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Arguing from high altitude.

“Why don’t we let us go to the canyon?”

“Sir Mansion Lord said that everyone, whether it’s Pill Fire or auxiliary Battle Art, is eligible to snatch.”

“Did you do it?”

Those 15 people were filled with indignation.

Three Great Kings is too much, unexpectedly blocking the canyon, isn’t this cutting off the hope of these people?

“You do qualify, but do you have that strength?”

“At once get out, otherwise don’t blame my ruthless!”

That youth big person shouted, with a strong murderous intention flashing in his eyes.

“If we don’t go to the canyon, we will never go!”

“It’s you, anyway, it’s also 8-Star Battle Sovereign, unexpectedly willing to be their minions, do you still have dignity?”

“I’m really ashamed of you!”

15 people seething in anger.

The words, no doubt completely angered the young big person.

Who would like to be the minions of others?

Grade 4 Pill Fire, who doesn’t want to get a hand?

But you have to be strong!

Without enough strength, if you want to survive in the inner palace and want to go higher and further, then you have to work hard to achieve perfection, or you can only have dead end.


The youth big person stunned, an imposing manner rushed out, hiding the sky and covering the earth, oppressing the 15 people.


Most people are frightened and start to retreat involuntarily.

“Don’t back!”

“We want to show the Three Great Kings, we are bloody too!”


“For dignity, even the moth flies into the flame, the bloody battle is to the end!”

Shouted four young men.

They are both 6-Star Battle Sovereign. There is a big difference between the two small realm of the young big person, but at this moment, they are not afraid, they are all imposing manner soaring heaven, and they aggressively kill the young big person.


Inside the jungle.

Qin Feiyang stopped again and looked up surprised at those four people.

Iron bones, unyielding not spare!

Can’t think of this Yun Prefecture, is there such a bloody person?

“Not for Pill Fire yet.”

“If you replace them with something of no value, do you dare to get them?”

“Their current behavior is not related to blood, at best they just jump over the wall.”

fatty disdain, a taunt of teasing in the corner of his mouth.

“Even so, there is courage.”

Qin Feiyang said that the pumps radiance flashed.



He raised his hand to a little volley, the invisible force turned into a world extinguishing dragon, roared towards the sky, and drowned the young big person instantly!



A scream screamed through the sky.

The young big person was killed on the spot, blood dyed red sky.


Killing the young big person, Qin Feiyang didn’t stay anymore, grabbed the fatty and shot towards the front.

fatty frowns saying: “Boss, why are you?”


“Of course, in order to grab Pill Fire more smoothly and create some trouble for Three Great Kings.”

Qin Feiyang sneered.

Although the Three Great Kings are powerful, they still have a long way to go against him.

high altitude!

That 15 people looked at each other in blank dismay.

what’s the situation?

Who killed the young big person?


When they returned back to his senses, they brushed their heads and glanced at the jungle below, their eyes full of suspicion.

Is who?

youth big person, but 8-Star Battle Sovereign, unexpectedly was killed by one move, who has such great ability?

“Stop it.”

“Don’t let slip an opportunity, don’t let slip come again, quickly go!”

“Yes, with the help of mysterious powerhouse in the dark, we must be able to enter the canyon!”

“Come in with us!”

The four young man yelled, turned into one after another, and rushed forward.

The other eleven people looked simultaneously looked, biting their teeth, and hurriedly followed along.


In the jungle below, He Jiu hid in a bush with suspicious expression on his face.

Will it be who?

Is it them?

Yes, it must be Ma San and Zhang Liu. Only they can easily kill 8-Star Battle Sovereign!

In other words, two people are right in front of him.

Now, as long as he follows these two people, be careful, there will be no danger.

He Jiu sneered, followed silently.


at the same time.

In front of several li, there is a huge canyon.

But in the canyon all around 1000 meters void, each and everyone youth men and women stand up against the wind, the imposing manner is extremely powerful, there are 30 several people.

The black skirt woman and the others are also among them.

But at this moment, these people are looking at the direction in which the young big person is, with horror.


Northwest of the canyon, there is a thousand zhang giant peak.

This peak is also 1000 meters left and right away from the canyon.


Four young men, standing with a young woman on top of the giant peak, also all looked at the direction of the young big person.

In the eyes, there are strands of cold light!

The imposing manner of these five people is even more unfathomable.

The young woman said, “Mo Wushen, is it Ma San?”

“The whole inner palace, the only one who can kill Yuan Wu in one move, only 5 of us and Nie Yu.”

“Nie Yu is dead, we are all here, who else is Ma apart from Ma San?”

Mo Wushen squinted his hands, his eyes were as sharp as a knife.

The young woman’s black eyebrows froze and said, “didn’t expect he’s received the news so soon.”

“I’m afraid he won’t come!”

Mo Wushen smiled coldly and looked towards the two black clothed youth next to him, saying: “You go and see.”


Two people stared blankly slightly, and immediately frowned.

The young woman said, “Don’t you go, do you want us 3 to go in person?”

“Just tell you to go, don’t have so many nonsense.”

The first three people spoke.

This is a robust man. His burly body is 8 feet tall, like one Little Giant, full of explosive power.

The robust man, Mo Wushen, and the young woman are the Three Great Kings of Yun Prefecture inner palace.

As for the two black clothed youths who are 2-Star Battle Sovereign, their status in the inner palace will be slightly worse than Mo Wushen three people.

Seeing the attitude of Mo Wushen three people, two people looked at it at the same time, and a deep glimpse of cold light swept across the depths of the pumps.

But the cover was so good that none of the Mo Wushen three people noticed it.

One of them looked towards Mo Wushen three people and asked, “What about the ten or five people?”


Robust man without the slightest hesitation said, showing a ruthless and apathy.


The two people didn’t hesitate any more, soared high and flew towards the 15 people.

With a distance from Mo Wushen three people, the black clothed youth on the left gloomy said: “Liu Yunfeng, they are letting us die.”

“I know.”

The black clothed youth wind on the right is nodded, pumps cold light flashed, and whispered: “Pei Sanshi, we can’t go on like this, we must take action to fight back!”

The youth on the left moved his heart and asked, “How to fight back?”

Liu Yunfeng said: “Ma San can kill Nie Yu, which shows that the strength is not weaker than us, we go to him to cooperate.”

“You have a good idea, but it’s not really feasible. Even if Ma San is strong, can it be better than Battle Ancestor?”

“If we rush to cooperate with him, it will definitely drag us down.”

“Still for the time being!”

“When we step into Battle Ancestor, there is a chance to find Mo Wushen and settle their accounts.”

Pei Sanshi said, there is a murmurous intention in his eyes.

Hear this.

Liu Yunfeng frowned, but didn’t say much, after all, Pei Sanshi’s concerns are not without reason.


“Liu Yunfeng and Pei Sanshi are flying towards us!”

“It must have come to kill us!”

Above the sky, when the 15 people saw Liu Yunfeng two people, they changed color on the spot.

Stopping together, Yu Guang swept towards the jungle below.

I do n’t know that mysterious powerhouse, will I take action again to help them?

Sou! !

Liu Yunfeng two people stopped in front of those 15 people.

Pei Sanshi said solemnly: “Mo Wushen, they let us kill you, and don’t want to die at once!”

“Senior Brother Pei, Senior Brother Liu, and Yuan Wu are the minions of Mo Wushen. It is reasonable to obey Mo Wushen’s orders.”

“But you are all 9-Star Battle Sovereign, why do you want to obey them?”

“What qualifications do they have for you?”

“2 Senior Brothers, wake up. Even if you help them, you won’t get any benefit in the end.”

15 people persuade.

two people are silent.

Why do they not know these?

But the strength of Mo Wushen three people is in front of them, what can they do?

Liu Yunfeng was deeply sighed and waved: “quickly go, Pill Fire is not something you can touch, it’s not worth losing your life.”

“You two are hesitating, make a move!”

The loudly shouted of the robust man sounded at the mountain summit.

15 people immediately felt terrified.

“Quickly go!”

Pei Sanshi growled at 15 people.

15 people didn’t dare to have any hesitation anymore, and turned and fled like a fate.

Pei Sanshi two people relaxed.

It is not that they have a kind heart.

When they do this, they are in fact attracting people’s hearts and planning for the future.

Because of these 15 people, the lowest training base is 4-Star Battle Sovereign. Although they are not comparable to them, they are also the elite backbone of the inner palace.

In time, when they break through to Battle Ancestor and ascend, the 15 people who read this today will surely surrender to them and take their lead as their starting point.

By then, naturally there will be capital to compete with Mo Wushen three people.

This scene, also hidden by Qin Feiyang two people in Fang Jungle, can be seen clearly.

fatty eyes flashed, whispering: “Boss, these two people can use it.”

Qin Feiyang turned his eyes to him and shook his head: “People who can mix to this extent are not stupid.”


Liu Yunfeng two people dived down and flew towards the jungle.

See you.

Qin Feiyang and fatty hurriedly converged on Aura, hiding in a bush of 2 meters high.

After entering the jungle, Liu Yunfeng two people dispersed and searched in the jungle.

A few interest passes.

Pei Sanshi’s gaze suddenly fell on the shrub from above, and his radiance flickered.

“Is it discovered?”

With a tight body and mind, the atmosphere dare not come out.

But after a while, Pei Sanshi took his eyes off and looked towards not distant place Liu Yunfeng, saying, “No Ma San was found.”

Liu Yunfeng glanced all around and shook his head: “I didn’t find him, so I should go!”

Sou! !


Two people meet together, and Pei Sanshi mumbled in Liu Yunfeng’s ear.


Liu Yunfeng glanced at the bushes meaningfully, soared into the sky with Pei Sanshi, and flew towards the giant peak.

“Don’t find us so close?”

Fat stepped out of the bush and looked at the back of Liu Yunfeng two people with a surprised look.

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