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“Is there still such a thing?”

Ren Duxing was horrified and said, “Please tell me the details.”

Qin Feiyang nodded, explained the death of Lu Xingchen and the resurrection of Lu Xingchen in detail.

Listened to it.

Ren Duxing groaned for a moment, nodded and said: “This is indeed a strange thing, but we can’t speculate arbitrarily, we must check it out before we say it.”

Qin Feiyang said: “The current Lu Xingchen is deeper than the previous city of Lu Xingchen. It may be difficult to find out.”

“No matter how cunning you are, there is also an unmasking one’s true nature, and this matter is not urgent.”

“But when you return to the Prefecture Mansion, you have to keep an eye on Mu Tianyang’s whereabouts. I guess he should recruit soldiers now, reserve strength and store up energy.”

“You can investigate from this point.”

“But don’t tell Old Master and Shuang’er these things, let alone tell others.”

Ren Duxing voiced a plea in his tone.

“I can understand without telling others, but why can’t I tell the Old Master and the elder sister?”

Qin Feiyang frowned.

“They are all my loved ones. If you know these things, you will definitely not sit idly by and you may beat the grass to scare the snake.”

Ren Duxing said.

Qin Feiyang groaned a little and said, “Should we still report this to Imperial Capital?”

“No way.”

“Mu Tianyang is alive and has not been confirmed, and people at Imperial Capital will not believe us.”

“Taking a step back, even if they believed that sending someone to the Ling Prefecture for investigation would not have any effect, it would make Mu Tianyang more hidden.

“After all, Mu Tianyang after the rebirth can’t compete with today’s Great Qin Empire. He cannot meet us with force.”

Ren Duxing said.

Qin Feiyang thinks it over, Ren Duxing really makes sense.

But if Mu Tianyang is still alive, it is not something Ling Prefecture can compete with.

It can even be said that it was a disaster!

Ren Duxing said with a smile: “If there are no more questions, I will send you away.”

“Wait a minute.”

“Last few questions, why is Mu Tianyang’s inheritance here?”

“Who is Land of Ruin?”

“This jungle has Fire of Life, the desert, glacier, and the sea of ​​fire. Are there other rare treasures hidden?”

Qin Feiyang raised several questions in a row.

“These questions …”

Ren Duxing pondered for a moment, lightly said with a smile: “These things are a bit complicated, and I will have the opportunity to tell you slowly later.”

Let me talk about it.

After waiting for Qin Feiyang to speak, Ren Duxing waved, Qin Feiyang felt only a supreme mighty force.


The next moment, Qin Feiyang left the gorge and landed next to the old iron cable bridge.

“So easy to leave the great valley?”

Qin Feiyang showed strange light and had several points of interest in the so-called power source.

It is at this time.

A young man wearing purple clothed came out from behind a stone in the rear.

Not others, it’s Lu Xingchen!

“You are finally out.”

As he walked towards Qin Feiyang, he said with a smile, and his face was relieved.

Qin Feiyang turning one’s head, looking at frowns saying, “What are you doing here?”

Lu Xingchen said with a smile: “Wait for you!”

“wait for me?”

Qin Feiyang eyes flashed, calmly saying, “Have you been here?”


Lu Xingchen nodded.

Qin Feiyang turned back and looked down at the great valley, his eyes flickering.

If Lu Xingchen is really here all the time, the person who sent a message to Sacred Monkey should not be him.

Who else is there except Lu Xingchen?

You know, in addition to Vicious Beast, the whole canyon is only him and Lu Xingchen, Ren Duxing three people.

Is it Ren Duxing?

That putting it that way, those words that Ren Duxing said before are just a lie?

Qin Feiyang felt his head explode.

I don’t know if I should trust Ren Duxing or Lu Xingchen?

Because these two people have doubts.

Lu Xingchen didn’t say it.

And Ren Duxing, although it seems to be guarding Ling Prefecture, but who knows what he thinks?

After going through too many crafty plots and machinations, Qin Feiyang couldn’t believe anyone easily.

Lu Xingchen stepped aside and asked with a smile, “What do you want?”

“It’s nothing.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head, said differently: “Let’s go back to the Prefecture Mansion.”

Lu Xingchen stared blankly, saying: “Don’t keep looking for Uncle Ren?”

Qin Feiyang said: “I’ve searched all the places I should look for, but there are no clues. It seems most likely that Ren Duxing is dead.”

Lu Xingchen sighed: “It would be very sad if Wushuang was told of this cruel fact.”

“Although Ren Wushuang and I didn’t meet very deeply, it can be seen that she is not a vulnerable woman.”

Qin Feiyang.

The words are complete.

He didn’t stop any more, took out a rib, and set foot directly on the ancient cable bridge.

“oh! ”

Lu Xingchen was deeply sighed, took out the rib, followed behind Qin Feiyang, and walked towards the opposite bank.

3 days later.

Qin Feiyang stepped out of the old iron cable bridge, stood at the bridge head, and turned to look at the great valley.

This trip not only helped Wolf King repair Sea of ​​Consciousness, but also got a Fire of Life.

And also completed the mandate of Mansion Lord and found Ren Duxing.

Although the process was difficult, and even nearly killed several times, it was a perfect ending.


What Sacred Monkey does to him, he will never forget!

Sooner or later it will cost it blood!


Deep in the eyes of Lu Xingchen, there is also an inexplicable rays of light of one strand.

Qin Feiyang retracted his eyes, turning one’s head looked towards Lu Xingchen, and asked, “Are you going directly to the inner palace or going to the Prefecture City?”

Lu Xingchen groaned a little and sighed: “The Lu Family is dead, and it doesn’t make much sense to return to Perfect City, so I will go directly to the inner palace!”

Qin Feiyang nodded.


Lu Xingchen waved his hand, opened a transmission gate, and walked in without looking back.

Qin Feiyang looked at the dissipated transmission gate, his eyes flickering.

Although this trip to Lu Xingchen covered up well, it also revealed a weak spot, which is self-sealing.

This secret, self-sealing, is impossible for an ordinary person to know.

But Lu Xingchen knows it very well, there must be a lot of mystery in it!

“I see how long can you hide?”

He coldly said with a smile, opened a transmission gate, stepped into it, and the next moment came in front of the courtyard of Mansion Lord.

The Old Master is sitting lazily fishing by the pond, and there is a pot of hot fragrant tea next to him.


The Old Master immediately noticed someone coming and saw Qin Feiyang. Immediately stood up and asked, “Have you found him?”

Between expressions, with a bit of anticipation, I was quite nervous.

“found it.”

Qin Feiyang nodded.

Old Master expressing boundless happiness, saying: “The old man knows that as long as you go out, there is nothing you can’t do. Quickly tell the old man, where is he? Did he come back with you?”


Qin Feiyang shook his head, groaned a little, and said, “Where is he? I’m not in a position to disclose it now, please Old Master forgive me.”

“What do you mean?”

“Am I the father, and I want to see him, but also with your permission?”

Old Master was a little angry.

“Not through my permission, because Uncle Ren himself doesn’t want to see you.”

“Don’t even think about finding it in Land of Ruin, because he is not in Land of Ruin at all.”

Qin Feiyang.

His face was a bit ugly.

He was born and died in the great valley, and it was so difficult to see Ren Duxing, but the Old Master not only did not say a word of thanks, but unexpectedly angered him?

It’s really hard to please.

“He doesn’t want to see the old man?”

Old Master staring blankly endlessly.

But as soon as he knew it, he noticed Qin Feiyang’s expression, and realized that there was some lost self-control, and apologized said with a smile: “Sorry, it’s the old man who blame you.”


Qin Feiyang laughed.

The Old Master smiled reluctantly and asked, “Why didn’t he see me? Is there any trouble?”

“I don’t understood this.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head.

Old Master said, “Can you tell the old man, where is he now?”

Qin Feiyang said: “No, I promised Uncle Ren to keep him secret.”

“oh! ”

The Old Master was deeply sighed, looked up to the sky, and said, “Since it is because he does not want to see the old man, there is no need for the old man to reluctantly, as long as he knows he is alive.”

Qin Feiyang was silent.

To be honest, he still sympathizes with this old man.

After a while.

The Old Master looked away and looked towards Qin Feiyang and asked, “Is the Sea of ​​Consciousness of the ruffian wolf fixed?”


Qin Feiyang nodded.

Old Master relaxed, “That’s all right, are you planning to tell Shuang’er about this?”

Qin Feiyang said: “I will only tell her that Uncle Ren is alive.”

“According to old man, you better not say anything.”

“Shuang’er’s temper is the old man who knows best. If she knew she wasn’t dead, she would definitely look for it.

Old Master said with a bitter smile.


Qin Feiyang hesitated for a moment, nodded and said: “Well, then hide her temporarily.”

He is the most afraid of trouble. If by any chance, this cheap elder sister will haunt him every day without a headache.

The Old Master suddenly thought of something, and said, “Yes, the destruction of the Land of Ruin you said is probably not feasible for the time being.”


Qin Feiyang frowned.

The Old Master said: “This matter is very important, the old man has to ask the current Emperor first.”


Qin Feiyang’s eyes were lightly trembled, his hands retracted into his sleeves, he couldn’t help but clenched tightly, and asked, “How long will it take you to see him?”

Old Master said: “A year and a half.”

“A year and a half …”

Qin Feiyang’s eyes flickered.

If you remember correctly, in another year and a half, he is 20 years old.


Qin Feiyang bowed, “Junior has a request.”

Old Master said with a smile: “Say, old man who can promise you will try to promise you.”

Qin Feiyang said, “I’ll meet Emperor at that time, can you bring me?”

“This is definitely not good.”

Old Master shook his head decisively.

Qin Feiyang couldn’t help but crawl with disappointment.

It seems that before 20 years old, returning to Imperial Capital was already impossible.

“Imperial Capital is indeed a desirable place, but it is urgent.”

“But don’t be disappointed. When the old man returns from Imperial Capital, I believe you will soon be able to enter Imperial Capital.”

Old Master said with a smile.

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