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“We all know each other, what else can you do?”

Li Feng hehe smiled straight.

Anyway, the attitude of a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

The blood ancestor’s face was dark, and his veins were violent.

“Just kidding you, are you serious?”

“It’s boring.”

Li Feng narrowed his mouth and said, “If you are really worried, why not leave him in the Sky Cloud Realm!”

“Stay in the Sky Cloud Realm?”

The blood ancestor stared blankly.

I haven’t thought about this problem before.

What he has always cared about is the future prospects of Nangong Tianyu.

The achievements of Qin Feiyang and the others are obvious to all, as long as Nangong Tianyu, has been following Qin Feiyang and the others, will certainly become a capable person in the future.


The only question that came to his mind was to ask Qin Feiyang and the others to take care of him.

“You are old and good.”

“if by any chance ……”

“I mean if by any chance, if by any chance what happens to him in the future, we can’t afford this responsibility.”

Qin Feiyang also followed nodded.

I also agree that Nangong Tianyu stayed in the Sky Cloud Realm.

After all, in the final battle with Divine Kingdom, even he himself had no confidence.


At this time.

White-Eyed Wolf, lunatic, Zhuo Xiaoxian, have returned one after another.

When I first saw the blood ancestor, I was a little nervous.

But when the blood ancestor lowered his head and browsed tightly frowns, he didn’t seem to notice his appearance, and a trace of doubt suddenly appeared on his face.

“What’s the matter?”

The three people walked to Qin Feiyang’s side and asked in a low voice.

“He is hesitating to stay in Nangong Tianyu.”

Qin Feiyang spoke, and after speaking, he looked at White-Eyed Wolf and said suspiciously: “Where do you go one day and one night?”

“Go to Dragon Race and go around.”

White-Eyed Wolf said.

“Dragon Race?”

Qin Feiyang stared blankly.

Hearing that Huo Wu next to him, his brows were slightly frowned, staring at White-Eyed Wolf unkindly.

She did not return to Phoenix Clan with Huo Zihui and Huo Wenchang.

White-Eyed Wolf also felt Huo Wu’s gaze, and quickly showed a flattering look.

The lunatic eyeball turned and chuckled said: “Brother Wolf, how long have you been apart from Long Qin before you start to miss others?”

Upon hearing this, White-Eyed Wolf bewilderement said angrily: “What are you talking nonsense? Deliberately provoking my relationship with Fengmei? Your brat is not pure!”

After all, he hurried to Huo Wu and flattering smile said: “Fengmei, don’t listen to his nonsense, he is jealous of our feelings, so he wants to instigate discord.”

Huo Wu rolled her eyes.

But this guy, running to Dragon Race is indeed a bit unusual.

Seeing everyone looking at him suspiciously, White-Eyed Wolf helplessly sighed, sound transmission said: “Tell you the truth, once I saw Dong Zhengyan, he told me that if you want to find Samsara’s Eye, you can go to Dragon Race Take a look.”


Qin Feiyang several people are shocked.

The owner of Samsara’s Eye is in Dragon Race?

“Don’t get excited.”

“Although he asked us to go to Dragon Race, he didn’t specify which Dragon Race it was?”

White-Eyed Wolf secretly thought.

“How many Dragon Races are there?”

The lunatic is puzzled.

“Dragon Race of Ancient World doesn’t count?”

“Does the Dragon Race of the Sky Cloud Realm count?”

“Furthermore, as far as Dong Zhengyan’s’urine’ is concerned, this so-called Dragon Race may also refer to the Purple Gold Divine Dragon family.”

White-Eyed Wolf sound transmission.

Qin Feiyang and the others simultaneously looked.

The Purple Gold Divine Dragon clan is indeed a Dragon Race.

Besides, Dong Zhengyan, no matter what happens, he always has a must not be reveled attitude, so every time he answers their questions, he is vague.

Maybe, the Dragon Race in his mouth may represent the Purple Gold Divine Dragon clan.

“We know the situation of the Purple Gold Divine Dragon clan now.”

“Besides, if there is Samsara’s Eye, the lord and Big Uncle must know that they should not be hiding from us.”

“As for the Dragon Race of the Ancient World, it is now annihilated.”

“Brother analyze a little, it is very likely that it is the Dragon Race of the Sky Cloud Realm.”

“That’s why I went to Dragon Race to see if I could find anything?”

White-Eyed Wolf secretly thought.

“Then did you find out?”

Qin Feiyang asked secretly.

White-Eyed Wolf shook his head and said: “After my unremitting efforts, it seems that there is no information about Samsara’s Eye.”

“So, maybe it was Dragon Race in Ancient World?”

The lunatic was surprised.


“The Dragon Race of Ancient World has been annihilated…”

“wait a minute!”

“Even if the god Dragon Island is destroyed, more or less there should be some remnants in the world.”

“Because when we were blocking the god Dragon Island, the Dragon Race was suppressed by us, so we cannot rule out that there are individual Dragon Races hiding outside because of fear of us.”

White-Eyed Wolf has a flash of radiance.

Qin Feiyang and the lunatic hearing this simultaneously looked are not frowned by wrinkles.

“There is also the Purple Gold Divine Dragon family, and this probability cannot be ruled out.”

“After all, if this person wants to deliberately conceal it, the Lord and Big Uncle may not know it.”

White-Eyed Wolf analysis.

“It’s really a headache.”

Qin Feiyang rubbed his forehead.

It would be nice if Ancestor was there, because the encounter of the old enemies would cause rejection.

But now, even if they lock the target, they still at one’s wits end, because they don’t have Samsara’s Eye. As long as the other party conceals it in place, they can’t sense the other party’s hostility.

The madman sound transmission asked: “This matter is so important, why did Old Dong tell you alone?”

“He just mentioned it at the time.”

White-Eyed Wolf shook his head.

The lunatic and Qin Feiyang looked simultaneously, and a wry smile appeared on their faces.

It seems that Dong Zhengyan did not take this matter seriously.

“Anyway, this guy, Brother dare to be sure, he must know a lot of things we don’t know, but he has been dull and silent.”

White-Eyed Wolf cramped.

Qin Feiyang several people nodded, and I feel the same.

Many times, they couldn’t help but raise the idea of ​​asking Dong Zhengyan, but this idea was finally suppressed by them.

After all.

Dong Zhengyan also has his own concerns.


This time.

The blood ancestor finally reacted, shook his head and said: “Forget it!”


Qin Feiyang and the others looked at him in astonishment.

“A man should be vigorous throughout his life.”

“Besides, he is still the son of my blood ancestor, and must take up his responsibilities.”

The blood ancestor said tightly clenched with both hands, his eyes firmly stated.

Qin Feiyang and the others simultaneously looked, can’t help but give a thumbs up to the blood ancestor, he is indeed a respectable old man.

“Then when do you plan to meet him?”

Huo Wu asked.

“Wait until the final battle between you and Divine Kingdom is over!”

“Now that I recognize each other, I am afraid that it will affect his mood, but then it will become a burden to him.”


“You guys, you must all come back alive!”

The blood ancestor spoke.

“How is it the same as life and death?”

White-Eyed Wolf is speechless.

“Less nonsense, the old man hasn’t settled with you yet!”

Blood Progenitor glared at him fiercely.

“So you haven’t forgotten it!”

White-Eyed Wolf embarrased smiled straight.

Hearing this, the blood ancestor immediately burned in anger and roared: “Although the old man is old, his memory is not worse than what happened yesterday, and it has been forgotten today!”


White-Eyed Wolf laughed.

“Go away, just get upset when you look at it.”

The blood ancestor waved his hand impatiently.

Qin Feiyang several people simultaneously looked at the feather emperor, blood ancestor, little bunny, bowed all together and said, “You, take care.”

The eye sockets of the three people of Yuhuang also became disappointing and moist.

Although Qin Feiyang and the others are returning to Great Qin now, they all know in their hearts that this is the final farewell.

Because at that time, several people of Qin Feiyang will not come to Tianyun Island again, they will directly enter the place of the burial of the gods, and quietly enter the Divine Kingdom without anyone’s knowledge.

This is the character of this group of children.

Don’t want others to worry about them.

I don’t want to see everyone sad because of the pain of separation.


Hades in Hell!

After the madman took Myriad Evil Origin, after these years of precipitation, the change of Heaven and Earth turning upside down has taken place here.

The sky.

The flames are high, the sky is ten thousand li!

The earth.

The vegetation is verdant and full of vitality.

Although there is still no human here, there are a lot of Vicious Beasts.

It can even be said that this is the paradise of Vicious Beast.

Shua! !

Above a mountain and river.

A passage of time and space suddenly appeared, immediately alarming the Vicious Beast in the mountains.

“This seems to be the power of Space-Time Laws?”

“We Hades in the hell, but no who holds the Law Power.”

“Is it a great character from the world of heaven and cloud?”

Because all the living creatures of the Sky Cloud Realm moved to the Hades to take refuge in the Hell, so the Vicious Beast here is no stranger to the existence of the Sky Cloud Realm.

At the same time.

A Fire Python appeared in the sky.

“Meet Sir Protector.”

Vicious Beast crawled on the ground one after another.

“Get up all!”

Fire Python spoke, staring at the time and space passage intently.


one after another The familiar aura, coming from the passage of time and space.

“This is…”

Fire Python immediately can’t help but Jing God One vibrates.

“It seems to be…”

Vicious Beast below, one after another silhouette also appeared in his head.



The first silhouette appeared.

It is Qin Feiyang!

2nd, 3rd, fourth ……

Madman, Zhuo Xiaoxian, Huo Wu, White-Eyed Wolf, Lin Yiyi, and Li Feng also came out one after another.

“Brother Qin, Old Brother Mo, Brother Wolf King…”

Fire Python was so excited that he hurried to greet him.

“Brother Huo!”

Qin Feiyang three people heard this voice and looked down immediately. When they saw Fire Python, their faces were filled with smiles immediately.

And Qin Feiyang grabbed a badge in his hand.

This is exactly the badge he took from jade box.

Because the space-time passage between the sky cloud realm and the hell of Hades has not been repaired, this badge is needed for them to return to the hell of Hades.

Qin Feiyang put away the badge and immediately greeted Fire Python.

Brother’s affection is revealed in my heart.

Fire Python said happily: “I thought I would never see you again, but didn’t expect, you are back so soon.”

“Can’t see us anymore?”

“What do you mean by this, do you curse us?”

White-Eyed Wolf has a black face.

Fire Python stared blankly, said with a bitter smile: “May I curse you? You are all great characters now, you must go to a higher place.”

“What do you want?”

“Our brother’s feelings can’t stand the test so much?”

Qin Feiyang’s expression has a hint of displeasure, immediately said with a smile: “Don’t talk about great characters, even if we become the ruler of the world, we are all brothers in this life.”

Fire Python was moved, nodded and said: “Yes, in this life, we are all brothers!”

Although he is the Guardian of Divine Vestige, in terms of strength and status, the difference between Qin Feiyang and the others is not even a little bit different.

But even so, Qin Feiyang and the others have never forgotten him, not to mention some people, once they are successful, they will arrogant arrogant and despise others.

These brothers are worth it!

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