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All Directions, but also Someone continues to come.

Five Great Races has.


“Human Race, Divine Race, Purple Gold Divine Dragon family, teamed up with us toast?”

“Bastard, I really thought that my beast is bullied?”



“unexpectedly in Nanzhou Behaving Atrocior?”

“This is the Bastard, is it in their Dongzhou?”

“揍 them!”


Over time, Four Great Races adds more and more people.


There are only a few thousand people.

to the end, slowly turn into tens of thousands of scale.

and strength is not weak.

CultiVation Base, basically reach the Great Perfect Ruler, just the law of the law Prewound Truth is different.

10,000 people’s fighting, DESTRUCTIVE POWER is not small.

Not only Black Liquid lake, is also destroyed by Raze to the Ground, even ALL AROUND.

Blood, Dying Read The EMPTY Earth!


At this time.

Sea Clan also gathered tens of thousands, but all Taking Pleasure in Other People’s Misfortune stood next to Watching a Play.

This string is originally caused.

can now, in turn is like a bystander.

of course.

Four Great Races, there are also some kind of reason, or relatively timid, around the Distant Place.

In the crowd of these games, there is a very ordinary Old Man, and a cane in his hand, it is not strong, standing there is no one to pay attention to him.

If it is carefully observed, he will find that his turbid expression is broadly a silk Radiance.

This person is actually Qin Feiyang!

He is also Didn’t Expect, people of Four Great Races will be played first.


With his relationship with the country, Divine King, Human Race Paragon, you should come to help Three Great Races.

but now.

is obviously unable to take action.

Otherwise, the Sea CLAN and the beast may be doubtful.


He is like Had a feeling in the Heart, looking up the Looked Towards battlefield, see Void twisted, a time and space PASSAGE appears quickly.

“should be him!”

qin feiyang mumbled.

Sure enough!

From time and space Passage, it is a Middle-Aged Man, which is wearing Golden Coat.

“Sea King SIR!”

Sea Clanu has seen the sea king, immediateiely sparsely, welcomes.

“What is your lively?”

if by any chance qin feiyang take action, True Body has to find a way to rescue you, is this not adding with True Body? “

The sea king frowns.

These Sea Clan is basically the most common clandsman in Sea Clanu, and Qin Feiyang, which is a jealousy, and simply.

“We are also to see.”

a group of Sea clars low.

“What is good?”

The sea king is angry, it is simply giving him a chaos, then the FOUR Great Races, frowned: “What is going on here?”

Three Great Races, be surrounding orast?

“This is the orastism, who let the dragon god sell SIR?”

tens of thousands of Sea Clanu are clear.

Hai Wang frowned, it seems that Clansman’s hate to the beast is not a general strong, IMMEDIATELY SHOUTED: “Give True Body!”

The order of the sea king, who dares to listen?

Even the Three Great Races of SEA CLAN, it also has a rule moment.

“Everyone is a part of the country, what do you in this Acting WillFully? If it is qin feiyang, you don’t joke?”

The sea god is angry.

“Sea King SIR, Dragon God is selling you, do you also speak the beast?”

Divine Race Someone asked.

Is there a problem with this Haiwang?

“is still in the investigation.”

“Moreover, even if this is true, it is also the private gratitude and grudges of True Body and Dragon God. You need you to ask?”

“at onCe gave me, otherwise Take Responsibility for the Consequences!”

Haiwang sinking face, shouted.

“It seems that the brain is really problematic.”

Three Great Races of the person secretly snorted, turned to take a serious injury to the side and retired towards the Distant Place.

Vicious Beast is more casualties.

is alive, and it is also an extreme in A Difficult Situation, or it is missing the arm, or less ears and NOSE.

“You also roll.”

The sea is watching tens of thousands of sea clars.


a group of Sea Clan frightened.

“is a headache.”

Full of a sore, Corpses Everywhere Across The Field, the sea king, the relationship between major ethnicity, how to develop to this situation?

Three, Three Great Races also does not match their SEA CLAN and the beast, but has never happened this large-scale melee.

at the same time!

qin feiyang looks at the sea king’s eyes, suddenly Sound Transmission Road: “Mu Qing, now help now, where is Heart Demon and big Cousin Brother?”


mu why should be sound.

At this moment.

He has already passed, standing inside the tea garden, listening to Qin Feiyang, immediately open Opening Heaven Eye.

mu qing is off, of course, Qin Feiyang is arranged in advance.

He must be cautious because of the face of the sea.

will not.

Mu whit hierarchy, said: “They are in a space Divine Object and are very close to your distance.”

Heart Demon and Lu Jiajin appear, he is known, so now, there is no unExpected.

qin feiyangeth flashed.

Putting it That Way, they should be in the Space Divine Object in the Haiwang, and said: “You help look at the position of the old people.”

a small will pass.

mu qing said: “This Old Man, with Heart Demon and Lu Jiajin.”

“What is the situation?”

qin feiyang is somewhat surprised, the fox is suspicious: “They know that we have open heaven eye, unExpectedly still doing such stupid things?”

is obvious.

Old Tibet is in the dark, I want to find a chance to kill him.

“It’s not that they are stupid, they are didn’t expect, when they fall to the sea, you have already seen them,”

“In other words.”

“This is old, now I thought that we didn’t know his long phase, could not peek them with Opening Heaven Eye.”

“as for Heart Demon and Lu Jiajin.”

“Old will not think that it is our person.”

Mu Qing Hehe smiled, the words are full of merits.

“Haha …”

qin feiyang in the Dark laughing, Sound Transmission War: “Then you will help you see, the other eight big Heaven’s chosen in the Central Dynasty is at this moment?”

At the beginning.

in the sea Divine Island, more than Yajor Heavenly Tribulation, another eight Major Heavenly Tribulation, Qin Feiyang also witnessed, so I know their long phase.


“They unexpectedly did not follow the old.”

is very fast.

Mu Qing’s surprise sound, rang in the brain of Qin Feiyang.

“Didn’t you be with you?”

qin feiyang does not help Stared Blankly, Boxer: “Where are they now?”

“Sea Divine Island.”

mu qing should be.

“Sea Divine Island …”

qin feiyang looking thoughtful.

Why do you have to come with Heart Demon and Big Cousin Brother, to leave this 8 people in the sea Divine Island?

“will not be because this 8 people’s strength is not very good, bringing it to them?”

mu qing guess.

“Do you have some soking down on the central dynasty’s Heaven’s Chosen?”

quin feiyang speechless.

can be with Heart Demon and Big Cousin Brother, how can the Heaven’s Chosen brought to the old people?


Even if their strength is, it is not as good as Heart Demon and Big Cousin Brother, it is also impossible to drag!

“Looking Down ON?”

“I see you overestimate them.”

“However, the Hai Wang is so unhorseful, why didn’t you give him a Profound Lesson?”

mu qing evilly smiled.

“is here.”

qin feiyang’s eyes have a smile, look up LOOKED TOWARDS Haiwang, IMMEDIATELY is quietly unable to leave.


The sea king swepts all arrone, how did this person still have?


sea Divine Island!

After the return of the sea, the SEA CLAN of each island has been evacuated.

Today’s Sea Divine Island, only the remaining two– 10,000 core members remain.

is not.

Even if the Haiwang returns, even if there is a Great Character Keeping Watch, Sea Clan, which is the old Dynasty dynasty, has not relaxed.

“What does it mean!”

“Go to Black Liquid Lake, unExpectedly does not take us.”

In anastical garden.

Eight Youth’s men and women gathered together, and there is a unpleasant face.

This is another eight Heaven’s Chosen of the Central Dynasty.

“There is no way.”

“Who let the brother are strong than us?”

“and this time is to deal with Qin Feiyang, can and Qin Feiyang Battle only their brother.”

“As for us, you can only go to kill madmen, gold wings Wolf king, Dulut, Dragon, Dragon,” “

An Young Man wearing a Fiery-Red Coat and shook his head.

This is true, it is not a general mad.

madman, White-Eyed Wolf, Dragon Dust, Dragon, Unexpectedly in his eyes, just Small Character?

This is what the madman several people know, I am afraid Thunder’s anger.

The year of the country, it has never dared to be so Looking Down on them!

“Don’t say this, don’t say this.”

“I found Divine Wine in a few altars in the wine cellar of Xizhou, and the taste is really good.”

one of which Youth, take out a wine, while said with a smile, unpacking the paper.

“Right Right Right.”

“Don’t destroy your mood.”

“In fact, they ran to kill Qin Feiyang. We are here to drink wine, talk to the sky, is not comfortable?”

is another Youth laugh.

Other people hearing this also laugh.

I think so, I am really comfortable in my heart.



The wine has not been disassembled, a horrible Imposing Manner, suddenly coming over the island.


8 people quickly looked up, see a seven Old Eighth ten old people, and a cane, came out of a time and space.


“Dare, such as this move, running through the city Divine Island?”

8 people deliberately.

“Are you is who?”

“Is there 我 DiVine island?”

With a Loudly Shouted, Sea Clan a middle-agdle-agdle-agde, the lightning is shining, looking at the old man coming out of time and space Passage, with a wary of a vigilance.

“Hehe …”

Old Man hoarse smile.

a Life and Death Power, and it is like a tide.

next moment.

accompanied by a loud rose, Life and Death Laws Ultimate Profound Truth appears.

“This is, the country of life …”

“You are …”

“qin feiyang!”

middle-agd man stare at Qin feiyang, immediately suddenly turned, turned around to escape, and shouted: “Qin feiyang hits, all Clansman, at Once Escape the sea Divine Island!”


“Qin Feiyang attacked our sea Divine Island?”

The Sea Clan on the island heard the big scream of Middle-Aged Man. It is a deep fear that IMMEDIATELY has emerged.

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