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Powerhouse !

Qin Feiyang stopped, staring at the purple clothed man, and the pump shrank.

After the purple clothed man came in, he looked at the layout of the room and looked towards Qin Feiyang, lightly said with a smile: “Qin Feiyang, you really can hide!”


Qin Feiyang was shocked.

But next moment.

He looked like a frightened little bunny, glanced at the room suspiciously, and said, “Where is Qin Feiyang?”

Purple clothed man pupils swelled cold light deep, said differently: “Aren’t you just Qin Feiyang?”

“This person is who?”

“Do you really know who I am?”

In Qin Feiyang’s head, he passed an inexplicable moment, turned and looked at the purple clothed man, and said with a horror: “Senior, Qin Feiyang is the arrest warrant of the Royal Family’s arrest. You can’t say that!”

“Am I talking nonsense?”

purple clothed man asked.

“Didn’t it?”

Qin Feiyang asked back.

“Brat, you’re smart, but you can’t hide from me.”

purple clothed man satirical.

Qin Feiyang hurriedly said: “Senior, Junior is really not Qin Feiyang. Then there is a portrait of him on the arrest warrant. You can go and see, I don’t look like him at all!”

“In this world, there is something called Illusory Appearance Pill.”

purple clothed man indifferently said, walking to the coffee table aside, a buttocks sat on the seat and looked at him playfully.


“Did Zhao Shuang’er and Luo Qingzhu betray me?”

Qin Feiyang came up with a Murderous Intention.


This person’s aura is unfathomable.

Definitely one Battle King!

If he was really sure he was Qin Feiyang, would he still tell him so many nonsense?

Obviously not.

He must be captured on the spot.

But now, the man is asking questions, apparently trying to test him.


He complexion sank, facing the purple clothed man, arching: “Senior, I know you are strong, but you can’t wrong an innocent person.”

“Anyone who ransacks the Pill Palace medicine field will be a good person?”

purple clothed man sneer.

“It seems that you have identified me as Qin Feiyang. Since that is the case, I am too lazy to have nonsense. Now I will go to Pill Palace and ask the people at Pill Palace to verify. When it is clear that I am not, I hope Senior Wang can apologize to me in public!”

Qin Feiyang said word by word.

After speaking, he turned angrily and walked outside.

“I didn’t try it out, it seems that he really is not Qin Feiyang.” The purple clothed man glanced a little, said with a smile: “Little Brother, don’t be angry, just this Pavillion Lord just made a joke with you. “

“This Pavillion Lord!”

Qin Feiyang pupil shrank.

There is only one person who will call himself this Pavillion Lord, and that is the Pavilion Lord of Treasure Pavillion!

But earlier, didn’t he get rid of that big black clothed man?

How did this person get here?

He stopped and turned and looked towards purple clothed man, saying: “Senior, although you are expensive as the Treasure Pavillion Pavilion Lord, you ca n’t make a joke like this. If those words were just heard by others, you know how much it would bring to Junior. Trouble? “

“Yes yes yes.”

purple clothed man repeatedly nodded, said with a smile: “It is this Pavillion Lord that lacks consideration, and please forgive Little Brother, I wonder how Little Brother calls it?”

“Junior Jiang Haotian.”

Qin Feiyang said a name without thinking.

“Jiang Haotian?”

purple clothed man frowned.

Why hasn’t this name been heard?

With so many medicinal ingredients, at least it should be a little fame!

The purple clothed man said, “Dare to ask where the Little Brothers live? Let Zunzun surname?”

“What do you mean? Check me?”

Qin Feiyang frowned.

“This Pavillion Lord is just a little curious, and he asked Little Brother to tell the truth.”

purple clothed man said with a smile, very polite, but obviously intimidating.

“Although I am not from Treasure Pavillion, I still know a little about Treasure Pavillion’s rules.”

“First, don’t ask the guests’ origin.”

“No. 2, don’t ask the source of the thing.”

“No. 3, the guests must not be followed.”

“Senior, as the Pavilion Lord of Treasure Pavillion, shouldn’t you set an example by yourself? How can you try to do it yourself?”

Qin Feiyang.

purple clothed man eyebrow raised, differently said: “I can’t think of your rules about my Treasure Pavillion. I know it well, but in this Black Bear City, I have the final say. If I want you to answer, you must answer.

Qin Feiyang said: “Then you better kill me, otherwise I will definitely go to Yan City and ask the Yan County Head Pavillion Lord to ask, you a Branch Pavillion Pavilion Lord, can you really one hand shrouding the heavens?”

“you are courting death !”

purple clothed man suddenly got up, pumps cold light flickered.

“Courting death is you!”

It is at this time.

A cold voice sounded.

2 young women coming to the room side by side.

It is Luo Qingzhu and Zhao Shuang’er.

“How come you?”

Qin Feiyang frowned.

“I have seen Eldest Young Lady!”

The purple clothed man shuddered and bowed in haste.


“Eldest Young Lady?”

Qin Feiyang was surprised.

Zhao Shuang’er smiled playfully and said, “You don’t know yet, Big Sister Qingzhu is the daughter of Yan County Head Pavillion Lord.”


Qin Feiyang was startled.

Nine Prefectures Eighteen Counties.

Every county has Four Great Tycoons.

They are County King, Pill Palace Head Palace Lord, Martial Palace Head Palace Lord, and Treasure Pavillion Head Pavillion Lord.

Four Great Tycoons do their job and sit on equal terms.

Luo Qingzhu’s father, as the Head Pavillion Lord of Yan County Treasure Pavillion, is naturally equal.

No wonder, the old man who guards the medicine field is polite to Luo Qingzhu. It turned out to be so big.

Luo Qingzhu faced the cold frost, looking at that purple clothed man, and said, “I just heard you say, here is your decision?”

The purple clothed man jumped in his heart, hurriedly bowed and begged: “Eldest Young Lady, I was wrong, I must change, please do n’t tell the Head Pavillion Lord, will you?”

Luo Qingzhu said: “What about my friend?”

The purple clothed man hurriedly looked at Qin Feiyang again, his face apologized: “Brother Haotian, I’m really sorry just now, please must forgive my ignorance.”

“How could it be so simple, you just think you can kill me!”

Qin Feiyang said meaningfully.

Purple clothed man understood in seconds and said in a pun, “I solemnly apologize to you, do you think so?”

“Since you are so sincere, I will forgive you.”

Qin Feiyang said with a smile.

“Eldest Young Lady, look?”

purple clothed man turning one’s head looked towards Luo Qingzhu again.

“People involved are not going to be held accountable, I’ll just let it go, hello for yourself!”

Luo Qingzhu expressionlessly said.

“many thanks Eldest Young Lady.”

Purple clothed man, overjoyed, hurriedly exited the room and closed the door.

But before the door closed, he winked at Qin Feiyang.

Qin Feiyang retracted his gaze, looked towards 2 women, shook his head and sighed: “I’m also a man to be able to support both heaven and earth. Unexpectedly made you two women save 2 times. It’s a shame to go home.”

“What’s wrong with women? Do you look down on us?”

Zhao Shuang’er stared at him unhappyly.

Qin Feiyang waved his hands quickly and complimented, “Dare you dare? One of you is a genius young woman and the other is Eldest Young Lady of Treasure Pavillion. You have to rely on you for your care!”

“glib tongue.”

Two people sent him a big white eye.

Qin Feiyang laughed and asked, “Are you guys coming to me?”

Luo Qingzhu said: “We will go to Star Moon City in a moment and would like to ask you if you want to go with us?”


Qin Feiyang squinted his head and looked at them puzzled, grinning with a smile: “Don’t tell me, you all like me!”

“like you?”

“Why don’t you look in the mirror?”

2 female immediately rolled her eyes, and then turned around and left without saying a word.

“What do you mean?”

Qin Feiyang stared blankly, even more confused.


“It turned out to be the case.”


He responded.

These 2 Little Lass invited him to Star Moon City together, it should be to take care of him at a critical moment.

“Thank you.”

“I’ve got my heart, but this Star Moon City, I really can’t go.”

Qin Feiyang mumbled.

Zhao Shuang’er and Luo Qingzhu have helped him twice, and he doesn’t want to bother them anymore.

The most important thing is that his future road is full of crises. The closer he gets to it, the more dangerous the two people are.

At this time.

The purple clothed man returned to the room and flattering smile. “Brother Haotian, you are really scared to death. You met Eldest Young Lady, don’t you say it earlier?”

Qin Feiyang sorted out his mood, and Pi Xiaorou said, “If I had said it earlier, wouldn’t I see your true colors?”

The purple clothed man embarrased smiled and said, “Brother Haotian, give me that heaven and earth bag.”

“Heaven and earth bag?”

Qin Feiyang wondered.

“It’s the heaven and earth bag that holds Qi Gathering Pill.”

purple clothed man said.

Qin Feiyang escaped from his arms, frowns saying, “Is there a problem with this heaven and earth bag?”

“There is a small problem.”

The purple clothed man smiled awkwardly and waved his hands, and immediately saw a white light beam, grabbing out the heaven and earth bag.

“Battle Qi!”

Qin Feiyang eyebrow raised.

Until then, he finally understood why this person could find here.

The reason lies in this Battle Qi!

Step into Battle King Realm and turn on Battle Soul, True Qi will evolve into Battle Qi.

Therefore, Battle Qi and Battle Soul are closely related.

For example, the purple clothed man stores Battle Qi in heaven and earth bag, and he can track the position of this Battle Qi with the help of Battle Soul.


Qin Feiyang exuded a cold sweat!


As early as 3 days ago, the first batch of the medicinal ingredient had been sold, and it had caught this person’s attention.

But he thought that if he sold them in several batches, he would be able to achieve 10000 nothing.

How could he be so naive? So naive?

In this world, there are more intelligent people than him. What qualifications does he have to look down on someone else’s IQ?

This kind of mistake must not be repeated in the future, because it will lose little life!


In the future, even if it is from Treasure Pavillion, it must be checked on the spot, so as not to be against.

This lesson made Qin Feiyang thoroughly awakened and realized his own shortcomings.

He can fight peers intelligently, but facing the older generation, especially those old foxes who are sophisticated, his IQ is not enough.

Seeing Qin Feiyang’s face gloomy, in silence, the purple clothed man thought he was annoyed, and hurriedly said, “Brother Haotian, I’m really sorry, but how do you want me to ‘apologies for it’, despite saying.

This apology is not just a few words of apology.

The point is above the two words of indemnity!

Qin Feiyang eyes flashed, looking up towards purple clothed man, saying: “hundred thousand Qi Gathering Pills, one Beast Spirit Pill, there is no room for negotiation!”

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