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With the acknowledge allegiance of the crutches, Dong Qingyuan’s face also looked extremely hideous, shouted: “Dong Tianchen, Dong Xin, Dong Ping, come and help me!”

“Dong Tianchen are they here?”

Everyone was surprised.

Dong Tianchen’s three people’s methods are obvious to all.

If you come to assist Dong Qingyuan, Lu Yuntian and Lu Yunfeng may not be able to defeat them.

distant place.

Dong Tianchen three people frowned.

Qin Feiyang is at the scene. At this time, let them take action instead of letting them courting death?

“Hurry up!”

“Do you even have to disobey the order of being a division?”

Dong Qingyuan turning one’s head looked towards three people, shouted.

three people frowns, flying towards this side.

“Do you dare to take action?”

Qin Feiyang looked at three people, said with a laugh.

The three people pupil shrank and stopped immediately.

Dong Tianchen is bound by the blood oath, Dong Ping and Dong Xin are also controlled by Soul Controlling Technique, if Qin Feiyang wants to kill them, it is too simple.

“Dong Qingyuan, you have nowhere to go.”

White-Eyed Wolf looked at him jokingly.

Dong Qingyuan tightly clenched both hands.


A devastating aura burst out of him.


Qin Feiyang and the others stared blankly.

What’s the matter?

Unexpectedly, such a simple choice blew up?

Didn’t Dong Laifu say that he didn’t leave Divine Soul in the Central Dynasty?

“Qin Feiyang, you wait for me, sooner or later you will fall into my hands!”

Dong Qingyuan stared at Qin Feiyang gloomily smiled.

The next moment.

His fleshy body exploded spontaneously, a devastating wave, hiding the sky and covering the earth emerged all directions.


saw that the situation was far from good.

Old Wu, the three sages of Human Race, ten sages of the Protoss, turned around and ran.

“Want to go?”

The lord of the country coldly said with a smile, accompanied by a loud noise, the Divine Dragon sword appeared, and the wave of self-detonation was erased instantly, and then the Divine Dragon sword killed the three people.


three people miserable howl.

The ultimate Profound Truth is opened, and the Divine Dragon sword is killed.

But the Divine Dragon sword, but the superior ruler Divine Weapon!

Among the three people, Old Wu didn’t even master Heavenly Dao Will, so how could he be the opponent of the Divine Dragon sword.

With the desperate screams, the fleshy body of the three people shattered on the spot, and Divine Soul ran out, fleeing in panic.

“I will not let you taste better die than living today, I am sorry for your wolf ambition!”

The Divine King stepped out, and the major Law Power emerged and turned into a terrifying storm, swept away towards the Divine Soul of the three people.


“I beg you…”

The Divine Soul of the three people was flooded by the storm, and the wind blade cut the Divine Soul of the three people like a blade. They kept begging and fell into a desperate abyss.

Looking at this scene, not only did no one intercede for them, but they were full of joy.

The betrayer should have such an end!

Count hundreds of breaths in the past.

Under the endless pain, the Divine Soul of the three people was finally wiped out a little bit, and there was not even a strand of hair left.

Divine King finally relieved.

With a wave of his hand, the storm dissipated.

between Heaven and Earth, gradually returned to peace.

“Dong Laifu, what’s the situation?”

“Don’t you mean that Dong Qingyuan did not leave Divine Soul in the Central Dynasty?”

Qin Feiyang turning one’s head looked towards Dong Laifu, frowned.

“As far as I know, there is no.”

Dong Laifu also looked suspicious.

The madman looked at Dong Laifu and looked at Qin Feiyang and said: “He is controlled by Soul Controlling Technique, and he will definitely not lie to us. I can only say that Dong Qingyuan is too cunning, even Dong Laifu is not hiding it.”

“I thought of getting rid of him this time, but didn’t expect him to keep a hand.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head.

This is a pity.

Dong Qingyuan is not only the trusted aide of the Emperor, but also the manager of the Death God Legion. If he can be removed, it will be a very big loss for the Emperor of the Central Dynasty.

“It doesn’t matter.”

“This time I can force him to blew himself up, but I can still kill him next time.”

The lunatic waved his hand without taking it seriously.

Frankly speaking, as long as the large troops of the Central Dynasty did not come, he was not afraid.


“Ji Heavenly Monarch, how do you want to die?”


A icy voice sounded.

Everyone stared blankly and quickly looked at Heart Demon and Lu Jiajin, and they saw that the two people were staring at Ji Heavenly Monarch at the moment, with murderous aura in their eyes!

Ji Heavenly Monarch was also startled and looked up towards two people.

“Although Dong Qingyuan and the others instigated this, our family was indeed killed by you.”

“So, you have to pay the price!”

Heart Demon said.


The lord glared at the two people.


Ji Heavenly Monarch stopped the lord and sighed: “I should give them an explanation for this matter.”

“But it’s not your fault.”

“This was forced by Dong Qingyuan and the others.”

The Lord hurriedly said.

The great sages also glared at Heart Demon two people and roared: “every injustice has its perpetrator. If you want to kill you, please kill Dong Qingyuan and Dong Laifu.”

“You also want to die?”

Heart Demon looked at a group of Venerables, with vicious glint flickering in his eyes.

“Do you think we are afraid of you?”

“My Purple Gold Divine Dragon clan is not easy to mess with!”

The hearts of the great venerables are stunned, one after another ultimate Profound Truth opens, Heavenly Dao Will erupts, heavenly might shock all directions.


Ji Heavenly Monarch hurriedly stopped Ten Venerables, saying solemnly: “They don’t terrifying, but the central dynasty behind them are terrifying. Don’t forget, they are from the central dynasty now, with the Emperor backing behind them.”


Ten Venerables frowned.

“No need to say anything, I will solve it.”

Ji Heavenly Monarch waved her hand and looked at the Heart Demon two people, saying solemnly: “One person does things and one person is responsible. You can take my life if you want, but please, don’t avenge my Purple Gold Divine Dragon clan. 19459002]

“It’s kind of benevolent.”


“Then you can judge yourself!”

Heart Demon grinned.

“patriarch, no!”

“You are our backbone.”

“Besides, we are not afraid of the Central Dynasty, either the fish dies or the net splits with them at the worst.”

Ten Venerables is extremely anxious.

“I know you are not afraid, but now, we can’t have a falling out with the Central Dynasty, everyone must be patient and wait for the opportunity!”

Ji Heavenly Monarch sound transmission.

This sentence clearly meant something, but I don’t know if Ten Venerables can understand it.


“Waiting for the opportunity…”

Ten Venerables pondered this sentence.

At the same time, Ji Heavenly Monarch looked towards Heart Demon two people and said, “Please do what you say.”

As the voice landed, a devastating aura rushed out of the body.

“Heavenly Monarch!”


The Lord and Ten Venerables roared.


next moment.

Ji Heavenly Monarch’s fleshy body exploded.

Divine King was deeply sighed, and took out the superior ruler Divine Weapon, and quickly erased the wave of self-detonation.

“Lu Yuntian, Lu Yunfeng, I will never end with you!”

Ten Venerables roared, rushing towards the Heart Demon two people one after another, murderous aura all over the sky.

“Stop it all!”

The lord of the country suddenly shouted.

“The Lord of the Country…”

Ten people stopped, turning one’s head looked towards the lord.

The lord shouted: “Heavenly Monarch is used to death in exchange for the peace of our Purple Gold Divine Dragon clan. Do you want to live up to his hard work?”


Ten Venerables lowered his head, his hands clenched tightly together.

“Nothing good but.”

“This thing ends here!”

The lord of the country calmly looked up towards Heart Demon two people and said: “Now you are satisfied, happy, satisfied, happy, please don’t harass my Purple Gold Divine Dragon clan from now on. , Let’s go!”

After that, he opened a space-time passage, led Ten Venerables and turned away without looking back.

“Qin Feiyang, Madman Mo, Golden Wing Wolf King, for you to help us find the spies, we will not encircle you this time, but next time we meet, don’t blame our ruthless.” [19459002 ]

Divine King watched Qin Feiyang say something coldly, and opened the space-time passage, leading Nine Venerables away.

Human Race Supreme in silence glanced at Qin Feiyang three people, and also took Nine Venerables, turned and left.


Here is the rest, Qin Feiyang, lunatic, White-Eyed Wolf, Dong Laifu, Heart Demon, Lu Jiajin.

The people in the city below, looked at the departed country lord and the others, and looked at the Qin Feiyang and the others in the sky above, and felt all the same for a while.

Originally came to Qin Feiyang three people.

But it turned out.

Qin Feiyang three people No damage.

Even, they didn’t take action from beginning to end.

On the contrary, Ji Heavenly Monarch, Dong Qingyuan, Old Wu and the others died one after another.

Although the spies of Old Wu really deserve to die, it is undeniable that it is also a loss for Three Great Races.

“It’s a pity Ji Heavenly Monarch.”

“Although he is the patriarch of the Purple Gold Divine Dragon clan, he usually treats people really well.”

“It’s all the damn Dong Qingyuan.”

“no! “

“The most damn thing is the Central Dynasty!”

“In order to deal with Qin Feiyang several people, they tried all despicable methods, but they were implicated in our Three Great Races.”

“The Lord, Divine King, Human Race Supreme, what are you thinking?”

“The central dynasty has already treated us like this, why doesn’t it resist?”

“Are you going to sit and wait to die?”

People are filled with indignation.

The aversion to the Central Dynasty rose to an unprecedented height.

Seeing all this, the Qin Feiyang three people have a smile in their eyes, which is more perfect than they expected.

The right time and place are ready, now we wait to find out the details of the central dynasty, then we can declare war directly!

“Big cousin brother, we will meet at Qianfeng Mountain. I have also made an appointment with the country lord and they will come back later.”

Qin Feiyang sound transmission.


Lu Jiajin in the dark responded.

Qin Feiyang’s plan this time, even he couldn’t help but praise.

A few spies are just a small problem. It is the biggest gain that can completely provoke Three Great Races’ anger and hatred towards the Central Dynasty.

Qin Feiyang gave a dry cough, looked at Heart Demon and Lu Jiajin, said with a smile: “Two people, shall we continue?”

As soon as the words came out, the people in the city below couldn’t help but looked towards several people.

The strength of Qin Feiyang three people is obvious to all.

And Lu Yuntian and Lu Yunfeng are not simple characters.

These people are going to fight, it must be another wonderful battle.

“No mood today.”

“But between us, there will be a battle sooner or later!”

Heart Demon coldly snorted, with that piece of broken Peak Level ruler Divine Weapon, turned on the space-time passage and turned away.

Lu Jiajin looked at the three people and said: “For what happened today, I will first say sorry, and also thank you, otherwise we will be really used by Dong Qingyuan.”

“No need.”

“We are also for ourselves, otherwise the world would really think that we killed your family.”

Qin Feiyang waved his hand and smiled.

These, of course, are deliberately told to the people in the city below.

“we’ll meet again some day.”

Lu Jiajin handed over and said, and turned around to enter the passage of time and space, and soon disappeared without a trace.

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