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“Old Qin, this brat’s character and behavior are pretty good, don’t kill him!”

Looking at the desperate Ji Xiaowu lying in the void, he couldn’t help but move his compass.

Qin Feiyang looked at Ji Xiaowu, his eyes flickering.

The truth of cut weeds and eliminate the roots is well understood by the world.

Now, they kill Ji Daxiong and Ji Changming. The key point is that these two people are still Ji Xiaowu’s close relatives. If Ji Xiaowu is left, it may become a bane in the future.

Although Ji Xiaowu’s conduct is indeed very good now, his personality will change every time people change drastically.

Even distorted personality.

The lunatic opened the mouth and said: “Don’t worry, if he really becomes the curse in the future, I, your father will get rid of him by himself!”

“Let’s do it!”

Qin Feiyang nodded.

The lunatic looked towards Ji Xiaowu, indifferently said: “brat, do it for yourself, life is hard-won, and only when you live can you have a chance to meet a better life.”

Hearing this, Ji Xiaowu looked up at the lunatic.

“Farewell, youngster.”

The madman turned and raised his arm, waved his hand and smiled without looking back, and strode out of the Star River.

Qin Feiyang and White-Eyed Wolf also turned and left.

“Ji Xiaowu, this chance to survive is really rare, you must cherish it.”

The Sea Lion Monster King looked at Ji Xiaowu, said something meaningful, and then turned and left.

It is indeed not easy to survive in the hands of Qin Feiyang and the others.

But this sentence, Ji Xiaowu does not understand now.

Only when he learns the true identity of the Qin Feiyang three people, he might understand how lucky he is today.


Outside the Star River.

Qin Feiyang turning one’s head looked towards Sea Lion Monster King and asked: “Where is Dong Hanzong’s base camp?”

“It is said to be in Hanzong City.”

Sea Lion Monster King thought for a while and said.

“Hanzong City?”

“Dong Hanzong?”

“Why are the names so similar?”

The lunatic and White-Eyed Wolf are astonished.

“I heard that Hanzong City was named after Dong Hanzong.”

The Sea Lion Monster King smiled.

“Really an arrogant.”

The lunatic and White-Eyed Wolf sneered.

“Are there coordinates for Hanzong City?”

Qin Feiyang asked.


“This King is not everywhere.”

The Sea Lion Monster King shook his head.


“Hanzong City doesn’t even know, you Monster King is for nothing?”

The lunatic despised.

“Big Brother, I have been living in Kun Peng Sea Domain and I rarely come to continent, okay?”

The Sea Lion Monster King is weak.

The madman said: “Then you go to Ji Xiaowu and ask for the coordinates of Hanzong City.”

“Why me?”

“I am not a runner.”

The sea lion Monster King stared at the lunatic with enthusiasm.


“Your temper has gone up, right!”

The lunatic harboring evil designs stared at the sea lion Monster King.

“don’t, don’t, don’t .”

“There is something to say, and there is something to say.”

“I can run errands for the three big brothers. It is honored by the little brother. I will go at once.”

The Sea Lion Monster King laughed, and quickly turned around and ran into the Star River.

“This guy, really met the windshield.”

The madman shook his head and smiled bitterly.

“Such a person can live longer.”

White-Eyed Wolf bared his teeth.



The sea lion Monster King is coming to coordinate.

Four people opened the space-time passage and descended directly above Hanzong City.

“It’s pretty big.”

The lunatic scanned Hanzong City, surprisedly said.

“Of course.”

“After all, it is Dong Hanzong’s base camp.”

“Dong Hanzong is not only the most powerhouse of the younger generation, even the older generations have to have a strategic withdrawal when they see him, so many people come here in particular, hoping to get his attention and appreciation.” [19459002 ]

“Basically, as long as he values ​​people, they are all have boundless prospects.”

Sea Lion Monster King explained.

“Really didn’t expect that he will have such an influence in the Central Dynasty.”

The lunatic shook his head.


“But if you think about it carefully, it makes sense.”

“He who owns the universe, even if it is Kun Peng, Heavenly Dragon God, Dong Qingyuan, these great characters, without Peak Level ruler Divine Weapon, I am afraid it is not their opponent.”

“This is enough to explain his strength and status in the Central Dynasty.”

Qin Feiyang Road.

Madman and White-Eyed Wolf nodded.


But suddenly.

The Sea Lion Monster King pupil shrinks.


The three people were surprised.

The sea lion Monster King scanned the city, said solemnly: “Look, how come this Hanzong City is empty?”

“No one is there?”

Qin Feiyang three people stared blankly, scanning the entire city.

I haven’t reacted before, there is really no silhouette in the huge city.

What’s the matter?

“Could it be that they knew we would come, so they moved ahead?”

“It’s impossible to transfer everything in such a short time!”

From the time they killed the three people of Dong Hanzong to now, it was only a small amount of effort.

Even when killing Ji Changming, there was a delay, but it didn’t take long to add up. How could it become an empty city?

Qin Feiyang eyes flashed, said solemnly: “There is a way to transfer everyone in a short period of time.”

“What is the solution?”

Three people suspicious.

“Space Divine Object.”

“As long as you collect all the people into the Space Divine Object, you can evacuate Hanzong City as quickly as possible.”

“But it doesn’t make sense.”

“The people in Hanzong City didn’t even know that we would come, why did they move in advance?”

“wait a minute!”

“Could it be that Ji Xiaowu whispered the news?”

White-Eyed Wolf was surprised.

“Impossible is him.”

“We got the coordinates from him, and we rushed to Hanzong City immediately. If it were for him to inform, just count the time, even if all the people here enter someone’s Space Divine Object, there will be no time to transfer.”

The lunatic shook his head.

“It makes sense.”

White-Eyed Wolf nodded.

What the hell is going on?


It’s also a moment for myself.

A sword light swept out from the city below, tearing the void ground, and killing Qin Feiyang four people.


The four people looked shocked, and when they looked quickly, they saw that it was a golden sword light, exuding the edge of ruining Exterminating Heaven and Earth.

Facing this sword light, even Qin Feiyang three people can feel a fatal crisis.

Not to mention the Sea Lion Monster King.

The whole person was instantly shrouded in the shadow of death.

And, the speed is equal fast!

Kill in a flash!

Qin Feiyang four people didn’t even have a chance to fight back.

“Get out of the way!”

Dare to hesitate, the lunatic pushes Qin Feiyang three people away, and sword qi crashes.


Blood, instantly stained the sky.


“Little madman!”

Qin Feiyang and White-Eyed Wolf roar.


The evil aura, one strand, swept out of Qin Feiyang.

“Quickly go!”

At the same time.

An idea came into Qin Feiyang’s mind.

It is the voice of a madman.

That’s right!

This wicked aura is the Remnant Soul of a lunatic.

Qin Feiyang waved his hand and sent the madman’s Remnant Soul to Profound Martial World, then rolled up the White-Eyed Wolf and the sea lion Monster King, opened the double Heavenly Dao Will and moments of time, and fled away without looking back. .

“Where to go!”

Accompanied by a cold voice sounded, one passage of time and space appeared from all directions from all sides, one after another silhouette continued to kill.

These people, there are men and women, old and young, wearing different costumes, but without exception, they all control Heavenly Dao Will!

“So many people come to encircle us?”

“How does it feel like a trap?”

White-Eyed Wolf’s face couldn’t help turning pale.


“This is a trap!”

Before the voice fell, another voice sounded.

And this voice is from the broken Hanzong City.

Qin Feiyang three people turning one’s head When I look at it, I see a golden silhouette, stepping up into the sky step by step, with a blurred face, wearing a golden dragon robe and holding a Battle Sword in his hand.

Battle Sword, about three chi long.

The whole body golden light flashes like gold, and its hilt is engraved with a golden-bright and dazzling Divine Dragon, exuding a terrifying edge!

“This is…”

Qin Feiyang three people stared at the golden Battle Sword with incredible eyesight.

This aura of Battle Sword has far surpasses Peak Level ruler Divine Weapon!


This is a Legend Level ruler Divine Weapon!

In this scene, the mood of Qin Feiyang three people fell to the bottom in an instant.

Legend Level ruler Divine Weapon, it’s not a trifle.

One Middle Level ruler Divine Weapon, equal to ten lower-level ruler Divine Weapon.

One superior ruler Divine Weapon, equal to one hundred subordinate ruler Divine Weapon.

One piece of Peak Level ruler Divine Weapon is equal to one thousand pieces of subordinate ruler Divine Weapon.

The ruler Divine Weapon that surpassed Peak Level and reached Legend Level is equal to 10,000 lower-level ruler Divine Weapon!

This level of Divine Weapon, without 3,000 Incarnations, who can compete with it?


Qin Feiyang and White-Eyed Wolf looked towards the man wearing dragon robe.

Since it is the Legend Level ruler Divine Weapon, isn’t this person the Emperor of the Central Dynasty?


“He is the Emperor of our Central Dynasty.”

“The ruler Divine Weapon in his hand, named Emperor’s Sword, is the only Legend Level ruler Divine Weapon in our central dynasty!”

Sea Lion Monster King said solemnly.

“Sword of Emperor, Emperor…”

Qin Feiyang murmured.

“What to do?”

“The people who come to encircle us now are Heavenly Dao Will powerhouse from the ten largest direct families of the Central Dynasty.”

“Look at this posture, there are more people on the way.”

Sea Lion Monster King lose one’s head out of fear.

“Heavenly Dao Will powerhouse of the top ten direct families……”

Qin Feiyang and White-Eyed Wolf sweep all around the killers.

As expected, these people are all wearing Chinese clothes, all of them show extraordinary temperament.

“Really didn’t expect, you unexpectedly can escape Kun Peng Sea Domain without knowing it, but today, you still hard to avoid calamity!”

An old man in purple speaks, Heavenly Dao Will erupts, the ultimate Profound Truth appears, and the baleful aura is monstrous.

“Quickly break through!”

“Since the Emperor and the top ten direct families already know that we are in Hanzong City, the ninth and eighth teams that blocked the Kun Peng Sea Domain must have also received news. They will come to support immediately! “

White-Eyed Wolf sound transmission.

We must not fight against these people, or we will fall into a siege!


Qin Feiyang took a deep breath and glanced at the Emperor deeply. Although there was a lot of doubt, it is not the time to ask. As White-Eyed Wolf said, it must be at once to break through.

Otherwise, they will be a situation of nine deaths and still alive.


3,000 Incarnations opened.

Life and Death Laws, the six strongest laws, double Heavenly Dao Will, broke out.

The Emperor looked at this scene, and pupil couldn’t help but shrink.

Although this child is hateful, the strength of this child really cannot be underestimated.

Even though the Emperor’s sword in his hand is the Legend Level ruler Divine Weapon, he cannot fight with it.

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