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“These three smelly brat, thought we didn’t know?”

Just after the Qin Feiyang three people left, Ji Boss and a group of old men walked out of their houses one after another, stood together, and looked at the passing of time and space that was dissipating.

“But I have to admit that they are so sensible, they are thinking of others in everything.”

“Our Purple Gold Divine Dragon clan, if there are several descendants who are as promising as them, how good would it be?”

Ji Old Tenth shook his head.

“Old Tenth, what did you say?”

“Let’s not talk about lunatics and wolf pups, the brat of Qin Feiyang, isn’t it our descendants?”

Ji Old Eighth looked at him displeased.

“right right right .”

Ji Old Tenth stared blankly, nodded quickly.

That’s right!

Qin Feiyang is the descendant of their Purple Gold Divine Dragon clan.

Ji Boss said with a smile: “I hope they can successfully enter the Central Dynasty!”

“Big Brother, do you still support them to go to the Central Dynasty?”

Ji Old Tenth was astonished.

“If you don’t support it, will they not go?”

“They still want to go, so we might as well support them in silence.”

Ji Boss shook his head.


Ji Old Tenth nodded, looked up at the void of time and space, muttered: “Smelly brat, must be careful!”


The Sea of ​​Taboo.

During this time, the entire Sea Domain was filled with a violent atmosphere.

Sea You King, the great battle generals, and the two hundred and twenty thousand Sea Beast masters the ultimate Profound Truth, almost become a tyrant-like existence, no one is pleasing to the eye, so that it makes other Sea Beasts in the Sea of ​​Taboo , Are all in panic all day long.

With the appearance of Qin Feiyang three people, another invisible storm is set off in the Sea of ​​Taboo.

“Why did they come to our forbidden sea again?”

“Is it not enough to torture us?”

“These three killed by 1,000 blades, wherever they go, wherever they go, why didn’t God accept them?”

Looking at the Qin Feiyang three people, these Sea Beasts are both scared and angry.

“What do you look at?”

“I, your father is standing here, what can you do with I, your father?”

The lunatic smiled.

“Don’t be unbridled.”

“Sooner or later someone will take you!”

Sea Beast clamored frantically.

“I, your father accepted you first!”

Murderous intention flashed in the crazy man’s eyes, but before he took action, Sea Beast all around fled in panic.

“Isn’t it very awesome? Don’t be afraid!”

The madman looked disdainful.

“There is no need to waste time with them.”

Qin Feiyang said something, then opened the double Heavenly Dao Will and Instant Time, rolled up the lunatic and White-Eyed Wolf, and cut through the sky like lightning, so fast that no one could catch them.

Ten days passed without one Sea Beast running out of the way, the road was very calm.


However, under the seemingly calm surface, there is an undercurrent surging!

In the depths.

A piece of the sky over the Sea Domain.

A group of people came majestic.

The leader is a middle-aged man with a height of 1.7 meters left and right. He is wearing a black long coat and his body is thin, giving people a feminine feeling.

There are about ten thousand people behind him.

There are men and women, old and young, but without exception, these people wear Death God Legion costumes, and the sharp sword pattern on their chests is enough to shock all living creatures of Divine Kingdom.

That’s right!

They are the people of Death God Legion!

When passing over an island, a silhouette swept from the island and fell in front of a group of people, bowing and saying: “See you Sir.”

“Are you King Sea You?”

The black clothed middle-aged headed by him stopped and looked at the person standing in front of him.

“It’s a lowly person.”

Haiyou King was nodded, and then knelt on the void, roaring: “Please Sir make the decision for me!”

“Because of Qin Feiyang Deprivation, your ultimate Profound Truth!”

black clothed middle-aged Dao.

“How do you know?”

The King of Sea You is suspicious.

“People from the second direct family have reported the matter to Emperor Sir.”

“This Qin Feiyang is indeed too unbridled, so Emperor Sir ordered this Eminence to lead the tenth team to eradicate him.”

Black clothed middle-aged opening.

“The tenth team?”

Sea You King stared blankly, cautiously asked: “Dare to ask Sir, who are you?”

The black clothed middle-aged proudly said: “The true body is the leader of Death God Legion’s tenth team, Dong Yuming!”

“It turned out to be Sir Commander, I have seen the leader!”

Haiyou King’s eyes trembled, prostrate oneself in admiration prostrate under Dong Yuming’s feet.

“Get up!”

Dong Yuming spoke.


King Haiyou got up.

Dong Yuming sighed: “This Eminence also understands your situation. He helped our central dynasty several times but ended up at this point. It’s really hard for you.”

“For the central dynasty, for the Emperor and the others, even if the lowly person is full of liver and brain, it will not hesitate.”

Haiyou Wang looked flattering.

“Your loyalty, we have all seen it.”

“Don’t worry, what you lost, this Eminence will help you get it back.”

Murderous intention flashed in Dong Yuming’s eyes and said: “You can go to Four Great Continents with true body. If you have a chance, this Eminence will let you kill this enemy by yourself.”

“many thanks Sir Commander .”

“But Sir, you don’t need to go to Four Great Continents anymore, because the lowly person has already received the following Sea Beast report, Qin Feiyang, Madman Mo, Golden Wing Wolf King, have once again entered the forbidden sea.”

Haiyou Wangdao.


“Are they here again in the Forbidden Sea?”

Dong Yuming stared blankly.


“Looking at the direction they are going, they should be planning to go to the Central Dynasty.”

Haiyou Wangdao.

“Go to the Central Dynasty?”

“They are really act recklessly!”

“also good!”

“We will go their only way, and wait for them to walk right into a trap!”

Dong Yuming sneered, and led the Death God Legion members behind him, turned and left majestic.

“Qin Feiyang, Madman Mo, Golden Wing Wolf King, you wait for me, at once is your time of death!”

Haiyou Wang smiled grimly, and hurriedly chased a group of people.


Another few days passed.

Late at night!

The sea of ​​taboos under the darkness of night seems even darker.

Those large and small islands are like giant beasts lurking in the night.

“You are ahead, do you have two sea beasts?”


White-Eyed Wolf pointed to the Sea Domain ahead, surprised.

“Sea Beast?”

Qin Feiyang two people were startled, and quickly looked up.

At the end of the Sea Domain ahead, there are two vague shadows.

These two shadows are extremely tall, almost towering into the sky.

But because the distance is too far, I can’t see it clearly.

The three people couldn’t help being vigilant, and gradually approached the two shadows.

However, it turned out to be two giant peaks.

The two giant peaks are as high as thousands zhang. At first glance, they really look like two hideous giant beasts standing on the dim sea.

And look at it from a distance.

Two giant peaks stand opposite each other, separated by several thousands li, forming a gorge in the middle, and the sea is surging.

“I thought it was two sea beasts, it turned out to be two giant peaks.”

White-Eyed Wolf relaxed.

From the perspective of the distant place, it is really a bit scary.

“When did you become so courageous?”

The lunatic looked at him jokingly.

“Who said that?”

“Brother is just more vigilant.”

White-Eyed Wolf coldly snorted.


The madman laughed, taunted: “I think you are nervous!”

“get lost! “

White-Eyed Wolf stared at him.

“Don’t fly into a rage out of humiliation.”

“Actually I, your father can understand you.”

“After all, it is getting closer and closer to the entrance of the Central Dynasty.”

The lunatic glanced at the Sea Domain ahead, his expression also a bit solemn.

Although they have been in the Forbidden Sea more than once, it is the first time that they have gone so deeply, and their hearts are more or less nervous.


Qin Feiyang saw a trace of surprise in his eyes, and sound transmission said: “Don’t make a noise, there is a murderous aura!”

“Is there a murderous aura?”

The lunatic and White-Eyed Wolf were taken aback and did not feel it at all.


They did not doubt Qin Feiyang’s words.

Because Qin Feiyang has always been very sensitive to murderous aura.

The two people became vigilant secretly.

Qin Feiyang scanned the front.


His eyes fell on the two giant peaks.

Murderous aura, it seems to come from those two giant peaks!


There is more than one murderous aura!

“There is an ambush on those two giant peaks!”

Qin Feiyang made a prompt decision and stopped above the sea.


Two people are shivering in their hearts.

If there is an ambush, it is definitely not the Sea Beast of the Forbidden Sea.

Because I want it and I want it, Sea Beast in the Sea of ​​Taboo now doesn’t have the guts and the strength to ambush them.


The only explanation is the Central Dynasty!

That is to say.

If someone ambushes in front, they must be from the Central Dynasty!

“I don’t know if there are too many people?”

lunatic secretly thought.

“If there are not many people, do they dare to ambush us?”

White-Eyed Wolf in the dark sneered.


mountain summit!

The leader of the tenth team, standing on the edge of the cliff, using the big tree in front of him to cover up the silhouette, looking at the Qin Feiyang three people parked above the distant place Sea Domain, his brows were tightly twisted together.

“What’s the matter?”

“Why did you stop suddenly?”

“Did they find us?”

King Haiyou was right next to the leader, and he looked at Qin Feiyang three people suspiciously.


“Everyone is converging on aura.”

“Even if I pass by here, if I don’t know in advance, I won’t know there is an ambush, unless…”

The commander’s eyes flickered.

“Unless what?”

Haiyou King is puzzled.

The commander turning one’s head stared at Sea You King, said solemnly: “Unless you Sea Beast of the Forbidden Sea, tell them the news!”

“Absolutely impossible!”

“Now the Sea Beast in our Forbidden Sea, hates them all, how can we confess to them?”

“Besides, these Sea Beasts don’t have the guts.”

Haiyou King shook his head.

“It’s not the Sea Beast of your Forbidden Sea. Is it because the people from my Death God Legion are telling them?”

The cold light flickered in the commander’s eyes, and gloomy said: “This Eminence now has reason to suspect that you may be a spy sent by Qin Feiyang. Deprivation, your ultimate Profound Truth, may be a bitter drama you staged!” [ 19459002]

“No, no.”

“How dare a lowly person!”

Haiyou King is terrified, this crime is serious!

“Sir Commander, they are here.”


A member of Death God Legion next to him speaks.

The commander and the Haiyou King turning one’s head looked over and saw that Qin Feiyang three people were flying towards this side.

Sea You King relaxed.

Now, shouldn’t you say that he is a spy!

It’s really scary.

Can you say anything like this?

This will lose little life.

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