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Dong Hanzong clenched his hands.

Why is this person so discreet?

Dong Qin couldn’t see it, sound transmission said: “Dong Tianchen, don’t lose your mind, brother Zong is also for your good.”

“Good for me?”

“Why did my younger brother be out alone? Isn’t it all arranged by Dong Hanzong?”

“Although Qin Feiyang is the real murderer, Dong Hanzong is also their accomplice.”

“As for you, is it selfishness to help him speak now?”

“You think we don’t know, you have been secretly in love with him!”

Dong Tianchen sneered in the dark.

“What are you talking nonsense?”

Dong Qin flushed and angered.

“Any nonsense, you know it yourself.”

Dong Tianchen is coldly snorted.

“Do you really want to act willfully go down like this?”

“Killing the lord, do you know what the consequences will be?”

Dong Hanzong also gradually lost his patience.

“What is the consequence?”

“It is nothing more than to force the Purple Gold Divine Dragon clan betrayal.”

“But what about their betrayal?”

“With the strength of my central dynasty, even if Death God Legion is not dispatched, they can be wiped out in minutes!”

Dong Tianchen dismissed it.

Hearing this, Dong Hanzong went silent and stopped talking to persuade him.

Do whatever you want!

Anyway, I have persuaded, then the Emperor will blame it, and I won’t be able to blame it.


Qianfeng Mountain.

Qin Feiyang three people standing on the mountain summit, scanning all around the mountains and rivers as far as the eye can see, all smiles.

This time, it was so happy.

Compared to killing Dong Ping, there is still pleasure.

Because of this time, fiercely slapped Dong Hanzong a few times.

It can also be regarded as asking for a little interest for Ji Boss and others.

“To be honest, I really didn’t expect this Dong Hanzong to be so clever, unexpectedly want to plot against us.”

White-Eyed Wolf bared his teeth.

“The five great genius that can be called the central dynasty, who has no nodded brain?”

“In contrast, Dong Hanzong is better than Dong Ping.”

The lunatic smiled.

Qin Feiyang pondered a little, lightly said with a smile: “I don’t deny that they are all difficult characters, but it is not difficult to deal with them.”

“So it seems that you already have a second object to eradicate in your heart?”

White-Eyed Wolf and the lunatic simultaneously looked and curiously asked.


“Dong Tianchen.”

Qin Feiyang has a flash of radiance in his eyes.

“Dong Tianchen?”

“To get rid of him? It’s not that easy!”

“After all, he has a god-killing realm and is invincible.”

The lunatic frowned.

“The state of invincibility, I don’t think it is truly invincible.”

“At the time we were celebrating Tian City, when we left, he did not forcefully shake the ultimate Profound Truth of 3,000 Incarnations, which shows that he was still very afraid.”

“In other words.”

“His invincible state also has limits.”

“A little more.”

“Dong Ping unexpectedly is his biological younger brother. This is what I had never expected before.”

“The biological younger brother died in our hands, do you think he can not go crazy?”

“Once a person goes mad, he naturally loses his mind. Isn’t it simple to kill such a person?”

Qin Feiyang smiled lightly.

“It makes sense.”

two people nodded.

White-Eyed Wolf added: “Also, from the performance of Dong Tianchen before, it is very likely that Dong Ping did not leave Divine Soul in the Central Dynasty to protect his life, otherwise he would not be so angry.”


“But to be on the safe side, let Heart Demon and the cousin brother investigate.”

“Until the investigation results come out, we can’t be careless.”

Qin Feiyang advised.

Although Sea Clan and the Orcs were leveled, with the addition of the Central Dynasty, the situation has become more serious than before, so there can be no mistakes, or it will be a broken bone.

“Then do you have any detailed plans?”

asked the madman.

“How can it be so fast, I am not a god, I can think of anything? This is just a preliminary idea.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head and smiled bitterly, then retracted his gaze, and said: “Let’s go back to Profound Martial World, the situation is getting more and more tense, we must master the other ultimate Profound Truth as soon as possible.”

One more ultimate Profound Truth is equal to one more guarantee.

Just like now.

If there is no 3,000 Incarnations, no Eye of God, no true body of all evil, no Battle Soul Swallowing Heaven Beast, Qin Feiyang three people facing Dong Hanzong these people, there is still no chance of winning.

Because first of all, the number of ultimate Profound Truths that the opponent has has suppressed them.

Shua! !

But just then.

Two figures descend in the sky.

Three people stared blankly, looking up, the people here are God King and Human Race Supreme?

“You really are here.”

The King of God glanced all around and saw that there were no living creatures around, so he landed on the mountain summit, said with a smile.

“How do you know we are here?”

The lunatic was astonished.

The King of God said: “I think you were usually sent to Qianfeng Mountain before, so I came to try one’s luck.”

Because the sound transmission sacred stone was destroyed last time in the void, and the contract bridge has not been re-established, it is impossible to contact the Qin Feiyang three people directly.

“Then why are you looking for us in such a hurry?”

“Do you want to praise us?”

“Then there is no need, it is all trivial matter, not enough.”

White-Eyed Wolf hehe smiled straight.

“Look at your ass.”

The god king has a black face.

Human Race Supreme with cherishing words like gold next to it can’t help but roll his eyes.

“Be serious.”

“The two seniors came to us, they must have something to discuss.”

Qin Feiyang glared at White-Eyed Wolf and looked at the two people of God King and said: “If you have anything, just tell me!”

Because between the eyebrows of two people, he clearly noticed a trace of anger and worry.

Upon hearing Qin Feiyang’s words, the lunatic and White-Eyed Wolf couldn’t help but look at the two people seriously.

The god king said solemnly: “After you left, Dong Tianchen flew into a rage out of humiliation, actually hurting the country’s lord seriously, and wanted to make a fake show.”


three people complexion changed.

If the fake drama is really done, isn’t it dangerous for the country lord?

“How dare they?”

“Is not afraid to be hated by both men and god?”

The madman said angrily.

The King of God said: “Dong Hanzong and Dong Qin are useless to dissuade, I think he is completely crazy, and simply doesn’t want to consider these issues.”

“Dong Qin?”

three people stared blankly.

“It’s the woman.”

God King explained.

“Then what field does she control?”

The lunatic is curious.

“I don’t know.”

“When she was in Star River before, she had not opened the realm.”

The King of God shook his head.

Before, I was acting in Star River after all, so there is no need to be true.

“I guess it’s a powerful ability!”

Human Race Supreme speaks.

“Don’t talk about it yet.”

The lunatic waved his hand, turning one’s head looked towards Qin Feiyang, said with a sneer: “Sure enough, as you thought, this Dong Tianchen started jumping the wall in a hurry.”

“I don’t believe it, he really dared to kill the lord!”

White-Eyed Wolf coldly snorted.

“Not necessarily.”

“Crazy people, do everything.”

“Besides the central dynasty is so strong, Dong Tianchen would not care.”

Qin Feiyang waved his hand.

“Do you know the background of the Central Dynasty?”

God King and Human Race Supreme stared blankly.

The background of the Central Dynasty, even they don’t know it!

“Know a little about one or two.”

“The powerhouse of Heavenly Dao Will owned by the Central Dynasty, there are no less than five thousand on the surface, let alone the Death God Legion hidden in the dark.”

Qin Feiyang nodded.

“So many?”

The two people were dumbfounded.

Think about their Human Race, Divine Race, even if you add them, it will only be a few dozen.

This disparity is not generally large.

“Are you sure?”

Human Race Supreme return back to his senses, asked.


Qin Feiyang nodded.

“It’s weird, you didn’t go to the Central Dynasty, how did you know this?”

The two people are puzzled.

“We are someone in the Central Dynasty.”

White-Eyed Wolf mysteriously smiled.

“No way!”

two people looked at each other in blank dismay.

Insert spy into the central dynasty? How is this possible!

“For their safety, keep it secret for the time being, you will know it later.”

After Qin Feiyang finished speaking, he bowed his head and began to ponder.

What Dong Tianchen did was beyond his expectations.

I thought that even if Dong Tianchen jumped over the wall in a hurry, he would at best be disrespectful to the lord and others.

It was never expected, unexpectedly take action on the country’s lord in public.

This makes things a little complicated.

“Now the news has spread.”

“If you don’t go to the Purple Gold Divine Dragon clan, he will attack the country lord.”

“But if you go, it is walking right into a trap.”

“You must think twice.”

The King of God is worried.

Dong Tianchen’s behavior was also the behavior of her and Human Race Supreme, which was never expected.

Human Race Supreme pondered a little, his eyes flashed with murderous intention, and said: “If Dong Tianchen really dares to make a move, then we Three Great Races will officially declare war on the Central Dynasty!”

The King of God looked at Human Race Supreme in shock.

There is no less than five thousand Heavenly Dao Will powerhouse on the surface. Do you dare to declare war directly?

Isn’t this courting death?

Qin Feiyang couldn’t help but look at Human Race Supreme, shook his head and said: “Senior, absolutely not impulsive!”


Human Race Supreme frowned.

“First of all, we haven’t thoroughly figured out the background of the central dynasty.”

“Especially the Death God Legion in the hands of the Emperor.”

“Secondly, we do not have enough strength against the Central Dynasty.”

“Anyway, at least until the six thousand Shadow Guard around me, all master Heavenly Dao Will, we can make a move.”

“And I can barely.”

Qin Feiyang Road.

“Then how long will it take for them to master Heavenly Dao Will?”

Human Race Supreme asked.

“It’s hard to tell.”

“Although Profound Martial World has a Time Array, the understanding of the law depends entirely on personal innate talent, and there will definitely be a gap in time.”

“But you can rest assured that they all open the Gate of Potential, and they also have the inheritance of the strongest law, the ultimate Profound Truth. I believe it won’t be too long.”

Qin Feiyang Road.

“That’s not enough!”

“After all, you just said that the Emperor still has a mysterious Death God Legion in his hand.”

The King of God frowned.

“Definitely not enough.”

“So, we have to cultivate more powerhouses.”

Qin Feiyang’s eyes flickered.

But the goal of training is a difficult problem.

Now everyone in Demon Ghost Land has got the ultimate Profound Truth they need, but the total number is more than 6,000.

Go to the Zhong Prefecture and Four Great Domains of Profound Martial World to find training goals?

But the living creatures of Zhong Prefecture and Four Great Domains, the cultivation base is still too weak, the foundation is too weak, let alone the Profound Martial World ruler life, except for Li Er and Wan San. A.

To integrate inheritance, the first condition is to reach the ruler state.

Apart from Profound Martial World, where else can he go to find the goal of training?

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