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mountain summit.

The three big persons stood silently in the dark, like ghosts, their eyes fixed on the void that Qin Feiyang three people had disappeared before.

“One person, one?”

White-Eyed Wolf sound transmission.

“No problem.”

The madman jié jié smiled.

Of course also in the dark sound transmission.


Qin Feiyang three people fell behind the three big people.

The three big middle-aged men didn’t even notice someone behind them.

Did not sense any crisis either.

Because Qin Feiyang three people, not only converged on aura, but also never appeared murderous intention.

In this case, the person with strong perception will not feel the crisis.

“make a move!”

Qin Feiyang in the dark shouted in a low voice.

Three people take action at the same time, and one fist takes a look at the sleeveless garments of the three ultimate big persons.


This moment.

The murderous aura broke out.

The terrifying imposing manner, the terrifying Law Power, also emerged.

The three big middle-aged men were surprised.

But at this time, they had no time to escape, let alone counterattack.


Accompanied by a mouthful of blood spurted, the three people are now like a meteorite, flying out from the mountain summit and smashing towards a giant peak on the opposite side.

His face was also pale as paper.

Qi Sea, as if crushed!

hong long!

With a loud noise, three people smashed into the giant peak on the opposite side.

The giant peak smashed into pieces.

The three people have golden stars in their heads, and they are full of anger.

“What’s the matter?”

“Someone can hide behind us as a top secret?”

In the dust, the faces of the three people were full of shock.

“How old are you?”

“Also dare to watch us!”

A sneer sounded.

Three silhouettes stepped into the air and entered the sight of the three people.

“Qin Feiyang!”

“Madman Mo!”

“Gold Wing Wolf King!”

big middle-aged man three people bewilderement.

What’s the matter?

Why would the three people of Qin Feiyang know that they are hiding here?

And these days, they have been adjusting one’s head and turning one’s face in Four Great Continents, keeping their names incognito, and never revealing their identities to anyone.

Even the country lord, Divine King, Human Race Supreme don’t even know.

In other words.

They are now equivalent to three ordinary persons.

Since it is an ordinary person, why would Qin Feiyang three people sneak attack them behind?


When they returned back to his senses, the three people jumped up suddenly and started to flee without looking back.

Qin Feiyang three people simultaneously looked.

Qi Sea is already broken, still want to escape?

White-Eyed Wolf opened for an instant, stepping across the front of the three people.

Qi Sea cannot be opened for an instant when it is broken. The speed is naturally impossible compared with White-Eyed Wolf.

The big middle-aged man three people saw this, immediately turned around in horror, and fled to the other side.

The madman jié jié smiled and opened the moment of time, horizontally in front of the three people.

The three people changed color again and were ready to flee in another direction, but when they looked back, Qin Feiyang was already blocked behind them.

“What are you doing?”

“We’re lacking hatred and enmity with you, why do you want to count us?”

The roar of three people surprised and angry.

“lacking hatred and enmity?”

White-Eyed Wolf stared blankly and asked jokingly: “Then why are you watching us here?”


three people simultaneously looked, looked at White-Eyed Wolf, shook his head and said: “What surveillance, we don’t understand, we are just going to hunt here, we don’t know at all, you three are here.” [19459002 ]

They thought that the three people of Qin Feiyang didn’t know their identities, so they wanted to pretend to be a fool and get through.

Because at the moment, they are not wearing Death God Legion costumes, so they feel that the Qin Feiyang three people must not know their identities.

The reason for conspiring against them may only be because they were found to be watching here.


“The prey, it’s us!”

The madman looked at the three people playfully.

“No, it’s not.”

“We are here to hunt and kill Vicious Beast. We have no intention of offending. We also invite three Sirs to give us a living.”


“We really didn’t know that the three of you were repairing here. If we know, even if we lend us some courage, we will not dare to come to Qianfeng Mountain.”

Three people kneeling in void, pleading with snot and tears.

If you don’t know their identities in advance, you will really be fooled by them.

Qin Feiyang three people simultaneously looked, without talking, just looking at the three people in silence and pretending to be dumb.

“I’m really sorry…”

“Sir Qin, you are a good person, just spare me this time!”

“We swear that we will never come to Qianfeng Mountain again.”

big person three people looked towards Qin Feiyang

“Do you know who we are?”

Qin Feiyang asked with a smile.

“Of course I do.”

“Now Four Great Continents, who doesn’t know your three fame?”

“And our three brothers have always admired the three Sirs.”

Looking at Qin Feiyang and Yan Yuesei, the three people thought that they had deceived Qin Feiyang, so they worked harder to win favors.

“Admire us?”

“Are you kidding us!”

“You are the people of Divine Kingdom, we are the people who invaded Divine Kingdom, for us invaders, will you still admire?”

White-Eyed Wolf’s playful said with a smile.

For the three people’s ability to open their eyes and talk nonsense, even he is willing to go downhill.


“The three of you are indeed not from Divine Kingdom, but we admire what you did.”

“Protoss, Human Race, Purple Gold Divine Dragon, Sea Clan, Orcs, are all tyrants of our Divine Kingdom.”

“But Sea Beast and the orcs were all annihilated by you in one day.”

“Human Race, the Protoss, the Purple Gold Divine Dragon clan, facing you are also trembling with fear, these means and courage, it is no exaggeration to say that that is the god my generation looks up to!”

The big person three people are photographed with a flattery.

White-Eyed Wolf smiled and split his mouth, said with a big smile: “It’s not bad, although you know that you are shooting our flattery to survive, but it sounds really comfortable.”

“We didn’t shoot flattery, we told the truth.”

“If you don’t believe me, the three of you can go and inquire, now many youngsters use you as idols.”

The three people also laughed.

How shrewd I thought, it turned out to be so foolish.


White-Eyed Wolf seemed very happy.

“It’s more real than real gold.”

three people nodded.


“Let’s go!”

White-Eyed Wolf waved.

“Thank you Wolf King Sir.”

three people expressing boundless happiness, get up and prepare to leave.


Next moment, their expressions could not help being stared blankly.

Because the three people of Qin Feiyang did not give way.

“Three Sirs, who are you?”

big middle-aged man three people puzzled.

White-Eyed Wolf said: “Didn’t you let you go? What else are you asking?”

“But you don’t give way, how do we go?”

The three people looked bitter.

White-Eyed Wolf frowned: “I’m a bit puzzled. All directions are roads on all sides. Do you have to pass by us?”

“yes yes yes .”

The three people were nodded again and again, and flew towards the sky.


The madman stepped forward, horizontally above the sky.

The look of the three people froze, and then flew down, Qin Feiyang also opened for an instant, horizontally by himself.

“Three Sirs, what on earth do you want to do?”

The big middle-aged man three people almost cried.

Didn’t you say you want to let them go?

White-Eyed Wolf said with a smile: “If I let you go, you dare to go?”


Three people asked with a cry.

White-Eyed Wolf mocked said with a smile: “You are quite good at acting, but it’s a pity that we already knew your identity.”

The three people were shivering in their hearts and hurriedly said: “We are only ordinary persons. What status can we have? There must be some misunderstandings in this.”

White-Eyed Wolf took out three Restoring Appearance Pills and asked: “Then you dare to take them?”

big middle-aged man three people looking at Restoring Appearance Pill, his face is full of panic.

Do you really know their identities?

But how is this possible?

Their identities have always been kept secret.

“This time you Death God Legion, a total of eleven people have arrived, including a leader. Now this leader and the other seven people are celebrating Tian City.”

“Am I right?”

White-Eyed Wolf looked at the three people jokingly.


The three people were shocked to the extreme.

Not only know their identities, but also know how many people they have come, and even know the existence of the leader.

What the hell is going on?

It’s as if Qin Feiyang three people saw it with their own eyes.

wait a minute!

Is it Opening Heaven Eye?

Not right.

Opening Heaven Eye is indeed heaven defying, but there is also a premise.

The premise is that you must know the other party’s name or appearance.

They are all coming to Four Great Continents for the first time, and leaving the sea of ​​taboos, they have already adjusted one’s head and turning one’s face, how can Qin Feiyang and the others know their names or their true faces?

“Is it very puzzled, why do we know so much detail?”

White-Eyed Wolf asked with a smile.

big middle-aged man three people were silent.

White-Eyed Wolf shook his hand, and the Restoring Appearance Pill in his hand shattered, said with a sneer: “Because we had long expected that the Central Dynasty would send people to come again, so we spy at the entrance of the Sea of ​​Forbidden. .”


Three people’s eyes trembled.

“Understand now!”

“From the moment you enter Four Great Continents, we already know your identity.”

White-Eyed Wolf said.

In this way, the big middle-aged man three people will not doubt Three Great Races.

“Then why these days, you don’t care about us?”

big person three people said solemnly.

“Because we didn’t put you in our eyes at all.”

“Just you guys, don’t talk about ten, even if you come again, we can pinch you to death like a bunch of ants.”

“Unfortunately, you don’t have long eyes, unexpectedly came to watch us.”

“Isn’t this your courting death?”

As the voice of White-Eyed Wolf landed, an overflowing heaven murderous aura broke out, hiding the sky and covering the earth towards the big middle-aged man three people.


“It’s too terrifying.”

“No wonder that even Chief, Lu Yuntian, Lu Yunfeng, and the five masterpiece genius are all planted in the hands of these three people!”


big middle-aged man three people tremble physically and mentally.

The first official meeting made them feel an unprecedented fear.

As one of the big person shouted suddenly, a terrifying blood energy immediately burst out of the three people’s body, and the void instantly turned into a sea of ​​blood.

The next moment.

A scene that surprised the three people of Qin Feiyang appeared.

big middle-aged man three people The originally broken Qi Sea was restored in an instant.

Following closely.

They opened the ultimate Profound Truth and Heavenly Dao Will broke out.


The ultimate Profound Truth of each of them went to the Qin Feiyang three people respectively.

And at the same time!

They also started for an instant, and fled away without looking back.

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