
You can search “Inextinuishable Battle God 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapters!

On the occasion of the great battle, White-Eyed Wolf must be impossible to put away the imposing manner and Law Power by himself.

This must have something to do with the conferred god domain.


Is this a means to seal the law?

As for White-Eyed Wolf, he was also a little panicked at the moment.

As a people involved, his feelings are of course the most obvious.

Just as this power came, not only his major Law Power, but even the power of his fleshy body, was instantly banned.

You know!

This is fighting.

And it is Life and Death Battle!

The power of Law Power and Fleshy body is banned by each other. What does it mean?

means that you will become an ordinary person.

How does an ordinary person confront an existence who masters the ultimate Profound Truth of the Seven Strongest Laws and Heavenly Dao Will?

This is simply the difference between a mortal and God!

dead end!




Dong Xin stared at White-Eyed Wolf with a smile on his face.

The lunatic roared: “Brother Wolf, use the power of your fleshy body to get out of the current predicament!”

“The power of the fleshy body has also been banned.”

White-Eyed Wolf spoke, his tone becoming extremely heavy.

Even Divine Force is banned!

It seems that she is really looking down on this woman.


The madman looked dazed.

Even the power of Fleshy body is blocked?

What is the difference between the current White-Eyed Wolf and the ordinary person?

“Seal Law Power, Divine Force, power, this is the power of the Conferred God Realm!”

Dong Xin proudly said with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Qin Feiyang and the lunatic could not help but tremble. There is such a terrifying method in the world?

Law Power, Divine Force, power is banned, it is equivalent to a mortal without the strength to truss a chicken.

White-Eyed Wolf is dangerous!



Dong Xin moved.

She took a step forward and flew towards the White-Eyed Wolf.

White-Eyed Wolf looked down, turned and ran.


His current speed is not as fast as Dong Xin.

But in an instant, he was caught up by Dong Xin. One fist patted his sleeveless garment, spurted blood, flew over on the spot, plunged into a deep ditch, and dripping fresh blood all over his body.

“Aren’t you able to run very well?”

Dong Xin sneered.

One step fell in front of White-Eyed Wolf and grabbed the golden wings on White-Eyed Wolf’s back.

“Don’t even use the golden wings anymore?”

The madman is desperate.

It is indeed unusable.

Because this pair of golden wings is actually stimulated by Divine Force, now that Divine Force is imprisonmented, the golden wings naturally cannot play out the divine might before.

“Without this pair of wings, how can I see you running?”

Dong Xin smiled cruelly and pressed his arm, a piece of wings behind the White-Eyed Wolf was torn off bloody on the spot, and the golden blood came out from the wound immediately like a gushing spring.

The intense pain, even White-Eyed Wolf, could not help but a miserable howl.

“Now, even if you want to die, I won’t let you do it.”

“I want you to taste the taste of pain!”

Dong Xin grabbed another wing again, and with a sound of pu chi, he tore it off again.


The madman shouted.

The imposing manner rolls out!

“What do you want to do?”

That baleful aura full of youth, one step across the front.

Murderous intention flashes in the eyes of a lunatic.

Qin Feiyang also slowly put down teacup, vacating a strand of amazing Life and Death Power all over.

Of course they are impossible to save!


distant place!

“What to do?”

“Do you want to take action?”

Divine King sound transmission.

The Lord and Human Supreme stared at White-Eyed Wolf, silent.

At the same time.

On the other side of Heart Demon, there was a trace of murderous intention in his eyes.

“don’t be impatient !”

Lu Jiajin stopped him.

His face also looked a little gloomy.



But at this moment, the deep and hoarse voice of White-Eyed Wolf sounded.

Qin Feiyang and the lunatic hurriedly lowered their heads and looked at White-Eyed Wolf.

At this time, the White-Eyed Wolf has been stepped on by Dong Xin, humiliated and trampled to his heart, the wound on his back is bleeding constantly, horrible to see!

“None of you are allowed to interfere!”

“This woman, I must end it myself!”

White-Eyed Wolf said with a smile.

That’s right!

He is just laughing.

In the words, there is an unprecedented madness.

two people simultaneously looked, hold it down temporarily.

“End me personally?”

“Have you not recognized the current situation?”

“For things like you, I will kill one for one, and I will kill the other for one pair!”

“Because no one is able to pass the ban in the Conferred God Realm!”

Dong Xin contempt’s laugh.

“The Conferred God Realm…”

“It was beyond my expectation.”

“But it can only ban the power of Divine Force, Law Power, and fleshy body. It can’t ban Battle Soul!”

White-Eyed Wolf grinned.

This is really a great shame.

Apart from facing Ice Dragon and Little Beast, I have never been trampled underfoot like this!

What a shame!

Dong Xin used his feet, White-Eyed Wolf’s body of more than ten meters, directly plunged into the mud, said with a sneer: “The Conferred God Realm cannot seal your Battle Soul, but what about it? Your Battle Soul’s Ability, I know, you can interrupt it before Deprivation and do less useless work. Today is your time of death!”

“hehe ……”


The hideous laughter of White-Eyed Wolf came from the ground.

Since the whole head is plunged into the ground, the sound coming out is a little dull.

Dong Xin eyebrow raised.

This laughter made her feel uneasy.

“My Battle Soul, even Little Qinzi and the little lunatic dare not understand, even more how is you!”

“Come out for me!”

“The Fourth Innate Divine Ability!”


With a roar of White-Eyed Wolf, the golden light was released, and a golden beast shadow soaring heaven stood up, stepping on the ground, heading the sky, as if one Paragon of myriad beasts was born.

The invisible beast power swept all directions like a tide!

Dong Xin couldn’t help but was blown away by the pressure on the spot!

“What’s the situation?”

“The Fourth Innate Divine Ability?”

Qin Feiyang and the lunatic looked at each other in blank dismay.

The first Innate Divine Ability, Deprivation Battle Soul.

The second Innate Divine Ability, Deprivation cultivation base.

The third Innate Divine Ability, the Law of Deprivation!

This is well known to everyone.

But when did the fourth Innate Divine Ability come out again?

The three people of the country, Lu Zheng and two people, including the two men and the woman, all looked at White-Eyed Wolf in surprise.


White-Eyed Wolf climbed up slowly.

He was covered with bloodstain and mud.


He turned and stared at Dong Xin.

Dong Xin has stabilized, looking at the expression of White-Eyed Wolf, a chill rises uncontrollably in his heart.

She dared not delay any longer.

The ultimate Profound Truth appeared.

Four of them are the ultimate Profound Truth, killing White-Eyed Wolf.

The other three ultimate Profound Truth, kill the golden beast shadow!

This is a two-pronged approach.

“Since you met me, your failure has been doomed.”

“But you are also honored.”

“Because of my fourth Innate Divine Ability, I have never seen Little Qinzi and the little madman.”

“Similarly, this is the first time I have opened the fourth Innate Divine Ability!”

“You, realize it!”

White-Eyed Wolf opened his mouth abruptly. As the voice fell, he suddenly raised his head and stared at the golden beast shadow, and roared: “Show your true appearance!”

“gu! “


A frog cry, resounded, resounded like thunder, shocking all directions!


Qin Feiyang and the lunatic are surprised.

Isn’t it the roar of the beast? Why did it suddenly become a frog cry?

Just myself for a moment!

Under the unbelievable gaze of two people, the fuzzy outline of the golden silhouette quickly solidified.


A huge golden frog manifested high in the sky.

It is as huge as a mountain, covered with golden scales, like dragon scales, and the beast power exuding from the whole body is incomparable!

“This is…”

Qin Feiyang and the lunatic looked at the frog, and a perilous situation was stirred up in their hearts.

Isn’t this the Golden Little Beast, Swallowing Heaven Beast?

That’s right!

The Battle Soul of White-Eyed Wolf in front of me looks exactly the same as Golden Little Beast!

Even expression and posture are carved out of a mold.

What’s the matter?

Why White-Eyed Wolf’s Battle Soul is Swallowing Heaven Beast?


Seeing White-Eyed Wolf’s Battle Soul, they have always been curious, what exactly is this Vicious Beast, with such a terrifying Innate Divine Ability?

But because before, the outline of Battle Soul was so vague that it could not be distinguished.

However, absolutely didn’t expect, it clearly manifested at this moment, unexpectedly is their mortal enemy, Swallowing Heaven Beast!

“What is his relationship with Swallowing Heaven Beast?”

The Lord of the Kingdom, Divine King, Human Supreme, Lu Jiajin, and Heart Demon were also stunned by this sudden scene.

Heart Demon and Lu Jiajin, of course, needless to say, in the early years of Divine Vestige 2nd-Layer, they had already seen Golden Little Beast.

The Lord of the Kingdom, Divine King, and Supreme of the Human Race, had also witnessed it when Ice Dragon and Little Beast came to Divine Kingdom to rescue Qin Feiyang and the others.

The strength that Little Beast showed at the time was desperate!

Even these years, whenever they recalled the scene at that time, they couldn’t help but take cold sweat.


That is an existence that even their Divine Kingdom ruler must be afraid of!

But now!

White-Eyed Wolf’s Battle Soul is unexpectedly Swallowing Heaven Beast.

This could not help but start to doubt the relationship between White-Eyed Wolf and Swallowing Heaven Beast.

At the same time.

Dong Xin and the two men and one woman looked at the true appearance of Swallowing Heaven Beast, and their faces were full of shock.

Although the fourth Innate Divine Ability has not yet appeared, there is already an ominous premonition in their hearts.


It’s too late to say, then soon!

Dong Xin’s seven ultimate Profound Truths have already reached the front of White-Eyed Wolf and golden beast shadow.

little life is at stake!


White-Eyed Wolf is not afraid of danger, said with a smile: “Keep your eyes open, what is the real heaven defying means, the fourth Innate Divine Ability, swallow!”

Battle Soul Swallowing Heaven Beast, bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl suddenly opened.

this world immediately violent wind erupted!

The seven ultimate Profound Truths fly towards the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl without any control at the moment.

“How is it possible?”

Dong Xin was dumbfounded.

This is her ultimate Profound Truth.

But at this moment, she can’t control these seven ultimate Profound Truths, she can only watch towards the seven ultimate Profound Truths and fly into the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl.

At the same moment that the seven ultimate Profound Truths flew into the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, the people present were shocked again.

The Ultimate Profound Truth of the Seven Strongest Laws, and it contains Heavenly Dao Will, but after entering the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, there was no wind and waves, and it was directly swallowed by the Battle Soul Swallowing Heaven Beast Lost.

The Seven Ultimate Profound Truth, just disappeared, as if they had never existed from the beginning to the end.

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