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At the same time.

Profound Martial World.

Inside the tea garden.

The madman put down the empty wine jar in his hand, jié jié said with a smile: “The time is almost up, we should also go to Mu Qing.”

“I really look forward to it. After receiving our letter, what countermeasure did he think of?”

White-Eyed Wolf hehe smiled straight.

Qin Feiyang couldn’t help showing a smile on his face, then put down the teacup, got up and walked towards the courtyard of Mu Tianyang and Mu Qing.

Before reaching the yard, they didn’t knock on the door, they pushed in directly and entered the lobby of the wooden building.

In the hall, Mu Tianyang was not seen.

Because Mu Tianyang has been retreating upstairs.

But Mu Qing always sat alone in the hall, and Opening Heaven Eye was always on. On the coffee table in front of him, there was also a pot of fragrant tea.

“How is it?”

The madman sat next to Mu Qing and asked.

“He has arrived at Qianfeng Mountain.”

Mu Qing smiled.

“So fast?”

The lunatic froze for a moment, and said suspiciously: “Is he alone?”


Mu Qing nodded, sipped a touch of playfulness at the corner of his mouth, drank a sip of tea, looked at Qin Feiyang three people, said with a smile: “He has already made arrangements before going to Qianfeng Mountain.”

“How was it arranged?”

The three people are curious.

“Last night, when the Lord and Nine Heavens Realm went to him with a letter, he might have already thought of a countermeasure.”

“But last night, he didn’t take any action and stayed with Dong Qin all night.”

Mu Qing said.


“They are already together?”

The lunatic was surprised.


Mu Qing nodded.

“I will go.”

“This efficiency is a bit faster!”

The lunatic couldn’t help but be speechless.

“Little madman, this is not the point.”

White-Eyed Wolf waved his hand and looked at Mu Qing opposite, with a wretched smile on his face.

“What do you mean?”

The lunatic looked at White-Eyed Wolf suspiciously.

“You want it!”

“When the Lord and Uncle brought letters to Dong Hanzong, someone was already spying with Opening Heaven Eye in the dark, and then Dong Hanzong and Dong Qin…cough cough, such as some intimate actions , Didn’t they have been seen by someone with their own eyes?”

White-Eyed Wolf squinted his eyes and stared at Mu Qing with a wretched smile.


The lunatic was astonished.

Mu Qing’s mouth can’t help but twitch.


The madman slapped his head suddenly, looking at White-Eyed Wolf, and suddenly said: “And in front of Opening Heaven Eye, it is equivalent to a live broadcast.”


White-Eyed Wolf nodded.

Following closely.

The two people looked at Mu Qing and bared their teeth and said: “Brat, did you look good? Did you have a nosebleed at that time?”

“get lost! “

Mu Qing has a black face.

What kind of nasty thoughts are these two guys?

“Dare you say it, you didn’t watch it?”

The lunatic hehe smiled straight.

“I dared to say it, but didn’t watch it.”

“Although I have been watching them, I have chosen to avoid certain scenes that are not suitable for children.”

“Besides, am I that kind of person?”

Mu Qing said with a black face.

“I don’t believe it.”

White-Eyed Wolf asked.

“If you don’t believe me, I’ll fall down.”

“Don’t use your dirty thoughts to measure me as a simple person.”

“I am the earnest upright gentleman.”

Mu Qing coldly snorted.

“Are you upright gentleman?”

“I laughed.”

White-Eyed Wolf laughed heartily and asked: “Then tell me, what were they doing last night?”

“Idiot question, a male and a female together alone, what else can you do?”

Mu Qing was speechless.

“Look, see, see.”

“If you didn’t watch it, would you know what they were doing?”


White-Eyed Wolf despised.



Mu Qing was speechless for a while, unable to refute, glaring at Qin Feiyang, who was sitting next to him, who had been snickering, and roared: “You scoundrel don’t care?”

“cough cough!”

Qin Feiyang gave a dry cough and looked at the madman and White-Eyed Wolf and said: “How can you do this? What kind of person is Mu Qing, you don’t know? How could this kind of in the dark voyeuristic activity be involved? After all, I guess he would just sneak a few glances, after all, he has a thin face.”

Mu Qing glared at the two people of the madman, and said: “Have you heard, did you hear, this is just like human words…”

“wait a minute.”

But before he finished speaking, he felt that there was something wrong with this sentence? After thinking about it carefully, he immediately stared at Qin Feiyang looking in anger, and roared: “What is meant by most is a few glances? You are insulting my personality and trampling on my dignity!”


Qin Feiyang three people couldn’t help laughing.

Mu Qing was flying into a rage with anger.

“It’s all men. It’s normal to take a peek at something like this.”

Qin Feiyang said with a laugh.


Mu Qing’s face is dark.

But suddenly.

Turning his eyeball, he looked at Qin Feiyang and grinned: “Say I’m peeping, okay, when you and Mermaid Princess are intimate, I will slowly peek at you.”

Qin Feiyang became stiff.

The lunatic and White-Eyed Wolf are not stared blankly either.

“And you two.”

Mu Qing looked at White-Eyed Wolf and the lunatic again, and said: “When you two get married with Huo Wu and Zhuo Xiaoxian, I will move a small bench and serve melon seeds. Then I will eat melon seeds. , While admiring how your bridal chambers spend the night.”

The lunatic and White-Eyed Wolf also froze on the spot.

This kind of thing, just thinking about it, can’t help the scalp numb.

“It’s what you said anyway.”

“Don’t look at nothing, don’t look at it.”

Mu Qing looked at the three people triumphantly.

Fight with me, you are still tender!


“We were wrong, we were wrong.”

“You are an upright gentleman, how can you peep into the privacy of others, little madman, are you right!”

“right right right .”

“We were joking just now, don’t take it seriously.”

“Brothers, don’t you?”

Crazy two people flattering smile endlessly.

Are you kidding me, peeping into their bridal chamber?

If this is the case, then who is still in the mood to act!

“It’s so terrible?”

Mu Qing sneered.

“It can’t be done.”

“How can we dare to fight with you?”

The two people shook their heads again and again.

Mu Qing rolled his eyes.

That’s right!

Since last night, Mu Qing has been watching Dong Hanzong.

That is to say.

What Dong Hanzong did this one day, one night was seen by Mu Qing.

“Talk to business!”

“Don’t let Dong Hanzong wait too long.”

“What have you seen this one day and one night?”

Qin Feiyang quickly changed the subject.

But thinking in my heart.

It seems that you have to guard against this guy when you get to know each other in the future.

Mu Qing took a deep breath and looked at the three people and said: “Early this morning, Dong Hanzong left alone.”

“Leave alone?”

three people stared blankly.


“He went to Longshen Mountain, split a trace of Divine Soul, and hid the Divine Soul in Longshen Mountain, and also hid the Space Divine Object in Longshen Mountain.”

Mu Qing said.

“Dragon Mountain?”

three people looked at each other in blank dismay.

“The so-called most dangerous place is the safest place.”

“Although Dragon God Mountain is not guarded by anyone now, if it weren’t for me to tell you, who would have thought that he would hide the life-saving Divine Soul and Space Divine Object in Dragon God Mountain?”

Mu Qing said with a smile proudly.


three people nodded.

If it were not for Mu Qing to monitor the whole process, even if they wanted to break their minds, they would not have thought of this.

“It’s really smart!”

“Knowing that we will be disadvantaged, come up with this method in advance.”

“But he was still one move after all. I didn’t expect that we would keep monitoring him.”

White-Eyed Wolf sneered.

“Does Dong Qin know?”

Qin Feiyang asked.

“I don’t know.”

“He didn’t reveal any news to Dong Qin, and obviously didn’t trust Dong Qin.”

Mu Qing shook his head.

“I thought that he split into Divine Soul to save his life, and he would definitely give it to Dong Qin for safekeeping, but in the end he didn’t expect even Dong Qin to guard him.”

“His prudence and care are really admirable.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head.


“I don’t even trust my own woman. People like him have no friends at all.”

Mu Qing mocked.

White-Eyed Wolf said: “Do you think it is us? To you being tottaly devoted, and you bastard, unexpectedly want to peep into our bridal chamber, are you a human?”

“Come and cool down.”

Mu Qing glared at him, looked at Qin Feiyang and said: “My mission is completed, it’s up to you next.”


Qin Feiyang nodded, said with a smile: “Thanks for your hard work.”

“Just know that I worked hard.”

Mu Qing snorted, then turned and walked upstairs.

White-Eyed Wolf stared at Mu Qing’s back, sound transmission said: “Little Qinzi, when you are going to make love with Yu’er in the future, remember to tell Brother in advance.”

Qin Feiyang twitched the corners of his mouth and said with a black face: “What do you want to do?”

“What is your tone?”

“Will I still peep at you?”

“I plan to help you stare at Mu Qing at that time.”

White-Eyed Wolf angered.

“It’s hard to tell.”

“Do you remember when Lu Hong and the little cousin brother married, didn’t you just squatted on the windowsill and peeped?”

Qin Feiyang is full of contempt.


The lunatic looked at White-Eyed Wolf in astonishment.

This dead wolf pup, really did such a wicked thing?

“cough cough!”

White-Eyed Wolf gave a dry cough, concealed the embarrassment between his expressions, looked at the lunatic and said: “Don’t listen to him nonsense, there is nothing at all.”

“I think you are talking nonsense!”

“It seems that from now on, you are the real person to guard against.”

Madman said.


“It hurts your feelings to say so!”

White-Eyed Wolf gnashing teeth.

“Don’t get me wrong.”

“Between us, there is no emotion at all.”

The lunatic waved his hand hurriedly and separated from White-Eyed Wolf more than ten meters.

“scoundrel, ruin the brother’s reputation.”

White-Eyed Wolf couldn’t help but stare at Qin Feiyang.

“Your reputation, still need me to lose?”

Qin Feiyang rolled the eyes and walked quickly to the other side of the medicine field.


A silhouette came into their sight.

It is Long Chen!

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