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Dust Nodded.

As a person who is a pro, Qin Feiyang is bullied by Three Great Races, Heart Demon and Lu Jiajin help venting anger, nor Impossible.

“This is where I worry.”

“Now Heart Demon and Big Cousin Brother, I don’t know how we have already aligned with Three Great Race, if they look for opportunities, do they live down on Three Great Races?”

Because Qin Feiyang is too well to understand the personality of Heart Demon.

I have never what I want to do.

“This is assured.”

“They are now a member of Divine Kingdom, even if they want to kill the hand under Three Great Races, the Central Dynasty people will not allow.”

“Otherwise, Heart Demon is in Divine Island, when you are preparing to kill the country, you will not have a prevention.”

Dulutac comfort.

“also makes sense.”

qin feiyang nodded, a little bit, said: “But for safety, you should still find a chance, let us see us, let us and Three Great Races tell them, so as to hurt themselves.”


Long Dust is busy.

“What does it mean?”

qin feiyang fox looks at him.

“At the time at Restaurant, even our Sound Transmission, they didn’t pay attention, this shows that they may be concerned?”

“So I suggest, it is best not to take the initiative to find them, you have to wait for them to find us.”

Long Chen said.

“What are they considering?”

qin feiyang is not from the wrinkle frowned.

“Perhaps their current situation, NOT ALL we see so good.”

Longantu whittle.

“What do you mean, Someone is monitoring them?”

Qin feiyang is surprivable.

“Who knows?”

“However, like them in this kind of person, the strength and terrible person, replace it into the people of the Central Dynasty, will not be relieved.”

Longup shook his head.

qin feiyang Touch The chin, looking thingtful.


His face reveals a smile, Indifferently Said: “No matter what the people of the Central Dynasty doubt, Impossible suspected that heart demon and big Cousin Brother have known.”


Long Chen smiled.

“because they are in Divine Kingdom,” “”

“and at that time, Divine Kingdom had not invaded the Tianyun world.”

“So, the people of the Central Dynasty will naturally believe that Heart Demon and Big Cousin Brother are Divine Kingdom.”

qin feiyang slightly smiled.

“is right.”

“Their identity, as long as it handles the hand, never” violent “”

“to cover up the identity, I believe they still have.”

If there is no such thing, Heart Demon and Lu Jiajin have so many years in Divine Kingdom, then there have been ‘storm.

“But tell the truth, I am really a bit itchy, I really want to play with Heart Demon, see now, is it more stronger, or is it more?”

Qin feiyang said with a laugh.

“You are the same person, have you need this?”



“After his Transcending Tribulation, it is an independent awareness.”

“So I am me, he is him.”

qin feiyang shakes his head.

“Let’s take you!”

Longant shrugged, then looks at the horizon, and there is a feeling between the gods.


qin feiyang fox looks at him.

“Heart Demon appears, reminds me of him.”

Dulle Sighd.


qin feiyang stared blankly.

Which one is he?


he exposed a slice.

This is actually another Dulle.

for the past, the same as Qin Feiyang.

is not.

Dulle is not Heart Demon, which is Divine Soul.

In this year, Dulint has two Divine Soul.

One is the soul of Ice Dragon, a soul of Tianlong.

The soul of Tianlong, gentle gentleness, and valley.

The soul of Ice Dragon, is similar to Heart Demon, branched, by fair means or foul.

These two Divine Soul have independent awareness.

But later, the battle of Dragon Race and the Dragon Dragon Temple broke out, Long Chen followed Qin Feiyang and the madman to fight, at the time, the soul of Ice Dragon was actively given up and fused with the soul of Tianlong.


The two Divine Soul integrated, that is, the current Dulint.

The soul of Ice Dragon after the fusion, completely disappears.

is because, Dulint is particularly understood that Qin Feiyang learned about the sadness of Heart Demon, because he is in the same way as Ice Dragon’s soul, like Qin Feiyang and Heart Demon, like hand and foot.

can now.

qin feiyang’s Heart Demon appears.

and become the Heaven’s Chosen of the Central Dynasty.

Focal Point of Ten Thousands.

But his Ice Dragon’s soul will never disappear.

Some things can be forgotten, but some people, some things are being imprinted in In The Depth of One’s Soul, never forget.


qin feiyang is silent, sigh: “For this matter, I am sorry, but although you lose Ice Dragon’s soul, now you have us, we are your brother.”

Dulle looked toards qin feiyang, shaking his head Said with a smile: “I didn’t expect, you still have such a meat.”

“I am not comforting you?”

qin feiyang rolled the eyes.

“Thank you.”

Long Chen Slightly Smiled, converges in the mind, said: “Busy you go!”


qin feiyang nodded, with his hand, Dulint is disappearing.


“If Ancient World is not happening, how good?”

qin feiyang alone looks at the silence of the sky, and finally all the inner helplessness and regrets are chemical.


Sea Clan!

“I said you two, what is going on?”

“Go to FOUR GREAT Continents to ran to Three Great Races Acting WillFully?”

an inside the great palace.

Heart Demon and Lu Jiajin at Heart Demon and Lu Jiajin.

Haiwang is with you.

is not.

Heart Demon half lying on the seat, knot a two-lang leg, screwing a wine in his hand, emitting intoxicating wine incense, and he didn’t listen to the old trial.

as for lu jiajin.

he is also Both Hands Crossed Near Chest, against the chair, close-eyed Recuperating.

“Talk to you?”

Old One Fist is taken on the armrest of the seat, anger.


“Training will be trained.”

Heart Demon waves impatient.

“you …”

Old angry look.

The Haiwang is watching it next to it.

These two youngster, it is really mad, completely did not take the old people.


at this time.

Lu jiajin opens an eye, two Radiance is out.

Although he can’t see his expression, at this moment, both the sea king, or the old, you can feel a dangerous AURA.

The expression is like two swords, which contains amazing front!


“Someone has begun to be irritated.”

“Old Man, have you determined to continue?”

Heart Demon is old.

The old hands are both hands, staring at Heart Demon and Lu Jiajin, with a gloomy in the eyes, or even in invisible compression.

is not.

whether it is Lu Jiajin, or Heart Demon, it doesn’t seem to feel the same.

lu jiajin’s eyes are more unwittling.

The atmosphere of

Inside the Great Palace gradually downs.

The end of the Haiwang can’t help it.

This atmosphere is simply suffocating!

“Don’t take yourself too much.”

after a long time.

Lu jiajin said faintly, and turned to go to Outside The Palace.

“Have you heard?”

“Don’t take yourself too much.”

Heart Demon got up and smiled at the old Jié Jié, and also screwed the wine altar, the arrogance of the arrogance of the arrogance.

After two, the atmosphere of the Great Hall will only alleviate.

The sea king couldn’t help but rub the Cold Sweat.

, old, face gloomy like water, suddenly one fist shot the handrail, Flustered and Exasperated: “Mix, simmerless!”

The sea king was shocked.

Yu Guang gives you old.

is still ahead, Someone dares to be so unbridled in front of this Old Man.

is still two tensors.

for a moment.

Old Took a Deep Breath, watching Hai Wang said: “Let you laugh.”


Haiwang is busy.

“Old Man is really don’t know, take them out, is it right?”

old shake his head.

“this …”

Haiwang sinks a little, said: “Their strength, stronger than the other Heaven’s Chosen, to deal with qin feiyang, I am afraid it really want them, just this character …”

“Don’t mention their character.”

“will come.”

禹 老 哼.

“This also has no way, who makes them so monster? There is a capital of Arrogant, your morality is high, you will be open-minded, don’t give you two men.”

Haiwang appease.

“Old Man is really a thing, I am afraid that I have already lived alive.”

禹 老 weak sighed, organize the mood, asked: “Qin Feiyang has not responded to you?”


The sea is shaking his head, and the eyes flashed in Cold Light.

“Well, unExpectedly takes our Divine Kingdom’s FOR Great Continents, NOT Even the chickens or the dogs are left undisturbed, now these youngster, it is a terrible.”

The old face is smirking.

“How do you praise them?”

The sea king frowns.

“It is boasting.”

“After all, people really have this.”


“This kill, you have to kill!”

Old Eyes flashed in a sloppy killing intent.

“Haiwang SIR …”

at this time.

With a rushing Loudly shouted, a back buddy Middle-Aged Man, rushed to Great Hall.

“Noble Guest here, you are so confused, what is it?”

The sea is dissatisfied with Shouted.

middle-agd man complexion change, easy to use Looked Towards Old, smashed: “Please ask for forgiveness.”


老 摆.

Hai Wang asked: “What?”

“Clansman Summoning is reported, Qin Feiyang has responded to your invitation.”

Middle-Aged Man said.

The Haiwang and the old Simultaneously Looked, the Radiance in the eyes flashed, watching Middle-Aged Man asked: “What did he say?”

“he promised to meet you.”

“but the location of the remembers is not in Sea Lion Island, but in Nanzhou’s Black Liquid Lake.”

Middle-Aged Man opening.

“Black Liquid Lake?”

Old Stared Blankly.

“Black Liquid Lake is a dead lake, which is quite dangerous for the common people.”

“Because the Mountain Range of Black Liquid Lake All Around is a powerful Vicious Beast, and SMALL REPUTATION is also small reputation in Nanzhou.”

Middle-Aged Man explained.

“Don’t come to the sea Divine Island, it seems that this child is a very vigilant person.”

老 低.

“This is sure.”

“Otherwise, can he unbridled until now?”

Haiwang Coldly Snorted, looking at Middle-Aged Man asked: “Does he say?”


“is only allowed to go alone.”

“If he finds that there is a second person, you will kill us 1 million Clansman.”

Middle-Aged Man opening.


“True Body” said that there is no courage to kill me in the end! ”

The sea is very angry.

This threat is really unique.

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