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“Wait for you!”

Wolf King laughed, stepping on the Sky Evasion Step, blinking in front of the gate of the prison.

“Qin Feiyang, don’t you really want their lives?”

Wei Zhongyang panicked.

I wanted to take the opportunity to humiliate Qin Feiyang, but absolutely didn’t expect, Qin Feiyang unexpectedly was not threatened.

“They’re not in your hands at all. What are you threatening me with?”

Qin Feiyang sneered, crossing behind Wei Zhongyang.

Wei Zhongyang stopped, gloomy glanced at Wolf King, and turning one’s head looked towards Qin Feiyang, gloomy said: “They are really not in my hands, but as long as I say a word, they will be dead!”

“Of course I know.”

“But as long as they don’t give you a chance to summoning, they won’t be in danger.”

Qin Feiyang smiled confidently.

Previously, he had been thinking about whether to follow Lu Hong’s suggestion and take Wei Zhongyang directly?

But he was worried that Wei Zhongyang was really bad for Lin Yiyi two people.

Therefore, we must first figure out whether Lin Yiyi and Luo Qianxue are in the hands of Wei Zhongyang.

After previous observations and various reactions from Wei Zhongyang, he can basically conclude that two people are not in Wei Zhongyang’s hands.

As long as it’s not in Wei Zhongyang’s hands, everything will be easier.

Fat, Lu Hong, Mountain Piercing Beast, then retreated behind Qin Feiyang, both hands crossed near chest, and looked at Wei Zhongyang with a joke.

“Damn, damn it!”

Wei Zhongyang flying into a rage.

There was a Wolf King in front and Qin Feiyang intercepting it in the back. I couldn’t escape!

How to do?


He turned around and snatched away at Qin Feiyang.

In his eyes, Qin Feiyang’s strength will be slightly worse than Wolf King.

Of course, he didn’t really want to play against Qin Feiyang.

He wanted to blast away Qin Feiyang, or shaking back Qin Feiyang, to Lu Hong and fatty, and Mountain Piercing Beast.

Because they are the weakest.

Just catch one of them, Qin Feiyang and Wolf King would not dare to take him.

But he completely underestimated Qin Feiyang.

Now Qin Feiyang, let alone 8-Star Battle Sovereign, even if it is 9-Star Battle Sovereign, he dare to fight!

“If I were you, I would kneel at once for mercy.”

Qin Feiyang dismissed a smile, bullied him, and one fist shot towards Wei Zhongyang.

“I don’t believe it, I’m each and everyone 8-Star Battle Sovereign, why can’t I get you a 4-Star Battle Sovereign!”

Wei Zhongyang seething in anger, Battle Qi gushing out, one fist blasted away.


The moment of fist and palm intersecting, the palm of Qin Feiyang, the golden light surge!



Wei Zhongyang screamed and flew out.

Arms, even torn skin and gaping flesh!

Qin Feiyang’s arm was shaking as well, with a tear-like pain.

But still within range.

“Why is this?”

“Power unexpectedly will bounce back!”

“What the hell is Battle Art?”

Wei Zhongyang was surprised and angry, without realizing that the deadly crisis was coming!

Because at the same time as Wei Zhongyang was bombarded, the Wolf King in front of the gate moved.

It stepped forward, holding a rib in its paw, and before Wei Zhongyang returned back to his senses, it hit the back of Wei Zhongyang’s head.



Wei Zhongyang was blasted to the ground on the spot, holding his head miserable howl, and blood flow all over the place!

“Have you ever heard a sentence, the higher you jump, the more painful you fall?”

“How do you feel now?”

Qin Feiyang stepped up, both hands crossed near chest, and looked down at Wei Zhongyang.

That expression is like looking at clown.

“Hey, isn’t it funny?”

“I think that 10000 is nothing, everything is under control, but all this happened is not what you think.”

fatty also followed up, mocking with a smile.

“Do as much as you can.”

“Dare you come to plot against us, isn’t it courting death?”

Lu Hong and Mountain Piercing Beast also walked beside Qin Feiyang and looked at Wei Zhongyang contempt.

Wei Zhongyang glanced at the three people 2 beast, Gloomy said: “You will regret it, I tell you!”

“is it?”

“Honestly, I never thought of you and Dong Family. If you can be honest, don’t mess with me, it doesn’t matter if you kill or not.”

“But unfortunately, you guys are not too discreet.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head, and the murderous aura blinked.

Wolf King comprehended it, a bone knocked on Wei Zhongyang’s lower abdomen, and with a click, Qi Sea was Shattered!

“Little bastard, I wouldn’t let you go because I’ve been a ghost!”

Wei Zhongyang sternly shouted.

“What is it called?”

“Come on, Lin Yiyi, where are they now?”

“If you say it, brother may still give you a chance to become a ghost.”

Wolf King shouted.

“jié jié ……”

“Want to know their whereabouts? Dream!”

“Just wait to collect them!”

Wei Zhongyang laughed again and again.

Said it was death, not to mention it was also dead, it would be better to pull 2 ​​people to bury the funeral.

“Stuck back?”

“But brother has a way to pack you up!”

Wolf King laughed.

Qin Feiyang eyes flashed, saying: “Don’t waste time, just kill him!”


Wolf King was startled.

fatty and the others looked at him in suspicion.

Qin Feiyang said: “Now that I have a clue, it’s not difficult to find them.”

Hearing this, fatty several people were also relaxed.

Who knows more about Qin Feiyang than they do? Never do anything without certainty, since if you dare say that, then there must be a way.

“Old fogey, go to hell and slowly repent!”

Wolf King pupils vicious glint Dasheng, knocking a bone suddenly.

“Wait a minute.”

Suddenly fatty reached out, grabbed rib, shook his head and said, “I can’t kill him yet.”


Wolf King is puzzled.

“Because once he dies, the image crystal stone will be scrapped, and those who build a contract with him may be aware.”

Fat explained that while speaking, he snatched Wei Zhongyang’s heaven and earth bag.

“It makes sense, then you look at him first.”

With a wave of Qin Feiyang, he put fatty and Lu Hong, and Mountain Piercing Beast and Wei Zhongyang into Ancient Castle.

Wolf King put away the rib and asked, “Little Qinzi, what’s next?”

Qin Feiyang said: “Of course we go to Dong Family, but before we go to Dong Family, we have to find an 8-Star Battle Sovereign to replace Wei Zhongyang.”

Wolf King said, “What to do for him?”

“You will know later.”

Qin Feiyang lowered his head for a moment and groaned, his eyes suddenly flashed, and he also entered Ancient Castle.

what! ! !

One after another screamed, immediately spread into his ears.

But I saw Wei Zhongyang, who was being tortured by fatty to hovered between life and death.

Qin Feiyang glanced at Wei Zhongyang without sympathy, and asked, “Did you see the key on him?”

“Just found it.”

Lu Hong handed Qin Feiyang a black token and a 5-pointed star badge.

“I just want this.”

Qin Feiyang grabbed the black token and appeared in jail. Then he called Wolf King and entered the prison room.

“What the hell are you doing?”

Wolf King looked at him puzzled.

Qin Feiyang mysterious smiled, standing at the door of the prison room, Battle Qi poured into the black token, and a light beam swept away into the prison gate.

Hong long!

The door slowly opened.

Qin Feiyang closed the token, cleared his throat, pretended to be Wei Zhongyang’s voice, and said, “Fan Jian, come in, close the door conveniently in passing!”


Fan Jian, who stood outside the gate, answered respectfully, turned around and entered a prison with a hint of doubt.


When the door was closed tightly, Qin Feiyang walked out of the prison room and said with a smile: “Brother Fan, we meet again.”

“why you?”

Fan Jian stared blankly, suspiciously: “What about Guard Chief?”

Qin Feiyang said: “He has been abolished by me. I was imitating his voice just now.”


Fan Jian bewilderement, turning one’s head, glanced at the jail door, rushed in front of Qin Feiyang, and whispered: “Are you crazy? He is Guard Chief now, you do this, Commander Wang Hong will not let you go!”

“Don’t worry, I have a measure.”

Qin Feiyang laughed, saying: “Now I want to make a deal with Brother Fan.”


Fan Jian frowned.

“Yes, I want you to become easy to become Wei Zhongyang, and go to Dong Family with me to investigate one thing.”

Qin Feiyang.

“What is the investigation?”

Fan Jian wondered.

Qin Feiyang said: “frankly, Wei Zhongyang, they took away my 2 loved ones, and now I have to find them as soon as possible.”


“Wei Zhongyang is so mean?”

Fan Jian was shocked.

Wolf King 嗤 said with a smile: “He’s really mean, you haven’t taught it yet.”

Fan Jian glanced at Wolf King and looked towards Qin Feiyang, saying: “We are all old friends, and it’s definitely no problem to help you, but Wei Zhongyang is 8-Star Battle Sovereign, I’m just 5-Star Battle Sovereign, I’m afraid it will be seen . “

“That’s the point of the deal. I can let you break through directly to 9-Star Battle Sovereign.”

Qin Feiyang.

“Is this, this, this true?”

Fan Jian body trembling, immediately excited, and looked at Qin Feiyang a little bit.

Qin Feiyang nodded.

Fan Jian rejoicing like mad, said: “Okay, you can do whatever you say, I listen to you.”

Qin Feiyang took out a Nine Tunes Yellow Dragon Pill and gave it to Fan Jian.

“this is……”

“Five Pill Marks!”

Fan Jian immediately stunned.

one Pill Mark, he’s met.

2 Pill Marks, he has seen them now, after all, Treasure Pavillion has also auctioned that many.

But the medical pill of five Pill Marks is the first time in his life!

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “Serve it, you can fly into the sky at once.”

Fan Jian took a trembling take action, grabbed Nine Tunes Yellow Dragon Pill, and said, “If this medicinal pill is put up for auction? What price can I make?”

Qin Feiyang thought about it and said, “Enough for a person to cultivate for a lifetime.”


Fan Jian is trembling physically and mentally, and now he is reluctant to take it.

Wolf King rolled the eyes, scorned: “Look at your little success, not just a medicinal pill, but then? Come on, don’t delay.”

“How do you understand my suffering like nobody?”

“I feel like I’m dreaming now.”

Fan Jian muttered.


Wolf King rose into the air, clawed a paw on Fan Jian’s shoulder, and asked, “Are you dreaming?”

Fan Jian was so pained with contorts one’s face in agony, but with a smile on his face, he did not hesitate to throw Nine Tunes Yellow Dragon Pill into his mouth.

Bang!! !

Not to five breaths.

Fan Jian’s cultivation base skyrocketed, soaring to 9-Star Battle Sovereign.

“A super powerhouse has been created.”

“First Yan Nanshan, then Yin Yuanming, then Lu Yun, now Fan Jian, Nine Tunes Yellow Dragon Pill is really heaven defying.”

“At the same time, it also illustrates the truth.”

Wolf King mumbled.

“What is the reason?”

Qin Feiyang wondered.

“The future will only be bright if we become our friends.”

Wolf King chuckled.

Qin Feiyang laughed suddenly.

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