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“Haiwang SIR …”

“You have to make our Making The Decision!”

“This qin feiyang and Dulint are BASTARD!”

Tens of thousands of core members, see the sea king, and they are squatting in Void, responding.

The sea king swept a group of people.

These people have been abolished QI SEA, there is no CultiVation Base, so it is a time, no matter whether it is a sea king or the dragon god, did not find the ultimate Profound Truth of these people to take.

“Heavenly Peng?”

Dragon God saw Heavenly Peng, his eyes were also Slightly Trembled, and quickly came over and asked: “What is going on?”


Heavenly Peng Body Trembled, slowly looked up LOOKED TOWARDS Dragon God, the tears immediately crash-bang slipped down, responded: “SIR, please Must killed Qin Feiyang and Dulint, these two Bastard … They … unexpectedly … “

“Don’t worry, you said slowly.”

Dragon God is comfortable.

What happened this?

How to even HEAVENLY PENG and major sectors are so desperate?


Heavenly Peng and major sectors, what Winds and Waves have not experienced it?

The general situation is absolutely impossible so desperate.

“You are the sea of ​​Sea Clanu, is the beast god of the beast, and the public is, so that it is, give me it,”

The sea is staring at a group of people, shouted.


No one gets up.

The major sectors, like numb, even a point of reactions.

Face this kind of thing, the stronger strength, the larger the hits are undoubtedly.

is like the Haiwang said.

They are the Sea Clan’s nose, always Aloof and Remote, now, all the ultimate Profound Truth is taken, and it falls from the sky to the ground.

How can Powerhouse like them can withstand such changes?


The Summoning Sea Clan Elder Zu Sighd, looking at the Hai Wang Road: “SIR, their ultimate Profound Truth …”

says this, the sound of the sea Clan Elder has also become stunned.

The grief of the face is more intense.


The sea is anger.

Sea Clan Elder looked at the major sea gods, angry: “Their Ultimate Profound Truth is being given to DEPRIVATION by Qin Feiyang and Dust!”


“DEPRIVATION has the ultimate profound truth?”

The Haiwang’s body and heart tremble.

Dragon God, Old, is also staupefied.

Heavenly Peng, major sea beast, and 10,000 core SEA CLAN, the ultimate PROFOUND TRUTH is DEPRIVATION?


“We are hard to understand the ultimate Profound Truth, all by them to DEPRIVATION.”

“There is no ultimate Profound Truth, what does I live?”

“I hate!”

tens of thousands of Sea Clan core members Towards the sky roar, including hate.


Haiwang Return Back to His Senses, a strong shoud, ran to the front of the major sectors, shout: “You tell me, this is not true, tell me!”

He is like a mad madman, and shakes the major sectors.

twenty stalls, hundreds of core members, this is his Sea Clan’s Foundation, which is the backbone of his Sea Clan. Nowadays, the ultimate Profound Truth is deprivation, then it is equal to Foundation to collapse, backbone fell, so he Unable to accept this fact.

twenty-respecting Expression, is a hole in the empty, there is no color.

“answer me quickly …”

“I beg you, answer me, this is not true …”

The roaring in the bottom of the sea.

Finally, weakly squatting on the ground, is actually a headache.

SEA CLAN is over.

is completely finished.



is very fast.

Divine King, Human Race Paragon, including the big beast god, including the orast, is all incredible, and the face is incredible.

Heavenly Peng, major sea beast, hundreds of thousands of SEA CLAN core members of the ultimate Profound Truth, all were Qin feiyang and Dust DEPRIVATION?

What is joke?

This kind of thing, unless they are willing, or who can DEPRIVATION?

“Is it gold Wing WOLF KING?”

an inside the great palace.

The country’s head looks at Ji Heavenly Monarch asked.

Because WHITE-Eyed Wolf, you have a means of DePrivation rule Pruth Truth.

“is not a gold wing WOLF KING.”

Ji Heavenly Monarch shook his head.


“then inside these people, who also mastered this ability?”

Duo Dou.

“This person, you are afraid that Will NOT for a lifetime.”

“he is Dulint!”

Ji Heavenly Monarch word a word.


“Dragon Dust?”

The landlord looks.

“is right.”

“According to the core CLANSMAN of the Sea Clanu, this Dulint seems to have a SECRET ART called Soul Controling Technique, which can turn the world living creature into a beggar, let them do, what they will do. “

“Trifying is, this Soul Controlling Technique, even if they turn them into, they can also keep their sense of self.”

and, WHITE-Eyed Wolf’s Battle Soul, the DEPRIVATION rules will completely disappear, can not be used for yourself, but Dulint uses Soul Controlling Technique to let them stripped the rules, “

“is also the same as inheritance, there is no difference!”

Ji Heavenly Monarch.

“Soul Controlling Technique …”

The National Land muttered.

on your face, full is incredible.

Is this the reason why Qin Feiyang attaches this elimination of Dust Dust?

This is true, then now Qin Feiyang’s hands, how many ultimate Profound Truth’s Inheritance?

Ji Heavenly Monarch Skirt: “SIR Father, you and Divine King, Paragon, I have been to Profound Martial World, I haven’t found this?”


National master shook his head, Said with a bitter smile: “These Sea Clan has been imprisoned in Profound Martial World’s Soul Sealing Valley, when we also want to see if it was blocked by Qin Feiyang, Later, we question this Brat, he said to give us a surprise, I see, this is the surprise he said! “

“Is this frightened?”

Ji Heavenly Monarch Stared Blankly, shaking his head and smiling.

“this scoundrel brat …”

“Mastering such TERRIFYING SECRET ART, UnExpectedly does not tell us?”

The owner has some angry.

“How to say it!”

“After all, it is important.”

“is yours with you, and will definitely be secret.”

“just, this Soul Controlling Technique is really amazing.”

“With this Soul Controlling Technique, what ultimate Profound Truth is needed, isn’t it?”

I estimate that this is the purpose of their God of God. “

“There are no few people in the Tianyun Dynasty to master the most powerful rules, this Soul Controlling Technique has no use of martial arts, and our dominance is different, master the most powerful, the ultimate Profound Truth is much more unhappy.”

“If you have a bureau, you can get a lot of inheritance.”

“Unimaginable, the future of Qin Feiyang, how much to master Heavenly Dao Will?”

Ji Heavenly Monarch is more than 10.

Fortunately, choose Qin Feiyang and Solution, or in the future, in the future, I think that I think the head is numb.

is the most important thing.

If Qin Feiyang is an enemy, their Purple Gold Divine Dragon family may also step into the Sea Clan in the future.

“this smelly brat …”

“simply is to take us the country, as a big treasure house.”

“But the words come back, this dragon dust is who are you? Actually mastering such terminal Art.”

“To know, the general Secret Art is unable to control this level of Powerhouse, let alone let them feel willing to peel off the ultimate Profound Truth.”

The country is full of curious.

“Let Great Grandfather and too grandmother them, find Dong Zhengyan to inquire?”

“Dong Zhengyan is so familiar with them, and it is also very understandable to Dust.”

Ji Heavenly Monarch.

“Dulint’s origin, I know.”

“he is from Ancient World’s Dragon Race.”

“But his father, the last time Jiuxi also asked Dong Zhengyan, but dong Zhengyan is very taboo for this problem, no positive answer.”

“Only said that Dulint’s father is a great energy of super Terrifying.”

“also said that now is now the Qin Feiyang, is not the opponent of Dulint.”

The country is frowning.


Ji Heavenly Monarch is shocked.

Today’s Qin Feiyang, you have 3,000 incarnations, the eyes of God, Life and Death Laws, two Heavenly Dao Will, have such strength, isn’t Dulinto this father’s opponent?

How is this possible thing?

is true, how much is the father of Dust?

“Now it is basically determined that Qin Feiyang is so good, the main reason is definitely here.”

“but said back.”

“This Two people are getting along the way,” is really strange. “

“Obviously there is bloody sea, the result is the same as Biological Brother.”

The country shook his head.

“This may be where their charm is!”

Ji Heavenly Monarch Said with a smile.


The business owner Nodded, the face has a smile on his face, said, “But look at these two BRATs today’s performance, the future overturns Ruler’s rule, it is really hopeful.”


“I am probably, the major sea CLAN, plus the core of the hundred thousand Sea Clan, this time Qin Feiyang should get four or five thousand ways to the ultimate Profound Truth.”

“This is still a conservative estimate, there may be more.”

“So many strongest rules, the ultimate Profound Truth, how many Heavenly Dao Will can make Powerhouse?”

“Once these people are cleared, I am estimated that qin feiyang officially declared the war of the Central Dynasty.”

“SIR Father, we must also prepare it.”

Ji Heavenly Monarch.


Domestic owner Nodded.



Sound Transmission Divine Stone sounds.

Domestic land takes out the Sound Transmission Divine Stone, and the Silhouette of the Dragon God appears.

Domestic Light Said With A Smile: “SIR DRAGON GOD, what is advice?”

“Are you in TAKING PLEASURE IN OTHER PEOPLE’s Misfortune?”

Dragon God Gloomy stares at the land.

“TAKING PLEASURE IN OTHER People’s Misfortune?”

“What do you say? I can’t understand it.”

Domestic Practice.

“I don’t believe that Heavenly Peng and major PHOWARs have not received the news.”

Dragon God Said Solemnly.

“What happened?”

“I really don’t know, is it yet saved?”

The country is suspicious.

Dragon’s hands are all-handed, GLOOMY: “The old age is made, let you and Divine King, Paragon, At Once come to the sea Divine Island, there is something to meet.”


The doubt of the country.

“I will know.”

“Remember, it is immediately, at Once.”

Dragon God finished, Illusory Shadow quickly dissipated.

henly monarch recovered, watching the country and asked: “SIR Father, what is they thinking?”

The main owner bowed a little, shook his head Said with a smile: “What can you do? It is definite to discuss how to deal with Qin Feiyang them, after all, Qin Feiyang gets so many ultimate Profound Truth, if you don’t hurry to discuss it, don’t say we fought Great Continents, I am afraid that the Central Dynasty will be threatened. “

“Putting It That Way, the Central Dynasty is preparing Full Power Take Action?”

Ji Heavenly Monarch frown.

“I don’t know.”

“This is to see the Emperor of the Central Dynasty.”

“This is not worryable, continue to play to the Sea Clan and the beast, Full Power searches Qin Feiyang, and let you collect the Soul Vein and the crystal, and accelerate progress.”

Divine King Said with a smile.


Ji Heavenly Monarch Nodded, asked: “That is the Medicinal Pill of Gate of Potential? When are you going to release?”

“, etc., etc.,”

Divine King Eyes Cold Light Flashed.

Whenever I think of the two adults of the Purple Gold Divine Dragon family, he is difficult to be extremely pole.

One is his relative, one is the most respectful, trusted person, but Unexpectedly eats, betray him, it is not forgive!

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