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The hidden meaning of Qin Feiyang’s words can be understood by others.

The green robed old woman glanced at the little Mo Tong, sound transmission to the straw sandals old man several people: “It seems that little Mo Tong wants these inheritance, I am afraid it will not be easy!”

“He asked for this.”

“It’s okay to unbridled what one day?”

big tall and sturdy man secretly thought.


“Whether he can get inheritance or not has nothing to do with us.”

“Ye Zhong will definitely not forget us anyway.”

Middle-aged sound transmission in alluring woman and golden clothes.

I’m so lucky that I didn’t follow the bad example of others with Mo Tong in recent years, or else now, even they’re just staring.

So say.

This person, it is better to keep a low profile.

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “For the inheritance of these ultimate Profound Truth, you actually have to thank someone.”


Everyone is suspicious.

“Long Chen.”

Qin Feiyang smiled.

“Long Chen!”

“Isn’t he the son of Ice Dragon and Longzun?”

Everyone stood up suddenly.

How could this matter have something to do with Long Chen?

“Things have passed so long, everyone should stop worrying about the gratitude and grudges.”

“Besides, Dragon Clan, they have all been annihilated.”

Qin Feiyang laughed.

“So, you have reconciled with them?”

The Beast Lord asked.


“In the past few years, we have fought side by side in the Sky Cloud Realm, advancing and retreating together, and the relationship has been very different from before.”

“Even Long Chen’s younger sister Longqin, the original princess Dragon Clan, also sympathizes with me for siblings.”

“And all the ultimate Profound Truth inheritance in my hand was obtained with their help.”

Qin Feiyang explained.

“No way!”

“With this Princess Dragon Clan, can you still sympathize with siblings?”

Shangguan Qiu and Miss Heavenly Immortal were very surprised.

“She has changed a lot.”

“For the common people of the world, also made a lot of contributions.”

Qin Feiyang slightly smiled.

Despite this, everyone still couldn’t adapt for a while.

Because these siblings two people are their former enemies of life and death.

“Actually, reconciliation is also a good deed.”

“After all, our gratitude and grudges had already ended when Dragon Clan was destroyed.”

“On the contrary, we should feel lucky.”

“Because of the strength of Ice Dragon, everyone knows that if he wants to retaliate against us, then we have no power to fight back.”

Ye Zhongdao.

“Ye Old Master is right.”

“The enemy should be settled but not knotted. Qin Feiyang and the Longchen siblings can completely resolve these gratitude and grudges, which can also be regarded as a blessing for the living creatures of the Ancient World.”

“Because of this, our Ancient World can truly be peaceful.”

The four Guardians spoke one after another.

Whether it is Qin Feiyang several people or Longchen siblings, they are all admirable youngsters.


The gratitude and grudges between them are obvious to all.

Even so deep gratitude and grudges, they can let go, and their minds can be seen.

“What about the Dragon and Ice Dragon?”

Yun Zun asked.

“I haven’t officially talked to them yet.”

“However, no matter what they end up doing, they will definitely not be involved in Ancient World again.”

Qin Feiyang slightly smiled.

Ye Zhong hesitated and asked: “Then how is she now?”

“Very good.”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.

It seems that Master still can’t forget this relationship.

Because in Ye Zhong’s words, he heard the smell of concern.

“Let’s do it!”

Ye Zhong put away the heaven and earth ring, said with a smile: “Your youngster’s matter, you should handle it yourself, and we will just talk about these heavy topics, and be more happy.”

“right right right .”

“It’s hard to get together, I must have a few drinks.”

The wine insect in Huo Yi’s belly has begun to cause trouble, turning one’s head looked towards Shangguan Fenglan, and said with a smile: “Lan’er, still prepare something delicious and delicious, and entertain everyone!” [19459002 ]

“I think you want to drink it!”

Shangguan Fenglan looked at him blankly, and said: “Don’t worry about it, I have ordered people to prepare!”


Huo Yi looked at Shangguan Fenglan in surprise.

“Do you really think I am ignorant?”

“Your brothers, it’s rare to come back, besides, there are so many Old Seniors here, I can’t make arrangements in advance?”

Shangguan Fenglan rolled his eyes.

“Lan’er in my family is indeed the best.”

Huo Yi heard, immediately went up to hold Shangguan Fenglan, and gave her a mouthful on the spot.

Shangguan Fenglan’s face immediately became flushed, and annoyed: “What are you doing without looking at any occasion?”

“No way, I am proud.”

“Let me marry such a considerate wife?”

Huo Yi hehe smiled straight.

“Father, you are too numb, can’t you worry about our underage feelings?”

Yi Xiaochuan put his arms around Qin Xian’s shoulders, and looked at Huo Yi and bared his teeth said with a smile.


“Who is underage?”

Qin Xian’s face was dark, and he kicked Yi Xiaochuan away.

“Xiang Brother, don’t you often say that you are still a youngster in adolescence?”

Yi Xiaochuan looked at him feeling wronged.

“Call Uncle!”

Qin Xian’s veins jumped wildly.

“It’s called brother, big brother brother, what can you do?”

Yi Xiaochuan stuck out his tongue and grimaced, making Qin Xian irritable.

“It’s nice to be young.”

Ye Zhong looked at two people, turning one’s head looked towards the four Guardian, said with a smile.


Four Guardian nodded.

And the youngster of this generation is also better than the other, not detracting from the Qin Feiyang and the others of that year.


After a while.

A chubby middle-aged fatty came to break the sky.

This person is the Landlord of the Northern Domain Heavenly Immortal building.

Because the headquarters of Heavenly Immortal Building is in Divine State, the Heavenly Immortal Building on the Northern Domain side becomes a branch.

“I have seen Miss.”

“I have seen exceptional Sir.”

The middle-aged fatty fell in front of everyone, bowing and saluting.

“What are you doing?”

Miss Heavenly Immortal looked at him suspiciously.

The middle-aged fatty said respectfully: “Shangguan Palace Lord gave me summoning during the day and asked me to prepare a few tables of banquets and entertain noble guests in the evening, so now I am sending food and wine specially.”

While speaking, I looked at Qin Feiyang and the others with awe.

It really is to entertain these great characters.

“It turned out to be like this.”

Miss Heavenly Immortal suddenly smiled.

At the same time.

Shangguan Fenglan has taken out a few large dining tables, which seem to have been prepared in advance, looked towards the middle-aged fatty, said with a smile: “Put it on!”


The middle-aged fatty walked over, took out a heaven and earth ring, and took out the dishes one by one.

Each of these dishes is individually placed in a wooden box, and inside the wooden box, there is also a crystal stone that can emit heat, which can ensure that the dishes are hot at all times.

Visible, very hard.

Of course.

This was Shangguan Fenglan’s account, and he didn’t dare to worry about it.

After all, Shangguan Fenglan’s position is placed here, and he is a sister to Miss Heavenly Immortal.


Several tables are filled with dishes, and each dish is extremely delicate and fragrant, which makes people appetite.

“Come, come, come, everyone come around.”

“It just so happened that Brother Wolf gave me a lot of divine wine, everyone came to taste it.”

Huo Yi greeted him.

A cheerful banquet began.

Huo Yi, White-Eyed Wolf, lunatic, are all altar after altar.

To change to normal, Shangguan Fenglan had already acted violently, but today, she did not care.

Because she knows that Huo Yi is really happy today.

However, Yi Xiaochuan did not receive less training.

Every time I want to drink, I promise to eat a chestnut.

According to Shangguan Fenglan, when you get married and start a business, I don’t care no matter how much you drink, but now, your brat must obey my discipline.

When old friends get together, Qin Feiyang is also enjoying a drink.

The laughter will sound from time to time.

Throughout the night, no one left the scene.


Time flies quickly.

The horizon began to fade gradually.

Although I drank a lot, everyone was not drunk.

Qin Feiyang glanced at the horizon, put down the wine glass, said with a smile: “Let’s stop here, we have to go back to Great Qin.”

“Back to Great Qin?”

Huo Yi Weiwei stared blankly, suspiciously: “Why are you going back in such a hurry?”

Qin Feiyang turning one’s head looked towards the lunatic, and asked: “Senior Brother, didn’t you tell them?”


“I don’t want to discourage everyone.”

The lunatic shook his head.

“What’s the situation?”

Except for Ye Zhong, everyone here is suspicious.

Because only Ye Zhong knew, Qin Feiyang and others were talented for three days.

“We are back this time, we can only stay for three days.”

“Now one day has passed. For the remaining two days, I want to go back and spend time with my family.”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.

“Three days?”

“This is too short!”

“Young Master, no matter how busy you are, don’t worry about it!”

Everyone frowns, try to stay.

“They also have their difficulties.”

“Besides the future is long, there will be opportunities in the future.”

Ye Zhong got up and looked at everyone with a smile, then looked towards Qin Feiyang, lunatic, White-Eyed Wolf and the others, said with a smile: “Come outside, don’t worry about us.”


Qin Feiyang nodded.

The sudden parting made everyone feel uncomfortable.

Especially Shangguan Qiu, Wang You’er.

Haven’t spoken a few words, we must separate again.

“Don’t do this.”

“As the Master said, the future is long.”

Qin Feiyang laughed, looking at Wang Daoyuan and the others, and said: “You are all the people I brought out. You must take on the responsibility of protecting the Ancient World and protecting the common people.”

“We will.”

A group of people heavily nodded.

Qin Feiyang slightly smiled, his gaze swept away one after another, and finally fell on Shangguan Qiu and Wang You’er, said with a smile: “Take care of you.”

“So are you.”

two people mumbled.

The faint voice can’t even be heard by themselves.

They are now trying to control their emotions, otherwise they would cry long ago.


Qin Feiyang secretly sighed, for the two women in front of him, he could only say sorry in his heart, turning one’s head looked towards Qin Li seven people and said: “You come back to Great Qin with me.”

After that, he turned around resolutely, opened a space-time passage, and walked in without looking back.

Because if he continues, he is afraid that he will be reluctant to leave.

The lunatics, Lin Yiyi, Li Feng, Mu Qing, White-Eyed Wolf, Huo Wu, facing everyone nodded, also turned and left.

Qin Li seven people looked simultaneously, with a trace of suspiciousness on his face.

What do you ask them to follow back to Great Qin?

Is it because the big brother is reluctant to bear them and wants them to accompany him more?

“Old Master, we…”

Qin Li turning one’s head looked at Ye Zhong.


Ye Zhong smiled.

“We must be back as soon as possible.”

Qin Li bowed and said something, then led Qin Yun and the others, turned around and flew into the passage of time and space.

Seeing the gradually dissipating passage of time and space, everyone was silent for a long time, both expression and face were full of deep reluctance.

The tears in Shangguan Qiu’s eyes finally couldn’t be controlled and flowed down.

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