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“What are you calling us over in a panic?”

Eight enshrines and looked at Ji Xiaowu suspiciously.


“You called them over?”

Upon hearing this, the other two worshippers couldn’t help but turning one’s head looked towards Ji Xiaowu, in the dark asking.

Ji Xiaowu did not answer the words of the two people, but smiled: “Everyone is here, so let me come in. I have an important thing to announce.”

After that, he stepped aside.

“The important thing?”

Ten people suspiciously entered the hall one after another.

After the ten people entered, Ji Xiaowu also walked in, closing the door with his backhand.

The ten people heard the sound of the door closing, and they all turned around and looked at him suspiciously.

“I have good news…”

Ji Xiaowu looked up at ten people, a flash of murderous intention suddenly flashed in his eyes, and smiled: “The good news is that you are all about to face disaster!”

That laughter, at this moment, seemed extraordinarily cold.

“Good news?”


“What do you mean?”

These contradictory words made the ten people unresponsive for a while.

Ah! !

But just for a moment.

An Array appears.

Following closely.

One after another screams sounded.

But in the City Lord Mansion, no one heard these screams.

Because of the sudden appearance of Array, it has a sound insulation effect.

Those who screamed are naturally these ten offerings.

Only in an instant, ten people have a fist blood hole on their lower abdomen. The front and back are transparent, and the blood flow is like a note.

This sudden change made the ten people completely bewildered.

What the hell is going on?

At this time, Qin Feiyang three people walked out of the void and stood beside Ji Xiaowu.


Seeing three strange faces appearing, ten people suddenly realized like thunder from a clear sky.

This is a killing set set by Ji Xiaowu!

“This is good news!”

Ji Xiaowu sneered, the angry and murderous intention on his face were no longer hidden.

“bastard, what are you doing?”

“Unexpectedly, dare to let someone come sneak attack us, you want to die?”

“Even if Qi Sea is broken, our Divine Soul is enough to kill you in seconds!”

Ten people roared.

“So powerful?”

“Divine Soul, can you kill us in seconds?”

“Little Qinzi, it seems that we have encountered powerhouse. It is probably better than Emperor, Dong Qingyuan, Heavenly Dragon God, Kun Peng!”

White-Eyed Wolf has a joking expression on his face.

“Emperor, Dong Qingyuan, Heavenly Dragon God, Kun Peng…”

Ten people were stunned, and all this person said were the great character of the Central Dynasty Peak.

wait a minute?

Little Qinzi?


Could it be…

The ten people looked at Qin Feiyang three people suspiciously, and their eyes gradually rose up with inevitable fear.

“It seems that you have already thought of something.”

White-Eyed Wolf grinned, swallowed a Restoring Appearance Pill, and quickly restored its true appearance.

Qin Feiyang and Sea Lion Monster King also served a Restoring Appearance Pill.


Looking at these three faces, ten people’s eyes trembled and their faces turned pale.

It was really them!

“Come, come, let brother see, how do you use Divine Soul to kill us in seconds?”

White-Eyed Wolf looked at ten people playfully.


Ten people were scared to pee on the spot and knelt directly on the ground, shiver coldly.

“Divine Soul can kill us in seconds? Why did you kneel down?”

“How does this work?”

“You are better than Emperor, Dong Qingyuan, Heavenly Dragon God, Kun Peng, and also awesome characters. How can you kneel down with us? Get up and get up quickly. We can’t afford such a small character!” [ 19459002]

White-Eyed Wolf said as he stretched out his arm to help ten people.


How dare ten people get up?

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry…we have no eyes…”

“Please three Sirs, don’t care about us in general.”

“right right right, we are just a few dogs. Killing us is afraid of dirtying the hands of the three Sirs…”

“Three Sirs, let us have a way out!”


At this time.

These ten people can only be described as frightened.

While begging for mercy, kowtow kept hitting the ground with peng peng.

“Can’t it kill us in seconds?”

White-Eyed Wolf looked at ten people puzzled.

“No, no.”

“How can we have this strength?”

“Compared with you, we are not as good as ants!”

“I’m sorry, I’m really sorry, we don’t know your three Sirs, you only have a large number of Sirs, give us a way out!”

“We promise that we will not reveal your whereabouts…”

Ten people waved their hands again and again.

Inwardly, the panic was extreme.

Why are these three people still green in Wind City?

Why did they help Ji Xiaowu again?

Could it be that Ji Xiaowu suddenly became so confident that it turned out to be supported by these three people.

“How can you be ants? You are all great characters that can kill us in seconds!”

White-Eyed Wolf bared his teeth.

“Dare not dare…”

“We were really wrong.”

Ten people are about to collapse.

Unexpectly dare to say such arrogant arrogant in front of these three people, isn’t it courting death?

“Want to survive? It’s not that simple!”

“Ji Xiaowu, it’s up to you!”

White-Eyed Wolf sneered, sat in front of the coffee table, folded his shoulders with his hands, and watched the show.

Qin Feiyang and the sea lion Monster King are also full of banter on their faces.

“Xiao Wu…no no no, Young City Lord, I’m sorry, it’s all our fault…”

“You forgive us, from now on we will be a cow and a horse for you…”

“What do you ask us to do, what shall we do? Never defy your orders…”


Qin Feiyang three people put their life and death into the hands of Ji Xiaowu.

So, they all climbed up to Ji Xiaowu immediately, kowtow begged for mercy.


“Okay, I forgive you…”

Ji Xiaowu gnashing teeth.

Before the ten people could be happy, Ji Xiao Wudang raised his arms, slap after slap on the faces of the ten people, and roared: “If I forgive you, I am worthy of death in your hands. Maid? Are you worthy of the guard who was bullied by you?”

This moment.

He vented his inner anger wildly.

These days, he is going crazy, so take action, ruthless.

In just a short while, ten people were completely unrecognizable, blood flowing directly, and one breath lying on the ground.

But for Ji Xiaowu, he was still uncomfortable, punching and kicking frantically, until the ten people couldn’t even cry out for mercy, and it didn’t end.


Ji Xiaowu lay on the ground gasping for breath.

He is also tired.

brow beaded with sweat.

But his face is full of smiles.

“Didn’t expect, you also have today.”

“There is a saying that is good, it is not that it is not reported, it is not time.”

“You are in despair, die slowly, repent slowly!”

With a grin, Ji Xiaowu got up, took out a dagger, and walked towards the ten people.

“Don’t kill us…”

Ten people shouted feebly.

But Ji Xiaowu, like one Demon God, remains unmoved.

“Wait first.”

Qin Feiyang speaks.


Ji Xiaowu stared blankly, turning one’s head looked at Qin Feiyang suspiciously.

“They seem to master the strongest law, the ultimate Profound Truth!”

Qin Feiyang asked with a smile.


Ji Xiaowu was nodded, saying: “They all master the two strongest laws, the ultimate Profound Truth.”

But I was puzzled, why did Qin Feiyang suddenly ask this?

Qin Feiyang faintly smiled, secretly thought: “Brother Long, come out and help.”

“You guy, why are there so many things?”

Long Chen replied helplessly.

Qin Feiyang waved his hand and Long Chen appeared immediately.

“This one is?”

Ji Xiaowu looked at Long Chen suspiciously.

Although Long Chen looked calm and didn’t have any tyrannical aura on his body, Ji Xiaowu could clearly feel a terrifying oppression.

Long Chen glanced at Ji Xiaowu, and then at the ten consecrations lying in a pool of blood. He immediately realized, and smiled: “It seems that you are very satisfied with this little fellow!”

“You guessed wrong this time, because Senior Brother admires him better.”

Qin Feiyang laughed.


“That’s really unexpected.”

Long Chen hehe smiled and started the Soul Controlling Technique to control the ten worships.

This is a smart person.

No need to ask anything, as long as you see the scene, you know what Qin Feiyang wants to do?

It also proves that the current Long Chen knows Qin Feiyang extremely well.


Under Ji Xiaowu’s incredible gaze, the ten worships were obediently and honestly stripped of their ultimate Profound Truth.

Twenty channels in total.

Except for Life and Death Laws, the law of light and darkness, there are other strongest laws, the ultimate Profound Truth.


Qin Feiyang smiled at Long Chen and sent Long Chen to Profound Martial World.

“It’s amazing.”

“Unexpectedly able to control others, obediently and honestly stripping out one’s ultimate Profound Truth.”

“What a means is this!”

Ji Xiaowu murmured.

The eyes are full of fear.

These people are really terrifying monsters.

Qin Feiyang glanced at twenty inheritance, looked at Ji Xiaowu indifferently said: “You pick Six Paths yourself!”


Ji Xiaowu staring blankly at Qin Feiyang.

Let him pick Six Paths inheritance?

You heard it right!

This is the ultimate Profound Truth of the strongest law!

Infinite value!

For a person like him, it is impossible to get one in a lifetime.

But now, Qin Feiyang unexpectedly asked him to pick Six Paths?

I can’t believe it.

Qin Feiyang lightly said with a smile: “Without strong strength, how can you help conceal our identity?”

“Really give it to me?”

Ji Xiaowu murmured.


“Pick whatever you want.”

“Although in your eyes, the inheritance of the ultimate Profound Truth of the strongest law is very precious, but in our eyes, it is nothing at all?”

Qin Feiyang faintly smiled.

Ji Xiaowu’s heart is shivering.

Even the ultimate Profound Truth of the strongest law is not in the eyes, it is indeed the Megatron Four Great Continents, Qin Feiyang, who has caused the Royal Capital to have a headache, domineering!

“Don’t grind.”

“We can regret it later.”

White-Eyed Wolf urged impatiently.

“yes yes yes .”

Ji Xiaowu was shivered and ran up quickly, picking Space-Time Laws, Time Law, Death Law, Life Law, the Law of Destruction, and the Law of Swallowing.

“It’s pretty smart.”

Qin Feiyang smiled secretly.

Space-Time Laws, you can teleport in time and space, Time Law, you can deploy Time Array, Life Law, you can repair the injury.

These abilities are the most commonly needed.

“Thank you three Sirs!”

Looking at the Six Paths inheritance in his hand, Ji Xiaowu burst into tears, then knelt on the ground, thanking him.

Although father is gone and grandfather is dead, he is still alive, and he also gets Six Paths inheritance. As long as he integrates this Six Paths inheritance, he can control Heavenly Dao Will and become the powerhouse of this World Peak!

In the future, he will be able to board the unprecedented Peak and become a tyrant!

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