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“Is this the case?”

Qin Feiyang frowned, with a big volley of hands, Battle Qi turned into an unrolled bolt of white silk and banged on the shore of the lake.

Hong long!

With a loud noise, immediately blasted a gap on the shore, and the lake ran along the gap toward the jungle.

As the water of the lake continues to decrease, the true colors of the lake gradually emerge.

In the lake, there are 5 horizontal grooves!

Qin Feiyang extended the take action arm, 5 fingers straight, and the gap corresponded to 5 horizontal grooves.

It turns out that 5 fingers fit exactly into 5 horizontal grooves!

In other words.

This is a palm print!

Roar! !

It is at this time.

With a few beasts roaring, 4 Water Beasts rushed out of the lake.


Qin Feiyang pupil contracted, expanded the Phantom Step without the slightest hesitation, and turned around.

Because 4 heads of Water Beast have 9-Star Battle Sovereign strength!

If he was in the heyday, he wouldn’t be afraid.

But now that he is physically and mentally weak, he accompanied Fatty to this Leaving Phoenix Mountain.

After four heads of Water Beast chased a distance, they stopped chasing, closed the gap on the shore, and returned to the lake.


Qin Feiyang exhaled for a long time, took out the image crystal stone and gave the fatty summoning the coordinates, and gave the coordinates to the fatty.


Fat descended with excitement next to Qin Feiyang, and eagerly asked, “Where?”

“follow me.”

Qin Feiyang took the fatty and came over the lake again.

Looking down, fatty expressly bounding happiness, it really is a palm print!

“Human, you dare to come unexpectedly!”


Four Water Beasts appeared again, and vicious aura rushed towards two people.

“courting death !”

Fat looked cold.


Accompanied by a loud dragon roar, one has a 100 meters long Divine Dragon, rising from behind him.

Divine Dragon entire body black, the body surface is covered with dragon scales, one after another mighty dragon might, and earth-shattering rushes to all directions.

This is exactly his Battle Soul, Black Dragon Soul!


4 heads of Water Beast turn pale with fright, immediately turned in a difficult situation and fled.


Fat drank, Dragon Soul towards the sky screamed and cut through the sky, and the 4 Water Beasts immediately splattered into the sky.

“Hey, act recklessly.”

Coldly snorted, fatty put away Dragon Soul and continued looking at the lake.

After a while.

His body trembling, nodded and said: “This palm print is about the size of my impression.”

Qin Feiyang said: “That’s right, let’s go down.”

Before Qin Feiyang finished speaking, the fatty flew down.

With a wave of Qin Feiyang, Lin Yiyi, Luo Qianxue, Mountain Piercing Beast, and Lu Hong appeared.

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: “This place is too big, help fatty find it.”

“it is good.”

The three people were nodded and swept down.

Qin Feiyang is also ready to go.

But suddenly, he turned one’s head suddenly, looking towards a low mountain that was not a distant place.

The dwarf mountain has several ten zhang, there are overgrown weeds on the top, and there are several lush green trees.

Glancing at the top of the mountain, Qin Feiyang’s eyes rose a little doubt.

Just now.

He felt like someone was watching him on the top of the mountain.

But when he looked, he found nothing.

He thought about it, didn’t delve into it, only thought it was an illusion, and landed by the lake, searching carefully.

After half an hour.

Several people searched the lake and found no traces, so they expanded the range and split into the jungle on 4 sides to continue the search.

Time is like sand.

It’s noon.

The sky and the scorching sun radiate a dazzling light, and the jungle looks a little stuffy.

There were no clues, Qin Feiyang several people had nothing, but fatty could not help but start to get irritable.

“Big Brother Feiyang, save me …”


A terrified cry for help arose in the jungle north.


Qin Feiyang, located in the jungle to the south, is instantly discolored.

Because of this cry for help, it was Yiyi.


He immediately launched the Phantom Step and swept northward.

“Feiyang …”

Only a while later, another exclaimed sound came from Northwest.

“Aunt Xue!”

Qin Feiyang flew out of the jungle, stood high, and looked down, anxiously.

Sou! !

Fat and Mountain Piercing Beast also flew from the jungles on the east and west respectively, and looked towards Qin Feiyang from a distance, wondering: “What’s going on?”

“do not know.”

Qin Feiyang looked gloomy, but his face changed again, and asked, “What about Lu Hong?”

Fat said, “I seem to see her go northeast.”


The voice has not fallen.

Another scream came from the northeast.


“In the end is who? Get out of here!”

Qin Feiyang seething in anger.

Fat said, “Is it Vicious Beast?”


“Vicious Beast, don’t hide.”

“It must be human!”

Mountain Piercing Beast flatly.


Qin Feiyang raised an eyebrow. Here is deep in the mountains. How could someone?

But then.

His eyes became extremely cold, and he said, “No matter who is, if you dare to hurt them, you must die, come with me!”

Let me talk about it.

Qin Feiyang took out a Healing Pill suit and flew northeast.

fatty and Mountain Piercing Beast hurried to keep up.

After a while.

They stopped over a jungle, glanced down for a while, and entered the jungle.

“Hurry up.”

“But don’t go too far, it’s best to be within my sight.”

Qin Feiyang.

fatty and Mountain Piercing Beast nodded.

two people separated from one animal, watch out carefully.

“Come here, there are footprints here.”

After the number of ten breaths.

Mountain Piercing Beast exclaimed.

Qin Feiyang and fatty immediately ran towards Mountain Piercing Beast.

When the two people came to Mountain Piercing Beast, they followed the direction of Mountain Piercing Beast, and their faces were immediately sinking.

The ground was a bit damp, with rows of footprints.

Fat squatted beside a footprint, and gestured with his hand, said solemnly: “It’s Lu Hong’s footprint.”

Qin Feiyang folded his hands, looked towards all around, only to find Lu Hong’s footprints.



A terrifying imposing manner emerged.

Qin Feiyang suddenly turned one’s head and saw a resplendent Battle Qi roaring from the jungle on the left.

Wherever they go, flowers and trees annihilate.

The goal is exactly three people!

“There is a kind of do not hide!”

Fat roared, stepped forward, waved his big hand, Battle Qi sprayed thin, turned into a raging wave, and met the roaring Battle Qi.



This place was instantly razed!

The dust billows, covering the sky!


A bite of blood spit out, and his face was a little pale.


Mountain Piercing Beast was surprised.

Fat is now 7-Star Battle Sovereign, unexpectedly not even his opponent?


Qin Feiyang waved, and took away fatty and Mountain Piercing Beast.

But chasing the distance of several li, I saw no trace of people.

two people One beast stopped by a river, his face gloomy like water.

“Boss, it’s all my fault.”

fatty blame.

These things would not have happened if he had not been looking for steward.

If Lu Hong three people really did not expect something, he does not know how to face Qin Feiyang in the future.

Because whether it is Lu Hong, Yiyi or Luo Qianxue, in Qin Feiyang’s eyes, they are like a family, and they cannot be separated.

Qin Feiyang said: “It’s not your fault, it’s my fault, and I shouldn’t let them out.”

“This is not the time to say who is wrong and who is right.”

“Just when we were on the scene, there were no signs of fighting and bloodstain, indicating that they may not be dead.”

“So it’s important to find someone.”

Mountain Piercing Beast.

fatty body trembling, nodded and said: “Yes, they must not have died, but where should we go?”

“This one……”

Mountain Piercing Beast looked at the jungle and hesitated.

Qin Feiyang said: “Go north and look northwest.”

Now he has no clue, and can only look in the direction that Yiyi and Luo Qianxue are going.

Two people went to Northwest first, but they didn’t find it.


They went down again.


A moment passed.

The imposing manner that appeared before appeared again.

Follow closely.

A Battle Qi carrying a mighty mighty bombarded at two people.


Qin Feiyang’s eyes shot cold light, and immediately flew up high, looking towards the jungle ahead.


He captured a silhouette in the woods away from several hundred meters.

“I won’t let you run away!”

Qin Feiyang stepped out, leaving one after another phantom, chasing after him frantically.

fatty dispelled the Battle Qi, and quickly followed with Mountain Piercing Beast.

That man’s speed is fast, but it seems a bit worse than Qin Feiyang.

The distance between the two people is rapidly getting closer.

more than ten breaths in the past.

Qin Feiyang finally caught up with the man, swooped down, and crossed in front of the man.

“Just let me see you, you have no chance to escape!”

“Say, where are they!”

Immediately Qin Feiyang shouted.

This is an extremely old black clothed old man with a skinny body, white hair and a dry wrinkle on his face.

But expression is quite glomy!

“They are dead, and you’d better leave immediately, otherwise this must be your burial place!”

black clothed old man said, his voice hoarse, with a bit of cold.


Qin Feiyang trembled physically and mentally, hands clasped together, ka beng rang.

“They’re dead, you’re going to be buried!”


He broke out of a monstrous baleful qi within the body, his long hair and eyes turned into a blood red instantly.


He stepped out one step, like one wild wild beast madly probing, five fingers bent, shaped like an eagle claw, grabbed the head of the black clothed old man!

black clothed old man pupil contracted, and quickly retreated suddenly.

But Qin Feiyang only stepped out, leaving a phantom, and he landed behind the black clothed old man, then one fist shot on the back of the black clothed old man.


The black clothed old man screamed, like a meteorite, breaking one ancient tree after another, the scream rang through the sky.

At last.

With a bang, he hit a black boulder outside several dozen meters.

Boulder crushed on the spot!

The black clothed old man also fell to the ground, spurting blood in his mouth.


Qin Feiyang took a few steps and landed in front of the black clothed old man, saying, “Give you another chance, and say, are they dead?”

At this moment, he is like one Fiendgod coming into the world, his blood-red hair is flying in void, and his hostility is sky-high!

The black clothed old man got up in a difficult situation, and Gloomy said, “They are all dead, and die without a whole corpse!”

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