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Yun Prefecture inner palace!

A white-haired old woman, standing in the square outside Pill Fire Palace, staring at the void in front, gloomy like water.

She is exactly Yun Prefecture Mansion Lord!

Behind this person, there are also ten several people.

Among them are Martial Palace Palace Lord, Head Palace Lord, Old Ancestor Xia Changfeng wait a minute for Xia Family.

In short, the people standing here are Peak powerhouse in Yun Prefecture.

But without exception, his face was ugly.



Pill Palace Palace Lord appears out of thin air.

As soon as he saw Yun Prefecture Mansion Lord and the others, he shivered in his heart, calmly landed on the square, and bowed: “See Sir Mansion Lord, see Sir Head Palace Lord.”

Mansion Lord looked away, looked towards Pill Palace Palace Lord, and said, “Finally willing to come back, know how long this Eminence has been waiting for you?”

“Why wait for me?”

Pill Palace Palace Lord puzzled.

Mansion Lord exasperated: “Don’t you know that Pill Fire was taken away?”

Ten days have passed since Pill Fire was robbed, left and right.

Although Qin Feiyang used the reason that Pill Palace Palace Lord was in refining medicinal pill to suppress the commotion, over time, this incident passed into Mansion Lord’s ears.

At first, Mansion Lord didn’t care.

But after seeing Pill Fire Palace return to normal, she began to wonder.

So she came to Pill Fire Palace in person.

It turned out that not only was Pill Palace Palace Lord gone, but Pill Fire had disappeared.

At first she suspected it had been taken by Pill Palace Palace Lord.

But when she learns the details in the mouth of disciple, she focuses on Xia Hai.

But Xia Hai also disappeared without a trace.

Even Xia Changfeng of Xia Family did not know the whereabouts of Xia Hai.

And Pill Fire is so important.

Pill Fire Palace without Pill Fire is not Pill Fire Palace at all.

So she’s waiting here!

And, after waiting a few days and nights, I finally waited for Pill Palace Palace Lord to come back.


“Is there still such a thing?”

“Who did it?”


Pill Palace Palace Lord looked surprised.

“Only your blood can open the secret door. This Eminence also wants to know, who is it?”

Yun Prefecture Mansion Lord said, his face was extremely glomy.

Pill Palace Palace Lord shook his head: “I don’t know, I’ve been outside all this time.”

Yun Prefecture Mansion Lord said, “Why don’t you give you a summoning?”

Pill Palace Palace Lord thought for a while and said, “Sorry, my image crystal stone was accidentally broken and I cannot receive summoning.”


Yun Prefecture Mansion Lord sneered and waved, “Give this Eminence do a body check.”


Martial Palace Palace Lord advanced.

See you.

Pill Palace Palace Lord could not help but sighed, saying, “Well, I admit, I know this, and I also know who is stealing Pill Fire.”


Yun Prefecture Mansion Lord looked cold.

“It’s Xia Hai.”

Pill Palace Palace Lord.

“Sure enough, he.”

Yun Prefecture Mansion Lord was furious, angrily: “Why not stop him? Insignificant a discipline, can’t you stop it?”


“I can’t stop it.”

“He’s not really Xia Hai.”

“And, Ma San was also pretending.”

“The real Xia Hai and Ma San are probably dead.”

“As for his true identity, I don’t know, but he is very strong!”

“At White Horse Mountain that night, I fought against him, and he broke the top of the head with one stab, but he saved me again.”

“Before, he sent me back to the guard at the city gate.”

“So just now, I moved my heart.”

“Sir Mansion Lord, I have nothing to say about the deception just now, and willing to take the penalty.”

Pill Palace Palace Lord kneeled on the ground, lowered his head, closed his eyes, and waited for Yun Prefecture Mansion Lord’s guilt.

Yun Prefecture Mansion Lord looked down at him, gloomy and uncertain, and asked, “Where is he now?”

“I really do not know.”

Pill Palace Palace Lord shook his head.

Yun Prefecture Mansion Lord took a deep look and said nothing more, opened the transmission gate and led a group of people away.


Pill Palace Palace Lord exhaled for a long time, got up and looked at the night sky, murmured: “You and I are not owed now, don’t do anything to hurt Yun Prefecture, otherwise I won’t let you go.”

in fact.

If he says the most important 2 points, it is not difficult to find out the true identity of Qin Feiyang in the status of Yun Prefecture Mansion Lord.

The first point is Wolf King.

The second point is Qin Feiyang’s ability to disappear out of thin air!

of course.

Even if Pill Palace Palace Lord doesn’t say, if Yun Prefecture Mansion Lord zooms in, he can find out Qin Feiyang’s identity.

Because Qin Feiyang is in Yun Prefecture, 2 features are exposed.

First, 3 Pill Mark’s medical pill.

Second, Return Character Art’s ability to redress itself.

These two are also uncommon in Nine Great Prefectures.

The main thing now is, will Yun Prefecture Mansion Lord think of people from other Great Prefectures?

Will the search scope be extended to Ling Prefecture?


at the same time.

Ling Prefecture, inner palace!

Inner palace in the middle of the night, a deadly stillness.

Shua! !


The entire group appeared out of thin air over Pill Fire Palace, exactly Qin Feiyang and the others.

Lu Hong said with a smile: “Finally back.”


“Although I’m not from Ling Prefecture, over the years, there has been a sense of belonging to this place.”

Qin Feiyang lightly said with a smile.

Lin Yiyi said strangely, “Big Brother Feiyang, where are you from?”

Qin Feiyang shivering in his heart.

To be honest, he didn’t know, should he tell Lin Yiyi?

Thinking about how to answer.

But suddenly, he looked towards the gate of Pill Fire Palace and waved his hands to send the several people into Ancient Castle.

Just as the several people disappeared, a white silhouette walked out of Pill Fire Palace.

“It’s him.”

Qin Feiyang eyes flashed.

This person is Lu Xingchen!

Midnight 3 more, where is this going?


Qin Feiyang also flickered into Ancient Castle.

Although it is late at night, the sky is cloudless, the full moon is high, and there are no obstructions around it, so you can only enter Ancient Castle.

Lu Xingchen left Pill Fire Palace, glanced at all around, and flew towards Northwest.


Qin Feiyang reappeared, capturing Lu Xingchen’s silhouette, and converging aura followed.

Not a moment.

Lu Xingchen falls on an unmanned mountain summit.

mountain summit, lush vegetation.

On the edge of the cliff, stood a black silhouette.

Lu Xingchen walked to the edge of the cliff, took out a jade box from his arms, and handed it to the black silhouette, saying, “This is the medical pill you want.”

“Thank you.”

black silhouette took the jade box and expression was quite excited.

Lu Xingchen said: “You follow me, I will not treat you naturally. How about I asked you to inquire?”

“No news.”

“This Qin Feiyang is like an evaporative world. It is said that great shots are also looking for him.”

black silhouette shaking his head.

Lu Xingchen groaned a little and said, “It seems that great shots have great hopes for him.”

“That’s because they have no eyes.”

“Qin Feiyang can be as good as you?”

black silhouette disdain.

“In this sentence, you say it doesn’t matter in front of me, but 10000000 can’t say in front of others, I don’t want to attract others’ attention now.”

Lu Xingchen said.


black silhouette nodded.

Lu Xingchen said nothing more, turned and flew towards Pill Fire Palace.

The black silhouette rose into the air and flew towards Cultivation Palace.

When two people entered Pill Fire Palace and repaired Pill Refinement, Qin Feiyang also walked out of the jungle next to him, with a little doubt in his eyes.

black silhouette is who?

The sound made him both familiar and unfamiliar.

and also.

Why did Lu Xingchen investigate his whereabouts?

What medical pill did Lu Xingchen give to that person?

But for whatever reason, this Lu Xingchen, the more suspicious he looked.

After looking down for a moment, Qin Feiyang waved his hand, opened the transmission gate, and landed in front of a gorge.

Inside the canyon, the black hurricane howled, exuding an amazing aura.

An ancient vestige iron rope bridge dappled across the canyon, shaking like a leaf in the wind.

That’s right!

This is the entrance to the Land of Ruin!

Qin Feiyang stood on the edge of the canyon, looking at the bottomless dark abyss, loudly said: “Uncle Ren, please come out a chat.”

Ren Duxing is in charge of this valley, and his voice should be heard.


Only ten breaths passed, and there was a black silhouette flying out of the black hurricane and landing on the iron rope bridge.

It was Ren Duxing.

He looked at Qin Feiyang, said with a smile: “You are coming!”


Qin Feiyang nodded, saying: “There is something, I think it is necessary to tell you that Mu Tianyang is indeed alive.”

Ren Duxing’s eyes sank.

Qin Feiyang also said, “Last time I appeared near Prefecture City, but now I don’t know where he is?”

“If you let him know, he is not Mu Tianyang, but …”

Speaking of which.

Ren Duxing brows tightly frowns, groaning.

Qin Feiyang asked, “But nothing?”

“From his hiding situation, his cultivation base is indeed not as good as before.”

“I was thinking that he might send someone into the inner palace to participate in the Great Battle of Nine Prefectures.”

“When this person wins the competition, he can use this person to enter Imperial Capital.”

Ren Duxing said.

“How to use it?”

Qin Feiyang frowned.

“The valley he is in is not an ordinary valley, but a Divine Artifact.”

“This thing, like your hiding treasure, can be big and small, and has heaven defying power.”

Ren Duxing said.

Qin Feiyang said: “What do you mean, someone will take this valley to Imperial Capital after winning the competition?”


“Now Mu Tianyang has no ability to go to Imperial Capital and can only rely on others.”

“Because Imperial Capital and Ling Prefecture are not only far away, they are also dangerous 10000 points on the way.”

“However, we can’t focus all our attention on Ling Prefecture.”

“Another 8 Great Prefecture is also possible.”

Ren Duxing said.

“Another 8 Great Prefecture?”

Qin Feiyang frowned, but if you think about it, you can’t rule out the possibility.

But in doing so, the scope of the target will undoubtedly become larger.

This is really a headache!

He rubbed his forehead and looked towards Ren Duxing, saying: “Uncle Ren, I don’t want to care about this.”


Ren Duxing looked at him in surprise.

“I have my business to do. I don’t have so much time to deal with Mu Tianyang.”

“What’s more, I’m just an insignificant nobody. This kind of thing is a matter of life, and I really can’t manage it.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head.

His goal was just to get revenge on Imperial Capital.

When revenge is over, he will take mother and leave Imperial Capital.

The most important thing is that he has no attachment to Great Qin Empire, so even if Great Qin Empire is destroyed in Mu Tianyang’s hands, he feels indifferent.

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