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But whether or not Lu Xingchen had a clean heart, he didn’t dare to believe it easily.

Because of Lu Xingchen’s resurrection, it is too strange.

He will never be honest with Lu Xingchen until he finds it out.

After listening for a while, Qin Feiyang eyes flashed, and left Ancient Castle.


But the moment he appeared, an amazing pressure came over him, directly imprisoning him.


Qin Feiyang was shocked.

Pressure comes from behind, but you don’t need to look at it, it is Sacred Monkey’s pressure!


The next moment, Sacred Monkey came to him, said with a sneer: “You keep running!”

Qin Feiyang looks at glomyy.

Sacred Monkey was clearly waiting for him.

In other words, Sacred Monkey has found out, that Qin Feiyang just now is fake.

The problem is, judging from Sacred Monkey’s previous performance, not at all is clear.

But why did you suddenly know?

And, do you know where he is invisible?

If it is a coincidence once, then 2 times twice, it is definitely not a coincidence!

In other words, there are other people hidden in the canyon!

And this person knows his whereabouts, it is likely to be hidden near here!

Sacred Monkey shouted: “Give up Fire of Life, this Saint will leave you with a corpse.”

“Fire of Life?”

Qin Feiyang was moved.

Why does this name sound familiar?

“wu wu ……”

He made wu wu’s voice.

He couldn’t speak because of pressure imprisonment.

Sacred Monkey pressure.

Qin Feiyang immediately exhaled, frowns saying, “Why do you always know where I am?”

“You don’t want to think about this Saint is who?”

“Want to escape the eyes of this Saint, is it possible?”

Sacred Monkey was ridiculous.

“just you?”

“If I guessed right, someone must be giving you a hint in the dark.”

“Who is this person?”

“As long as you tell me, I give you Fire of Life at once.”

Qin Feiyang disdain.

Sacred Monkey said with a sneer: “Are you still qualified to talk about conditions?”


“As soon as I die, the space treasure will smash, and Fire of Life will follow.”

Qin Feiyang.

Sacred Monkey’s eyes fell.

“Don’t believe it, don’t regret it,” Qin Feiyang said.

Actually, he didn’t know if Ancient Castle would be crushed because of his death.

But now, Fire of Life is the only bargaining chip on his hand.

Only bet!

Sacred Monkey stared at Qin Feiyang, his eyes blinking.


It is vicious glint, and Mori said with a smile: “Even if Fire of Life would die, today this Saint will kill you!”


The words fall.

Fearful might burst out, it raised his stout arm, and one fist Qin Feiyang patted it.

Aura of death, come again!

Qin Feiyang’s eyes trembled and he had never been more helpless than he is now.

“It’s no use killing him, because I’m the real Qin Feiyang.”

It is at this time.

A cold voice sounded.

Sacred Monkey was startled, turning one’s head, and when he saw a stone in front of him, he stood another Qin Feiyang.

“what happened?”

Sacred Monkey glanced at the pretending Qin Feiyang, and looked towards Qin Feiyang himself, full of suspicion.


It had a bright eye and looked towards the pretending Qin Feiyang, saying: “Since you are Qin Feiyang, there should be a space treasure, now you will disappear and show it to me.”

“Is this not easy?”

Then Qin Feiyang contempt smiled, and the silhouette flashed out, disappearing without a trace.

The next moment appeared again out of thin air!

“Who is true and who is false in this, this, this?”

Sacred Monkey’s expression was dull, and he was really at a loss.

“Azure Snow, I have it too.”

That fake Qin Feiyang extended the take action again, the rays of light flashed, and a pure white as jade dagger emerged out of thin air.

This time, even Qin Feiyang himself is incredible.

That Azure Snow, no matter its length or shape, is no different from the real Azure Snow!

Does Azure Snow have 2?

Qin Feiyang could not help but wonder.

“Do you know who is true and who is false now?”

There was a hint of irony in the fake Qin Feiyang’s mouth, and he jumped down from the big rock and walked towards Sacred Monkey and Qin Feiyang.

“Stop this Saint!”

Sacred Monkey shouted.

The fake Qin Feiyang joked: “Why, even a little Battle Sovereign, are you afraid?”

Sacred Monkey is not afraid, it’s all too weird.


It is full of hostility and shouted: “Since you all say you are Qin Feiyang, this Saint will kill you all today!”


That terrible pressure rushed towards the fake Qin Feiyang.

“Just by you?”

The counterfeit Qin Feiyang dismissed it, and then disappeared without a disappear without a trace.

Sacred Monkey glanced all around, screaming: “Don’t make mysteries false, get out of this Saint!”

“as you wish.”

The sound of fake Qin Feiyang sounded in void.

Follow closely.

He unexpectedly appeared behind Qin Feiyang out of thin air, grabbed Qin Feiyang’s arm, and before Sacred Monkey reacted, he disappeared again.

“Damn scoundrel, who the hell are you?”

Sacred Monkey growled.

The imposing manner sweeping across all directions of the world extinguishing, the whole giant peak was accompanied by a loud noise, and it was instantly scattered ashes and dispersed smoke!

“Sacred Monkey, you really let me down.”

That mysterious voice sounded in Sacred Monkey’s mind.

This will undoubtedly make Sacred Monkey even more angry!

“You are who?”

“What is right to say this Saint?”

“Come out if you have the ability, let this Saint see who you are!”

Sacred Monkey furiously roaring.

“The time has not arrived.”

Mysterious voice only said this sentence, then it went down and never rang again.

at the same time!

Somewhere in the black storm, 2 Qin Feiyang stood opposite each other.

Even more weird is that the black storm whistled around them, but there was no mask body protection on them.

However, those storms could not cause them any harm.

Qin Feiyang asked, “Who are you?”

The fake Qin Feiyang on the opposite side was silent for a moment and sighed, “You shouldn’t come to the Land of Ruin again, let alone enter this canyon.”


Qin Feiyang stared blankly, wondering: “Do you know me?”

Impersonating Qin Feiyang: “Yes, the last time you and Shuang’er left, I kept watching you.”


Qin Feiyang pupil contracted and said, “Is that the time you controlled the storm in the dark and stopped us from leaving?”

“I’m not trying to stop you and Shuang’er. I’m testing you. To be precise, I’m testing that rib.

Fake Qin Feiyang said.

“Test the rib?”

Qin Feiyang was puzzled.

But suddenly.

He trembled physically and mentally, left and right, and carefully looked at the fake Qin Feiyang.

Shuang’er in this population is undoubtedly Ren Wushuang.

And so kindly called Ren Wushuang, only Ren Wushuang’s relatives!

Could it be that……

His eyes climbed incredibly deeply, saying: “Are you the father of the elder sister, Ren Duxing?”

“You are very smart.”

Counterfeit Qin Feiyang laughed, took a Restoring Appearance Pill, and soon returned to true appearance.

This is a middle-aged man with a height of 1.8 metres left and right. He is not fat and thin, and his weather-beaten face looks extremely resolute.

2 I also have gray hair, with a vicissitudes of life.

But these are automatically ignored by Qin Feiyang.

His eyes were staring at that man’s eyebrows.

At the center of the eyebrow, there is a very striking crescent-shaped imprint, like a peerless precious jade!

Really Ren Duxing!

It turned out that it was not Lu Xingchen who helped him, but Ren Duxing!

“Isn’t it unexpected?”

Ren Duxing said with a smile, looks amiable.

“Of course unexpected.”

Qin Feiyang blurted out without thinking.

Ren Duxing laughed and said, “Hurry back, this is not a place where you can stay.”

“go back?”

Qin Feiyang stared blankly, decisively: “I will never leave until my doubts are resolved.”

Ren Duxing looked at him deeply and shook his head, “The more you know about these things, the less good it will be for you.”


Qin Feiyang was surprised, said with a smile: “Uncle Ren, don’t scare me. Although I’m not that good, I still have the courage.”

Ren Duxing shook his head and laughed, nodded and said: “You can see, otherwise you would not dare to enter the canyon.”

After a little pause, Ren Duxing said, “Well, ask any questions, I can tell you everything I can tell you.”

Qin Feiyang said: “What is Fire of Life?”

Ren Duxing said with a smile: “Fire of Life is a magical flame, and there are 9 clusters of Fire of Life in the world.”

“so much?”

Qin Feiyang was surprised.


Ren Duxing nodded, saying: “According to legend, as long as you have 9 Fire of Lifes together, Fire of Life will merge and become a Divine Flower, which is called Flower of Life.”

“Flower of Life?”

Qin Feiyang frowns, why is it familiar?

Ren Duxing said: “Flower of Life has boundless Life Strength. It is said that anyone who gets Flower of Life can be immortal, long life identical with heaven.”

Hearing this, Qin Feiyang’s mind flashed halo, and finally remembered why it sounds familiar.

At Imperial Palace that year, he heard Emperor mention it, but at that time he was only 5 ~ 6 years old, remembering it is not too deep.

The legend Ren Duxing said does exist.

But since ancient times, no one has ever been able to make up 9 Fire of Life.

Because Fire of Life is scattered in every corner of continental, it can exist anywhere.

Qin Feiyang also said: “Why do you stay here all the time? And how can these storms not hurt you? In addition, how did you get your Azure Snow?”

Ren Duxing spread out his big hand, and the ‘Azure Snow’ appeared, but immediately following his big hand, the ‘Azure Snow’ broke in response.

Qin Feiyang stared.

Ren Duxing said with a smile: “This is just a fake, not really.”


Qin Feiyang was slightly stared blankly, said with a bitter smile: “I thought there were 2 Azure Snow in the world. It turned out to be a fake.”

“Your Azure Snow is not an ordinary thing. Treasure it.”

Ren Duxing said something meaningful, and then said, “The reason why I stay here because I can’t leave, and these storms can’t hurt me, because I have mastered the power source of Land of Ruin.”

“Power source?”

Qin Feiyang 愣神, what does this mean?

Ren Duxing said: “In short, these storms, as well as the gravity above, are derived from that power source, and the power source is equal to a control mechanism.”

Qin Feiyang said in surprise: “So, aren’t you now the master who controls mechanics? Can you also control these storms and gravity at will?”


Ren Duxing nodded said with a smile.

Qin Feiyang was stunned, his mind was incredible.

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