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The oath has been made, it is too late to regret it!


Hai Zidong did not think about that many, only concerned about Qin Feiyang and the others, whether he would give him the ultimate Profound Truth inheritance.

The wind was howling and the waves were surging.

Qin Feiyang looked at Hai Zidong and asked: “What ultimate Profound Truth do you have now?”

“Currently, it is the ultimate Profound Truth of Time Law.”

“The other two strongest laws, Space-Time Laws and Death Law, can only comprehend the Supreme Profound Truth.”

Hai Zidong bowed his head.

“Not bad too!”

“At a young age, I realized the ultimate Profound Truth of the strongest law.”

The lunatic smiled.


“The Ultimate Profound Truth of Time Law is not what I realized, but the inheritance that my father gave me.”

Hai Zidong shook his head.

Madman Weiwei stared blankly, frowned: “putting it that way, you are now not even comprehending a ultimate Profound Truth?”


Hai Zidong did not deny it.

Because he is really young.

I am proud to have this achievement now.

“Apart from Time Law, Space-Time Laws, Death Law, what else do you want?”

Qin Feiyang asked with a smile.

Hai Zidong did not hesitate at all, opened the mouth and said: “Any law will do, as long as it is the strongest law, as long as you can master Heavenly Dao Will.”


Qin Feiyang nodded, sound transmission said: “Fire Lotus, help me prepare the inheritance of Six Paths’s strongest law and ultimate Profound Truth, not Time Law’s ultimate Profound Truth.”


Fire Lotus answered.


Six Paths inheritance appeared in front of Qin Feiyang void.

They are Space-Time Laws, Death Law, Causal Law, Swallowing Law, Destruction Law, Life Law.

Looking at this Six Paths inheritance, Hai Zidong’s face is full of excitement.

“wait a minute!”

But suddenly.

His look is stared blankly, it seems that there are more than five ways?



This number, unexpectedly has the inheritance of Six Paths Ultimate Profound Truth.

“What’s going on?”

Hai Zidong was a little confused.

He only needs five inheritance, but unexpectedly give him Six Paths?

Madman and White-Eyed Wolf also looked at Qin Feiyang suspiciously.

Is there really enough inheritance of the ultimate Profound Truth now, don’t know how to cherish it, just squander it?

“You read that right, this is Six Paths inheritance.”

“Six Paths inheritance is also given to you.”

Qin Feiyang looked at Hai Zidong and smiled.


Hai Zidong looked dazed.

This was originally a good deed.

However, he was a little happy in his heart that does not raise.

Because he knew that Qin Feiyang impossible was so kind, he gave him an inheritance for nothing.

“Don’t want it?”

Qin Feiyang faintly smiled.

“Think about it.”

Hai Zidong hurriedly nodded, immediately said: “However, you will definitely not give it to me for nothing!”

“You are very smart.”

“In this world, no one is willing to give others an inheritance for nothing.”

“And it is the ultimate Profound Truth inheritance of the strongest law.”

“As for my condition, it is also very simple.”

“I want you to unify Sea Clan and the Orcs, and become the only tyrant in Dongzhou.”

Qin Feiyang Road.


Hai Zidong looked at him in shock.

“Although Sea Clan and the orcs have been destroyed, there are still many remnants.”

“There are many powerhouses that master the strongest law and ultimate Profound Truth.”

“As long as you can bring them all together, this force should not be underestimated.”

Qin Feiyang said.

Sea from the east frowns.

Qin Feiyang didn’t need to say this, he knew it in his heart.

Because he is the son of Sea King.

The sea king and the sea gods have fallen one after another, and the Sea Clan group of dragons has no head. He, the son of the sea king, naturally became the backbone of the remnants of Sea Clan.

In other words.

Not only does he know these things, but he also knows where the remnants of Sea Clan are hidden?

But there is one thing that he can’t understand, why does Qin Feiyang do this?

Whether it is Sea Clan or Orcs, it is no longer the same.

Even though there are still many powerhouses that master the ultimate Profound Truth of the strongest law, they are of no value to Qin Feiyang today.

Because of Qin Feiyang’s current strength, apart from the powerhouse that holds Heavenly Dao Will, everyone else is impossible.


Hai Zidong is very puzzled.

“You don’t care about my purpose, just do what I say.”

Qin Feiyang indifferently said.


Hai Zidong is nodded.

Now, he is indeed not qualified to control these things.

Qin Feiyang waved his hand and Six Paths inheritance flew in front of Haizidong, lightly said with a smile: “I look forward to you bringing me good news.”

Say it.

He and the madman, White-Eyed Wolf, turned around and left without looking back.

Hai Zidong looked at the back of the three people, squeezing his hands tightly together.

When Qin Feiyang three people disappeared, he put away Six Paths inheritance, scanned the choppy Sea Domain, and then swept southward.


“Little Qinzi, what on earth do you want to do?”

White-Eyed Wolf looked at Qin Feiyang suspiciously.

Qin Feiyang smiled but said nothing.

“Don’t tell me, don’t tell me that I’m becoming hostile with you.”

White-Eyed Wolf has a black face.

“ok ok ok, I said.”

Qin Feiyang smiled helplessly and asked: “How is the relationship between Sea Clan and the Orcs and the Central Dynasty?”

“This is not nonsense.”

White-Eyed Wolf rolled his eyes.

Sea King and Dragon God can enter the Central Dynasty at will, can the relationship be bad?


The Divine Kingdom ruler’s care for Sea Clan and the Orcs is also obvious to all.


“Everyone knows that Sea Clan and the Orcs are more loyal to the Divine Kingdom ruler than the Human Race, Divine Race, and Purple Gold Divine Dragon clan.”

“You think, if…”

“If one day suddenly, Sea Clan and the Orcs simultaneously announced their rebellion against Divine Kingdom and pointed the butcher knife at the Central Dynasty, what effect would it have on Four Great Continents?”

Qin Feiyang has a flash of radiance in his eyes.

“so that’s how it is .”

Madman and White-Eyed Wolf looked simultaneously and finally understood the purpose of Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang allowed Hai Zidong to unify the Sea Clan and the Orcs in preparation for the rebellion of the Three Great Races in the future.

Three Great Races have always lived in Divine Kingdom. Divine Kingdom is their home, so they naturally have a sense of belonging.


The Lord of the Kingdom, Divine King, Human Race Supreme, and the living creature of Four Great Continents, will definitely stand up for opposition.

Although Lu Jiajin is now taking advantage of Dong Tianchen’s incident to help, it is impossible to make all the living creatures of Four Great Continents hostile to the Central Dynasty and the Divine Kingdom ruler.

Some people are only dissatisfied and complaining at most.

Even if someone wants to follow the ruler of the kingdom and they betrayal, but because of the fear of the central dynasty and the Divine Kingdom ruler, they certainly dare not really take action.


This requires a leader.

Sea Clan and Orcs are the leaders in the Qin Feiyang project.

is equal to cannon fodder.

Just think about it.

Sea Clan and the Orcs have such a good relationship with the Central Dynasty. If even Sea Clan and the Orcs betrayed the Divine Kingdom and unanimously dealt with the Central Dynasty, what would other people think?

Of course they would think that even Sea Clan and the Orcs who have such a good relationship with the Central Dynasty have raised a rebellious heart. It can be seen that the Divine Kingdom ruler and the Central Dynasty are not friendly to Four Great Continents?

Yes, gossip is a fearful thing!

As long as Sea Clan and the Orcs really have a betrayal heart, there will be any kind of discussion at that time.


Everyone will think again.

Divine Kingdom ruler Sea Clan and the Orcs who trust so much are betrayal, why can’t they?

In other words.

Sea Clan and the betrayal of the orcs gave everyone courage and excuses.

At that time, plus the three behind-the-scenes facilitators of the country, Divine King and Human Race Supreme, Three Great Races launched a resistance, and it became a matter of where water flows, a canal is formed.

In short.

Whether it is what Lu Jiajin is doing now or what Qin Feiyang is doing now, they are all paving the way for the future.

“You guys, really more treacherous than a treacherous one.”

White-Eyed Wolf looked at Qin Feiyang contemptuously.

“What are you talking about?”

“Aren’t they all for the sake of the world?”

Qin Feiyang blanked his eyes.


White-Eyed Wolf disdainful smile, baring his teeth: “Actually, I originally thought that you wanted to use Hai Zidong’s hands to get rid of all the remnants of Sea Clan and the Orcs.”

Qin Feiyang stared blankly, shook his head and said with a smile: “I did think so too, let Hai Zidong gather all the remnants of the two clans together, so that we can completely cut weeds and eliminate the roots. And then you will have to get a lot of ultimate Profound Truth, but looking back, it is a pity to get rid of it like this, let them play the residual value first!”

“Insidious guy.”

White-Eyed Wolf mumbled.

“What about Hai Zidong?”

“This person hates us deeply.”

The lunatic frowned.

“It’s okay!”

“Now I can make him, and I can destroy him in the future.”

Qin Feiyang waved his hand.

“That’s true.”

The lunatic was grinned.

Leaving the sea of ​​taboos, three people enter the Profound Martial World.

Tea Garden!

Qin Feiyang makes a pot of tea and enjoys it leisurely.

White-Eyed Wolf and the lunatic screwed a jug of Wushuang divine wine, and the fragrance of the wine filled the garden.

Opposite the void of the three people, Dong Tianchen’s Remnant Soul was imprisoned in the Array, staring at the three people loathingly.

“You said, what are we going to do with you?”

The lunatic looked at Dong Tianchen’s Remnant Soul and joked.

“Planted on you, I admit it!”

“If you want to kill or scrape, just let go!”

Dong Tianchen looked gloomy.

Because he knew it was useless to beg for mercy now.

These three people, impossible to let him go!

“Let’s do it!”

“You also submit to me, work for us, we will let you survive.”

The lunatic joked.

“Good idea.”

“After all, having such a powerful domain, it is a pity to kill it.”

White-Eyed Wolf’s eyes lit up, nodded said with a smile.

“Don’t think about it!”

Dong Tianchen roared.

Not only did he kill his biological younger brother, but also forced him to this point. Unexpectedly, he still wanted him to acknowledge allegiance?


“Being a man must adapt to circumstances.”

“Being able to follow us is considered honored by you, right!”

Madman said.


“You too look up to yourself.”

“Now because ruler Sir is not there, how can you deny your unbridled qualifications?”

Dong Tianchen sneered.

White-Eyed Wolf proudly said with a smile: “Your Divine Kingdom ruler is indeed very strong, but the people behind us are not weak, do you know who is who behind us?”


Dong Tianchen was surprised.

“Swallowing Heaven Beast!”

White-Eyed Wolf takes a word for it.


“Swallowing Heaven Beast!”

Dong Tianchen was startled.

Qin Feiyang and the lunatic can’t help turning one’s head looked towards White-Eyed Wolf.

“Scare him.”

White-Eyed Wolf hurriedly explained in the dark.

Qin Feiyang two people shook their heads and laughed, they said nothing, so anxious to explain what?

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