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Although Haizidong acknowledged allegiance Qin Feiyang is compelled by circumstances, but the Emperor will take care of these?

The Emperor only knows that you, Hai Zidong, have indeed betrayed Divine Kingdom.

For the betrayers, will Emperor show mercy?

Certainly not.

But what if!

Dong Tianchen three people helped to conceal this matter, and prevent the Emperor from knowing that Hai Zidong and Sea Clan would naturally not fall into the crisis of extinction.

That’s why Qin Feiyang and White-Eyed Wolf said that they have a brain and know to seize the opportunity to solve these potential hidden dangers.

Compared with the so-called remuneration, it is too cost-effective.

Because this not only saved Hai Zidong himself, but also the entire Sea Clan.


Look at Dong Tianchen’s three people again.

Upon hearing Hai Zidong’s request, they couldn’t help being frowned.

“hey hey hey .”

“This requirement is not too much!”

“Besides, you are also ours now.”

“Count it all, you and Hai Zidong are already your own.”

“Isn’t it right for your own people to help your own people?”

“Or, don’t you have any intentions?”

White-Eyed Wolf stared at the three people badly.

Dong Ping said angrily: “We are only controlled by you, and did not say that we have acknowledged allegiance to you!”

“But your brother said it.”

White-Eyed Wolf looked at him jokingly.


Dong Ping looked at Dong Tianchen in disbelief.

Dong Tianchen’s eyes sank, looking at Dong Ping and Dong Xin and said: “I didn’t say that we are just a cooperative relationship, and besides, I have no way. To save you, I must promise them.”

Two people heard this, they couldn’t help being silent.

“Is it just cooperation?”

“How do I remember, you seem to be talking about allegiance?”

White-Eyed Wolf has a playful face.


Dong Tianchen stared at White-Eyed Wolf angrily, not saving him any face, and finally looked at Hai Zidong angrily, nodded and said: “Okay, I promise you to help you keep this secret!” [ 19459002]

“Words have no proof, but blood oaths are proof.”

The sea is from the host.

“Don’t go too far!”

Dong Tianchen was furious.

I thought you were Qin Feiyang, but just a little Prince of Sea Clan, dare you make him take a blood oath?

White-Eyed Wolf indifferently said: “Don’t waste time, blood oath, blood oath, you have nothing to lose.”

Hai Zidong casts grateful eyes on White-Eyed Wolf.

There is no White-Eyed Wolf on the side to deter, let Dong Tianchen take the blood oath, that is basically impossible.

Dong Tianchen was so angry that his body couldn’t help but tremble, and said angrily: “If I don’t take this blood oath today, what can you do with me?”

“Then you try it!”

“Anyway, your younger brother and Dong Xin’s little life are still in Long Chen’s hand.”

“Conveniently in passing to remind you, the one that controls your younger brother and Dong Xin, but Soul Controlling Art.”

White-Eyed Wolf smiled.

“Soul Controlling Art!”

Dong Tianchen has nothing, because he knows it is Soul Controlling Art.

But when Dong Ping and Dong Xin heard the words Soul Controlling Art, their faces immediately paled.

“Old Yu, Sea King, Dragon God, the Sea Gods and Beast God, all because they are controlled by Soul Controlling Art, they are willing to strip out their ultimate Profound Truth.”

“Do you also want Dong Ping and Dong Xin to follow in their footsteps?”

White-Eyed Wolf looked at Dong Tianchen and laughed triumphantly.


Dong Tianchen stared at White-Eyed Wolf angry.

“It’s useless to stare at me.”

“The final choice depends on you.”

White-Eyed Wolf said with a laugh, still wanting to resist, do you think there is a chance?


Dong Tianchen took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and quickly made a blood oath.

Looking at the oath of dropping from the sky, Hai Zidong also sighed sincerely.

“Let’s go!”

“Meet with Senior Brother.”

Qin Feiyang faintly smiled, sent Mu Qing to Profound Martial World, opened a space-time passage, turned and left.


After a group of people left, several veterans of Sea Clan could not wait to fly up and watched Haizi host: “Your Majesty, what did you tell them? Unexpectedly, an oath came.”

“good deed.”

“From now on, we Sea Clan will no longer be in any danger.”

Hai Zidong said with a smile.


several people can’t believe it.

Because in their opinion, Hai Zidong has no such ability at all, and the other party is Dong Tianchen’s outstanding genius.


“Am I still the hedonistic son of rich parents in your eyes?”

Hai Zidong looked towards several people.

“No, no.”

Several people waved their hands quickly.


Hai Zidong glanced at several people, then glanced at clansman on the island below his eyes, and sighed: “I used to be very silk pants. It’s such a big bump, if I don’t know how to grow, it’s really hopeless.”

When several elders heard this remark, they couldn’t help but start to face Hai Zidong.

This is too much for the little Prince in their impression.


This is something to be happy about.

It shows that Your Majesty has grown up, matured, and can bear the burden of reviving Sea Clan.


At the same moment.

“What do you stare at?”

“If it wasn’t for you to be pitiful, I, your father would have destroyed you long ago.”

The sky over a broken mountain.

The madman sat cross-legged in void, staring at Dong Qin annoyed.

Dong Qin was dripping with blood, and there was a fist-large blood hole in his lower abdomen. He was imprisoned in an Array, staring at the lunatic with a pair of resentful eyes.

Facing the madman’s anger, Dong Qin did not speak, let alone any reaction, just staring at the madman motionlessly.

The lunatic rubbed his forehead, speechless saying: “I, your father really don’t know, what is the charm of Dong Hanzong that makes you so obsessed? Let’s talk about his looks first, not I, your father is half handsome, let’s talk about it. The strength is just so-so, and finally, the character, it is simply a fighter among the scum…”

“Shut up!”

“You are not allowed to say that to Zong Brother!”

Dong Qin finally reacted.

“Return to the brother?”

“I think you are really sick.”

The lunatic shook his head.


Qin Feiyang several people descended.

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “Senior Brother, is it sick?”

“Who else can you say?”

The madman got up, glanced at Dong Qin in the Array, narrowed his mouth and said: “This woman is really hopeless. I, your father said half a day here, and it feels like playing the zither to the cow. “

Qin Feiyang, White-Eyed Wolf, Dong Tianchen, three people, can’t help but look at Dong Qin.

“Where is Brother Zong?”

Seeing the arrival of several people from Qin Feiyang, Dong Qin also came to the spirit, put his hands on the Array, and looked at Qin Feiyang several people and asked.

“He is dead.”

Dong Xin sighed.

Dong Qin looked stiff and shook his head: “Impossible, you must be lying to me…”

Seeing her appearance, Dong Ping couldn’t bear it. He stepped into Array and slapped Dong Qin’s face with a slap, and Dong Qin was slapped out on the spot.

Dong Ping angrily roared: “Are you awake? He is a scumbag, is it worth it?”


“This Dong Ping’s reaction seems a bit big?”

White-Eyed Wolf mumbled.


“And there seems to be a smell of jealousy.”

Qin Feiyang and the lunatic also followed nodded.


Dong Tianchen sighed and said sighed, “Actually, my younger brother, I have always liked Dong Qin, but in Dong Qin’s heart, it is only Dong Hanzong.”

“so that’s how it is .”

Qin Feiyang three people suddenly realized that dare to love is still a love triangle.

White-Eyed Wolf secretly said with a smile: “Even if your younger brother likes her, even if Dong Hanzong is dead, your younger brother has no chance, unless your younger brother doesn’t dislike her.”

“What do you mean?”

Dong Tianchen looked at White-Eyed Wolf suspiciously.

White-Eyed Wolf said: “Mu Qing used Opening Heaven Eye to see with his own eyes that Dong Qin and Dong Hanzong were together last night.”


Dong Tianchen looked stiff, waited to return back to his senses, immediately looked at Dong Ping, and said angrily: “You come back to me, how is she, what does it have to do with you?”

“Why it doesn’t matter?”

“I like…”

Before Dong Ping finished speaking, Dong Tianchen shouted: “How about you like her? She is already Dong Hanzong’s woman.”


Dong Ping looked dazed, and quickly shook his head: “Impossible, you are talking nonsense!”

“This is what Mu Qing saw with Opening Heaven Eye last night. Can there be fakes?”

Dong Tianchen said.

Dong Ping clenched his hands, grabbed Dong Qin’s neck, forcibly lifted it up, and roared as if crazy: “Tell me, it’s not true, it’s not true!”

With blood on the corner of Dong Qin’s mouth, she looked at Dong Ping empty and spiritless.

“Answer me!”

Dong Ping roared.


Dong Qin was nodded, his voice was extremely hoarse, and there was also a sorrowful smile on his face.


“You are not married yet, why should you give yourself to him?”

“Besides, he is still a scumbag!”

Dong Ping roared again and again, and his whole body was about to collapse. Holding Dong Qin’s big hand, he also pressed harder, and Dong Qin was already in a state of suffocation.

The madman hooked Dong Tianchen’s shoulders and bared his teeth and said, “Brother, if you don’t stop, this woman will be pinched to death by your younger brother.”

“Who is the brother with you?”

Dong Tianchen slapped the hand of the madman, said with a sneer: “This kind of woman is not a pity to die!”

“Oh ruthless!”

The lunatic shook his head.


Look at Dong Qin again.

Upon hearing the news of Dong Hanzong’s death, she entered a dull state, as if she had lost her soul.

Even if I suffocated, there was no struggle, as if I had lost the motivation to live.

Dong Ping’s expression is extremely hideous, and he is filled with the pain of hard to describe.

But gradually.

He let go of his hand.

Dong Qin was also weakly slumped in void.

Looking down at Dong Qin for a long time, Dong Ping retracted his gaze, turned to look at Qin Feiyang and said, “Can you let her go?”


Qin Feiyang, lunatic, White-Eyed Wolf was astonished.

Unexpectedly still begging for Dong Qin?

This guy, dare to love is also a seed of infatuation?

Dong Tianchen couldn’t help but frowned, glaring at Dong Ping and said, “What did you say? Say it again?”


“Although she is not worthy of my liking, I really don’t want to watch her die.”

Dong Ping spoke in great pain.


“What do you want me to say about you?”

“There are so many women in the Central Dynasty, who are more beautiful than her, why do you like her?”

“You are my younger brother, so you can’t make a difference?”

Dong Tianchen stared at Dong Ping with a hate iron for not becoming steel.


Dong Ping couldn’t help lowering his head and was extremely ashamed.

“If you don’t intercede for her, it doesn’t matter to me whether she is alive or dead.”

“But now, she must die!”

Dong Tianchen gloomy’s mouth, stepped in front of Dong Qin, one fist patted Dong Qin’s head, with amazing murderous intention in his eyes.

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