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Dong Ping felt Qin Feiyang, his brows were immediately slightly frowned.

Other guests who were whispering, watching this scene, immediately looked towards Qin Feiyang, what does this idiot want to do?

The waiter complexion of the restaurant changed, and immediately put down the work in his hands, and was ready to deal with the sudden changes that might happen next.

“What is this really?”

“The bird that frightens the bow, the grass and trees are soldiers.”

The madman shook his head and smiled bitterly.

A random action, unexpectedly makes these people so nervous, why is their psychological quality so bad?

Qin Feiyang looked at Dong Ping, flattering smile and said: “Brother, you first calm down. Little brother is here to apologize. For the offense just now, I hope Brother Daduohaihan.”

“You are not discreet.”

However, instead of accepting Qin Feiyang’s apology, Dong Ping stared at Qin Feiyang with disgust.


Qin Feiyang looked panicked, and quickly said: “Brother, what am I doing?”

“You did nothing wrong, but you have made a fatal mistake by saying these words!”

The cold light flickered in Dong Ping’s eyes.


“The little brother is here to apologize. It seems that I didn’t say anything wrong, right?”

Qin Feiyang looked terrified.

The cowardly hedonistic son of rich parents is vividly and thoroughly.

Dong Ping said indifferently: “Then think about it, what did you say?”

Qin Feiyang recalled, and said with trepidation: “What I said seems to be, Brother, you should calm down your anger first…”

Before Qin Feiyang finished speaking, Dong Ping opened the mouth and said: “Such an obvious problem, haven’t you realized it yet?”

“What’s the problem?”

Qin Feiyang Monk Zhang Er is puzzled.

Is there a problem with this?

Madman and White-Eyed Wolf are also pondering.

Such a humble, such a polite apology, what can be the problem?


“What qualifications do you have to call me brother!”

Dong Ping was furious, one fist slapped on the table, glaring at Qin Feiyang.

“It turned out to be like this.”

Qin Feiyang, lunatic, White-Eyed Wolf suddenly realized.

I dare to be in love because I yelled Brother, which angered this person.

It’s hilarious.

The loud brother can offend him.

“yes yes yes .”

Qin Feiyang repeatedly nodded and apologized: “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, it’s a little brother…it’s not right, it’s a lowly person who is too discreet, I hope you are big brother…no no no, I hope Sir for forgive me.”

“It’s pretty much the same.”

Dong Ping’s expression eased a lot.

To be a man we must know discreet.

This Heaven’s Chosen is a great genius of the Central Dynasty, and you are just a hedonistic son of rich parents of Four Great Continents. What qualifications do you have to be a brother to this Heaven’s Chosen?

Isn’t this pulling down the status of this genius?

“Sir, I will fine myself three cups for the offense just now.”

Qin Feiyang poured three glasses of wine in a row and drank it with his head up.

Dong Ping of Yelang arrogant didn’t know that the person who really should feel honored should be him.

Because for Qin Feiyang, drinking gets the score.

In other words.

Only when you meet someone he respects, who he admires, will he drink a few glasses with him.

“Did you finish?”

“You can roll after you drink it, don’t be an eyesore here.”

Dong Ping shows no mercy, and the expression of contempt is like looking at a fly.

Qin Feiyang is not angry either.

After all, now I am a silk pants, how can I be angry?


This attitude of putting hot faces on cold buttocks made Qin Feiyang wonder how to continue talking for a while.

Because he is not a flattering and fawning person.

In the dark thinking for a while, his eyes suddenly lit up, nodded and said: “Well, as long as Sir you are not angry, you can leave the lowly person.”

After speaking, he took the wine glass, twisted the jug, got up and returned to the table.

See it.

The waiter of the restaurant finally relaxed.

“Old Qin, you can’t do this!”

“Speaking of half a day, I didn’t talk about the topic.”

The lunatic looked at Qin Feiyang contemptuously.

Qin Feiyang faintly smiled.

“Look, look at how I, your father fooled him.”

Crazy in the dark smirk.

“Don’t go.”

Qin Feiyang hurriedly stopped, sound transmission said: “I just came back, now you run over, maybe he will be suspicious, I have thought of a better and more direct way.”

“What is the solution?”

Madman and White-Eyed Wolf are curious.

“Look at you guys.”

Qin Feiyang in the dark smiled, put down the wine glass, got up and walked towards the gate.

The waiter watched Qin Feiyang suddenly get up, thinking that Qin Feiyang was going to provoke Dong Ping again, and the heart that had just let go of it suddenly fell into his throat.

But when I saw that Qin Feiyang left the restaurant, he was sincerely relaxed.

This silk pants is really torturing.


No matter what restaurant it is, hedonistic son of rich parents are very welcome.

Because hedonistic son of rich parents talk about pomp and take action lavishly, so they will earn more restaurant.

But it is different now.

Dong Ping is sitting here, the restaurant waiter can’t wait for these silk pants, all scram, lest it cause trouble to the restaurant.


Not long after Qin Feiyang left, he returned to the restaurant.

At the same time.

There is still a gust of fragrant wind pouring into the restaurant hall.

I saw a stunning woman beside Qin Feiyang.

This woman is Fire Lotus.

Fire Lotus has never left Profound Martial World, so even if there is no adjusting one’s head and turning one’s face, no one will recognize it.

And the good looks of Fire Lotus, not to mention naturally.

Both the appearance and the figure are devastatingly beautiful.

Especially now, I have deliberately dressed up, making it even more charming.


No unexpected, the arrival of Fire Lotus immediately caught the attention of all the men in the audience.

“Your sister.”

“This is too unreasonable.”

“A hedonistic son of rich parents, unexpectedly knows such a beautiful woman.”

“Regardless of temperament or other aspects, it is not at the same level!”

“It’s just a flower, planted on cow dung.”

Everyone was indignant in their hearts.

Hearing the commotion, Dong Ping couldn’t help but looked towards Fire Lotus. His eyes lit up immediately. He was really a peerless stunner.

When I saw Qin Feiyang next to me, the jealousy in my heart immediately got up uncontrollably.

How can such a silk pants be worthy of such a temperamental woman?

White-Eyed Wolf and the lunatic watched the appearance of Fire Lotus and immediately realized that Qin Feiyang was planning to use sexual entrapment.


Qin Feiyang took the Fire Lotus and walked towards the lunatic and White-Eyed Wolf, looking like a proud of one’s success.

“This woman is really blind, why does she fall in love with this scum?”

“Am I not better than this silk pants?”

Many men can’t help but compare themselves with Qin Feiyang. Such a comparison makes their hearts even more unbalanced.

Qin Feiyang tilted his legs, looked at Fire Lotus in the eyes of everyone jealous, and asked, “Drink tea or drink?”


“When I came to the restaurant, of course it was drinking.”

“Besides, if people don’t drink, you have no chance.”

The lunatic cooperated with the acting, chuckled said.

“What are you talking nonsense?”

“Besides, I’m leaving.”

Fire Lotus glared at the lunatic, Jiao Angrily said.

“don’t, don’t, don’t .”

The lunatic hurriedly took Fire Lotus’s hand, baring his teeth and said: “Little hands are really slippery.”

“get lost! “

Fire Lotus’s face went dark.

Although she is acting, she can’t say everything. People who don’t know think she is a stray woman!


“This is really unreasonable.”

“Why is God so unfair!”

“Please give me such a top grade beauty too!”

Everyone wailed in their hearts.

Qin Feiyang kept an eye on Dong Ping, and found that he entered the restaurant from Fire Lotus. Dong usually took a look at Fire Lotus from time to time.

The judgment in my heart became more and more certain.

This Dong Ping must be a scumbag.

At this moment, Fire Lotus also showed the charm of a mature woman vividly and thoroughly, and became the focus of all men here.

About one hour passed.

Qin Feiyang put down the wine glass and looked towards Fire Lotus said with a smile: “Why don’t we go outside the city, I accidentally ran into a valley a few days ago, which not only has pleasant scenery, but also many interesting things.” [ 19459002]


Fire Lotus looked at Qin Feiyang and asked naive.

“Woman, don’t go!”

“Don’t go.”

“These silk pants are definitely not at ease.”

Someone roared in his heart.


Qin Feiyang nodded.


Fire Lotus without the slightest hesitation of nodded.

“What a silly woman.”

“Wait to be eaten, I don’t know what’s going on.”

There was a man next to him shaking his head.

“waiter, check out.”

Qin Feiyang beckoned to the waiter standing in front of the counter.

Waiter hurried over, and when he looked at Fire Lotus, his eyes were full of surprise.

At the same time also envy.

It seems that being silk pants is also good.

Qin Feiyang is very expert. He took out a lot of Soul Stone and threw it to the waiter. Then he took the Fire Lotus and the lunatic two people and walked outside without looking back.

“Suddenly, I also want to be a hedonistic son of rich parents.”

A youth big person sighed his head.


“When silk pants, you also need capital.”

“Wait for the next life, reincarnate and find a capable dad, then you are qualified to be silk pants.”

Several companions of the youth big person couldn’t help but laugh jokingly.

Looking at the back of Qin Feiyang four people, Dong Ping’s eyes flickered.


“Didn’t follow?”

On the street.

There is a lot of traffic and excitement.

Qin Feiyang four people walked among the crowd, paying attention to behind him anytime and anywhere, but he did not see Dong Ping for a long time.

“Don’t engage in half a day, the other party has no such thoughts at all.”

White-Eyed Wolf mumbled.

“Then it can only be said that our Big Sister Fire Lotus is not charming.”

The madman bared his teeth.

Fire Lotus immediately rolled his eyes, angrily said: “Obviously, you can easily deceive this person out of the city in the name of Heart Demon and Lu Jiajin, but why do you have to do these fancy things?”

“This is the meaning of Senior Brother and White-Eyed Wolf. It has nothing to do with me.”

Qin Feiyang quickly cleared the relationship.

Fire Lotus looked towards Madman and White-Eyed Wolf, speechless saying: “I know you two wicked guys.”

“Don’t talk nonsense.”

“This idea, obviously Little Qinzi came up with it.”

White-Eyed Wolf angered.


Fire Lotus looked at Qin Feiyang in astonishment.

“cough cough!”

Qin Feiyang gave a dry cough, turned his head, concealing the embarrassment between his expressions.

But suddenly.

He corner of the mouth slightly lifted, and said with a smile: “You pay attention to the back.”

Three people stared blankly, aiming at the crowd behind him without a trace, and saw a blood-haired youth mixed in the crowd. Isn’t Dong Ping and is who?

Yu’er finally got the bait.

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