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“I am the Sea Lion Monster King.”

After the sea lion Monster King said, the sea lion changed, and one sea lion worth several hundred zhang appeared.

And in the center of his eyebrows, a dazzling divine light burst out.

Qin Feiyang three people looked towards the sea lion Monster King’s eyebrows, there is a suspicious color hidden under the eyes, what’s the matter with this divine light?

“It’s really a Monster King.”

A dozen people looked at the sea lion Monster King’s eyebrows, and the murderous intention in their eyes gradually converged.

“Can this prove the identity of the sea lion Monster King?”

“What the hell?”

Qin Feiyang three people was so shocked and suspicious, I didn’t understand what was going on at all?

The sea lion Monster King changed again, the body of Human Transformation, and then pointed to the Qin Feiyang three people, explaining: “They are the subordinates of this King.”

Ten several people glanced at Qin Feiyang three people, and did not intend to verify the identity of the three people.

Because in their view, since the identity of the sea lion Monster King has been experienced, then as the Qin Feiyang three people under the sea lion Monster King, naturally there will be no problem.

“I seem to have heard that the Nine Great Demon Emperor asked you demon Royal Capital to go to Kun Peng Divine Island to gather, but why are you here now?”

One of them looked suspiciously at the sea lion Monster King.

Sea Lion Monster King said with a smile: “This King is going to visit a few human old friends.”

“Do you still have human friends?”

More than a dozen Shadow Guards were surprised.

“What do you mean by this?”

“This King is also the Monster King who controls Heavenly Dao Will anyway. Is it strange to know a few human friends?”

“Besides, you go to inquire, the Monster King of Kun Peng Sea Domain, who doesn’t have a few human friends?”

The sea lion Monster King looked at ten several people displeased.


Hearing this, ten several people equal embarrassing.


Although human and Sea Beast are not the same race, there are many good relationships.

Even some humans, Sea Beast, or Vicious Beast, are so good that they are brothers.

“Hurry up, don’t delay this King’s time.”

The sea lion Monster King urged.

Although the opponent is a member of Death God Legion, he is also a Monster King. Everyone controls Heavenly Dao Will, so there is no need to bow to these people.

Ten several people simultaneously looked, looked at the sea lion Monster King, there was a faint ridicule in his eyes.

“What do you mean?”

The sea lion Monster King frowned.

“If it is normal, you go to visit human friends, we will certainly not be nosy.”

“But now is an extraordinary period.”

“You choose to visit your friends at this time, it’s a bit unreasonable!”

“Now, Qin Feiyang, Madman Mo, and Golden Wing Wolf King have entered Kun Peng Sea Domain. As a Monster King, shouldn’t you stay in Kun Peng Sea Domain to help?”

“I see you, it is false to visit friends, it is true to avoid responsibility and go for refuge!”

One of them was coldly snorted.

“What nonsense?”

The sea lion Monster King was furious on the spot and said: “This King is just to visit an old friend, so you put such a big hat on this King? Dare to ask you where you are!”

“Then why didn’t you go early and late, so why don’t you go now?”

Ten several people looked at him mockingly.

“You humans, really like to be nosy.”


“This King will tell you that this King has already made an appointment with them. I went to visit them today, but unfortunately, Qin Feiyang three people just broke into Kun Peng Sea Domain at this time.” [19459002 ]

The Sea Lion Monster King sighed.

“Less these excuses.”

“Dignified Monster King, unexpectedly escaped.”

“After the killing Qin Feiyang three people, we must tell Kun Peng Sir about this.”

Ten several people frigid irony and scorching satire.

Although the attitude is very unfriendly, it is okay, at least there is no doubt about Qin Feiyang three people.

“Whatever you do.”

The Sea Lion Monster King sneered.


“Follow us!”

“Today, don’t even think about us opening Array.”

A group of people smiled indifferently.

Although everyone is in control of Heavenly Dao Will, as members of Death God Legion, they feel that they are superior in their hearts, so they don’t pay attention to Monster King at all.

“Not open?”


“Then don’t blame this King, don’t show mercy to you!”

The sea lion Monster King hesitated, and finally the complexion sank rolled out in an imposing manner, ready to forcibly break the Array.

“you dare! “

“This Array is to prevent the Qin Feiyang three people from escaping from Kun Peng Sea Domain.”

“If you forcibly destroy it, let the Qin Feiyang three people take the opportunity to escape, I’m afraid you won’t be able to take this responsibility by then!”

Ten several people shouted.

“Don’t use this to scare this King.”

“This King is not scared!”

The sea lion Monster King’s eyes were cold, the six strongest laws, the ultimate Profound Truth, opened, carrying the aura of destroying heaven extinguishing earth, and blasted towards Array.

“This bastard, really difficult!”

Ten several people panicked, and quickly reached out and shouted: “Wait, we open it for you!”

“Isn’t it better than that!”

“I must hurt my peace.”

When the sea lion Monster King heard this, his attitude changed instantly. He watched ten several people said with a laugh, then waved his hand, and the six ultimate Profound Truth dissipated.

Ten several people heard that there was a flash of contempt in their eyes.

Insignificant Monster King, what are they qualified to talk about?

If it were not for the overall situation, you must be killed today!

As soon as one of them waved his hand, an Array of void, which was originally nothing, appeared at the moment, and a gap was immediately opened.

“Let’s go.”

With a wave of the sea lion Monster King, he led Qin Feiyang three people, walked out of the crack one after another, and landed on the cliff.

When the four people came out, the person who opened the Array waved his hand again, and the Array quickly closed.

“Finally stepped into this land of the Central Dynasty.”

“It’s not easy!”

Qin Feiyang, a madman, White-Eyed Wolf, glanced at the mountains and rivers as far as the eye can see, with a smile in his eyes.

The sky is really wide now, so let’s soar.

White-Eyed Wolf swept away at the dozen or so Death God Legion people, in the dark Jie said with a smile: “Old Qin, do you want to take the opportunity to solve them?”

“Forget it, don’t have a branch.”

Qin Feiyang sound transmission.

At the same time.

The sea lion Monster King was also in the dark relaxed, and finally left Kun Peng Sea Domain with three people smoothly. Although he offended the dozens of Death God Legion people, he thought of the two Dao Qin Feiyang gave him. Inheritance is also worth it.

“many thanks .”

The sea lion Monster King looked towards the ten several people, gave a happily smile, waved his hand, opened a space-time passage, and led the Qin Feiyang three people into it without looking back.

“Dog stuff.”

“Not just one bastard, unbridled what?”

Ten several people staring at the back of the sea lion Monster King, they all scolded in their hearts.


Above a mountain and river.

With the appearance of a space-time passage, four silhouettes came out one after another.

It is Qin Feiyang four people.

Qin Feiyang, lunatic, White-Eyed Wolf, scanned the mountains below curiously.

The mountains are stacked and majestic.

In the mountains, Vicious Beast is everywhere, and the fearful might exudes is extremely terrifying.

Beyond the mountain.

A huge city can be vaguely seen.

The sea lion Monster King led the Qin Feiyang three people and landed on a mountain within the valley of himself. Seeing that there was no Vicious Beast around, he looked at the Qin Feiyang three people and said: “Let’s just leave it alone and never see you again. “

After that, he opened a space-time passage, turned and left.

“Are you leaving now?”

White-Eyed Wolf looked at him jokingly.

“If you don’t leave, do you still accompany you to die?”

Sea lion Monster King coldly snorted.

“Are you sure?”

The banter in White-Eyed Wolf’s eyes is even stronger.

The sea lion Monster King turning one’s head looked towards White-Eyed Wolf, and said suspiciously: “What do you mean by this?”

White-Eyed Wolf said: “Go back to Kun Peng Sea Domain, you are the real to die!”

“Is going back to Kun Peng Sea Domain to die?”

Sea Lion Monster King stared blankly.

To say that the identity of the three people of Qin Feiyang was exposed, he returned to Kun Peng Sea Domain, and he must be sent to death, but now, the identity of the three people of Qin Feiyang has not been exposed. Why does Golden Wing Wolf King still say this?

“It’s okay.”

“Don’t worry.”

“You think about it.”

White-Eyed Wolf gave a wicked smile, then looked towards Qin Feiyang and the lunatic, and asked: “There seems to be a city outside the mountain, shall we go around?”


two people nodded.

Just as the three people turned and left, the sea lion Monster King hurriedly shouted: “You wait a minute, can you make it clear? Don’t just say half of it, you are anxious to death.”

He took a step forward and stood in front of the three people. If you don’t make it clear today, I won’t let you go.

[Chapter 3 released at ten o’clock]

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