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If it is really Land of Forgetfullness, then the trouble is big.

Because he had too many enemies.

The most terrifying of them were Pill Pagoda Pagoda Lord and the Madam.

If caught by these two people, it must be the situation of nine deaths and still alive.

The ugly old woman didn’t say much, and took everyone directly to passage.

Half an hour passed, everyone’s eyes brightened, and they came to an altar.

Meanwhile, fatty also came out of Ancient Castle.

The whole body of the altar was blood-red, blood-stained, exuding the ancient yet mysterious aura.

Everyone curiously looked at the altar, guessing what it was?

But Qin Feiyang and fatty’s hearts dangled in their throats, and it seemed that they were really going to Land of Forgetfullness.

The ugly old woman still said nothing, waved her hands, Battle Qi emerged, toward the altar.

With the influx of Battle Qi, the altar is like a sleeping wild beast, which is gradually starting to wake up.


After a while.

With a deep humming sound, the altar burst into bright blood light, staining everyone’s faces into a blood red.


The ugly old woman finally took back Battle Qi, dropped a word coldly, and set aside.

“This transmission altar can only transmit ten people at a time.”

“Don’t rush, take your time.”

Wang Hong was the first to step on the transmission gate.


Qin Feiyang was surprised.

He thought that the task of Wang Hong and Jiang Qianqing was just to send them here, didn’t expect unexpectedly to go with them.

“Boss, what do you want? Come on up!”

Fat dragged Qin Feiyang and jumped onto the altar first.

“What are you worried about?”

Qin Feiyang frowned.

Fat chuckled said: “If by any chance we encounter any treasure, we can be the first!”

“You don’t know the entrance of Land of Forgetfullness. What treasure can there be?”

Qin Feiyang glanced at him.

“That can be said.”

fatty evilly smiled.

After all, it ’s been a long time, what treasure has appeared by if by any chance?

“Why aren’t you worried at all?”

Qin Feiyang looked strange.

Just now I was afraid, why did I suddenly become so energetic, and the first one to go in?


Fatty nodded.

But worrying about what’s the use, unless you exit the Great Battle of Nine Prefectures, you will have to go in sooner or later.

Just two people whispered, Ren Wushuang and Shen Mei, Lu Xingchen and Xiang Shaolong, Murong Xiong, Dong Zhengyan, and Dongfang Wuhen also jumped to the altar.

Plus Wang Hong, exactly ten people!


With their eyes smeared, they seemed to be entering a deep dark passage, and they could feel their bodies moving fast.

But the speed is extremely fast, as if time is moving.

Faced with this situation, and the unknown battlefield, Ren Wushuang several people will inevitably be a little bit embarrassed.

However, Qin Feiyang and fatty have experience in teleporting and know what the Land of Forgetfullness is like, so they are not worried.

They were even ready to fall into the heart of that piece of Ice Lake again.


When the light appeared in front of them and their feet landed, the two people staring blankly.

Expectedly the footsteps are strong dirt?

what’s the situation?

Ice Lake has disappeared?

Is it caused by Vicious Beast on Glacier?

Or was that Madam destroyed when he fought against the Snow Python guarding the entrance when he came?

But when they returned back to his senses and looked towards the surrounding environment, they found that none of the above guesses were true.

Because here, it’s not Land of Forgetfullness at all!

But immediately following.

They were shocked by the scene in front of them.

Where they are now is an extremely odd plain, and the end is hard to see.

Plain, barren.

It seems to have dried up for a long time, covered with countless fissures, like a layer of spider web on the ground.

But if that’s the case, Qin Feiyang two people will certainly not be so surprised.

What really surprised them was that the soil was dark red, just like the color left by the soil soaked with blood and then air-dried.

Void, also permeated with a faint blood mist of one strand, and at the same time there is a tragic aura that cannot be melted.

And there is a bit of coldness that has one’s hair stand on end!



Fat pointed to the sky, eyes wide open, full of horror.

Everyone looked up in unison, and astonished expression climbed up among the expressions.

At high altitude, there is a round of sun suspended, but it is not fiery red, but blood color, as if blood was gathered!

Everything here feels like hell, Qin Feiyang and the others can’t help but feel hairy!

Dongfang Wuhen asked: “Commander Wang Hong, you and Sir Mansion Lord, they came to participate in the Great Battle of Nine Prefectures, is this also here?”


“After all these years, nothing has changed here.”

Wang Hong nodded, with memories in his eyes.

Fat got close to Qin Feiyang and whispered, “Boss, do you know where it is?”

Qin Feiyang, Prince of the Great Qin Empire, definitely knows it.

“do not know.”

Qin Feiyang shook his head.

In one’s childhood, although he likes to read various ancient books, he only spent ten years at Imperial Capital after all.

If you are born again, those years that are not sensible, the time will be even shorter.

And at that time, he didn’t deliberately delve into these ancient books, but just took a moment to look at them while he was cultivation.

and so.

Not every place in the Great Qin Empire is known.

“You don’t even know, it seems this place is mysterious.”

Fat whispered, his eyes could not help being dignified.

Shua! !


Other disciples also entered the battlefield one after another.

Like Qin Feiyang and the others, when I saw this weird land, even when I talked, I couldn’t help panic.

After half an hour, all of them came in.

Excluding Wang Hong and Jiang Qianqing, there are a total of 550 people.

The cultivation base is basically above 4-Star Battle Sovereign.

As for the people below 4-Star Battle Sovereign, it is not without, but it is only individual.

“be quiet!”

Wang Hong stepped forward and stood opposite the crowd.

Jiang Qianqing stood aside, with a faint smile on his face.

Everyone immediately stopped talking and looked towards Wang Hong.

Wang Hong glanced at everyone and said: “This place is very strange to you, but familiar to me, because this is where I rise, and there is also a frightening name here, Nine-Nether Yellow Spring! “

“Nine-Nether Yellow Spring!”

Everyone heard the name, immediately trembling.

I also agree with the name.

High altitude blood sun.

A blood mist of void.

The blood-red earth.

No different from Yellow Springs.

“hmph! ”


Wang Hong coldly snorted, saying: “If you think that this is just the case here, then you are totally wrong. See the end of the plain?”

He turned his finger back to the end of the plain.

Everyone looks down.

The plain is too big to see the end at all.

“At the end of the plain, there is a Swamp of Death with all kinds of deadly crises inside.”

“When Sir Mansion Lord and I came to the Great Battle of Nine Prefectures, there were more than 700 people, but only 300 people succeeded in getting out of the Swamp of Death.”

“And those who died in it, they are like you, the inner palace was once the 10000 high-profile monster!”

Wang Hong shouted.

“So high mortality?”

Qin Feiyang and fatty looked at each other in blank dismay.

The others were stunned.

“Are you afraid?”

“Tell you, Swamp of Death is just the beginning, and the next few places will be even more dangerous.”

“So I advise you, it is best to let go of each individual’s gratitude and grudges. Only by uniting them will you have a better chance of survival.”

Wang Hong said.

Everyone is nodded.

Wang Hong said, “If you have any questions, don’t set out yet, hurry up and ask.”

“Don’t say Great Battle of Nine Prefectures?”

“Why didn’t you see another 8 Great Prefecture?”

When even someone asked.

This is also the doubt in someone’s heart.

Wang Hong said: “Unless unexpected, they have already entered this place, but the places of transmission are different, so they will not meet them for the time being.”

Lu Xingchen said: “When will you meet?”

“It could be fast, it could be slow.”

“But as soon as you enter the Swamp of Death, you will meet sooner or later because you are going to the same place.”

Wang Hong said.


someone followed.

“The other shore!”

Wang Hong spit out these two words, and his face was extremely serious.

“The other shore?”

Everyone can’t help but make mistakes.

The word the other shore is familiar to everyone, and that is the end of Yellow Springs.

Is this really Yellow Springs?

“I can’t say more about the situation here.”

“Because this is the order of the current Emperor, you need to explore it yourself, otherwise the Great Battle of Nine Prefectures will be meaningless.”

“I can only tell you 2 points.”

“First, there are a lot of treasures here.”

“The precious medicinal ingredient, Perfection Battle Art, Pill Recipe, Pill Fire, pill furnace, Divine Weapon sharp weapon, you can think of everything, depending on whether you have found your life and have this strength.”

“The second point is the final result. The top 2 people on the other shore can enter Imperial Capital.”

Wang Hong said.

Although he did not elaborate, this remark was very inspiring and he could not help but hold fist tight.

“If there are no other questions, each of you will come to receive a heaven and earth bag, the male’s right and the female’s left.”

With a wave of his hand, Wang Hong left and right 2 on the ground in front of him. There were 2 piles of heaven and earth bags out of thin air.

“What do you want?”

Fat rushed up, grabbed two heaven and earth bags, and hurriedly returned to Qin Feiyang, throwing one to Qin Feiyang, and then hurriedly looked up.

Everyone looked at him curiously.

“I go!”

“Fat Master thought it was a treasure. It turned out to be this junk.”

As a result, fatty immediately showed disdain.

“What’s in it?”

someone asked.

Fat glared at the man and said angrily, “Fuck, didn’t you say one for everyone? I don’t know how to look!”

The man stunned his gaze, ran to grab a heaven and earth bag, and looked disappointed.

Watching the response from fatty and that person, Qin Feiyang also good looked strangely.

Right now it’s not bitterly laughed.

Unexpectedly all the clothes inside.

But what do you mean by these clothes?

Qin Feiyang took out a piece of clothing in doubt, took a closer look, and found that the sign on the chest was no longer a small sword, but a ‘Ling’ character.

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