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“so that’s how it is .”

Heart Demon and Lu Jiajin suddenly realized.

didn’t expect even Lin Yiyi’s Battle Soul has evolved now.

“Are you sure Divine Kingdom does not have Samsara’s Eye?”

Qin Feiyang asked.

“During our return, we checked the matter again, and it did not happen.”

“Originally we were thinking, is it hidden in Death God Legion?”

“But as we gradually understand Death God Legion, there is no Samsara’s Eye either.”

Lu Jiajin sound transmission.


“Where is this Samsara’s Eye?”

Qin Feiyang frowned.

“This matter is not in a hurry, so I have to wait for Ancestor to show up and let him find it himself.”

“The top priority.”

“You must quickly strengthen your own strength.”

“Especially you Qin Feiyang.”

“With 3,000 Incarnations and one more ultimate Profound Truth, when you fight, you will be equal to three thousand more ultimate Profound Truths.”

Heart Demon secretly thought.

This is true.

Qin Feiyang has one more ultimate Profound Truth, and three thousand incarnations are three thousand ways.

And, both are double Heavenly Dao Will.

battle strength, doubled and improved!

“I know.”

“Now that our whereabouts have been exposed, and the situation of Death God Legion has been investigated, it is indeed necessary to retreat and cultivation.”

Qin Feiyang nodded.

Heart Demon eyeball turned, Jie smiled and said: “As for the Emperor, you can start with his daughter.”

“His daughter?”

Qin Feiyang and White-Eyed Wolf stared blankly.


“For his daughter, he is very treasured.”

Heart Demon smirked.

“This is a good choice.”

Qin Feiyang mumbled.

Grasping the Emperor’s daughter is equivalent to pinching the Emperor’s neck, not to mention letting the Emperor compromise, at least refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of the vases, and when facing them, it will also be terrified and over- cautious.

“In addition.”

“If you want to hide, you can go to Ten Thousand Demon Valley.”

Heart Demon said again.

“Ten Thousand Demon Valley?”

Qin Feiyang two people stared blankly.

“The Valley of Ten Thousand Demons is a forbidden area of ​​the Central Dynasty.”

“The average person dare not set foot.”

“But for a lunatic, Ten Thousand Demon Valley may be heaven.”

Heart Demon smiled.


Qin Feiyang and White-Eyed Wolf are even more confused.

Wanmogu is obviously a restricted area, but how can this be heaven to a lunatic?

“You will understand after you go.”

After Heart Demon said, he directly slapped his chest with one fist, spewing out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person was immediately weakened.

The same is true for Lu Jiajin.

“What’s the situation?”

The sea lion Monster King watched this scene in astonishment.

Several people did not count him in this conversation, so he still doesn’t know the relationship between Qin Feiyang and Heart Demon two people.

“You guys be careful.”

Qin Feiyang in the dark exhorted him to open the double Heavenly Dao Will and Instant Time, and took the initiative to roll up youth, White-Eyed Wolf, and the sea lion Monster King, breaking the sky without looking back.

“Finally escaped this disaster.”

Lu Jiajin stopped at void, said with a smile.

“But this lesson also gave us a wake-up call.”

The cold light flashes in Heart Demon’s eyes.

“Dong Hanzong?”

Lu Jiajin asked.


“This person is too threatening to us, we must find an opportunity to get rid of him!”

Heart Demon pupils murderous intention flashed.

If you don’t get rid of it as soon as possible, this person will become a disaster sooner or later.


A good moment passed.

The top ten direct families and two small teams have just caught up.

“What about people?”

A fat belly, looking at Lu Jiajin two people, asked.

This person is the leader of the ninth team, Dong Qian!


Heart Demon indifferently said.


“Aren’t you in control of the double Heavenly Dao Will, why did you let them run away?”

Another middle-aged man speaks.

This person is relatively sturdy, with an inch head and a height of more than 1.9 meters. He looks a little sturdy.

And he is the leader of the eighth team, Dong Kun.

“Are you stupid?”

“I have double Heavenly Dao Will, Qin Feiyang doesn’t it?”

“Besides, Qin Batian, and Source Power. If we didn’t move fast before, we might have died in Qin Batian’s hands now.”

Heart Demon looked at Dong Kun coldly.

Dong Kun eyebrow raised.

“Emperor’s silly stuff, shouldn’t let us chase them.”

“Don’t even think about it. Even his Source Power is Qin Batian’s opponent, let alone us. Isn’t this let us courting death?”

Heart Demon coldly snorted.


A group of people were astonished.

Emperor is a silly thing?

How dare you say this!

Although what Heart Demon said, they all agreed, letting them chase Qin Batian and the others is equivalent to sending death, but they can’t say such a disrespectful thing!

It is estimated that in the entire central dynasty, there is only this Lu Yuntian who dares to be so impudent.

“Who are you stupid?”


An angry loudly shouted sounded.

I saw the Emperor holding the Emperor’s sword, angrily coming.

Dong Hanzong also followed.

“Meet Your Majesty.”

All the people bowed and saluted, but they didn’t dare to come out.

Only Heart Demon and Lu Jiajin did not respond.

The eyes of the two people seem to glance at Dong Hanzong intentionally or unintentionally.

Dong Hanzong noticed the expression of two people, and couldn’t help feeling a little flustered.

“I want to ask you something!”

Emperor Rage Road.

Does anyone not catch up, but still scolding him behind his back?

Simply impossible!

“Did I say something?”

“Dong Qian, Dong Kun, and you old dogs of the top ten direct families, have you heard what I said?”

Heart Demon looked innocent.

“Lu Yuntian, who is your old dog?”

“Don’t be too impudent, I tell you!”

The old dogs of the top ten direct families…No, the people of the top ten direct families glared at Heart Demon one after another.

“Whoever talks is an old dog.”

Heart Demon bared his teeth without fear.

A member of the top ten direct families, immediately glare cut teeth.

It’s simply outrageous.

There is no character in respecting the old and cherishing the young.

Seeing this scene, the Emperor’s heart couldn’t help but feel full of helplessness.

He loves and hates Heart Demon and Lu Jiajin.

Innate talent, means, courage, perseverance, these all are the best choice, but this character and temper are the only ones that make people look angry.

“Dong Qian, Dong Kun, find at once!”

“Even if the central dynasty is turned upside down, we must pull them out.”

“Also, at once notify Dong Qingyuan, so that he will also immediately bring other units back to support.”

Emperor said solemnly.


Dong Qian two people bowed in response.

Heart Demon’s gaze flashed slightly, looking at the Emperor and said: “I’m not going to pour your cold water, even if you find them, will there be a way to deal with Qin Batian?”

This is a test!

If the Emperor’s answer is that there is a way, it means that the Emperor has other means hidden.

If there is no way, then you can rest assured.

“Is there any way, I don’t need to worry about it!”

The Emperor glared at Heart Demon fiercely. He didn’t answer directly or from the side. He didn’t know what he was thinking at all.



“Qin Feiyang, Madman Mo, Golden Wing Wolf King have broken into our central dynasty?”

“No way!”

“You are definitely not talking about Qin Feiyang, Madman Mo, and Golden Wing Wolf King of the Sky Cloud Realm!”


“Apart from the sky cloud world, do we also have Qin Feiyang, Madman Mo, and Golden Wing Wolf King in Divine Kingdom?”

“Is this true?”

“Don’t you kidding me.”

Less than one hour.

The “every great city” of the central dynasty made a lot of noise, and the matter was discussed everywhere.

“Who is kidding you?”

“A friend of mine in Hanzong City, just summoning with me.”

“The Qin Feiyang three people not only killed Dong Tianxiang, Dong Hanzong’s Second Uncle, but also almost killed Dong Hanzong. If Dong Hanzong had not set up Divine Soul in advance to save his life, it might have been a corpse now.”

“So powerful?”

“Even Dong Hanzong is not their opponent?”

“It’s hard to believe it!”

“But this is the truth.”

“The most exaggerated thing is that the Emperor directly led the ten largest direct families and two teams of Death God Legion to encircle them in Hanzong City, but they still let them slip away.”

“I will go!”

“Should these people shake the sky?”

People were shocked.

The prince’s top ten direct family members, the two teams of Death God Legion, unexpectedly were unable to kill these several people?

It is unbelievable.


Also because of the intrusion of Qin Feiyang and the others, the mysterious Death God Legion was exposed to the world. Now many people in the Central Dynasty already know about the Death God Legion.


Green Wind City!

“What did you say?”

Ji Xiaowu sat by the lake with a sad expression, but suddenly, a maid came to find him and talked about the news outside, immediately got up and turned to stare at the maid, her eyes full of shock.

“I don’t know whether it’s true or false, but now it’s all talking about it outside.”

The maid said.

“didn’t expect … really didn’t expect …”

“It turned out to be them.”

Ji Xiaowu murmured, looking back at the calm lake.

What didn’t expect even more is that Dong Hanzong unexpectedly did not die.

Now he finally understands what the sea lion Monster King said before leaving.

It’s not bad at all.

It is not easy for him to survive in the hands of several people like Qin Feiyang.

The maid asked: “Young City Lord, shall we take care of this matter, or don’t care?”


“You tell me, what to do?”

Ji Xiaowu laughed at himself.

The maid said: “Assist Death God Legion and search for their whereabouts.”

“Assist Death God Legion…”

Ji Xiaowu shook his head and stared at the lake for a moment. Suddenly, he seemed to have made some difficult decision. He turned to look at the maid and said: “You order, let someone, disband from now on!”



The maid stared blankly slightly and looked at Ji Xiaowu in surprise.



“I can do nothing too.”

“If we don’t leave now, Dong Hanzong will definitely come to trouble us. Then not only will I suffer, you will also suffer with me.”

“Incognito, returning to mountain forest, is our best choice.”

Ji Xiaowu sighed.


“Before you didn’t know the identity of these three people. Even if they track down, they won’t be able to convict you!”

The maid frowned.

“You are too naive.”

“Does Dong Hanzong need a reason to deal with us?”

“Hurry up!”

“The treasury has a lot of resources. You ask everyone to get some. After all, you have been in the City Lord Mansion for many years, and you can’t treat you badly.”

When Ji Xiaowu said this, he clenched his hands suddenly and promised: “If I can rise up and become a tyrant in the future, I will find you back.”

“What about you?”

The maid looked at Ji Xiaowu.


Ji Xiaowu looked up towards the sky, smiled and said: “The central dynasty is so big, there is always a place for me!”

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