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Looking at this scene, Qin Feiyang was frightened.

Because even he was imprisoned, he couldn’t move at all!

And no matter how he struggles, he cannot break away from the pressure binding.

Really unimaginable, how terrifying Sacred Monkey is!

Do this, simply lead the wolf into the room!

Sacred Monkey suddenly raised his arm and grabbed Qin Feiyang’s wrist, just a small pinch, followed by a click, the wrist shattered.

Qin Feiyang hurts conorts one’s face in agony!


Sacred Monkey pulls out Azure Snow, turns and looks towards Qin Feiyang, five heads and ten pumps, all glowing with amazing vicious glint, saying: “Is who now rules this area?”


Qin Feiyang’s mind is incredible!

Why is Sacred Monkey okay?

Didn’t that knife just pierce its heart?

Sacred Monkey said: “human, at once answer this Saint.”

“This Saint!”

Qin Feiyang smells discolored.

According to historical records, 10,000 years ago, a living creature that was qualified to be holy, only 9-Star Battle Saint existed!

Above Battle Ancestor is Battle Saint!

And 1-Star to 8-Star Battle Saint, not be called Saint.

In other words, Sacred Monkey is one 9-Star Battle Saint!

Qin Feiyang calmed his mind and said, “It is the Great Qin Empire that rules this area.”

“Great Qin!”

Sacred Monkey’s eyes were instantly lit with solemn light, and he asked, “How youngster was the Great Qin Empire established?”

“10,000 years.”

Qin Feiyang.

“Fast, ten thousand years have passed.”

“But even as time goes by, it cannot change your human nature, cunning, despicable, shameless!”

Sacred Monkey said, with an undeniable grudge in his tone.

But after hearing these words, Qin Feiyang’s deep in one’s heart directly raised the perilous situation!

Sacred Monkey actually existed 10,000 years ago!

This, this, this is too amazing!

Sacred Monkey said, “Is Qin Batian alive?”


Qin Feiyang is terrified.

Sacred Monkey knew Qin Batian?

You know, even the people of Great Qin Empire now know very little about the name Qin Batian.

Because Qin Batian is not someone else, it is the first generation Emperor of Great Qin Empire!

But future generations, all respect him as Emperor Qin, and remember his real name, only a few people of Emperor lineage.

The name Sacred Monkey wakes up awake, which is enough to show that Sacred Monkey and the First Generation Emperor know each other.

And, there is deep hatred!

It seems that this lost species of great valley is really related to the first generation emperor.

Sacred Monkey said, “This Saint asked you, didn’t you hear me?”

Qin Feiyang shook his head and said, “I don’t know Qin Batian is who?”

“do not know?”

Sacred Monkey looked suspiciously at Qin Feiyang, and contempt: “It seems you are just an unknown soldier. In this case, there is no need to keep you.”

He raised his hand and patted Qin Feiyang’s head.

See you.

fatty and the others are in a hurry, but they can’t protect themselves, let alone rescue Qin Feiyang!

Seeing that Qin Feiyang was about to splatter on the spot, but just then, Sacred Monkey suddenly spit out blood, and his body shivered violently.

The pressure also disappeared.

Qin Feiyang’s eyes brightened.

It must have been the one that just hit Sacred Monkey’s heart!

It’s just that Sacred Monkey is too strong and has not reacted until now.

And this is undoubtedly a good opportunity for him!

He didn’t hesitate, took lightning action, grabbed Azure Snow from Sacred Monkey, and then waved his hand directly to throw Sacred Monkey out of Ancient Castle.


Monkey King 4 Beast flying into a rage.

But when I saw Sacred Monkey suddenly appeared, 4 beasts immediately expressing boundless happiness, hurried up, respectfully said: “I have seen Sir Sacred Monkey.”


Sacred Monkey spit another blood.

Monkey King pupil contracted, busy: “Sir Sacred Monkey, what’s the matter with you? Isn’t Qin Feiyang doing to you?”

“Who is Qin Feiyang?”

Sacred Monkey was suspicious.

Monkey King said: “It’s the human being held hostage.”

“It turns out his last name is Qin …”

“Will he be a descendant of Qin Batian …”

“And the private room and dagger just now, it seems familiar …”

Sacred Monkey figured it out and didn’t seem to worry about the injury.

Monkey King said, “Sir Sacred Monkey, please also follow us to healing.”

Sacred Monkey glanced all around, wondering, “Who are you?”

Monkey King respectfully said: “Back to Sir, I am your Guardian, and the Black Stone Ape in this area is also guarding you.”

“so that’s how it is.”

Sacred Monkey was amazed, looked towards Eagle King 3 Beastly: “Are you the Guardian of Sacred Eagle, Sacred Lion, Sacred Python?”


The Eagle King 3 responded respectfully.

Monkey King anxiously said: “Sir Sacred Monkey, what’s the problem, can I wait until the injury is repaired?”

Sacred Monkey glanced at the great valley and said, “The heart of this Saint was pierced by that human, and it really needs to be repaired as soon as possible, let’s go!”

“Heart is pierced!”

4 The beast turned pale with fright, hurriedly took Sacred Monkey, and flew towards the Sacred Monkey self-sealing cave.


Inside Ancient Castle!

As soon as Sacred Monkey was thrown out, Qin Feiyang and the others collapsed to the ground, panting heavily, all with the expression of avoided a catastrophe.

After listening to the conversation between Sacred Monkey and 4 Beasts, Qin Feiyang exhaled a long breath, got up and walked in front of Luo Qianxue several people, concerned: “Are you all right?”


Luo Qianxue shook his head.

However, as soon as the words were finished, one fell to the ground.

boom! !

Lu Hong, Lin Yiyi, and fatty also fell down.

Qin Feiyang complexion changed and hurry to see the situation of three people.

Mountain Piercing Beast and Lu Xingchen hurried around.

They are both Battle Sovereign, and the situation will be better. As long as Healing Pill is served in time, it is not a big deal.

Mountain Piercing Beast asked, “How?”

Qin Feiyang said solemnly: “It’s not optimistic, but there is no mortal danger, just fainted, but it is difficult to say anything when you wake up.”

The pressure of Sacred Monkey is too strong. Although there is no make a move, the three people are also very injured.

“Damn scoundrel!”

Mountain Piercing Beast scolded.

Lu Xingchen sighed: “This is already good, if Sacred Monkey wakes up and immediately kills, we don’t even want to survive today.”

Qin Feiyang nodded, immediately took out 6 Healing Pills and gave Lu Xingchen and Mountain Piercing Beast one.

He took one by himself.

The other three were for the three people.

After Lu Xingchen subdued Healing Pill, he looked towards Qin Feiyang and said, “Uncle Ren must not be here. While Sacred Monkey is going to healing, we quickly leave the great valley.”

“go away?”

Qin Feiyang frowned, and Luo Qianxue several people almost died because of this. It was too cheap for this group of Vicious Beast to leave.

Lu Xingchen seemed to see through his thoughts and said, “Brother Qin, this is not the time to act with morality.”

Mountain Piercing Beast also advised: “Yes, gentleman revenge ten years is not too long, 10000000 don’t be impulsive.”

“Let’s go!”

Qin Feiyang waved, took Lu Xingchen away from Ancient Castle, then took out 2 ribs, handed them to Lu Xingchen, and swept away towards the black storm above.

But his gaze flickered along the way.

After the interest rate.

Two people successively entered the black storm.

The rib recovers automatically, blocking the devastating storm.


Not long after entering the storm, Qin Feiyang paused suddenly.


Lu Xingchen was puzzled.

Qin Feiyang said solemnly: “I have one more thing to do, you leave first.”


“You heard Sacred Monkey just now.”

“Stabbed in its heart and couldn’t kill it.”

“As soon as the heart is repaired, you only have dead end!”

Lu Xingchen hurriedly.

“That’s why I want to go even more.”

Qin Feiyang pupils radiance flashed, volleyed, and dived towards the great valley below.

“Why is this guy so stingy?”

Lu Xingchen was a little annoyed, his eyes flickered, and he turned to fly down.

In fact, he didn’t know that Qin Feiyang had a reason to go.

If you are right, Sacred Monkey should go to that cluster of flames to repair the heart.

The heart, Qi Sea and Sea of ​​Consciousness, are the three most important parts of the human body.

Since the heart can be repaired, so should Sea of ​​Consciousness.

And this trip to Land of Ruin, looking for Ren Duxing is only second, mainly to repair the Sea of ​​Consciousness of Wolf King.

So he has to bet!


Qin Feiyang is like a stream of light, rushing out of the black storm, standing over the jungle, glancing down.

Earlier, Monkey King didn’t say where to go to heal, so he doesn’t know now, where is the flame?

However, this can’t help him!

He saw a murderous intention in his eyes, raised his arm, and forefinger slightly.

——Returning Ruins!

The invisible force turned into a torrent of torrents, surging and surging, whizzing down!


With a loud noise, the land with a radius of 1000 meters was instantly razed to the ground.

Countless Black Stone Ape, killed Yellow Springs!


Follow closely.

Qin Feiyang converged aura, dived down, and hid in a large leafy tree, looking around all directions!

This one move is to pull a snake from its hole!


Soon, two beast shadows were removed from the mouth of the cave.

Qin Feiyang immediately realized that it was Monkey King and Eagle King.

It turned out that the flame was inside the cave.

But my heart was quite strange.

He’s been to the cave, and he didn’t see any flames at all?

Could it be that there is something like a secret door?

mountain summit!

Eagle King and Monkey King overlook all directions.

Monkey King gloomy said, “It must be the two wretched humans who are at work.”

“Then let them go!”

“Wait for Sacred Monkey’s heart repair, their time of death!”

Eagle King sneered.

Monkey King nodded, coldly snorted and said: “When this Sovereign will look, what else can they toss out?”

Eagle King said: “You go in the protector, this Sovereign is here to keep them from lurking in and disturbing Sir Sacred Monkey.”

“No need.”

“Because even if they break in, they can’t find the position of the flame.”

“Moreover, this Sovereign also wants them to slip in, because in this way, they are like a turtle in a jar, impossible to escape!”

Monkey King said coldly with a smile.


2 The beast then turned around, swept into the hole, and disappeared.

Qin Feiyang swept out of the big tree, glanced at the hole in the mountain summit, and then swept toward the mountain summit.

At the same time, there is a firm rays of light!

Not to mention a Sacred Monkey, even if it’s dragon’s pool and tiger’s den, Eighteen Levels of Hell, he will go in today.

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