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“One does not stay, all kill!”

Dragon Coldly Shouted, with more than a thousand incarnations, crazy wildly chasing.

The blood is dyed in the mountains.

screaming, mourning, endless

“This woman is taking medicine today?”

White-Eyed Wolf Mumbled.

“Is there a medicine, your heart is unclear?”

The madman glances at White-Eyed Wolf.

This is certainly related to White-Eyed Wolf.

“Brother is clear?”

“Don’t know.”

White-eyed Wolf Fiercely is stared at him.

Before he did not denied it.

but now.

did not say a few words, how could he be with him?

Crazy Laughd, no more, Turning One’s Head Looked Towards is a thousand incarnation, two major upper-level Ruler Divine Weapon.

White-eye-eyed Wolf is seen, and it is fun to look at it.




STAR River, blowing a huge sound of Heaven-Shaking, Earth-shattering.

is right!

Qin Feiyang and Dragon God have killed Star River.

madman and White-Eyed Wolf Simultaneously Looked, Lightning Dashing Above The Skies, Plug Star River, see Two People’s Source Power, such as meteorite collision, out of an unprecedented horror Aura.

The madman and White-Eyed Wolf look at this scene and immediately exit Star River.

Because of that fluctuation, it is really too terminal!

Even they feel a threat to death.

, while they exit Star River, along with Ka-Chase, two Source Power is pulverized in the sky.

Multicolored Divine Light, reflected in the world!

“This Source Power, is really powerful.”

mad Mumbled.

is more than a Star River, and it has collapsed the outside of the outside.

, such as the scene of the end, shocking the world!


but tightly.

The madman and white-eyed Wolf have a smile.

Because the two Source Power after the collision, they have dissipated in invisible.

that is to say!

Two Source Power, the last result of a Burn Both Jade and Stone.

Source Power disappears, for the dragon god, is equal to the Body Protection character.

but Qin Feiyang is different!

With Life and Death Laws, he has two Heavenly Dao Will, which has the capital of Rolling Dragon God.

The winning and negative is already!


in the collapse Star River!

qin feiyang and dragon god are erected.

Compared to Calm and Composed Qin Feiyang, Dragon God seems to be extremely in A Difficult Situation.

Dragon God is also very clear.

“Can you not be so dignified?”

The madman shouted.


I heard this, the dragon god hands Tightly Clenched, the heart roar.

Who is dignity?

can now have a choice?

Even if you can defeat Qin Feiyang, there is also a madman and money woff king!

“Good morning clothes, no white water is wasting two Source Power.”

qin feiyang shakes his head.

is a bit a pity.

If the dragon is unobskate early, there are two Source Power in his hand, do not say the Central Dynasty, at least in Four Great Continents, no one can shake him.

“Sorry …”

“Before I stubborn, give me a chance …”

Long god quickly looked Towards qin feiyang, full of fullness.

Because in the words of Qin Feiyang, he can feel a strong heart.

“Not Good Meaning.”

“Now, I am not rare.”

qin feiyang shakes his head.

With his hand, the seven ultimate oysters, Immediately with world extinguishing Aura, kill the dragon god.

is right!

If he succeeds early, he can also accept it.

But now, Source Power dissipates, and the battle has also been close to the end, and the contest of the dragon god has lost its meaning.

“Do you have to force me with your both jade and stone?”

Dragon God Roar.

Eyes a blood red.


next moment.

He is in the Divine Light, a Ten Thousand ZHANG Divine Dragon born.

is the body of the dragon god, holy dragon!

哐 clang!


a bright Divine Pagoda, from his WITHIN THE BODY.

– superior Ruler Divine Weapon, Xingchen Tower!

hong long!

xingchen tower shocks, and kills the seven ultimate anisiness.

Seven Ultimate Otys, immediately smashing in xingkong.

qin feiyang’s mouth out of One Strand Bloodstain.

He touched his mouth and looked at Bloodstain on his hand. Coldlight in his eyes, stared at the Dragon God, said: “It seems that you don’t know how to write!”

is just an Expression, so that the dragon Divine Heart rises a chill.

“jié jié …”

Along with a laughter, madness and white-eyed Wolf also step into Star River, whisper Murderous Aura.

Dragon God looked at Two people, and looked toards qin feiyang, the heart of trembling is difficult to calm.

This Three People is just a master of Become Terror-Stricken At the News.

can now, all are here.

I really don’t know what to say is his Honored, or should he say his Bad Luck?


“also has a chance!”

“qin feiyang 3,000 incarnations is not here!”


Dragon God One Shivered, IMMEDIATELY on the face, 桀 said with a smile: “You all go to Die for ME!”

xingchen tower exploding world startling might.

Such as the tsunami in Wang Yang, swept all Directions.

“or so naive.”

qin feiyang shakes his head.

With Thoughts Move, you are following up more than a thousand incarnations, which is dissipated in VoID, and only hundreds of incarnations are left.

This sudden change allows the dragon slight STARED Blankly.

is so fast, she understands that, looks up and look at the sky, and continues to massacre.

at the same time!

star river.

After Qin Feiyang, Appear Out of Thin Air is an Incarnation.

a total of one thousand.

It doesn’t actually use it much.

but it doesn’t matter.

Annigenous orast is now become an arrow at the end of its flight.

hundreds of incarnation, plus dragon, is also enough to put the beast, raze to the ground!

“This …”

Dragon God is Dumbstruck.

Desperate, once again, it is overwhelmed.

I have no idea.

It can be a gray!

“Are you active to give up, or is our Take Action?”

The madman is full of face.

“Abandon …”

Dragon God muttered, steady: “Impossible!”


“Don’t be happy too early, have not yet smoked them.”

The Cold Light flashes in the madman.

Super-level Ruler Divine Weapon, it is not so easy to smoke.

“is not anxious.”

“BROTHER is a means, torture them!”

White-Eyed Wolf Jié Jié smile.

The three ruler divine weapon’s instrument is unspeakable, and it will not help with a cold.

qin feiyang slightly smiled, sweep all Around earth.

This big place is really only able to describe the Corpses Everywhere Across The Field, Blood Flow into the river.

“What is UNPECTEDLY to escape?”

mad Looked Towards A group of beast god.

“Do you think they will be so honest?”

“I wanted to escape.”

“But watching us here, there is no courage.”

one of the INCARNATION is laughing.

white-eyeed Wolf Sign, Corner of the Mouth Slightly Lifted, Looked Towards 19th Beast God, said: “You will go!”


19th Beast God Looked at Each Other in Blank Dismay.

What do you mean?

Jinyi WOLF KING will so good?

“Let’s go!”

“gives you the beasts.”

White-Eyed Wolf is impatient.

a group of beast god hearing this, you see me, I see you, suddenly turned a turning, the Huang fled.

white-eye-eyed Wolf eyebrow raised.

The moment is open, one step, one step, connect Take Action, every Take Action, there must be one beast god Fleshy Body smash, Blood Dying the Vast Sky, anger: “Let you escape, you escape? See you so much? “

a group of beast god Divine Soul turtles together, Shiver Coldly.

just don’t have such a good heart!

“Give me a good, dare to move, Brother lets you divine Shadow entire Extinguished!”

White-Eyed Wolf Coldly Snorted, look up LOOKED TOWARDS distant.

This woman unexpectedly has not returned, is it to slaughter the entire beast?

Thinking of this, he can’t help but return SWEAT.

The woman really is fierce.


The Fleshy Body of the madman has also returned to normal.

Divine Soul of the old and the sea, also suppressed with the Divine Soul of the dragon.

He lowered his head, wondering a little, looked at the Qin Feiyang: “Do you have to take this opportunity, put Sea CLAN SOLVING THE PROBLEM in One Fell Swoop?”

“Don’t …”

“beg you …”

“Give me Sea Clan, leave the boss!”

Haiwang heard, and quickly ask.

“When you deal with us, I haven’t seen you to leave a way to give us a way?”

mad Sneered, continue to look at Qin Feiyang.

qin feiyang sinks, Nodded and Said: “Row, you bring a thousand Incarnation, but master the ultimate SEA CLAN to stay, Conveniently In Passing brings the resource of the Sea CLAN back.”


Laughed, look up LOOKED TOWARDS White-Eyed Wolf, said: “Brother Wolf, walk.”

White-Eyed Wolf is also Contorts One’s Face in Agony, after handing the nine beast god, after qin feiyang, we follow the madman, turn on the time and space transfer, with a thousand incarnation, Majestic Kill Sea Clan.

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