave it to him.

He had also seen long ago that ribs were not unusual.

But absolutely didn’t expect, it was so powerful!

Qin Feiyang glanced at Shi Ming four people, shouted low: “Go and pack Old Dog Dong and Shi Ming first, Lu Xingchen and Dong Qing later.”

“Brother thinks so too.”

Wolf King laughed.

Step on the Sky Evasion Step and follow Shi Ming.

“Old Dog Shi, anyway, you are also Law Enforcement Elder, why are you so boneless?”

“Don’t be ashamed in front of the disaster!”

“Old Dog Dong, Dong Cheng and Dong Zheng are all your sons, don’t you want to avenge them?”

“You probably don’t know yet!”

“Dong Zheng was even worse than Dong Cheng when he died!”

one man one wolf impudent provocation, arrogant to the limit.

Shi Ming landed next to Patriarch Dong.

Two people stared at Qin Feiyang and Wolf King. Both hands were tightly clenched and murderous aura piercing!

“make a move !”


two people are shouted in a low voice at the same time.

Roar! !

With two shocking beasts, two huge Vicious Beasts rise from the back of two people.

It’s their Battle Soul!

“Battle Soul, brother is afraid.”

Wolf King’s neck narrowed, showing a terrified look.

But not at all stopped and went straight to two people.

See you.

Shi Ming two people were so angry that they sprayed old blood.

This bastard, unexpectedly treats them like monkeys, is really outrageous!


two people furiously roaring, murderous aura soaring heaven.

2 great battle The soul opened his mouth and opened his mouth, and fearful might billowed, roaring towards one man one wolf.

“Hey, let you taste the loss of Battle Soul.”

Wolf King grinned.


A golden light soaring heaven started.

One huge golden beast shadow was born.

That amazing fearful might, like a tsunami, pounced on all directions!


With Wolf King shouted in a low voice, golden beast shadow opened wide.

Battle Soul of two people flew uncontrollably towards the wide mouth of golden beast shadow!

“How, how, how?”

Patriarch Dong two people turn pale with fright.

At last!

Under the incredible eyes of countless people, the Battle Soul of two people was swallowed by the golden beast shadow!

More than that, Patriarch Dong and Shi Ming immediately felt as if they lost Battle Soul forever!

With a lot of horror, they tried to turn on Battle Soul again, and immediately horrified!

Really lost Battle Soul!

How can this be?

At this time.

Wolf King is here!

Raise 2 ribs and sweep towards the legs of two people!


what! !

Two people’s legs shattered on the spot, and the screams rang through the sky.

Follow closely.

Wolf King stepped on the heads of two people.

Hong long! !

Two people suddenly fell like a meteorite to the ground below.

A great hall, scattered ashes and dispersed smoke in an instant, the ground shows a huge deep pit, the dust is diffused!


Wolf King dived and took Qin Feiyang into the deep pit.


One man one wolf rubbing his fists, kicking and punching at two people.


“Little bastard, kill us if you have one!”

“Scoundrel, this account, I will not give up!”

Two people roared and screamed again and again.

Lu Yun and Yan Nanshan looked at the same time, rising into the air and landing above the giant pit.

Yan Nanshan frowned, preparing to stop drinking.

But Lu Yun waved his hand to him, said with a sneer: “These two people are owed, let them enjoy a little more.”


Yan Nanshan shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Lu Xingchen and Dong Qing also flew over.

Seeing Patriarch Dong and Shi Ming, both of them have lost their skin, but Lu Yun two people are still watching and silent, the two people’s hearts can’t help raising a thick anger.

Dong Qing shouted: “Elder Lu, Elder Yan, what do you mean, do you just pamper them like this?”

“Even they are not opponents of ruffian wolf. What can Yan Nanshan and I do?”

Lu Yun indifferently said.


Yan Nanshan coughed, nodded and said: “Yes, with the strength of me and Elder Lu, I can only be abused.”

“Since you can’t help it, let the old man take care of them for you!”

Before Yan Nanshan’s words fell, an old voice suddenly sounded.

There was a strong anger in the words.

“Old Ancestor !”

Dong Qing’s eyes brightened, and he looked hurriedly.

“Old Ancestor?”

Qin Feiyang and Wolf King were also shocked and looked up.

Immediately, they saw an old man with white hair ruddy complexion, standing in the ten thousand zhang high space, imposing manner exuding from the whole body, shaking half the sky!

“Battle Ancestor!”

Qin Feiyang pupil shrinks.

“Dong Family still has this Old Monster?”

Wolf King was surprised.



Dong Family Old Ancestor one finger volleys a bit.

A resplendent Battle Qi, carrying the power of world extinguishing, bombarded Qin Feiyang and Wolf King!

“Sacred Palace doesn’t allow you to impudent!”

Yan Nanshan coldly shouted, a flicker, ran across one man one wolf.

Lu Yun bewilderement, shouted: “Yan Nanshan, he is 1-Star Battle Ancestor, you are not his opponent!”

“What about 1-Star Battle Ancestor?”

Yan Nanshan incomparably domineering.

The imposing manner lurking within the body erupts like a volcano!


He shot one fist.

Flame Battle Qi growled and turned into a torrent of torrents, which met the Battle Qi of Dong Family Old Ancestor!


A loud blast exploded, as if thunder was rolling and deafening!

The sky of the Sacred Palace was also immediately stained with fiery red!


“You are also 1-Star Battle Ancestor!”

Lu Yun was stunned.

Having been together for so long, she always thought that Yan Nanshan was 8-Star Battle Sovereign.

But didn’t expect, unexpectedly is a Super Tyrant of one Battle Ancestor level!

“Battle Ancestor!”

Lu Xingchen two people are also dumbstruck.

This little-known Deacon Elder has such a terrifying cultivation base?

The Dong Family Old Ancestor at high altitude was also trembling and shocked.

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