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When Pill Palace Palace Lord was surprised by Qin Feiyang’s tenacious Life Strength, Qin Feiyang suddenly vacated a Scarlet Battle Sword behind him!

This is exactly his Sword Soul!

“Why are you so stubborn?”

“Rather than kill, but also Pill Fire?”

See you.

Pill Palace Palace Lord was immediately furious, the index finger was a little bit volleyed, resplendent Battle Qi turned into a long river, magnificent, and rushed to Qin Feiyang!


Qin Feiyang drank, Sword Soul trembled in the void, chopped in the air, the flames rolled, this void has become a sea of ​​fire!

flame shines in all directions!



Almost at the same time, there was a loud roar from Sword Soul.

one Flame Vicious Beast is here.

It has only one outline, not able to see clearly what it looks like, not to mention what Vicious Beast is, but fearful might be awesome!

It’s like one Beast God now, Vicious Beast in a ten-mile radius, is now shivering to the ground, shiver coldly.

“This is his Battle Soul …”

Pill Palace Palace Lord was a little dazed.

Beast Soul appears in Sword Soul. Isn’t that equal to 2 Battle Soul?



A loud blast exploded.

Sword Soul and that Battle Qi collided wildly.

That one after another devastating qi wave is like the raging waves in the ocean, and the earth-shattering rushes to all directions.

The mountain collapsed!

Earth Shattered!

The horror made the Vicious Beast of this mountain and river flee.


Sword Soul is aggressive, Beast Soul fearful mighty, powerfully separates Battle Qi, and heads for Pill Palace Palace Lord.

Pill Palace Palace Lord’s gaze was unbelievable.

To know.

The gap between Battle Ancestor and Battle Sovereign is very large.

And this gap cannot be filled by foreign objects.

It’s not bad to say that any 1-Star Battle Ancestor can crush 9-Star Battle Sovereign in the wave of your hands without using Battle Art.


The youngster in front of him, but has been fighting with him till now.

And like I do n’t know how tired or hurt, the more fights the more brave is!

Especially this Battle Soul, it looks no different from others’ sword-type Battle Soul, but the power is the difference between Heaven and Earth!



Sword Soul and the fierce soul approached wildly.

That Battle Qi, like rotten wood, appears to be unable to withstand a single blow.

Edge, and fearful might, shrouded away.

this moment.

Even Pill Palace Palace Lord couldn’t help but feel the threat to life!

Involuntarily, he clenched his fist.

expression, burst out one strand of cold light!



He waved his head, and Battle Qi, like a tide, surged into the sky, and a stone tablet appeared.

This stone tablet is not a real object, but is a collection of Battle Qi. It is about the same size as an ordinary room door, but it releases the amazing aura!

“Is Battle Art?”

Qin Feiyang whispered, staring at the stone tablet.

This stone tablet brought him a strong sense of crisis, like one Death God, which made people tremble.

“Suffice it, this Highness said it.”

“It’s your own stubborn.”

“Don’t die, don’t blame this Highness ruthless.”

Pill Palace Palace Lord spoke, with regret, intolerance, and a trace of determination in his tone.

Words fall!

The stone tablet above him turned into a bright streamer, carrying an amazing imposing manner, exploded towards Sword Soul and Flame Vicious Beast.

铿 clang!


Sword Soul was broken on the spot.

Flame Vicious Beast also came with an unwilling growl, scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

“Battle Ancestor’s strength is terrifying.”

Qin Feiyang was trembling with blood in his mouth.

Commander Nie could be killed in the first place. One was while it was unprepared, and the other was because Commander Nie’s reaction ability was not working.

But Pill Palace Palace Lord is different.

Both temperament and strength are above Commander Nie.

Today ’s battle, I ’m afraid there is no chance of winning.

But if he just gives up, he won’t be reconciled!

The stone tablet is getting closer and closer, it is like a Heaven Suppressing Tablet, which makes people fear and lose the courage to fight.

Qin Feiyang’s eyes are firm.

Although both Battle Art and Scarlet Sword Soul have no effect, he has other means.


A fire wave burst out from behind him.

In the fire wave, there is a large-scale Fire Lotus. Each Fire Lotus Leaf is carved like a peerless Divine Jade without any flaws.


Qin Feiyang didn’t hesitate. With shouted in a low voice, a Fire Lotus Leaf fell off, like a shooting star, hitting the stone tablet.


With a loud bang, the explosion exploded!

This place, immediately, gave birth to a world extinguishing qi wave.

If someone is here at this moment, even if it is 9-Star Battle Sovereign, the skeleton doesn’t exist instantly!

However, after such violent strikes, the stone tablet is still intact.

Qin Feiyang’s eyes were dignified.

I know that to win this time without paying a little price is definitely impossible.

Mindful thoughts.

3 Fire Lotus Leaf and fall off at the same time.

“Explosion! Explosion! Explosion!”

He suddenly shouted three times in a row, and three Fire Lotus Leaf exploded at the same time.

one after another qi wave, like a tsunami, hiding the sky and covering the earth rushed to all directions, and even mountains and rivers ten miles away were hit.


at the same time.

A faint sound passed into the ears of Qin Feiyang and Pill Palace Palace Lord as if something had broken.

Two people set their eyes.

expression immediately changed.

Qin Feiyang’s expression became more and more determined.

The expression of Pill Palace Palace Lord is full of incredible.

Because that stone tablet is breaking and covered with cracks, like a spider web!


“How can this be……”

“This Battle Soul unexpectedly is so powerful …”

Pill Palace Palace Lord murmured, really unwilling to believe the scene before him.


After the interest rate.

The stone tablet was completely broken and turned into a pure Battle Qi, dissipating between Between Heaven and Earth.

“It’s now!”

Qin Feiyang’s eyes brightened.

He is a man who knows the timing well.

Because in a situation of great disparity, timing is the key to victory!

Clang! ! !

The 5 Fire Lotus Leaf underneath them fell at the same time, like a bright arrow, cut through the sky, and ran towards the Pill Palace Palace Lord like lightning.

Almost in a blink of an eye, Fire Lotus Leaf arrived at Pill Palace Palace Lord.

“There should be no problem now.”

Qin Feiyang whispered, his eyes suddenly cold, shouted: “Burst!”

sound like a great bell, ring through the clouds!

Bang!! !

With 4 Fire Lotus Leafs exploding, the night sky here shone like daylight.


However, it is at this time.

A more terrifying imposing manner suddenly appeared!



A sharp hissing sounded.

Extreme penetrating power!

Qin Feiyang’s eardrums were not only torn instantly, the blood was soaring, even Sea of ​​Consciousness was faintly aching, just like a steel needle was stabbing him to Sea of ​​Consciousness.

He couldn’t help horrifying his heart and hurriedly looked.

Immediately, he saw above the head of Pill Palace Palace Lord, at this moment there was one huge Vicious Bird floating!

That Vicious Bird is a one-piece eagle, whole body pitch-black like ink, with wings spread, and there can be a hunted zhang or so, just like a Da Yue hangs high in the sky, the fearful might is amazing.

“Black Mountain Bird!”

Qin Feiyang swallowed saliva and said.

This kind of Vicious Bird, which he has seen in an ancient book, is a lost species 10,000 years ago, and is extremely powerful.

didn’t expect Pill Palace Palace Lord, turned on such a Battle Soul.


Pill Palace Palace Lord also looked towards Qin Feiyang, saying, “Can you tell this Highness, what’s your name?”

Qin Feiyang said, “You know my name, but you never think of it.”

“Know, but wouldn’t expect?”

Pill Palace Palace Lord frowned.

铿 clang!

Just then, Qin Feiyang took out Azure Snow.

Both Battle Art and Battle Soul have been tried and can’t reinvent the Pill Palace Palace Lord. Now they can only reliance Azure Snow and Return Character Art, as well as Battle Character Art.

He has absolute confidence in these three cards!



He took a deep breath, stepped on the Phantom Step, and darted to Pill Palace Palace Lord without fear.

“No matter who you are, as long as it threatens the security of Sacred Palace, this Highness will not let go.”

Pill Palace Palace Lord’s eyes were cold. Black Mountain Bird above his head fanned huge wings and dived towards Qin Feiyang.

For a time.

This piece between Heaven and Earth violent wind erupted, flying sand running stone.

“White-Eyed Wolf, give it to me!”

Qin Feiyang was angry.

Wolf King appears out of thin air.

Seeing the Black Mountain Bird, Wolf King immediately expressed a big change, and said angrily, “Is there something wrong, let the brother abandon it? You might as well just let the brother go directly against the wall, just simply.”

“Don’t nonsense!”

Qin Feiyang fiercely stared at him.

“Well, brother will give his life to play with you.”

“Berserk Wrath!”

Wolf King shouted with a sense of righteousness and sorrow.


Its small body rose in the wind, and it turned into a giant muscle wolf of one dozen meters.

“Oh dear lord, who domains the fate of this world!”

“Ask the world, who is a formidable person!”

“Ask what is love in the world, it’s just broken-hearted …”


It took out the rib again, and the tragedy rushed towards the Black Mountain Bird generously.

Qin Feiyang was so stingy that he almost fell down, and his face was immediately darkened.

Pill Palace Palace Lord is also stingy, is this funny?


But immediately following.

Qin Feiyang turning one’s head, Phantom Step unfolded, and continued to plunder towards Pill Palace Palace Lord.

“hmph! ”

Pill Palace Palace Lord also instantly returned back to his senses. With a coldly snorted, his big hand waved, and Battle Qi was like a torrent of beasts, shaking void.


Qin Feiyang suddenly shouted, Battle Qi soaring heaven all over, holding Azure Snow by his right hand, and patted his left hand in the air.

At the palm of his hand, a golden return word emerged.

A piece of golden light roared out, like a golden Divine Dragon, met with the Battle Qi.


Qin Feiyang When the mouth spouting furious blood, the arm has torn skin and gaping flesh.

The horrible impact will knock him off!

at the same time.

The Wolf King and Black Mountain Bird above also fought together.

“Go to death!”

Wolf King grabbed the rib and smashed it in full power.


Black Mountain Bird whistled and shattered immediately.

Wolf King was also blown out, the huge body was cracked, and blood flow was like a note!

The smash of Battle Soul caused a certain amount of injury to Pill Palace Palace Lord, and there was a hint of bloodstain in the corners of his mouth.

“The success or failure is here!”

See you.

Qin Feiyang pupils shine.

One step on void, forcibly stabilize the body, regardless of the injury of the arm, and use Return Character Art again.

The golden light reappeared, like a golden ocean, spreading into the sky, and flung towards Pill Palace Palace Lord.


Wolf King also gave the sky a Wolf howl, launched the Sky Evasion Step, and vicious aura rushed towards Pill Palace Palace Lord.

“Your strengths are good, but you still have a long way to go to defeat this Highness!”

As Pill Palace Palace Lord evolves Battle Art, he resumes the Battle Soul.



stone tablet reappears.

Black Mountain Bird also sprang up into the air.

Wolf King shouted, “Little Qinzi, brother will help you hold the Battle Soul, the rest is up to you.”

The voice has not fallen.

Behind Wolf King, a golden beast shadow appears in the air!

fearful might be shocking, shocking all directions!


With Wolf King shouted in a low voice, the golden beast shadow opened wide, and a horrible suction suddenly appeared.

The mountain eagle immediately flew towards the wide mouth.


Pill Palace Palace Lord was surprised.

But Black Mountain Bird only flew a distance, stopped at void, and stalemate with golden beast shadow.

Although the Battle Soul of Wolf King is heaven defying, it also has some shortcomings, only Battle Soul of Deprivation same realm.

The Pill Palace Palace Lord ’s cultivation base has surpassed the Battle Sovereign, so it can only hold the Pill Palace Palace Lord ’s Battle Soul.


Still very strenuous!

Not much time for Qin Feiyang, but enough!

Qin Feiyang didn’t look back, didn’t even pay attention to Wolf King, only Pill Palace Palace Lord in his eyes.

Pill Palace Palace Lord glanced at Wolf King, said solemnly: “You are really amazing, but unfortunately, you are too stubborn.”

Words fall!

A murderous intention appeared in his eyes.


The stone tablet trembled suddenly, releasing a mighty power of world extinguishing, exploded towards Qin Feiyang.

this time.

He really lost his heart, and didn’t keep it.


Facing the stone tablet, Qin Feiyang had no intention of evading, and rushed away as always.

But just as he and the stone tablet were about to meet, he suddenly disappeared disappear without a trace.

In fact, he entered Ancient Castle to avoid the bombardment of stone tablet.


The strength of Pill Palace Palace Lord is too strong. If you continue to meet force with force, you cannot approach Pill Palace Palace Lord, let alone win.

Therefore, if you want to approach Pill Palace Palace Lord, you must first avoid his attack, or you will be bombed again.


Just as Qin Feiyang entered the next moment of Ancient Castle, the stone tablet flew past where he disappeared.


Qin Feiyang also appeared again, the Phantom Step was stretched to the limit, leaving one after another afterimage, and quickly swept in front of Pill Palace Palace Lord.


Pill Palace Palace Lord eyebrow raised, but instantly realized what Qin Feiyang meant, shook his head and said, “Even if you get you closer to this Highness, what can you do?”

As a 3-Star Battle Ancestor, he has confidence. Even if Qin Feiyang uses Perfection Battle Art, full power on him will not pose a threat to him.

He waved his hand and patted at Qin Feiyang.

On your palm, Battle Qi surges.

The force of terror turned into pieces of palm wind, tearing Qin Feiyang’s skin, and it was instantly bloody.

But Qin Feiyang endured the sever pain, not even frowning.

Because this is the only chance to win, you must not flinch!

“What can you do?”

“At once you will know!”

He muttered to himself.

Right hand, raised sharply!

Azure Snow cuts through the sky, slashing towards Pill Palace Palace Lord’s captured arm.

Without any suspence!

There is no resistance!

Azure Snow cut off Pill Palace Palace Lord’s wrist in an instant!


Pill Palace Palace Lord When he screamed, he looked at the bloody wound on his wrist, his eyes were incredible.

“In terms of strength, I am indeed not your opponent.”

“But you should not look down on me.”

“Not to ignore this dagger!”

Qin Feiyang saw cold light flashed, without the slightest hesitation, waved Azure Snow, and plunged into the top of the head of Pill Palace Palace Lord.

That Black Mountain Bird also collapsed on the spot.

Wolf King did not relax, his body turned into a big palm, turned into a stream of light, and flew towards Qin Feiyang.

But it flew several hundred meters and it suddenly closed its eyes and fell down.

in fact.

In the initial confrontation with Black Mountain Bird, Wolf King’s heart and Qi Sea had been fatally severely damaged.

And almost all the bones on and around the body were broken.

But in order to help Qin Feiyang, he clenched his teeth and insisted.

And now, seeing the death of Pill Palace Palace Lord, when he relaxes, he faints on the spot.


See you.

Qin Feiyang also quickly pulled out Azure Snow, turned around and stormed away, grabbing Wolf King.


After examining Wolf King’s injuries, his face was immediately lost, he hurried into Ancient Castle, and placed Fire of Life on Wolf King.

The immense amount of life energy immediately poured towards Wolf King within the body.

Seeing that Wolf King’s injury was gradually being repaired, Qin Feiyang was only relaxed.


He lowered his head and groaned a little, then left Ancient Castle, and looked down. Through the moonlight, he could clearly see that Pill Palace Palace Lord was falling down.

At this moment, Pill Palace Palace Lord has almost no life fluctuation, and his eyes wide open are also empty and spiritless.


Qin Feiyang swooped down and landed next to Pill Palace Palace Lord, reaching out to hug Pill Palace Palace Lord.

He looked at Pill Palace Palace Lord complexly and whispered, “Sorry, I really don’t want to kill you.”

“Can you tell me your name now?”

But suddenly.

The faint voice of Pill Palace Palace Lord passed into Qin Feiyang’s ears.

“Not dead yet?”

A joy in Qin Feiyang’s heart, immediately led Pill Palace Palace Lord into Ancient Castle.

Pill Palace Palace Lord is always sympathetic, and he is quite grateful.

So he wanted to save Pill Palace Palace Lord.

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