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In the private room!

Ji Old Tenth’s Divine Soul, staring angry at Qin Feiyang and said: “smelly brat, you were ruthless just now. Fortunately, the old man slipped fast, otherwise you are guaranteed to fall into the hands of your brat.” [19459002 ]


“This is not a last resort, acting!”

“Besides, we know your old strength. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as incomparable and unrivalled. There must be a way to save your life.”

Qin Feiyang laughed dryly.

“Don’t shoot flattery.”

“The old man doesn’t eat this set.”

Ji Old Tenth blows his beard and stares.

“Don’t be angry, I at once let my Madam come out, and use the eye of life to help you reshape your fleshy body.”

Qin Feiyang quickly appeased.

Ji Old Tenth rolled his eyes and said weakly: “Forget it, if by any chance people from the Central Dynasty ran up again. Seeing that I reshaped the fleshy body so quickly, I must be suspicious.”

Qin Feiyang embarrased smiled.

“Sit down!”

Ji Boss waved.

A group of people sat around the table.

“I thought you would go back this time, it would take a long time to come back, but didn’t expect it to be so fast, why? Is there something unexpected?”

Ji Boss looked suspiciously at Qin Feiyang three people.

“I plan to stay a few more days when I go back this time, but didn’t expect to encounter Ice Dragon, but we also blame ourselves. It’s okay to run to him and Divine Kingdom ruler for what?”

Qin Feiyang is a little upset.

If you were in the hell of Hades at that time, if you didn’t go to Ice Dragon and Divine Kingdom ruler, you might not be able to do these things.


“Have you ever found the Divine Kingdom ruler?”

A group of old men were surprised.

“More than just looking for it, Little Qinzi has also played against him.”

White-Eyed Wolf bared his teeth.

“No way!”

“How was the result?”

A group of old men were surprised.

“The result is naturally that Little Qinzi was completely abused by the Divine Kingdom ruler.”

White-Eyed Wolf taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune said with a smile.

“Are you embarrassed to laugh at me?”

“Is who has been provoking Divine Kingdom ruler at the time?”

Qin Feiyang glared at White-Eyed Wolf, then turned and looked towards the lunatic who was hiding aside, and said with a dark face: “Senior Brother, don’t snicker there, you have a share.”

A group of old men looked at Qin Feiyang three people and couldn’t help shaking their heads and smiling bitterly.

This matter, they can already think of a general idea.

At that time, it must have been White-Eyed Wolf and the madman. First provoke the Divine Kingdom ruler and angered the Divine Kingdom ruler. Then the two people went away and threw the trouble to Qin Feiyang.

As a result, Qin Feiyang was severely abused by the Divine Kingdom ruler.

“How strong is the Divine Kingdom ruler?”

“You don’t even have the strength to fight back now?”

Ji Old Second asked.

“Very strong.”

“So we must get rid of the Central Dynasty before he returns to Divine Kingdom.”

Qin Feiyang Road.

“Get rid of the Central Dynasty…”

It is not easy for a group of old men to mutter.

Ji Boss said: “Let’s not talk about this first, call Yue’er out quickly.”

“right right right .”

Other old man is also nodded in a hurry.

Qin Feiyang slightly smiled, with a wave of his hand, the country lord, Nine Heavens Realm, and Ji Tianyue three people appeared.

“Yue’er !”

A group of old man immediately surrounded them.

For the country lord and Ji Heavenly Monarch standing next to Ji Tianyue, a group of old men not only ignored them, but pushed the father and son two people away, as if they were saying, don’t stand here in the way.

Father and son are helpless.

“Yue’er, you finally came back.”

“Do you know how much we Old Guy miss you over the years.”

“Come on, let’s take a closer look.”

“So haggard, it makes me feel distressed.”

“In the Sky Cloud Realm these years, you must have suffered a lot!”

“Ji Yunwang, roll over to me and see what your daughter looks like? Had it not for you, she could have suffered so much feeling wronged in the Heavenly Cloud Realm?”

“Fortunately, she is coming here safely, otherwise, we will kill you!”

A group of old men feel distressed to Ji Tianyue.

But to the country’s lord, he was stern, and he didn’t look good at all.

What else can the country master do?

Can only smile and admit mistakes.

Ji Heavenly Monarch also smiled wryly.

In many families, don’t they all favor sons over daughters?

How did they become patriarchal in their family?

Ji Tianyue glanced at the country lord, looked at a group of old man, blamed himself: “It doesn’t matter what the father is, it is Yue’er unfilial, which makes you worry for so long.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Is there any child in this world who is more sensible than you?”

“You are brother, you are not as good as one tenth of you.”

Ji Old Tenth speaks.

Ji Heavenly Monarch’s mouth twitched.

He stood here, as if he didn’t offend anyone, why did he withdraw to him?

Let’s talk about it.

Why is he not sensible?

These old man, the idea of ​​valuing women over men, is a bit heavy!

Seeing Ji Heavenly Monarch lying innocently, Ji Tianyue couldn’t help but laugh.

“No matter what, I just come back safely.”


“Sit with Great Grandfather.”

Ji Boss grabbed Ji Tianyue’s hand and sat down at the table.

Ji Tianyue sat aside obediently.

Ji Jiuye said hoarsely with a smile: “It’s really didn’t expect. A goodbye back then. The little girl in the past is now full of children and grandchildren.”

“The most important thing is that all the descendants of Yue’er are so good, unlike someone who gave birth to a little silk pants.”

Ji Boss cynically said, and glanced at Ji Heavenly Monarch from time to time.

Ji Heavenly Monarch feels helpless.

This was shot while lying down again.

Because the little silk pants Ji Boss said is his ineffective son.

Qin Feiyang looked at a group of old men and said: “Dear Ancestral Grandfather, great-grandmother, there is actually something we have kept from you.”

“What’s the matter?”

A group of old men looked at him suspiciously.

Qin Feiyang said: “My Ancestor Qin Batian is actually not the youth you see.”


A group of old men were surprised.

The madman said: “It means that this Qin Batian in Divine Kingdom is pretending.”


A group of old man stood up.

How could it be pretending?

“What’s the matter?”

Ji Tianyue also looked suspiciously at Qin Feiyang three people.

“It’s like this.”

“The person who pretending Ancestor now is the mysterious youth. You should also know that his strength is very strong. We have known each other from the Ancient World.”

Qin Feiyang looked at Ji Tianyue and explained.

“Mysterious youth?”

Ji Tianyue stared blankly, pondering a little, and asked: “The listless, sleepy youth you mentioned?”


Qin Feiyang nodded.

“Why would he pretending the tyrant?”

Ji Tianyue is puzzled.

“I don’t know either.”

“However, this person is not malicious.”

“And helped us many times.”

Qin Feiyang Road.

Ji Heavenly Monarch asked suddenly: “It won’t be the west continent in the sky cloud world, the youth who battled with me!”

“It’s him.”

Qin Feiyang nodded.

“Didn’t expect!”

“I always thought that he was Qin Batian.”

“What’s going on?”

“What does the real Qin Batian look like?”

Ji Heavenly Monarch frowned.

Qin Feiyang waved his hand and Ancestor’s illusory shadow appeared.

Everyone is looking at Qin Batian’s illusory shadow, it turns out that this is the descendant of their Purple Gold Divine Dragon clan.

“You guys smelly brat, unexpectedly I was kept in the dark.”

The lord shook his head and smiled bitterly.

“It used to hide from you to protect Ancestor.”

Qin Feiyang Road.

Hearing this, the country lord was immediately unhappy and said: “Do you really think that I will kill my biological grandson?”

“It’s hard to say.”

White-Eyed Wolf said.

The country lord turned dark and asked: “Then where is my biological grandson now?”

“We don’t know either.”

“I asked Mu Qing to use Opening Heaven Eye to see where they are now, none of us have been there.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head.


The country master stared blankly.

“These two are my Ancestor.”

“One is My Qin Family’s Ancestor, the other is my mother’s Ancestor, Lu Family’s Ancestor.”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.

“What about Samsara’s Eye?”

Ji Heavenly Monarch asked.

“Samsara’s Eye needs no doubt, Ancestor is the owner of Samsara’s Eye.”

“Lu Family Ancestor, that is, the owner of the Eye of Destruction.”

“And this time, I also brought the owner of Eye of Forgetfullness.”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.

A group of old man simultaneously looked, shook their heads and sighed: “You are coming back late.”

Qin Feiyang stared blankly, puzzled: “What do you mean?”

Ji Boss said: “The two children of Supreme Mountain have been taken to the Central Dynasty.”

“Two children?”

Qin Feiyang frowned.

Ji Boss sighed: “It is the two Human Race Heaven’s Chosen with Eye of Forgetfullness and Eye of Forgetfullness.”

Qin Feiyang suddenly stood up and said in surprise: “How could this be? Why were they taken to the Central Dynasty?”

“This happened on the 2nd day you left Divine Kingdom.”

“That morning, more than a dozen people from the Central Dynasty suddenly came to Supreme Mountain, and they called for the two children to go to the Central Dynasty.”

“Human Race Supreme also at one’s wits end, only let them take away.”

Ji Boss said.

Qin Feiyang three people looked simultaneously, not by frowns.

Unexpectedly let the people of the Central Dynasty be taken away?

Then Lin Yiyi will have to go to the Central Dynasty in the future to see his enemies?

The madman asked: “What kind of clothes do these ten several people wear? Are they in the same group as the three people we met before?”

“They don’t seem to be in the same group.”

“The ten several people all wear uniform clothes. According to Human Race Supreme, their clothes are all with a sword pattern, as if they are members of Death God Legion.”

Ji Boss said solemnly.

“Sharp sword pattern!”

Qin Feiyang’s face changed suddenly, looking at the lunatic and White-Eyed Wolf, and said: “How is this possible? Except for Dong Yiming’s eleven people, everyone else has followed the Heart Demon and the cousin brother and returned to the Central Dynasty.” [ 19459002]

“There is indeed a problem in this.”

The lunatic is nodded.

Death God Legion visited five thousand people last time, but Heart Demon and Lu Jiajin were persuaded to go back halfway. Only Deputy Commander Dong Yiming, with ten members of Death God Legion, secretly entered Four Great Continents and investigated them. Case.

While Dong Yiming and the others have died in their hands, the other members of Death God Legion have followed Heart Demon two people back to the Central Dynasty. How could there be Death God Legion people appearing in Four Great Continents?

The central dynasty sent it again?

But the time is not right!

Because it took three months to come to Four Great Continents from the Central Dynasty.

What is going on here?

“wait a minute!”

“We leave the second Heavenly of Divine Kingdom…”

“We left Divine Kingdom, a total of five days left and right, that is, they have not yet returned to the Central Dynasty.”


The lunatic stood up suddenly and looked towards Qin Feiyang and White-Eyed Wolf and said: “They must still be in the Forbidden Sea. We are chasing now, and we must have time!”

Because Qin Feiyang has double Heavenly Dao Will, the speed is faster than the opponent!

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