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Fan Jian wondered, “Where are they?”

Old Freak Dong whispered: “They are in the Official Residence of the Mansion Lord!”


Fan Jian eyeball glared.

Qin Feiyang is also shrinking, incredible.

Lin Yiyi two people unexpectedly will be in the Official Residence of Mansion Lord?

This is too incredible, right?

Is that mysterious Battle Ancestor the Mansion Lord?


Mansion Lord does not do this.

Except for Mansion Lord, who else can hide Lin Yiyi two people in that Official Residence?

It won’t…

Is it Ten Great Commanders, His Majesty?

Qin Feiyang looked towards Fan Jian, winking without a trace.

Fan Jian comprehended it, looking at Old Freak Dong two people, he was furious and said, “Are you crazy? If this is known to Mansion Lord, we are all finished!”

“Sir, don’t be nervous.”

“Since they dare to do that, there must be certainty.”

“It may even be related to Mansion Lord.”

“If this is the case, it means that Mansion Lord is not used to Qin Feiyang’s actions.”

“This is a good deed for us.”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.

He and Fan Jian sing and harmonize so that Old Freak Dong two people can tell the identity of this mysterious Battle Ancestor.

When I heard Qin Feiyang’s words, Old Freak Dong two people also changed color.

Patriarch Dong said: “Brother Fan Jian, you can say 10000000. Don’t say it again, if we are heard by Mansion Lord, we will really be finished.”

“What do you mean?”

“Is Mansion Lord unaware?”

“Then how dare you detain them in the Official Residence of the Mansion Lord?”

Fan Jian said surprised and angry.

“Old Brother Wei, don’t worry, Mansion Lord didn’t know it.”

“And the most dangerous place is the safest place.”

“Qin Feiyang would never have thought that Lin Yiyi would be in the Official Residence of the Mansion Lord.”

Old Freak Dong said with a smile, with a touch of pride on his face.

“These people are too brave!”

Fan Jian in the dark mumbled.

At the same time, I was sneering in my heart.

They thought it was seamless, and they didn’t realize that Qin Feiyang was right in front of them.

It seems this Dong Family is no smarter than Qin Feiyang.

Standing with Qin Feiyang is really a wise choice.

He can even predict how miserable Dong Family will be next!


Qin Feiyang glanced at Fan Jian, holding fist in his hand, and put a dry cough next to his mouth.

“what’s wrong?”

Fan Jian and Old Freak Dong two people both looked at him in doubt.

“It’s okay, but my throat is a little uncomfortable.”

Qin Feiyang laughed, and looked at Fan Jian with a profound look again.

Fan Jian thought for a moment, and then came to understand, turning one’s head looked towards Old Freak Dong two people, saying: “is who is watching them, I want to know if this person is untrustworthy?”

“Brother Wei rest assured that this person is absolutely trustworthy.”

“However, he asked that his identity should not be mentioned to anyone.”

“So, look forward to forgive Old Brother Wei.”

Old Freak Dong arched, with a touch of apology on his face.


Fan Jian was indecisive.

He is uncertain.

Qin Feiyang whispered: “Sir, since Old Ancestor Dong said so, then depending on the subordinate, you don’t have to ask anymore. After all, we are all on a boat now, and we need to make a fortune together.”

Patriarch Dong said with a smile: “Brother Fan Jian is right in saying that harmony makes money.”

Fan Jian nodded and said: “Well then, bring Lin Yiyi and Luo Qianxue first, as for the distribution of benefits, we will discuss slowly after the plan is successful.”

“it is good.”

Old Freak Dong two people is also a big joy.

Patriarch Dong looked towards the door, shouted: “Hurry up and tell Great Clan Elder that he immediately go to the Official Residence of the Mansion Lord and bring the two women.”


One of the guards responded respectfully, then turned and left quickly.

Old Freak Dong smiled and greeted, “Brother Wei, come and let’s drink tea.”

Fan Jian nodded.

Old Freak Dong returned to the seat, took the teacup, took a few sips, and was about to say something, but suddenly, he looked at Fan Jian in suspicion.


Qin Feiyang immediately realized that she couldn’t help shivering.

Old Freak Dong said, “Brother Wei, your aura seems to be stronger than last time?”

Although his cultivation base is now exhausted, he was once a 1-Star Battle Ancestor, and his eyesight is still there.

But because of the awkward atmosphere before, he didn’t notice until now.

But when I heard Old Freak Dong’s question, Qin Feiyang was in the dark relaxed.

Because he had guessed it early, it might be seen, so he already explained what Fan Jian said?

Fan Jian said with a smile: “Soon, I broke through to 9-Star Battle Sovereign.”


Two people were surprised.

Fan Jian nodded.

“It’s gratifying.”

“As a result, our strength is undoubtedly stronger.”

“But Brother Wei, you can’t be careless, neither Qin Feiyang nor ruffian wolf is good, I am the best lesson learned.”

Patriarch Dong urged, and his face was full of loathing.

If it weren’t for Wolf King and Yan Nanshan, and he and Old Ancestor would be abolished, how could the Dong Family be where it is today?

This hatred, can not live under the same sky !

“I will be careful.”

Fan Jian solemnly nodded.

Old Ancestor Dong put down the teacup and arched: “Brother Wei, the old man has a presumptuous request.”

Fan Jian said with a smile: “It doesn’t hurt to speak.”

Old Ancestor Dong said, “Can you give us a few Potential Pills first?”

Fan Jian immediately frowned.

“Brother Wei, to tell you the truth, I have a genius disciple in Dong Family, and the innate talent is very good, and now it is 9-Star Battle Sovereign.”

“I want Potential Pill to fulfill him.”

Old Ancestor Dong.

The current situation of the Dong Family can be said to be very bad, and one Battle Ancestor must be cultivated as soon as possible.

Because of one family, one Battle Ancestor keeping watch is required to truly establish a presence in Prefecture City.

Potential Pill is undoubtedly the fastest way at present.

Fan Jian thought about it and asked, “You’re talking about your grandson, Dong Zhengyan?”

“Yes, it is him.”

Old Ancestor Dong nodded.

As long as you open the Gate of Potential, with Dong Zhengyan’s innate talent, it won’t be long before you can step into Battle Ancestor.

“Dong Zhengyan …”

Qin Feiyang mumbled.

It seems that when we return to the inner palace, we should inquire about this person’s situation.

His eyes flickered a little, looking towards Fan Jian said with a smile: “Sir, Rong subordinate said, since you and the Dong Family are in a cooperative relationship, that’s good, and you can’t swallow it alone.”


“Benefits should be divided equally.”

Fan Jian took out the jade box, took out 5 Potential Pills, and threw them to Old Freak Dong two people.

You know, this is an amazing wealth!

If it were his medical pill, it would not be given to the Dong Family if killed.

Old Ancestor Lu and Patriarch Lu are expressing boundless happiness, eagerly grabbed.


It is at this time.

A powerful pressure came out of nowhere.

Follow closely.

3 silhouettes appear.

One of them was Great Clan Elder, and there were 2 women beside Great Clan Elder.

One is a middle-aged woman, but years haven’t left much marks on her face, and the charm is still there.

The woman next to her, no more than 20 years old, skin surpassing snow, hair cape, facial features is like a masterpiece from heaven, exquisite.

At this moment, they are all under the pressure imprisonment of Great Clan Elder, looking at Qin Feiyang several people in the great hall, their eyes are cold!

When Qin Feiyang saw them, there was a surge of Murderous Aura deep in the pumps, but they concealed for a moment.

Because these two people are Luo Qianxue and Lin Yiyi!


The two people are now in a difficult situation, not only their eyes are scattered, their faces are sloppy, but the corners of their mouths are still bloodstain with one strand!

Old Freak Dong glanced at the two people, looked towards Fan Jian said with a smile: “Old Brother Wei, people brought you, you must look at them.”

Fan Jian said with a smile: “Just put your heart in your belly!”

Patriarch Dong asked, “Brother Wei, when Qin Feiyang has seen them, what are you going to do with them?”

Fan Jian said with a smile: “Look at the situation, if Qin Feiyang wants to play anything, I will send it to you. After all, there is no place, safer than the Official Residence of Mansion Lord.”


Old Freak Dong three people all laughed.

“Big Brother Feiyang …”

Lin Yiyi heard the conversation, his eyes were slightly trembled, and he asked, “Where is Big Brother Feiyang?”

“big brother ?”

Old Ancestor Dong stared blankly, teasingly: “It seems that your relationship with Qin Feiyang is really not shallow, don’t worry, because at once you can see him.”

Luo Qianxue said: “Feiyang, this child’s temper, I understand that you will regret it.”

She looked towards Fan Jian again, saying: “Especially you, Wei Zhongyang!”

“Joke, he can’t protect himself now, what else can he do to us?”

Old Freak Dong three people immediately sneered.

In order to perform, Fan Jian also looked at Luo Qianxue with a disdain and got up and said, “Okay, it’s not nonsense, it’s time to go to Qin Feiyang for the final negotiation.”

“Must immediately, tell us the results.”

Old Freak Dong also got up quickly.

Fan Jian nodded and said: “No problem, but I’m very puzzled, why would the man of Mansion Lord’s mansion help us?”

Old Freak Dong said with a smile: “He has a good relationship with me.”


Fan Jian suddenly realized that he was afraid of unmasking one’s true nature, so he didn’t ask again, opened a transmission gate, and said to Qin Feiyang without looking back: “Take them, let’s go!”


Qin Feiyang responded respectfully, walked in front of Lin Yiyi two people, grabbed one’s arm with one hand, and glomyy and coldly said: “It is best to cooperate with me, otherwise don’t blame me vicious and merciless!”

After speaking, dragged two people and walked towards the transmission gate.

After Qin Feiyang and the others left, the cold eyes of Old Freak Dong’s old eyes were instantly cold light.

Patriarch Dong gloomy said: “Old Ancestor, this person is too unbridled, and he must give him a lesson to try.”

“rest assured.”

“As long as you get Pill Recipe from Potential Pill, not only Qin Feiyang and ruffian wolf will die, but Wei Zhongyang will be dead.”

“Because he isn’t allowed, someone and he grab Pill Recipe!”

Old Freak Dong said with a sneer.

Patriarch Dong and Great Clan Elder are also showing murderous intentions!

Outside the city!

Over a certain jungle, 4 silhouettes appear out of thin air.

It is Qin Feiyang and the others.

“Go down!”

Qin Feiyang glanced under his eyes and waved his hand with Luo Qianxue two people, glancing into the jungle below, and landing on a black rock.


Qin Feiyang let go of Lin Yiyi two people, standing opposite the two people, looking at them, and creasing slightly.

Fan Jian stood behind Qin Feiyang and looked in silence.


Luo Qianxue frowned, icily said: “Take us to the wilderness hills, do you want to kill people?”

Qin Feiyang didn’t answer, just looked at them.

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