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On the way, they soon met another group of Monster Kings.

These Monster Kings all rushed to Kun Peng Divine Island, their size is comparable to a mountain.

Especially one Sea Horse with wings spread out, like Great Desolate Giant Beast, shrouding the heavens and hiding the earth.


White-Eyed Wolf began to say hello from a distance.


A group of Monster King stared blankly, turning one’s head, one look, immediately bewilderement.

How did you encounter these three killers?

“Run away!”

There are thirty Monster Kings in total.

But none of them dared to stop and call for a fight, fleeing frantically, almost using the power to suckle.

“Are we the devil?”

“Look at us and run?”

White-Eyed Wolf puzzled.

“Are you more scary than the devil?”

The Remnant Soul of the Sea Lion Monster King couldn’t help but slander.

With these crazy behaviors of the three of you, seeing that you are not afraid, do you still stay and wait for death?

“Are you very opinionated about us?”

White-Eyed Wolf glanced at the sea lion Monster King.

Although I haven’t heard of the sea lion Monster King’s belly, I can guess something from its expression.

“No, no.”

The sea lion Monster King shook his head like pounding garlic.

“Better not, otherwise Brother will kill you.”

White-Eyed Wolf’s cold light flashed, scared the sea lions and Monster King to shivering.

The speed with double Heavenly Dao Will, Qin Feiyang and the others is naturally faster than those of Monster King.

“Don’t come here!”

A group of Monster Kings roared in horror and almost burst into tears.

“You tell us not to go there, we will not go, so it gives you face?”

The lunatic smiled.

After a few breaths, several people finally caught up with a group of Monster Kings.

“Can’t run away.”

“Everyone is ready to fight!”

Sea Horse roared.

Although I don’t want to face the Qin Feiyang three people, I have no choice but to fight if I can’t escape.


One after another Ultimate Profound Truth turned out, Heavenly Dao Will broke out.

There are more than 30 Monster Kings, and there are nearly two hundred strongest laws, the ultimate Profound Truth.

If this is placed in the Heavenly Cloud Realm, only these thirty Monster Kings can raze the entire Heavenly Cloud Realm to the ground.

Because of the Heavenly Cloud Realm, there may not even be a powerhouse mastering Heavenly Dao Will, except for Long Zun.


A group of Monster King roared together, approaching the ultimate Profound Truth of two hundred realms, shattering the sky and killing the three people of Qin Feiyang.

“Yi! “

“The suppressed Divine Soul next to the Golden Wing Wolf King is like the Sea Lion Monster King under the command of the Sea Anaconda Demon King?”

“It is indeed him.”

“Didn’t expect, even he has fallen into the hands of these three people.”

A group of Monster Kings became more frightened when they saw the Divine Soul of the Sea Lion Monster King.

“That’s it?”

White-Eyed Wolf disdainful smile, Battle Soul Swallowing Heaven Beast opened, wide mouth suddenly opened, and immediately under the horrified eyes of those Monster Kings, swallowed all the ultimate Profound Truth in one bite, and finally even the slightest wind and waves No.

“No way!”

“This is too monster!”

“Are you still a human?”

A group of Monster King shiver coldly.

It swallowed nearly two hundred of the strongest laws, the ultimate Profound Truth, and also possessed Heavenly Dao Will, which was unheard of.

It is simply a monster.


There is no suspence.


These 30 or so Monster Kings have all become the prisoners of Qin Feiyang three people.

Even White-Eyed Wolf’s Battle Soul can’t help them, let alone Qin Feiyang and the lunatic’s 3,000 Incarnations and the Sword of All Evil.

So no matter how hard they try, they are impossible to turn things around.

“Old Qin.”

“If we blatantly ran to Kun Peng Divine Island, will we scare away those Demon Kings and Monster Kings?”

half a day later.

Crazy frowned.

In the past half day, they encountered many Monster Kings one after another.

Until now, they have captured a total of 900 Monster Kings.

“Scare them away?”

White-Eyed Wolf stared blankly, slapped his head, and said: “Yes, they pass the news very quickly. Knowing that we are going to Kun Peng Divine Island, maybe it will really scare them away.” [19459002 ]

“What shall we do then?”

Qin Feiyang asked.

The madman turned his eyeball and suddenly looked towards the sea lion Monster King.

“Look at what I do?”

The Sea Lion Monster King immediately panicked.

Look at the expression of the madman, there is no good deed.

Madman Jie said with a smile: “Little lion, do you really want to survive?”

“Yin En En.”

The sea lion Monster King stared blankly, waited to return back to his senses, and then again and again nodded, who didn’t want to survive?


“Then now, you just listen to our arrangements, as long as you take us into Kun Peng Divine Island, we will let you go.”

Madman said.

“Speaking counts?”

The sea lion Monster King is happy.


“Don’t believe me, I, your father can make a blood oath, and wait until Kun Peng Divine Island. If you don’t let you go, I, your father will be bombarded by five thunders.”

The lunatic swears by the sky.

There really is a seal of oath coming.

Looking at this scene, the sea lion Monster King expressing boundless happiness.

There is a blood oath guarantee, what are you afraid of?

Basically, his life has been saved.

“What are you doing?”

White-Eyed Wolf looked at the lunatic suspiciously.

Taking blood oaths so easily is not like a lunatic character.

The madman came to Qin Feiyang and White-Eyed Wolf’s ears, muttering a few words in the dark.

“It turned out to be like this.”

The two people suddenly realized.


Qin Feiyang took two people and the sea lion Monster King and disappeared without a trace.


Profound Martial World.

With the help of Mermaid Princess, the sea lion Monster King quickly rebuilt a complete Divine Soul and fleshy body.

“This is the Eye of Life?”

“really strong .”

As the Monster King of Kun Peng Sea Domain, he is also well-informed, but he couldn’t help being shocked when he saw the terrifying healing ability of the Eye of Life.

The madman said with a smile: “Return to a human body!”

Sea Lion Monster King stared blankly.

What do you mean?

“Hurry up.”

The madman urged.


The sea lion Monster King quickly nodded, and transformed into a middle-aged big tall and sturdy man, and then looked towards the madman and asked: “What about then?”

“Then you also made a blood oath to successfully take us to Kun Peng Divine Island. There should be no evil intentions on the way, especially in the dark to reveal our identity to other Monster Kings.” [19459002 ]

Madman said.


The sea lion Monster King nodded, quickly made a blood oath.

However, while taking the blood oath, there was a faint anxiety in his heart.

There seems to be some trap waiting for him.

“Not bad, very sincere.”

The lunatic said with a laugh.

Qin Feiyang and White-Eyed Wolf also had smiles on their faces.

Looking at the smiles on the faces of the three people, the sea lion Monster King’s inner anxiety grew stronger. Is there really a trap?


Under the suspicious gaze of the sea lion Monster King, Qin Feiyang three people took out the Illusory Appearance Pill and turned it into the appearance of three big middle-aged man, and lowered the cultivation base.

“Subordinate, meet Monster King Sir.”

Immediately afterwards.

The three people bowed to the sea lion Monster King.

“What do you mean?”

Looking at the three people, the sea lion Monster King looked dumbfounded.

The lunatic said with a smile: “Now, we are your trusted aide men.”

“Trusted aide’s subordinates?”

Sea Lion Monster King stared blankly.


“I met other Monster Kings on the way, you are going to introduce us like this.”

The lunatic is nodded.

Sea lion Monster King frowns.

But suddenly!

He was shivered, his face instantly filled with anger, and roared: “You guys unexpectedly get me off!”

“Get down?”

“What do you mean?”

Qin Feiyang three people pretended to be puzzled.

“You pretending my trusted aide subordinates, let me take you to Kun Peng Divine Island. Once you take action, you will definitely think that I and you are in the same group.”

The roar of the sea lion Monster King.

Just know this, it’s not that simple.

People, he brought them to Kun Peng Divine Island.

At that time, how did he explain to the other Monster King and Demon King?

I am afraid there are a hundred mouths, and he can’t explain it clearly. Even if he explained, the other Monster King and Demon King would not easily believe it!


Even if the Qin Feiyang three people let him go, the other Monster King and Demon King will not let him go.

In the end, I had to die.

“Aren’t you stupid yet!”

“I reacted so quickly.”

“But it’s too late to regret now, because you have taken the blood oath.”

“Don’t worry, when it comes to Kun Peng Divine Island, we will fulfill our promise and let you go.”

The lunatic chuckled said.

“What do you have to let me go?”

“At that time everyone must think that I am a traitor.”

“Will they let me go?”

“The entire Sea Domain is the domain of Kun Peng Sir. If everyone thinks I am a traitor, how can there be a place for me here?”

The sea lion Monster King roars.

Too treacherous!

Sure enough, there is no good deed in the world.

“Whether there is a place for you here, that is your own business, anyway, we will definitely fulfill our promise.”

Madman said.



“It’s a soundrel!”

The sea lion Monster King wants to cry without tears.

Unexplained fall into the trap of these three scoundrels.

“Swear, scold, scold whatever.”

“Monster King Sir scolded subordinate, as it should be by rights.”

The madman bared his teeth.

The sea lion Monster King is looking for self-pity, how could it be so unlucky to encounter these three scams?


Another half day passed.

Because of the need to conceal his identity, Qin Feiyang can no longer open the double Heavenly Dao Will, so the speed is greatly reduced.


Although the speed has slowed down, the journey has become much smoother.

After all.

The sea lion is the Monster King. No matter where you go, the Sea Beast you meet must be respectful.

Late at night!

They met a group of Monster Kings, more than fifty.

Although these Monster Kings come from various places in Sea Domain, they all know each other. After all, they all live in the same Sea Domain.

“Sea lions, the three of them are who?”

There is a Monster King who looks suspiciously at Qin Feiyang three people.

“They are the trusted aide of this King, they can master Heavenly Dao Will just one step away, so I am afraid that they will appear unexpected, so I brought them by my side.”

said the sea lion Monster King brace oneself.

“It turned out to be like this.”

“Not bad, even your trusted aide subordinates have almost mastered Heavenly Dao Will.”

“It seems that in the future, your position in our Kun Peng Sea Domain will be greatly improved.”

A group of Monster Kings smiled and complimented.

“No, no.”

The sea lion Monster King waved his hand quickly, and his heart was almost sad.

He really wanted to tell these Monster Kings that these three people are Qin Feiyang, Madman Mo, and Golden Wing Wolf King, but because of the constraints of the blood oath, he dared not do so.

“I have seen you Monster King Sir.”

Qin Feiyang three people also behaved very sensibly, bowing to a group of Monster Kings.

“No need to be polite.”

“When you master Heavenly Dao Will, you will also become the Monster King of our Kun Peng Sea Domain.”

“Everyone will have the same status then.”

A group of Monster King said with a laugh.

The sea lion Monster King couldn’t laugh at all, and kept a sad face.

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