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The moment he disappeared, Qin Feiyang entered Ancient Castle and took Nine Tunes Yellow Dragon Pill.


“But useless, 8-Star Battle King still has no chance of winning!”

Dong Qing projected cold light.


With her arms raised, the 5-finger fingertips Battle Qi surged toward her palms.

A devastating wave, like a torrent, gushing in all directions on 4 sides!


She is gaining momentum!

Intention one move to win!

Qin Feiyang looked up and stared at Dong Qing.

Now, all he needs is time!

Up to ten breaths!

Ten breaths may seem short, but they are long when fighting.

Especially now that the strength is very different, if Dong Qing is full power take action, his situation will be very bad.


The Battle Qi in the palm of Dong Qing condenses into a large fist light ball, blooming eye-catching rays of light.

imposing manner, more scary than before!


Qin Feiyang’s cultivation base, once again breaking through.

Amazingly 9-Star Battle King!


Dong Qing pupil contracted.

How to break through 2 small realms in a row?

Lu Yun and the others at the distant place, and the 1000 to 10000 disciple are also shocking.

What is happening again?

Before Qin Feiyang breakthrough reached 8-Star Battle King, they did not care at all.

I thought Qin Feiyang was just the time to break through.

but now.

unexpectedly break through a small realm again?

And that imposing manner is still skyrocketing!

This is very unusual!


“There must be something wrong!”

Lu Xingchen mumbled.

But I never thought, what is the problem?

In his eyes solemn light flashed, shouted: “Dong Qing, just in case change, make a move!”

“courting death is it?”

Wolf King looked up towards Lu Xingchen, his eyes were extremely fierce.


Dong Qing make a move.

Lu Xingchen is right, there are too many possibilities in this person, you have to start first!

She rolled her hands.

The Battle Qi ball of light at the palm of your hand is like a bright shooting star, shooting at Qin Feiyang!

That terrible aura, lock Qin Feiyang firmly!

“Just one step!”

Qin Feiyang stared at the Battle Qi light ball, his hands clenched up tightly.

One step closer, he can break through to 1-Star Battle Sovereign!

As long as he breaks through to 1-Star Battle Sovereign, he can start a spatial flight.


Although not necessarily Dong Qing’s opponent, at least he will not always be beaten.

Because he has Perfect auxiliary Battle Art, the speed is comparable to Dong Qing.

The discipline of Martial Practice Stage all around has long since retreated.

Dong Qing full power take action, destructive power cannot be underestimated.

“Can Qin Feiyang fight back?”

Everyone is expecting, expecting him to do a miracle.

“Hurry up!”

Battle Qi light balls are getting closer.

Qin Feiyang’s hands became tighter and tighter.

He didn’t choose to dodge.

Because the time is too short to escape!


at last.

His imposing manner, like a volcanic eruption, soared to the 1-Star Battle Sovereign!


Without the slightest hesitation.

He stepped on the ground with full power, like a streak of divine light, soaring into the sky.

The next moment.

The Battle Qi ball of light is like an extraterrestrial meteorite, hitting the Martial Practice Stage!

Hong long!

With the loud noise of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering cry, the Martial Practice Stage scattered ashes and dispersed smoke immediately, leaving a deep dozen meters deep sinkhole!


At this moment, everyone’s eyes are converging on Qin Feiyang rushing towards the sky.

“Why … what?”

“He he he, he broke through again!”

“1-Star Battle Sovereign!”

“He unexpectedly broke through 3 small realms in a row!”

“This must be a dream!”

Everyone’s deep in one’s heart raises the perilous situation.

Dong Qing is also stunned, incredible!

Previously, it was 7-Star Battle King, but before six breaths, he unexpectedly stepped into 1-Star Battle Sovereign!

“Qing’er, hurry up!”

Patriarch Dong suddenly shouted.

A deep unease emerged in my heart.

Dong Qing is shivered, and suddenly looks back, in the eyes immediately appears the extremely amazing severe light!


She stepped out and went straight to Qin Feiyang.

Although it is incredible, 1-Star Battle Sovereign is not a threat to her!


Qin Feiyang pedaled the Phantom Step, and lightningly suddenly retreated away.

The speed has been equal to that of Dong Qing!

“I know you have Perfection auxiliary Battle Art!”

“But you want to compare speed with me, you are not enough!”

The speed of Dong Qing has skyrocketed!

In the blink of an eye, she chased Qin Feiyang.

Arms rushed out, Battle Qi sprayed thinly on the palm, and one fist shot towards Qin Feiyang’s chest.

This one fist contains the full power of Dong Qing!

If shot, the heart of Qin Feiyang will be 100% Shattered!

“go to hell!”

Patriarch Dong tightly clenched with both hands.

Old Freak Dong couldn’t help but get nervous.

As long as this one fist can hit Qin Feiyang, he will be killed on the spot!

Yan Nanshan was worried.

Qin Feiyang also didn’t expect, and Dong Qing unexpectedly also mastered auxiliary Battle Art.

at the crucial moment!

He raised his hand, one fist blasted out, ran Return Character Art, and met Dong Qing’s palms!

This is the combat instinct that has been honed in the crisis for a long time!


Qin Feiyang was bombed out on the spot.

The arm shattered in response, blood dying the vast sky!

In contrast, Dong Qing stands firmly in void, completely motionless.

The gap between 1-Star Battle Sovereign and 5-Star Battle Sovereign is still too large.

See you.

Yan Nanshan relaxed.

The heart of Old Freak Dong and Patriarch Dong is just a mention of the throat!

An uneasy restlessness swept their bodies and minds.

“You are just lucky this time!”

Dong Qing’s eyes are gloomy, not giving Qin Feiyang a chance to breathe!

“Sunflower Water Art 1st-Style, White Wave Overflowing Heaven!”

She is imposing manner soaring heaven, Battle Qi is turbulent, turning into a huge wave covering the sky, and rushing towards Qin Feiyang like a river and sea!

“Battle Art!”

Qin Feiyang’s eyes sank.

Take a Regeneration Pill, crush the arm, and begin to repair quickly.


The other arm burst out, and his index finger volleyed, shouted: “Returning Ruins!”

Invisible power swings!

But this time, not at all was Crushing Dry Weeds and Smashing Rotten Wood like when fighting Dongfang Yue and the others.


Facing the surging waves, Returning Ruins unexpectedly could not resist!

Sunflower Water Art is the same as Returning Ruins Art. The formidable power of 1st-Style is only equal to Low Class Battle Art.

But know that Dong Qing is 5-Star Battle Sovereign, and 1st-Style is enough to play against 6-Star Battle Sovereign!

Although Qin Feiyang’s 4th-Style Returning Ruins can improve his battle strength to 5-Star Battle Sovereign, it is still a small realm.

The waves rolled, shaking the sky, like a hot knife through butter to smash the blocking of Returning Ruins, and drowned towards Qin Feiyang!


Qin Feiyang didn’t shake it anymore.

Expand Phantom Step and leave one after another phantom in the air.

It’s too late, it’s fast!


At this time.

His cultivation base was once again broken through.

2-Star Battle Sovereign!

He did stop, one finger nod to the billowing waves.

4th-Style Returning Ruins is back!

Invisible power, Roaring at the Vast Sky


Dong Qing’s face turned white, and the corners of his mouth overflowed with bloodstain!

“Dong Qing is hurt!”

“Qin Feiyang broke through 4 small realms in a row!”

“The situation may be reversed!”

this moment.

Both the Martial Palace Palace Lord and the others and the Sacred Palace disciple below are dumbstruck.

It all feels like dreaming, so unreal!

“Why is this?”

“Did he take divin pill and marvelous medicine?”

Dong Qing is also full of anger.

“Sunflower Water Art 2nd-Style, Water Overflowing the Sky!”

She was furiously roaring, her long hair fluttered in void, as if the demon is in the world, the hostility is sky-high!


Battle Qi like a waterfall, pouring out.

One by one, the sky is covered by waves, and the void at the top is surging.

Here, it looks like an ocean, a terrifying aura, sweeping across all directions!

“Qin Feiyang, next year today is your death date!”

Dong Qing snarled, pushed his hands forward, and the waves swept across the sky!

“Don’t talk too soon!”

Qin Feiyang smiled coldly.


cultivation base breakthrough again, 3-Star Battle Sovereign!

Everyone trembled physically and mentally.

Unexpectedly break through 5 small realms in a row!

This Qin Feiyang, can it be heaven defying?

“The real battle is only beginning now.”

“I see how long you can hold on.”

“Returning Origin Sword Art, annihilation!”

Qin Feiyang having high fighting spirit, battle intent runs across the sky.

铿 clang!

A fiery sword shadow appeared instantly, carrying a terrifying edge, and a sword slashing towards the sky and waves.

Hong long!

A loud noise exploded!

The sword shadow and the water wave collapsed almost simultaneously.


Two people also flew out, spitting out an angry blood.

“3-Star Battle Sovereign!”

Lu Xingchen looked at this scene, and cold light surged in his eyes.


Hearing rumors of Qin Feiyang, he thought that Qin Feiyang could only threaten him together at Pill Refinement.

But now he realized.

Qin Feiyang is even more threatening on Martial Dao Road’s innate talent!

This person must be eliminated as soon as possible!

Old Freak Dong and Patriarch Dong are also distorted.

In one breath, the impact from 7-Star Battle King to 3-Star Battle Sovereign was only ten breaths.

Qin Feiyang, what did you do?

If they had known this, they would rather lose this face than let Dong Qing and Qin Feiyang fight.

But now, it’s too late to say anything.

Old Freak Dong shouted: “Dong Qing, I tell you, you can’t lose 10000000 million!”

“Old Ancestor, I won’t lose!”

Dong Qing spoke with a word, with a firm demeanor in his eyes.

This battle, she couldn’t afford to lose!

She looked up towards Qin Feiyang, with solemn light moving in her eyes.

“I have to admit, you are really amazing.”

“If I give you some more time, I will soon surpass me.”

“But sorry, you don’t have this time.”

“Sunflower Water Art 3rd-Style, Water Dragon Breaking the Sky!”

With the voice landing.

A vast battle Qi rushed out of Dong Qing within the body and turned into a water dragon of several hundred meters, roaring towards the sky.

Qin Feiyang looked up at the Water Dragon, and the pump shrank slightly.

The formidable power of Sunflower Water Art 3rd-Style is already comparable to High Class Battle Art!

In other words.

Dong Qing’s current battle strength is enough for 8-Star Battle Sovereign!

Qin Feiyang, although holding Perfection Battle Art, can only compete with 7-Star Battle Sovereign.


Is not that absolutely does not have battle power!

Clang! ! !

He thought, Scarlet Sword Qi surged out of Qi Sea without reservation.

In a flash.

Twenty flame sword shadows condensed and hover above his head.

Sharp bursts, almost tearing the vast sky!


The Water Dragon rushed to the sky, dragon might mighty.

With a dragon roar, it made another volley and dived towards Qin Feiyang.


With a wave of Qin Feiyang, ten sword shadows turned into a shock, dashing above the skies.

The raging flames reflected half the sky!

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