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“Are you not talking to me?”

Old Black faces.

“What are you doing this?”

“The old-fashioned rushed from the Central Dynasty, just let the dragon god come to the way to apologize?”

“is so simple, you still need you?”

boss despise.

This sentence is very agreeable.

From the Central Dynasty, please come to this person, and didn’t play.

Old FROWNED, SAID SOLEMNLY: “Old Bastard, you can give your face Shameless.”


“Do you still want Make a Move?”

I heard this, next to Ji Old Tenth Suddenly got up, staring at the old, Expression Cold Light flashed.

禹 禹 o o 皮 皮 一..

How to confuse it, what is it now?

In this village, no matter how strong your strength, how high is high, it is useless.

Because of the Old Man here, no one is promising.

“apologize,” “


Ji Ji Ye opened.

Old finally saw hope, Turning One’s Head Looked Towards Jijiji, Quiet, etc.

Ji Ji Ye looked at the old, Looked Towards Dragon God: “However, you apologize, too sincerity.”

Dragon God’s eyebrows.

Don’t stand it, don’t you let him apologize?



Ji Ji Master Nodded.


Dragon Gods Shouted.

DigniFied Oro’s ruler, dominate the dragon god of the side, unExpectedly wants him to apologize?


This thing is not what he did.

can apologize, it is already his greatest limit, now let him kneel down, how is it possible?

Old FROWNS, watching Ji Old Ninth: “If you ask this request, will it be too much?”

“I feel too much.”

“Don’t be here!”

Ji Jirie’s indifferent opening.

“you …”

Old Immediately is burned in anger.

makes him roll?

This word has never dared to say him.


“I really thought that you are the Central Dynasty, I feel that we have to respect you, and the only life is from?”

Ji Jiu Ye is watching cold and looks at the old.

old hands tightly clenched, face gloomy is scary.

“Some words.”

“can apologize, we accept it.”

“can’t, give me now.”

“waiting until one period, we will fall in time to Dragon Mountain!”

is an important way.

If you don’t kneel about it today, Future Days will kill the Longshan Mountain, and you will apologize again.

Old Gloomy: “Dragon God, I apologize to them!”


Dragon’s face is extremely embarrassing.

“Do you want to violate the Old Man command?”

old shouted.

“Don’t dare.”

“but apologize, always impossible!”

“To kill the Longshan Mountain, True Body is always accompanied by!”

Dragon God stares at Jijiyan Coldly Smile, turn on a time and space passage turned away.

“You stand!”

Old Suddenly Shouted.

but the dragon god is taking the ear.

“is good.”

“Don’t regret, Old Man returns to the Central Dynasty, playing the emperor sir, confiscating your Source Strength!”

Old angry looks at him.


Dragon God is stiff.

The eyes of the sea are also very slepe, and they will run to the Dragon God, whispered: “Don’t impuls, there is no Source Stregth, don’t say qin feiyang, even if the Purple Gold Divine Dragon family, you can also use Top Secret to kill you ! “

The Dragon God is worn together, and the face is full of anger.

“I know that you are uncomfortable.”

“But now, there is no other way.”

“Whether it is a Purple Gold Divine Dragon family, or the old, you can’t sin, you will first feel refing wroned, wait for us to find evidence, you fight them again!”

Haiwang in the Dark advised.

Dragon God Turning One’s Head looks at the sea.

“Listen to me.”

“also believes in me, I will help you.”

Haiwang Sound Transmission.

“Thank you, standing around me.”

Dragon God Secretly Thought.

So many people in the country, only Haiwang has always been unconditional trust him.

“is not good.”

“Full of this robbery!”

“The fulure is long.”

When I said the Future Is Long, the Haiwang’s eyes passed a touch Murderous INTENTION.

Dragon Divine Heart God Lead, turning to LOOKED TOWARDS Ji Ji Master, Nodded and Said: “Well, True Body is as you wish!”

, he kneel on the ground, look low, bit his teeth, a word a meal: “I will apologize for you, please forgive you!”

A group of Old Man is somewhat in a bit.

Unexpectedly really apologizes?

This scene is in the dragon god, it is not easy!

Old Said Solemnly: “He is now apologizing, what do you want?”

“I didn’t want to do?”

Ji Boss Turning One’s Head Looked Towards Danner, said: “Dragon God also took out sincerity, this matter will be here!”


Domestic owner Nodded.

Ji Boss and Looked Towards Dragon God, IndifferenTly Said: “Get up, the ground is overflow.”

Long gods, sweeping a group of Old Man and the National Land, and then turned around.

“Junior told.”

The Haiwang smiled at a group of old man, and immediately chased it.

老 老 看 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 t,

“Do not leave?”

Ji BOSS asked.

“How many years old friends, rare, how can you drink a few more cups!”

Ji Old Second also followed Laughd.

“The wine here, I am afraid to drink a lot of life.”

Old Coldly Snorted, step into time and space, disappear without a trace.

“Old Bastard.”

姬 boss coldly smiled, looked toards Ji Old Tenth: “Is it noted?”


Ji Old Tenth, lift the arm, spread the palm, and there is a Sound Transmission Divine Stone.

“Grandfather, are you?”

Looking at the Sound Transmission Divine Stone of Ji Old Tenth, the country is full of surroundings.

“Ji Tianfeng’s death, of course, you have to give the Someone, or we put the Purple Gold Divine Dragon family, how do you still in the future?”

姬 boss corner of the mouth lifted, look at Ji Old Tenth: “Put the image recorded, pass it to Xiaowei.”


姬 old tenth nodded.


next moment.

The owner receives this image, which is a picture of the Dragon God.

Domestic FROWNED: “Grandfather, this image, if it is passed out, the dragon god still doesn’t want to hate us for a lifetime?”

“INSIGNIFICANT a dragon god, remember, let’s hate!”

“AT ONCE spreads out.”

“Old Man is going to see, after this, who dares to bully my Purple Gold Divine Dragon family?”

Ji BOSS waves.


The country is smirking. This kind of thing is probably only these old master dare to say, ask: “Don’t leave me down?”

“What to eat?”

“Your meal?”


Ji BOSS angry, shouted.

“How to say becoming hostile?”

The country is full of bitterness, opening the time and space passage.

姬 old tenth looked at the back of the eye, I watched Ji Boss, asked: “Big Brother, when is it to get you, send such a big fire to him?”

“He is not part, I don’t get angry to him, who is angry, you?”

Ji BOSS glances at him.

“ha …”

Old Tenth Forced A Smile, said: “Then you still have a fire, but you can’t understand this, how do I not understand?”

“You are definitely a pig last life.”

Ji BOSS has nothing to say, and a person walks toward the river.


old tenth is wrong.

Old Second Shakes: “Big Brother is angry, Ji Shao will challenge the two Youth things.”

姬 old tenth star blankly, frowned: “This is nothing!”

“If they can win, of course, there is nothing.”

“But the key is that they lost two Youth.”

“and they still challenged, this is more shame?”

姬 old second shakes his head SIGHED.

“seems to be.”

“To change to Qin Feiyang, the estimate is different ending.”

姬 old tenth nodded mumbled.

“qin feiyang?”

“If you want, you can have Qin Feiyang this group of Little Brat is excellent, and that big brother will not be angry.”

“More than two Youth, or people who brought to Old Man, lost to Old Man, big Brother is naturally more angry.”

Ji Old Tenth said with a smile.

姬 old tenth suddenly Nodded, 呲 呲 道: “It seems that the big brother has not released.”

“Let’s release?”

“Great Brother is temper, may it?”

Ji Old Tenth shook his head.


Have to say.

The efficiency of the country is still very nice.

The time of Half a Day, the dragon god apologized, and the Four Great Continents was opened, almost everyone knows.

Everyone has a strong sense of Purple Gold Divine Dragon, has a new cognition.

Take your is who, just get to the Purple Gold Divine Dragon family, the Will Not will be awarded.


Longshan Mountain.

looks at the Beast God, and the dragon gang roar.

These beast gods are to report this, and the dragon god learns that it is naturally an anger that I can’t help my heart.

a group of beast god simultaneouslyly looked, you have to turn around.

“It seems that this time, the stimulation of Sir Dragon God is really big.”

CRACKING a Joke. “

“SIR DRAGON GOD When I was suffering such a humiliation?”

“This Qin feiyang, is really crime deserving ten thousand deaths!”


Today they are arms, because Ji Tiandan and Sea Clan have almost become a mouse, everyone shouts.

Even these Beast Gods, people who meet major ethnicity, have not been surprised before, and only disgust in the eyes.

and all this is caused by qin feiyang and the others.

So for Qin Feiyang and the Others, they are hate.


Although they are strong, they don’t dare to take.

Qin Feiyang’s powerful strength, horrible means, as a mountain, pressing them on their head, let them have to suffocate.

three days, swayed.

Qian Fengshan.

The sea is coming.

See Qin Feiyang has not arrived, close to your eyes, and in Silence waited.


Distant Place.

There are a few people just passing, and when I saw the sea, IMMEDIATELY climbed a slice.

Is it like a sea?

What do the Haiwang doing here?


His and Qin Feiyang still agree?


several people stopped, falling myself Mountain Summit, looking at the sea king far.

time, quietly passed away.

is about half a time.



A time and space PASSAGE appears.

The familiar Silhouette is coming out of Passage.

is also at the same time, the sea king eat Opened, look up LOOKED TOWARDS Silhouette, two Cold Light is out.

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