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“White-Eyed Wolf.”

The madman spoke slightly beside him.


“White-Eyed Wolf?”

Everyone looked at the lunatic in astonishment.

The madman narrowed his mouth and said, “Apart from his lack of virtue, who else would dig holes for Huo Yi at every turn?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Why do I call digging a hole?”

“I asked the truth, which woman does he like? After all, he had a lot of women before.”

White-Eyed Wolf stared at the lunatic in dissatisfaction.

“Stop and stop.”

Huo Yi Hearing this, something more and more wrong.

He had a lot of women before?

Is it too much?

He didn’t know it himself.

Scoundrel guy, unexpectedly still digging a hole for him?

The others laughed.

It really is the style of this wolf pup. If you don’t agree, you will be cheating someone.

Ye Xue’er said with a smile: “Don’t say, you look pretty handsome like this.”


White-Eyed Wolf immediately smiled, looking at Ye Xue’er and said: “Here is your most insightful, how about? Have you found a boyfriend? Would you like to introduce one to you?”

Ye Xue’er’s mouth twitched.

She regretted it.

You shouldn’t talk to this guy, no sentence is nice.

“Don’t tell me, are you still alone now?”

“This is a bit unexpected.”

“Little girl, don’t look too high, after all, a talented, affectionate and focused man like brother is extinct in this world.”

White-Eyed Wolf touched the chin, hehe smiled straightly, without knowing how to write the three words thick-skinned.

“My god, who will save me?”

Ye Xue’er looked at the sky speechless.


The others laughed.

This familiar atmosphere is really nostalgic.

As long as White-Eyed Wolf is there, it will never be boring.


“Sit down and talk!”

Shangguan Fenglan greeted.

White-Eyed Wolf said: “Have you prepared a good wine and good dish? If not, the brother immediately shoots buttocks and leaves.”

“Go, no one is binding you.”

Shangguan Fenglan’s face turned black.

“You let me go? I still don’t want to go!”

“Xiao Yizi, come here, I have prepared a meeting gift for you.”

White-Eyed Wolf waved to Huo Yi.

“What a meeting ceremony?”

Huo Yi is suspicious.

Everyone also looked at White-Eyed Wolf in confusion.

White-Eyed Wolf waved his hand and a large number of wine jars appeared. There might be thousands of jars. Although they were sealed tightly, they could smell an intoxicating aroma of wine. It’s divine wine, how about? Brothers! Wonderful!”

“divine wine?”

Huo Yi immediately beamed his eyes, said with a laugh: “Brother Wolf, you are really my biological big brother!”

Shangguan Fenglan on the side looked at this scene, his entire face turned black.

What she hates most is Huo Yi drinking.

Because of this, Huo Yi has also been somewhat restrained after he has been taught many times.

But didn’t expect, now White-Eyed Wolf actually produced such wines, and they are all divine wines. Isn’t this showing that she is deliberately angry?

“wait a minute!”

“There is a smelly brat!”


Shangguan Fenglan complexion changed and quickly looked towards Yi Xiaochuan.

Sure enough.

As soon as Yi Xiaochuan saw such a divine wine, he immediately couldn’t control it, and rushed to Huo Yi’s side.

“smelly brat, what are you doing?”

Huo Yi stared blankly, immediately glaring at Yi Xiaochuan.

“Daddy, blessings and difficulties.”

Yi Xiaochuan barked his teeth and reached out to grab the wine jar.

Huo Yi’s face turned dark, and he slapped fiercely hard, so pain that Yi Xiaochuan quickly retracted his paw, and then he looked at this ruthless dad with a feeling wronged.

“brat, what wine to drink?”

Huo Yi glared at him, then lost his mind and took away all the divine wine.


White-Eyed Wolf looked at Huo Yi and Yi Xiaochuan in surprise.

Now Yi Xiaochuan and Huo Yi are standing together, it looks so alike.


“This little fellow is the child of Huo Yi and Shangguan Fenglan, named Yi Xiaochuan.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head and smiled.

There is no falsehood at all if there is a father, there is a son.

“I will go!”

“Are your children so old?”

White-Eyed Wolf looked at Huo Yi and Shangguan Fenglan in amazement.

“Do you want to control?”

Shangguan Fenglan is coldly snorted.

“How is it?”

“brothers! I’m great!”

Huo Yi followed the White-Eyed Wolf on his shoulders.


White-Eyed Wolf nodded, looking at Shangguan Fenglan who was dissatisfied, his eyeball turned slightly and said to Yi Xiaochuan: “brat, come here.”

“Uncle Wolf, what can you advise?”

Yi Xiaochuan hurriedly ran in front of White-Eyed Wolf, his face full of flattery.

“Uncle, I like you very much.”

White-Eyed Wolf contorts one’s face in agony.

Seeing such a White-Eyed Wolf, Shangguan Fenglan immediately felt a sense of anxiety.

Following closely.

Her anxiety happened.

White-Eyed Wolf waved his hand again, and a lot of divine wine appeared, and he said proudly: “This is from my uncle. I tell you, men should eat meat and drink, don’t follow Your Uncle Qin learns, and you don’t have any’sentiment’, you understand?”

“Understand and understand.”

“Thank you, Uncle Wolf.”

Yi Xiaochuan repeatedly nodded, his face was full of excitement.

But at this moment, both Yi Xiaochuan, White-Eyed Wolf and Huo Yi felt an invisible murderous aura coming.

Huo Yi urged: “smelly brat, don’t put it away quickly, wait for your mother acting violently, and don’t even want to stay with you.”

Yi Xiaochuan, a shivered, hurriedly collected the divine wine into the heaven and earth ring, then turned around and looked towards Shangguan Fenglan, embarrased and smiled: “Mother, so many elders are here, save some face for your son!” [19459002 ]

Looking innocent, feeling wronged, to please Yi Xiaochuan, Shangguan Fenglan didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

Ye Zhong and the others couldn’t laugh too much.

This pair of father and son is also a wonderful pair!

“It’s been a long time since I was so happy.”

Ye Zhong said with a smile.

After speaking, he glanced at Xiao Mo Tong, but didn’t say much.

Because, since Qin Feiyang brought Xiao Mo Tong, it means that Qin Feiyang has not pursued it.

Qin Feiyang didn’t pursue it, so naturally he has nothing to pursue.


“It’s not just that it’s been a long time since we haven’t been so happy, but it’s been a long time since we all got together.”

Yun Zun and Beast Zun are nodded.

I’m busy with my own business, it’s really difficult to get together.

Wang Daoyuan curiously asked: “Young Master, Brother Wolf, lunatic, what is your cultivation base now?”

Hearing this question, others also looked towards Qin Feiyang several people, with curiosity in their eyes.

“Our cultivation base?”

“Speak out for fear of scaring you to death.”

White-Eyed Wolf smiled proudly.

“Then you quickly scare us to death.”

Li Changhe and the others roared.

“Then you sit down.”

“Our current cultivation base has reached the peak of this World.”

“Great perfection ruler realm.”

White-Eyed Wolf said.

“Great perfection ruler realm?”

“So fast!”

“Wait a minute first, is the state of great perfection ruler the pinnacle of cultivation?”

“It seems that the Inextinguishable Realm is above the ruler realm!”

Everyone was surprised.


White-Eyed Wolf nodded.

Qin Yi squatted and said: “That’s not a big deal if you look at it this way, now in Ancient World, many people have stepped into the Inextinguishable Realm.”

“Brat, you are floating!”

“Dare to say such things?”

White-Eyed Wolf glanced at Qin Yi.

“Am I wrong?”

Qin Yi was a little confused.

“It’s really wrong.”

“Great perfection ruler, there are also strong and weak points.”

“By comprehending the fifth Profound Truth of Six Paths, you can step into the state of great perfection ruler.”

“But above the fifth Profound Truth, there is the highest Profound Truth, the ultimate Profound Truth.”

“The difficulty of the Supreme Profound Truth and the Ultimate Profound Truth is countless times that of the fifth Profound Truth. Even if it is the Sky Cloud Realm, people who can realize the ultimate Profound Truth can be counted on one’s fingers.” [19459002 ]

Qin Feiyang slightly smiled.

“There are so many Profound Truth?”

Everyone was shocked.

It was beyond imagination.

“The brother, do you understand the ultimate Profound Truth now?”

Qin Yun looked at Qin Feiyang.


Qin Feiyang nodded smiled.


Qin Yun stared blankly, and hurriedly asked: “How many!”

“A lot.”

“Space-Time Laws, Time Law, Law of Destruction, Law of Cause and Effect, Death Law, Life Law, and Life and Death Laws.”

Qin Feiyang laughed.


“So many?”

“Unexpectedly is really the strongest rule!”

Everyone was dumbfounded.

“wait a minute!”

“What was the Life and Death Laws you said last?”

Huo Yi stared at Qin Feiyang suspiciously.

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “Life and Death Laws is an existence that transcends the strongest law. The Profound Truth of the same level can crush the strongest law.”

“I will go.”

Huo Yi looked blank.

“Life and Death Laws are hard to comprehend.”

“In today’s world, as far as we know, there are only Qin Feiyang, Heart Demon, and another ruler.”

Mu Qing said.

“Heart Demon?”


Everyone stared blankly.

Qin Lijing God One shook and asked: “Big Brother, this Heart Demon, is this your Heart Demon?”


Qin Feiyang nodded.

“But didn’t father say that he is dead?”

“And the big cousin brother.”

Seven people Qin Li was shocked and suspicious.

“None of them died.”

Qin Feiyang slightly smiled.

“Not dead…”

Everyone was a little unbelievable.

“Speaking of which is a long story.”

“I’m coming back this time, mainly to see you guys. I don’t intend to say anything else.”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.

Everyone simultaneously looked.

Is this something unspeakable?


“This topic will stop here!”

“As for our strength, when you understand the ultimate Profound Truth in the future, you will naturally know.”

Qin Feiyang laughed, glanced at his friends, elders, and former subordinates, and said: “I am coming back this time, besides visiting everyone, I also intend to give Ancient World a little good luck.”

“We have all seen the good fortune you sent. With these Time Arrays, my Ancient World will surely be talented in the future.”

The sloppy old man hehe smiled.

The other three Guardians are also very pleased.

No matter how strong this brat becomes, I have not forgotten Ancient World.


“Insignificant Time Array, what good fortune can it be?”

Qin Feiyang waved his hand quickly.


The four Guardians were surprised.

Time Array of five thousand years a day, isn’t it good fortune?

“So, you just haven’t seen the world, insignificant for five thousand years a day Time Array, as long as you realize the ultimate Profound Truth of Time Law, you have the ability to open it.”

White-Eyed Wolf despised.

When everyone heard this, they couldn’t help but shake their heads and smile.

Time Law, the ultimate Profound Truth, is simply an inaccessible existence for people like them.

“First of all, I will help you turn on all the Gate of Potential.”

“Although you have all turned on the Gate of Potential before, you did not turn them all on.”

“One more.”

“In my hands, there are still many epitome of the laws and the inheritance of the ultimate Profound Truth.”

Qin Feiyang slightly smiled.

Although the inheritance of the ultimate Profound Truth of the strongest law, he only has three thousand copies left in his hand, but there are still a lot of the inheritance and the epitome of the law of the ultimate Profound Truth of Ordinary Law.

“The epitome of the law?”

“The inheritance of the ultimate Profound Truth?”

“What is it?”

Everyone’s faces are full of suspicion, these things, simply have not heard of them.

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