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Madman Weiwei stared blankly, suspiciously: “Why should we keep a low profile?”

“Because Dong Qingyuan they are hunting you down.”

Sea Lion Monster King said.


“But what about it?”

White-Eyed Wolf sneered.

simply did not take seriously.

The sea lion Monster King has a bitter face. Why is it so unlucky to meet these three regardless of law and natural morality?

“If you mix with us, you have to learn our style.”

White-Eyed Wolf hehe smiled straight.

“Learn from you?”

The sea lion Monster King smiled wryly.

This style of not inviting death, he dare not learn.

Because I learned it, I might die one day.

“The guards just now, when they saw your Monster King imprint, they no longer doubt your identity. It seems that they all hold the strongest law and the ultimate and have seen many worlds.”

Madman said.


Sea Lion Monster King nodded.

“However, the guards of a city unexpectedly master the strongest law, the ultimate Profound Truth. The people of this central dynasty are too afraid right?!”

“Also, I just heard what someone said Heavenly Profound City, Tianyue City, Heavenly Yang City?”

“Are there any differences in these cities?”

The madman looked suspiciously at the sea lion Monster King.

“Of course it’s different.”

The sea lion Monster King nodded, his expression became serious, and in the dark explained: “The Central Dynasty has ten super-large cities, Heavenly Profound City, Tianyue City, and Heavenly Yang City, all of which are one of them.”

“Super large city……”

The madman murmured, his eyes full of curiosity.

“It can even be said that the status of these ten super-large cities in the Central Dynasty is only the Imperial Capital Mountain.”

“Don’t think I am the Monster King of Kun Peng Sea Domain, but once I enter these ten cities, I dare not be impudent at all.”

Sea Lion Monster King said.

“Why do these ten cities have such a high status?”

The lunatic was puzzled.

“Because there is a direct family in these ten super large cities.”

Sea Lion Monster King said.

“The direct family!”

Qin Feiyang three people simultaneously looked.

Dong Xin and Dong Tianchen’s brother came from a direct family.

Moreover, the families behind them all have no less than 500 powerhouses mastering Heavenly Dao Will.

One can imagine.

How terrifying are these direct families?

However, now, the Sea Lion Monster King tells them that in these ten super large cities, there is a direct family entrenched.

That is to say.

Central Dynasty, there are a total of ten major direct families!

People are so prosperous?

“The top ten direct families are actually the ruler of the top ten super cities.”

“They control all the resources in the city.”

“Because the top ten direct families are all close relatives of the Emperor, even Kun Peng and Heavenly Dragon gods must give them a little bit of face.”

Sea Lion Monster King secretly thought.

“so that’s how it is .”

The lunatic suddenly nodded.

“All in all.”

“The ten most direct families are the existence of one hand shrouding the heavens, not to mention me, the Monster King, even the ten Great Demon emperors of Kun Peng Sea Domain dare not provoke them.”

The sea lion Monster King shook his head, and his expression was full of awe for the top ten direct families.

“one hand shrouding the heavens?”

“I think they are just relying on the Divine Kingdom ruler as a backer, bully people by flaunting one’s powerful connections that’s all.”

White-Eyed Wolf laughed.


The sea lion Monster King looked at White-Eyed Wolf in astonishment.

bully people by flaunting one’s powerful connections?

How dare you say this.

Among the top ten direct families, which family does not have hundreds of Heavenly Dao Will powerhouses?

Although they do have ruler, the strength of each Great Family cannot be denied.

“The direct family?”

White-Eyed Wolf asked.

“There are many direct families.”

“There are totally fifty-six.”

“They also each control a city, their strength is very strong.”

The Sea Lion Monster King smiled.

“The collateral family?”

White-Eyed Wolf asked again.

“Of course there are more collateral families, and no one has made specific statistics.”

“As now, the people we see on the street are all clansman.”

Sea Lion Monster King said.

The lunatic and White-Eyed Wolf scanned the pedestrians on the street all around to-and-fro, their hearts were incredible.

This Dong Family, unexpectedly has such a big ethnic group.

Even if these people are just collateral, but looking for their roots, they are all clansman under the Dong Family.

They have seen many families with huge populations.


The entire continent is of the same ethnic group, which is a bit unacceptable.

This makes them wonder, is it that the people in Dong Family are all fertility machines, specializing in giving birth to children?

“The Divine Kingdom has a long history and has existed for countless years. The Dong Family has bred so many clansman, but it is nothing.”

“After all, the Divine Race as we know it, the Purple Gold Divine Dragon clan, they also have a lot of clansman.”

Qin Feiyang faintly smiled.

Fairly calm.


“Take it as an eye-opener!”

White-Eyed Wolf smiled wryly.

The madman laughed, turning one’s head looked towards Qin Feiyang, jokingly said: “It seems that you Qin Family, you have to work hard.”

Qin Clan’s true direct descendants, now add up and down, such as Emperor Hong, Emperor Chen, Xuan Di, Qin Feiyang, Qin Haotian, and Qin Feiyang, the seven younger brother younger sisters……

Even if you count Qin Batian, Yuhuang, there are only 14 people.

Ten thousand years of reproduction, now there are only 14 direct clansman, I am afraid no one can believe this.

If you want to change to another patriarch, ten thousand years, you can create an ethnic group of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands.

It’s no wonder that Emperor Hong and Emperor Chen are so anxious, urging Qin Feiyang to have children, urging Qin Haotian to marry, and even wanting to do Three Palaces Six Courtyards for Qin Haotian.

This is because there are too few people in Qin Clan lineage and they look anxious.


Qin Feiyang couldn’t help smiling when he heard the madman’s words.

Compared with the Dong Family of the Central Dynasty, their Qin Clan lineage people are really pitiful.

“Little Qinzi, since you don’t want to pass on from generation to generation, then just have a son, let him make a baby every day, every night, I believe that sooner or later your Qin Family can catch up with the Dong Family here.” [ 19459002]

White-Eyed Wolf bared his teeth.

“get lost! “

Qin Feiyang’s face went dark.

Where is Sheng’er son, specially used to make babies?

Let’s talk about it.

Does he not want to pass on the line?


He has no energy to take care of the children now.

The sea lion Monster King looked at Qin Feiyang, suddenly looked towards the lunatic and White-Eyed Wolf, and asked: “Listen to what you mean, don’t you think there are very few people in Qin Clan lineage?”

“You can count with both hands.”

“You said a lot less?”

The lunatic chuckled said.


The sea lion Monster King was astonished and asked: “Qin Clan lineage has continued for more youngsters?”

The madman said: “From his Ancestor Qin Batian, it has been more than ten thousand years!”

“No way!”

“Ten thousand years, just such a clansman?”

The sea lion Monster King looked stunned, could not help but looked towards Qin Feiyang, and asked very seriously: “You Qin Family people, are you not good at that?”

“Which aspect?”

Qin Feiyang did not respond.

“That’s it.”

The lunatic and White-Eyed Wolf pointed to Qin Feiyang’s lower body, their faces flushed.

When Qin Feiyang heard this, his veins jumped immediately, and his gnashing teeth stared at the sea lion Monster King.

“Don’t be angry.”

“In fact, this kind of thing is reluctant to come, after all, some people are born to be unable to do it, and it doesn’t matter what they eat.”

The sea lion Monster King waved his hands again and again.

He thought that because he had guessed correctly, Qin Feiyang was allowed to fly into a rage out of humiliation, and even comforted Qin Feiyang, which made Qin Feiyang almost runaway.

Who can’t?

Would you like to let your elder sister or younger sister try?

See my man’s glory?


Looking at Qin Feiyang who almost collapsed, the lunatic and White-Eyed Wolf couldn’t help it anymore, and burst into laughter.

This sea lion Monster King is really a top grade.

Even this kind of thing can be said, isn’t this deliberately attacking Qin Feiyang?

The pedestrians all around can’t help but look suspiciously at the lunatic and White-Eyed Wolf. Why do these two people suddenly laugh so happily?

“I will endure!”

Qin Feiyang took a deep breath, calmed down the anger in his heart, glared fiercely at the sea lion Monster King, and walked to a restaurant that is not a distant place.

“Why is he so unreasonable?”

“I’m comforting him!”

The sea lion Monster King looked at Qin Feiyang’s back and sighed helplessly.

“Who made you guess his pain? He must fly into a rage out of humiliation.”

White-Eyed Wolf bared his teeth.

“So, did I really guess right?”

The sea lion Monster King is astonished.


“He was born to be bad.”

“If you have the opportunity, you can help him.”

“I believe that he will thank you forever.”

White-Eyed Wolf suffocated a smile, patted the sea lion Monster King on the shoulder, and said.

“Remember to help him!”

The lunatic also patted the sea lion Monster King on the shoulder, chuckled.

Afterwards, the two people turned around and chased Qin Feiyang. As they turned around, they couldn’t help laughing again.

This sea lion Monster King is so funny that they burst into tears.

The sea lion Monster King glanced at the lunatic and White-Eyed Wolf, then looked towards Qin Feiyang’s back, shaking his head sympathetically and sighed: “Hey, it’s really pitiful. As a man, how can it not work?” [ 19459002]

“Don’t worry, for the sake of two inheritances, this King will definitely help you solve this problem and let you regain your glory.”

The sea lion Monster King mumbled and walked towards the restaurant.

[I have something today, guarantee two chapters]

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