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Yin Yuanming appeared with a smile when he appeared: “Brother Qin, I was looking for you!”

Qin Feiyang stared blankly and asked, “What are you looking for?”

“Look, it’s been a month since this. The medicinal pill you gave me has already been auctioned off, isn’t it …”

Yin Yuanming laughed, standard old fox.

Qin Feiyang’s face twitched, helplessly said: “You don’t understand why things are scarce, if they are auctioned every month, it will be worthless.”

“Right right right.”

“So now, we are preparing to auction a Scarlet Fire Glaze Pill and Potential Pill for half a month.”

Yin Yuanming said with a smile.

Qin Feiyang thought about it and asked, “What was the auction price of Potential Pill last time?”

“Aproximately 20 billion.”

Yin Yuanming stretched out two fingers, and her face smiled and blossomed.

Qin Feiyang was surprised.

Unexpectedly doubled compared to Potential Pill of one Pill Mark?

“Brother, this is a good opportunity to make a fortune, 10000000 to be surety.”

Yin Yuanming said with a smile, the words are full of temptation.

But Qin Feiyang was unmoved and groaned.

“what’s wrong?”

Yin Yuanming’s heart hung up immediately and asked nervously.

Qin Feiyang looked up towards Yin Yuanming and shook his head, “Honestly, Potential Pill, I don’t want to sell it anymore.”


Yin Yuanming asked quickly.

Qin Feiyang said: “Potential Pill is too precious. To put it bluntly, even a 100,000,000,000 Gold Coin cannot equal the value of Potential Pill.”

“This is true.”

Yin Yuanming nodded.

Once the Gate of Potential is opened, whether it is innate talent, potential, or perception, it will rise to a new level.

It can be said that a Potential Pill is enough to create a one powerhouse.

The true value cannot be measured with Gold Coin.

But as a businessman, it must be based on making money!

“Brother, I admit that you make sense.”

“But if Potential Pill is no longer sold, my Treasure Pavillion will not only lose a large number of customers, you will also have trouble.”

“Because then, everyone will come to you.”

“You know, if a person is forced to do something, he can do everything.”

Yin Yuanming said.

These words actually have only one meaning.

If it is no longer sold, there will definitely be many people at that time, which is not good for Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang frowned.

He wasn’t afraid, but he didn’t want to have too much trouble.

“Well, keep selling, but change it.”

“Potential Pill auctions one month.”

“2 Scarlet Fire Glaze Pills from Pill Mark, 2 auctioned a month.”

“In this way, not only can we control the outflow of Potential Pill, we can also take the opportunity to raise prices.”

“Just the next auction, the low price is set directly at 30,000,000,000, and then someone will be rushing.”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.

Yin Yuanming’s eyes brightened, and chuckled said, “You treacherous guy, you should come to our Treasure Pavillion.”

Qin Feiyang lightly said with a smile: “It’s too much trouble for me to do business. It’s not for me.”

“A wasteful talented!”

Yin Yuanming was deeply sighed, nodded and said: “Success, just do what you say, I will go to Sacred Palace to find you later.”

Qin Feiyang said: “I am in the inner palace now.”

“Why run to inner palace so fast?”

Yin Yuanming frowned.

But at the thought of Qin Feiyang’s brilliant record at Sacred Palace, he was relieved.

Such talented, Three Great Giants of Sacred Palace, will surely immediately lead to the inner palace and cultivate them well.

“I’m not qualified to enter the inner palace, so only you can send medicinal pill.”

Yin Yuanming said.

“This is okay, but there is one thing you have to tell me truthfully.”

Qin Feiyang.

“what’s up?”

Yin Yuanming wondered.

Qin Feiyang asked, “How many 9-Star Battle Sovereign does Lu Family have?”

“How come this suddenly?”

“Should you brat have to fight Lu Family?”

Yin Yuanming looked at Qin Feiyang in surprise.

Qin Feiyang said with a bitter smile: “Do I have this ability now? I have my plans, you can tell me in detail.”

Yin Yuanming took a deep look at him and said: “The Lu Family has a total of 4 9-Star Battle Sovereigns: Patriarch Lu, Great Clan Elder, Second Clan Elder, Third Clan Elder.”


Qin Feiyang pupil shrank, “Where are they all now?”

Yin Yuanming thought about it and said, “They all rarely show up, and they should all be in retreat to attack Battle Ancestor.”

Qin Feiyang said, “Can you help me check their whereabouts?”

“Check them?”

Yin Yuanming stared blankly, said with a bitter smile: “Do you think that, based on my relationship with the Lu Family, can I help you?”

Qin Feiyang stumbled, immediately bitterly laughed.

Treasure Pavillion Comprehensive Banning Lu Family.

For the Treasure Pavillion, the Lu Family can now be described as hateful, let alone probe the news, I am afraid that the door of the Lu Family, Yin Yuanming can not enter.

“Forget it, let me figure it out!”

“As for the medical pill, I will send it to you when I have time.”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile, then closed the image of crystal stone and fell into meditation again.


It has been fried at this moment.

Both the Pill Fire Palace’s discipline and the Cultivation Palace’s discipline have rushed out to see the excitement.

Lu Xingchen ran down in void with his head down, his hands tightly clenched, his face flushed!

It’s not just shame this time, it’s a shame that is hard to wash in a lifetime!

Wolf King, grabbing a stick and chasing after Lu Xingchen, kept yelling at him, like he was driving a cow.

This makes Lu Xingchen, especially angry!

Over Cultivation Palace.

A magnificent style unmatched in a generation woman, standing up against the wind.

It is Ren Wushuang!

She looked at Lu Xingchen from afar, her face calm and no one knew who was thinking in her heart?


Another black clothed woman ascended to the sky and landed in front of Ren Wushuang.

This woman also looks good.

ice muscles jade bones, tall.

A pair of mountains on the chest was even more choppy, attracting the attention of all the men below.


She was born with a charming charm, and a smile was enough to excite her.

black clothed woman said: “Ren Wushuang, what do you mean?”


Ren Wushuang turning one’s head looked at her puzzledly.

“Can’t you be silly?”

“Lu Xingchen is also your fiance anyway, so just leave it alone and let the ruffian wolf humiliate him?”

black clothed woman black eyebrows tightened, looking at Ren Wushuang’s expression, there was a hint of disgust.

Ren Wushuang caught it, but pretended not to see it, and looked back at Lu Xingchen.

Seeing Ren Wushuang in silence, the black clothed woman behind her, the disgust in her eyes has been undisguised.

“I don’t know if you have any good things that deserve Lu Xingchen’s obsession?”

“I really feel worthless for him.”

“You won’t go, I’ll go!”

“I don’t believe it yet, one bastard can’t do anything!”

black clothed woman coldly snorted, turned into a stream of light, and flew towards Wolf King.

“I advise you not to go.”

“The personality of ruffian wolf, everyone in Prefecture City knows that it doesn’t care if you are a woman.”

“Also, I don’t help Lu Xingchen, it’s my business, it has nothing to do with you.”

Ren Wushuang finally spoke, and his voice was as intoxicating as it was intoxicating.


The black clothed woman stopped in void, turning one’s head and looked at Ren Wushuang, her eyes looked a little hazy.

“Did I said wrong thing?”

Ren Wushuang indifferently said.

black clothed woman said with a sneer: “You’re right, it’s Lu Xingchen, he’s blind, he will look at you.”

“Unfortunately, even if he is blind, he won’t look after you.”

Ren Wushuang expressionlessly said.

Black clothed woman jade hand tightly clenched, cold light 4 shot, ice coldly said: “If it wasn’t because you were the granddaughter of Mansion Lord, would he look after you?”

“you are right.”

“He’s such a person, only power in his eyes.”

“A woman is only a tool in his heart.”

“Listen to me and don’t provoke him or you will regret it in the future.”

Ren Wushuang tossed a word lightly and fell towards the Cultivation Palace below.

The black clothed woman glanced at her, without the slightest hesitation flew towards Lu Xingchen, shouted: “ruffian wolf, don’t you bully intolerably!”


Wolf King paused in void, looking towards black clothed woman, teasing: “Do you want to come running naked too?”

The black clothed woman stared coldly and said, “Isn’t your one bastard capable of being atrociously!”


Her one finger volleys a bit.

A resplendent Battle Qi, like a torrent, rolled towards Wolf King!

“5-Star Battle Sovereign?”

Wolf King stared blankly, dismissive: “On this strength, dare to make a move in front of brother?”

Shua! ! !

It stepped on the Sky Evasion Step, calmly avoiding the bombardment of Battle Qi, a few flashes, and landed in front of the woman.

“I want to run naked, brother fulfills you!”

It laughed, the little devil claws stretched out, grabbing at the black clothed woman’s dress.

“you dare! ”

black clothed woman angrily scolded.

“Brother has nothing to dare to do!”

Wolf King grabbed the woman’s skirt and saw it was about to tear off. Ren Wushuang’s voice sounded at this moment.

“Ruffian wolf, must not act willfully, go back!”

I saw her standing on the square of Cultivation Palace, with a look of anger on her face.

Wolf King glanced at Ren Wushuang, pursed his lips, loosened the black clothed woman’s dress, coldly snorted and said: “Forget you naughty little girl, luck today, try again next time?”

Let me talk about it.

He threw away the stick in his hand, turned around in the air, and swept toward Pill Fire Palace without looking back.

See you.

Everyone was surprised.

The personality of ruffian wolf is obvious to all. He is definitely a master of fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth. Unexpectedly, would he be afraid of Ren Wushuang?

Do Ren Wushuang and ruffian wolf know each other?

Not right!

If they really knew, ruffian wolf would at least say hello to Ren Wushuang before leaving?

It should be because of Ren Wushuang’s identity.

The granddaughter of Mansion Lord, looking at the whole Ling Prefecture, it is estimated that nobody dares to move.

From this point of view, this ruffian wolf is not really lawless of law and natural morality!

Pill Fire Palace.

As soon as Wolf King entered Pill Refinement Room No. 2, he said badly with a smile to Qin Feiyang: “Just outside, brother saw Ren little girl, and she’s more spiritual than before, Little Qinzi, you should just take her away. ! “


Qin Feiyang’s face was immediately dark.

Can’t scoundrel be serious?

Wolf King said with a smile: “brother, this is for you, don’t do it for a mermaid, it’s not worth it to give up the whole sea.”

“It’s over, isn’t it?”

Qin Feiyang suddenly got up, all eyes were bad.

Wolf King hurriedly reached out his paw, and said, “Okay, brother won’t say anything. How about it, did you ask clearly?”

Qin Feiyang nodded and said: “Ask me clearly, 4 9-Star Battle Sovereign, yes, how about Lu Xingchen?”

“so much?”

Wolf King was a little surprised, chuckled. “Running naked around, what do you think will happen? I’m afraid he won’t see anyone after today. Don’t talk about him, what should we do next?”

“Of course, go to the Lu Family and find out!”

Qin Feiyang glanced at a bit of cold light, waved his hand to open a flash transmission gate, and immediately walked in.


“Lu Family, you just wait to tremble!”

Wolf King chuckled and ran in.

Transmission gates also dissipated.

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