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Situ Hai sighed, “Tianyu, I did this to protect clansman’s cemetery.”


Fat’s eyes shook.

“Your parents, Ten Great Elders, and the countless clansman, they are buried here.”

“In their lifetime, they fought for the honor of the Situ Family.”

“After death, I don’t want their undead to be disturbed again.”

Situ Hai said, there is an inseparable sorrow among the eyebrows.

“Where are they?”

Fat asked, breathing was a little short.

Situ Hai pointed to the north, saying, “Just in front of a within the valley without a distant place.”

Fat looked away immediately.

But the dense trees blocked the view, and the valley could not be seen at all.

Qin Feiyang also glanced towards the north, saying, “Is it you who peeped at us on the top of the mountain?”

At the time, he thought it was an illusion.

But now think about it, it should not be an illusion.


“I sensed your aura immediately.”

“At first, I never thought of hurting you, but when I saw what you were searching for here, I thought you were in bad faith.”

“So I……”

Speaking of which.

Situ Hai sighed and said, “I’m really sorry.”

Qin Feiyang glanced at him slightly, and said to fatty, “Go and worship your parents and clansman!”

“What about you?”

Fatty asked.

Qin Feiyang said, “Mountain Piercing Beast and I stay here to take care of Lu Hong and wait for them to wake up, we will go to you.”

“it is good.”

fatty nodded, looked towards Situ Hai: “Uncle Hai, take me there.”


Situ Hai nodded, leading the fatty forward.

Mountain Piercing Beast exasperated: “Unexpectedly threw Lu Hong them into the python’s nest, this scoundrel old man is really hearty.”

Qin Feiyang said: “Don’t mention the past.”

In fact, he couldn’t let go of this matter.

It’s not because he has a small belly, but because Lu Hong three people are too important to him.

Since Lu Hong has followed him, he has always thought of him, and he has already regarded Lu Hong as the closest person around him.

Lin Yiyi, not to mention, is his biological younger sister.

As for Luo Qianxue.

Partly because of Jiang Zhengyi’s entrustment.

The other is because of Luo Qianxue itself.

She is kind and reasonable.

And from childhood, I take good care of Qin Feiyang.

The most important thing is that in Luo Qianxue, Qin Feiyang felt a long-lost motherly love.

and so.

Qin Feiyang doesn’t allow anyone to hurt her.

After half an hour.

Lu Hong three people finally wake up one after another.

Knowing Situ Hai’s identity, three people were quite surprised, and at the same time, they were afraid.

But they all expressed their unwillingness to pursue responsibility.

After all, it was a misunderstanding, and everyone was fine.


Several people returned to the lake and washed away the stains and bloodstain.

Qin Feiyang got into python within the body, and his body was covered with blood, exuding a stench.

After Lu Hong three people finished washing, he also jumped into the lake, washed thoroughly, then changed into clean clothes, and then took Restoring Appearance Pill to restore true appearance.


Four beasts walked towards the valley.

Hundred breaths left and right In the past, the valley finally entered the sight of several people.

Valley 4 is surrounded by mountains and has no entrances and can only fly in from above.


With a wave of Qin Feiyang, he took off the several people into the air, fell above the valley, and the panorama of the valley immediately entered the eyes of the people.

The valley can be half a mile left and right. The ground is flat and covered with green weeds.

Among the bushes, there are blossoming wild flowers, fragrant.


There is a clear stream winding and winding across the valley, and sometimes a small fish pops up, adding a little vitality to this valley.

To the east of the valley, there is a grove.

The trees are not tall, but they are leafy and full of life.

Through the gap between the leaves, an old little wooden house can be seen faintly.


Qin Feiyang took Lu Hong several people before the little wooden house.

The wooden building has only 2 floors and there are traces of wind and frost everywhere, but it is very neat and clean.

Lu Hong glanced all around, wondering, “What about fatty?”

There are no fat auras in the wooden building, and there is no fat in all around.

Qin Feiyang closed his eyes and carefully sensed, “They are behind.”

Several people bypassed the wooden building and saw a small hillside.

When they climbed the hillside, they immediately saw a shocking picture.

But I saw rows of lush green trees in front, and among the trees, there were neatly arranged large and small 1000 graves!

On each side of the tombstone, several vigorous characters were engraved.

Tomb of Situ Hong!

Tomb of Situ Kai!

Tomb of Situ Yang!

Thousands of tombs and 1000 tombstones exude an inseparable sadness.

Qin Feiyang several people were silent.

Seems to be affected by the environment here, can not help but a trace of sadness in my heart.

At this moment fatty knelt in front of Situ Hong’s tombstone, lowered his head, sobbing and wondering what was being said.

Situ Hong is the father of fatty.

Next to Situ Hong’s grave is a tombstone with a different name, Yu Zhenzhen.

It is mother of fatty.

And Situ Hai, standing behind fatty, stared at the tombstone, and his eyes were full of sadness.

Time passed by.

Until kneeling in the evening, fatty wiped away her tears and rose up.

Glancing at the 1000 graves in front of him, both of his hands tightly clenched, the rays of light of intense hatred appeared.

“Father, mother, and clansman, rest assured, I will revenge for you!”

“Xia Family, Yuan Family, He Family, and the old witch will all come to your funeral!”

After all, fatty turned resolutely and walked towards Qin Feiyang several people.



Situ Hai heard this, but frowned immediately, bowed to the 1000 graves, and chased the fatty.

fatty came to Qin Feiyang and was preparing to speak.

But Situ Hai caught up, anxiously said, “Tianyu, don’t mess around with you 10000000.”


fatty slightly slightly stared blankly, puzzled: “Uncle Hai, where am I messing up?”

Situ Hai said, “Did you just say that you are going to get revenge?”


fatty nodded, sharp said: “Blood debt must be repaid with blood!”

“Tianyu, you are confused!”

“3 How powerful are the Lord and Mansion Lord, let alone revenge, I’m afraid they can’t even get close!”

“I give you two options, either leave Yun Prefecture immediately or stay with me here to guard the grave.”

“As for revenge, don’t think about it, you don’t have the ability.”

Situ Hai.

“I don’t have this ability?”

fatty laughed.

“Why are you laughing?”

Situ Hai frowned.

Fat pointed to Qin Feiyang and said, “Before I met Boss, I didn’t really think of revenge, but now with my innate talent, it’s just a matter of time to surpass the 3 major city masters and Mansion Lord!”


Situ Hai looked towards Qin Feiyang.

It turned out that it was just a fake face before, and now it is his true appearance.

But he was another shivered, looking surprised towards fatty, saying: “Tianyu, your innate talent …”

Before he finished, Fatty waved, “Uncle Hai, I am no longer the former me. See what it is?”

fatty ripped open his clothes, and Mark of Potential became apparent.

“this is?”

Situ Hai was puzzled.

fatty said: “This is the legendary Mark of Potential, I have turned on the 4th-Layer of the Gate of Potential, and now I have the cultivation base of 7-Star Battle Sovereign!”


Situ Hai shivered.

Mark of Potential!

7-Star Battle Sovereign!

How can this be?


The imposing manner of fatty burst out.

“Really 7-Star Battle Sovereign!”

Situ Hai trembled physically and mentally, his eyes were full of wonder.

“Show me your Battle Soul.”


He breathed again.

With fatty thoughts, the Black Dragon Battle Soul takes off, and dragon might be shocking all directions.

“It really is Dragon Soul!”

Situ Hai burst into tears.

Not long ago, when fatty killed the four Water Beasts, he saw Dragon Soul and knew the strength of fatty.

But later, he learned that it was Fatty’s return, and the fact that Lu Hong three people made him forget it.

At this moment, he saw with his own eyes that his heart, which had been silent for more than ten years, also burned a ray of hope.


He immediately turned and ran to Situ Hong’s grave. He knelt on the ground and yelled, “Patriarch, did you see that?”

“Tianyu, he not only turned on the Gate of Potential, but also turned on Dragon Soul in ten-thousand does not have one!”

“He is now in his 20s, and has even broken through to 7-Star Battle Sovereign.”

“Looking at the entire Yun Prefecture, no one can reach it!”

“Clan Elder, clansman, have you all seen it?”

“My Bloodline for Situ Family is still on!”

“The continuation of my Situ Family, the splendor of my Situ Family, will continue!”

“In the near future, my Situ Family will inevitably return to Perfect City, kill all those damn bastards, and return my Situ Family innocence!”

“You are in heaven’s spirit, rest in peace!”

Situ Hai roared, but finally lay on the ground, crying.

He wept with joy.

Over the past ten years, he has long put down his thoughts of revenge. Although unwilling, the reality is so cruel.

Yet didn’t expect, the worst and most useless child of innate talent at the time, has become so monster now.

Revenge is just around the corner!

Looking at the crazy Situ Hai, his fat nose was sour, and the mist again blurred his vision.

“oh! ”

Qin Feiyang was deeply sighed, looked up to the sky, and his eyes were permeated with a sadness.

Fat is in deep blood, and is he the same?

But if Fatty wants revenge, he can do it now, but what about him?

Even if he now returns to Imperial Capital, he is not capable of revenge.

Because his enemy is stronger than the enemy of fatty, I don’t know how many times.

After a long time, Situ Hai calmed down, got up and walked to fatty, and looked towards Qin Feiyang several people said, “Let a few laugh.”

“Well, such is human nature, understandably.”

Lu Hong is very polite with a smile.

But the more polite Lu Hong was, the more guilty Situ Hai said, “I’m really sorry for throwing you into that cave, and I apologize to you seriously.”

After saying that, he knelt down.

Lu Hong hurried forward and stopped Situ Hai, said with a smile: “You are not intentional, let the past go by!”

Luo Qianxue and Lin Yiyi also smiled nodded.

“Many thanks for being 3 magnanimous.”

Situ Hai bowed his thanks.

The misunderstanding was resolved, and fatty laughed.

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