
You can search “Inextinuishable Battle God 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapters!

Battle with the Central Dynasty is not something an average person has the courage to say.

But Ji Yunhai not only dared to say, but also said so unscrupulously, it shows that he is indeed a very bloody person.

But think about it.

Can a person who killed all the living creatures in the Heavenly Cloud Realm and slaughtered all the living creatures in the underworld hell be without blood?

Shua! !

Just then.

Two figures murderous looking from breaking the sky came and swept straight into the Star River.

It is Dong Tianchen and Dong Qin!

They were relaxing outside, and when they heard the movement, they rushed back immediately.

And, very angry!

No matter what happened after they left, but the four people of the country dared to take action against Dong Hanzong, that would be a mess!


Soon after the two people entered the Star River, the horrible imposing manner also broke out.


Ji Yunhai’s gaze sank, and looked down towards a mountain summit, shouted: “Have you notified Old Ancestor?”


“They come at once!”

On the mountain summit.

Dragon’s son and Ji Shaoyi stand side by side.

I heard that two people were nodded one after another, and their eyes were full of anger.

People who think they are from the Central Dynasty, can they behave in their Purple Gold Divine Dragon clan?


Before the voice of the two people fell, the passages of time and space appeared high in the sky.

Ji Boss, a group of old men, walked out angrily.

“grandfather, they are on it!”

Ji Yunhai immediately ran in front of Ji Boss and pointed to the sky in a rage.

“A few hairless brats, it’s not enough to run to the village to humiliate us. Now unexpectedly, I still ran into my Purple Gold Divine Dragon clan to make trouble, so I don’t put us in the eyes!”

Ji Boss looked down and looked at Ji Yunhai shouted: “In case if by any chance, you take the clansman to evacuate at once!”


Ji Yunhai respectfully responded.

“Let’s go!”

Ji Boss waved his hand, and the 15 old man immediately burst out overflowing heaven might and killed him towards Star River.

“I will go!”

“Unexpectedly alarm the 15 Old Ancestors of the Purple Gold Divine Dragon clan!”

“These old men, but it’s been a long time since they took action in person.”

“Even many youngsters thought they had fallen.”


“Don’t talk about the younger generation people, even me, they are almost forgotten.”

“It is said that when they were young, they were the masters of making people become terror-stricken at the news.”


“In the last era, they had ten brothers, and they were called the ten Great Demon ghosts of the Purple Gold Divine Dragon clan. They could be called the devil by the world. You can imagine the brutal methods.”

Everyone discuss spiritedly.

The Purple Gold Divine Dragon clan can always be on top of Human Race and Divine Race, 3,000 Incarnations is only the second, the most important reason is because of these 15 old man.

Each one is revered existence.


As 15 people entered Star River, the battle fluctuated more and more terrifying.


“Old Qin, it seems that something really bad?”

The lunatic sound transmission.

Qin Feiyang scanned the sky, then looked towards Ji Yunhai and the others, with doubts on his face.

What the hell is going on?

“How dare you betray ruler Sir, now I will represent ruler Sir and grant you a death!”


An angry loudly shouted, billowing from Star River.


“Lord, King of God, Supreme, want to betray our Divine Kingdom?”

“How is this possible?”

“These years, their battles with Qin Feiyang and others are obvious to all!”

“To get rid of Qin Feiyang and others, it can be said to be exhausting, unexpectedly said they betrayed Divine Kingdom?”

People are surprised.

“Don’t listen to their nonsense!”

“It must be because they want the country lord several people to do something for them, and the lord they did not agree, so they let them fly into a rage out of humiliation, deliberately slandering them!”

Ji Yunhai shouted.


“if you want to condemnd someone, don’t worry about the pretext !”

“Relying on the central dynasty behind, come to us Four Great Continents behaving atrociously? It’s too much!”

Everyone is nodded.

These people from the Central Dynasty are simply disgusting.

This scene.

I am afraid it is the Lord of the Kingdom, God King, Supreme, Ji Tianjun, Wan never expected.

They were originally worried that it would affect their reputation.

But I didn’t expect that Ji Yunhai said so, but Dong Hanzong’s several people, arousing everyone’s anger.

“Little Qinzi, do you want to go up and have a look?”

White-Eyed Wolf secretly thought, there is some worry between the eyebrows.


Qin Feiyang was quite hesitant.

I always feel that this matter does not seem so simple.

Although there is not much contact with the Lord of the Kingdom, the King of Gods, and Supreme, he also knows a lot about the character of the three people.

Do things, impossible so impulsive.

Especially facing the masterful genius of the central dynasty.

Because the person behind Dong Hanzong and others is the Emperor of the Central Dynasty.

“I think it’s better to go and have a look.”

The lunatic sound transmission.

Qin Feiyang’s eyes flickered, glanced all around the crowd, and whispered: “Follow me.”

What does two people stared blankly mean?

“It is better to be careful in everything.”

Qin Feiyang said meaningfully, then turned and left.

Madman and White-Eyed Wolf looked simultaneously and quickly followed.


The three people entered a canyon.

Seeing no one around, Qin Feiyang waved his hand and an avatar appeared.


two people staring blankly.

Qin Feiyang looked towards the avatar, and said: “You help go to Star River to investigate the situation.”


Incarnation nodded.

Although Qin Feiyang has adjusting one’s head and turning one’s face, but the incarnation does not.

When the avatar cut through the sky and appeared above the Purple Gold Divine Dragon clan, it immediately caused a sensation.

“Qin Feiyang!”

“He unexpectedly also came to join in the fun?”

“What about the lunatic and the Golden Wolf Wolf King?”

“Why didn’t you see them?”

“These three people are inseparable all the time?”

Everyone is mumbled.

The eyes are full of awe.

Although Qin Feiyang is the enemy of their Divine Kingdom, but Qin Feiyang’s strength and means have already convinced them.


Now Qin Feiyang has more weight in their minds than the leader and others.

Because it is so.

The current Qin Feiyang, if full power take action, the strength far exceeds that of the people of the country.

At the same moment!

Dragon’s son and Ji Shaoyi looked at the incarnation of Qin Feiyang, with a murderous intention flashing in their eyes.

“Did you notice the expression of Dragon’s son?”

Qin Feiyang three people came to the back of the crowd again, the lunatic sound transmission said with a smile.

hearing this.

Qin Feiyang looked at Dragon’s son, lightly said with a smile: “Whatever you want!”


Dragon’s son is indeed a rival.

But now.

No longer a concern.


The incarnation of Qin Feiyang blatantly entered the Star River, no one dared to stop it.

The moment I entered Star River, one after another terrifying wave of engagement, he rushed towards him.

At the same time!

Dong Hanzong, the three people, the lord and others, also noticed the incarnation.

But did not recognize it as an incarnation, all thought it was Qin Feiyang himself.

“Is it really here?”

Dong Hanzong corner of the mouth lifted.


“This is too fast, I don’t have time to inform him!”

The three people of the country are a little worried.

Originally, I planned to notify Qin Feiyang, Dong Hanzong’s plan immediately after the show was finished.

But I didn’t expect it.

I heard the news so soon.

“It’s so lively.”

The corners of the avatar’s mouth raised slightly, looking towards the three people of Dong Hanzong and said: “Aren’t you here to deal with me? Why did you fight with the lord and them first? But watching your dog biting the dog, it was really wonderful, just ignore me , You continue.”

“What are you doing in nonsense?”

“Hurry up, this is a scam against you!”

The sound transmission of the king of gods.


Shivering in the body and mind.

At the same time!

Behind the crowd, a radiance flashed in Qin Feiyang’s eyes.

There really is a problem.

Although 3,000 Incarnations have independent consciousness, they are also equal to his eyes and ears. As long as 3,000 Incarnations sees and hears, he can know.


White-Eyed Wolf and the lunatic noticed Qin Feiyang’s abnormality and couldn’t help but looked at him suspiciously.

“This Dong Hanzong is indeed a bit smart.”

Qin Feiyang whispered.


Star River!

Dong Hanzong, Dong Qin, and Dong Tianchen simultaneously looked, and they left the battlefield in lightning speed, cut through the sky, and instantly fell all around the avatar.


The avatar scanned the three people.

Dong Qin and Dong Tianchen had already learned of Dong Hanzong’s plan after they entered Star River.

I thought that Qin Feiyang might not be so easy to be fooled, but I didn’t expect that the next moment would enter Star River alone.

Isn’t this the prey delivered to the door?

“What’s the matter?”

Ji Boss and other 15 old man were still kept in the dark.


The lord of the country in the dark sighed told a group of old man Dong Hanzong’s plan.

“Why didn’t you say it earlier?”

“Said early, we are also good to find a way to inform this brat.”

Ji Old Tenth said angrily.

“How do I know, he will run over now?”

“Besides, they have always liked to stay in Profound Martial World, and it is impossible to receive news so soon. This is an unexpected.”

The lord smiled bitterly.

“Then what should I do now?”

A group of old men are worried.

“Look at the situation!”

“If Qin Feiyang waits for danger, then we will really become hostile with the Central Dynasty!”

There was a murderous intention in the heart of the Lord.


The three people and a group of old men are worried to death, but the avatar looks like a okay person.

He scanned the three people of Dong Hanzong, and said suspiciously: “What’s the matter? Are you not fighting anymore?”


“I thought how smart you are, it turned out to be only this.”

“Now, don’t you understand?”

“This is a play we played with the lord and others, just to draw you out.”

Dong Hanzong shook his head and sneered.


The incarnation complexion changed.

“I heard you right!”

“Everything you see now is an illusion.”

“I also thought that to get you out, these dramas alone would definitely not be enough, and it would take a lot of thought, but I didn’t expect it to be so easy to succeed.”

“It seems that before, I really overestimated you.”

“However, it will save a lot of trouble.”

Dong Hanzong’s said with a smile, a planning strategy, a posture of controlling the overall situation.


Incarnate and shout.


Dong Hanzong stared blankly slightly, jokingly said: “Should I not say that I am better at it?”

The avatar’s eyes sank, turned around and opened for an instant, and fled towards the exit.

Dong Tianchen stepped across the exit of Star River and said grimly: “Want to go? Kill my younger brother, I want you a debt of blood must be paid in blood!”

“younger brother?”

The avatar frowned.


“Dong Ping is my biological younger brother!”

“When I kill you, I will kill the lunatic, kill the Golden Wing Wolf King, kill all the people around you, and let you reunite in hell!”

Dong Tianchen’s face looked incredibly hideous, and his tone also revealed a sullen chill.

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